Wei An thought it was quite normal for Lexington to be followed.

After all, it is impossible for others not to pay attention to someone who can produce so many powerful ship equipment at one time.

Moreover, when he was making the large ship-mounted main guns, he had already figured out that he would only sell those main guns once at Shipgirl Union for the time being, and let Lexington sell them in disguise, so the problem was not that big.

What's more important is what he does next.

Wei An has always been aware of the horror of the resources consumed by his girls.

Therefore, he asked Lexington to exchange all the money from selling ship equipment for battleship cores.

After being high-profile the first time, he will be a little more low-key the second time.

For this reason, he already had an idea in his mind.

A total of 11W of energy was enough for him to slowly squander it before the assessment began.

Instead of the eye-catching large main gun, he also has carrier-based aircraft, medium main guns, small main guns, torpedoes, sonar, and deep-throw missiles to choose from.

In fact, according to Wei An's calculations, the battleship core brought back by Lexington this time plus the resources that had not been used before can already manifest their hull to the minimum.

Including carrier-based aircraft and ship equipment.

But in this way, his resources will really bottom out and no one will be left.

Even the resources consumed by replenishing the ship girl may be gone.

There is still more than a month left before the assessment, which is enough for Wei An to expand the resources at his disposal.

In this way, she can fully equip the ship equipment of her shipmates, and at the same time, she can leave a lot of resources for later use.

He had already made arrangements for 11W of energy. bomber:【BTD-1 Destroyer (Purple)] two [Comet] and four torpedo planes: [Tianshan] three [Swordfish] three

Fighters: [Zero War Type 52] The three torpedoes were obtained from Yukikaze [92 Type 4-mounted 610mm torpedo launcher] A total of 5 pieces are produced.

Three of the 240mm main guns used by Yukikaze were also produced.

The light cruiser gun Wei An chose the unprofitable twin 150mm main gun and made 20 of them as a make-up.

As well as Yukikaze's original 127mm continuous gun, 30 pieces were also produced.

He made 10 of the 128mm high and flat dual-purpose guns that made him his first pot of gold and are still used on his warships.

He also made 10 sonar and deep-shooting models each, half standard type and half improved type.

It only takes 13 days to complete the manufacturing of all these ship equipment.

In the end, 6000 energy was left to improve the power system that Yixian needed to use.

For Wei An, who has already had two power research and development experiences, he feels that 6000 energy is enough.

And these 13 days are the time for him to transform his motivation.

After finishing, he still needs to cherish the last little time to practice and familiarize his ship girl with the hull, and it may be time for the assessment.

So this time after Lexington finished selling the ship equipment, he had to start a busy life again.

The 380mm main gun that appeared in the trading area today still caused fluctuations in the academy.

Many admirals who participated in the assessment became nervous, not to mention the ship girls who came from other places.

They all knew that a powerful ship had appeared in the trading area during the assessment period. Some admirals whose families had relatively rich funds began to report the situation to their families and received a little love.

In many battle lines, battlecruiser girls began to secretly pay attention to what was happening in the trading area.

The powerful ship outfits that have appeared recently are very good, so I don’t know if there will be any rare ship outfits next time.

Only Elizabeth, the dean of the college, frowned.

Azure Bank is an organization founded by and for ship girls, so the ship girls in the Azure Bank established here at the academy have a good relationship with her.

News of what happened in the trading area today was also placed on her desk, especially since it slipped under their noses.

This made her a little sad.

As the joint assessment is approaching, more and more ship girls and admirals are coming to the academy, and their control over the vicinity of the academy is also declining.

Especially the admirals who sent ship girls from the front to sell their equipment did not dare to offend them too much.

But this time the shipgirl selling the large main gun and the admiral behind her made her a little concerned.

To be able to sell such a set of equipment, Elizabeth knew without a second thought that such an admiral must be very strong, and he must be an admiral who frequently fights in the deep sea.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to collect so many cherished ship equipment.

And here comes the biggest problem.

If you want to have a more intense battle with the deep sea, then the position of the garrison must be deeper into the deep sea to control the sea area.

And the deep sea over there must be more active.

Among the four war zones, only the deep sea in the eastern war zone and the southern war zone is more active, and it is also the part of the deep sea that is most likely to attack human beings.

The northern theater and the western theater are a little calmer, or they invade more regularly. They only invade within a designated period of time, and then naturally retreat after that.

Therefore, among the four theaters of the navy, the eastern theater and the southern theater are the most belligerent, while the northern theater and the western theater are slightly more Buddhist.

Therefore, this ship girl who easily escaped tracking is highly likely to come from two relatively active war zones.

It would be okay if it was the southern war zone. At least they don't have any conflicts now.

Then if it comes from the Eastern Theater Command, it will be a big problem.

Because they no longer have the admirals of the ship-girl alliance in the eastern theater, and they have been almost wiped out by the eastern navy.

The sudden disappearance of the ship girl may be an unstable factor from the Eastern Navy, and they have nothing to do with this ship girl.

After Lexington and the others returned, Elizabeth had received the news and sent Bumblebee and the others to search near the college.

There was no trace at all.

That ship girl is like���It seemed like she had disappeared. The only information that might be useful was that the ship girl was wearing a red dress and had golden eyes.

In Elizabeth's memory over the years, there was only one ship girl dressed like this.

Her admiral, Vian's mother and grandmother, the USS Empire.

How to make her feel at peace?

Especially in this troubled time.

So now she is very sad.

A ship girl who might be from the Eastern Navy sneaked into her academy without being discovered.

If a ship girl like this comes in and wants to take action against most of the admirals in the academy who have not yet grown up in strength, the ship girl alliance will be very passive.

"Investigate and strengthen the supervision of the college"

"I would like to ask you to work harder recently, and nothing will happen to the college at this critical juncture."

Weian didn't know that the preparations she had made just to be careful not to be noticed by others had caused Elizabeth to scratch her head.

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