Under normal circumstances, the admirals who participate in the joint selection are in their third year after coming to the academy.

During this process, the various liaison departments have almost understood most of the admirals.

Admirals who show their talents during their studies will also have their information reported to them by some ship girls who think they are a good fit for their alliance.

Just like what Elizabeth and Shropshire did.

While he is still in his first year of study, the ship girls in the E-link department already know something about him and are paying closer attention to his news.

This time was also a test for Wei An, but his situation was beyond Hood's expectation.

With this discussion.

Most of the other admirals who were appointed by the joint headquarters in advance had the same obvious will as him, and at the same time, their talents were also outstanding.

The biggest gap was when an admiral was appointed by the G-Union Headquarters. At that time, he brought four battle cruisers and several frigates to compete with other admirals.

They took advantage in the post-naval battle exercises.

The real thing is to use the big to bully the small.

After all, each joint headquarters also has its own small warehouse, not only for resources, but also for ship equipment and the like.

If you have a good relationship, you can still get a boat, just like Shropshire.

"Also, he only has four ship girls now, which is a little less than other admirals. If he wants to participate this year, he is still a little unstable."

After thinking about it, Hood began to ask everyone present to express their opinions.

This time, the effect of Clemenceau's display of ability was very obvious. Basically, the ship girls who went to observe agreed to the vote.

Those who did not go heard the opinions of those around them. After discussion, they agreed. At the same time , the girl with black hair and red eyes found the dormitory of the Kaohsiung sisters.

"Kaohsiung, there is new news about the admiral"

"You said?"

Hearing the news from Wei An, Kaohsiung's eyes immediately became sharp, and the other sisters locked the doors and windows around them.

Then Norfolk told Kaohsiung everything he had seen and heard today.


"Today, after Hood returned home, he summoned several important ship girls as soon as possible. It may also be related to him."

"Okay, be more careful when you go back so you don't get discovered."

After Kaohsiung firmly remembered what she said and confirmed that it was correct, he quietly sent Norfolk out of the dormitory area.

The night was their best protection.

After returning to the dormitory, Kaohsiung began to tell what he had heard. As soon as he recorded it and found an opportunity to send it out,

Wei An was approached by Hood two days later because the E joint department agreed. At that time, he was relaxing on the beach with his wife to deepen their relationship.

"Does Miss Hood have a problem with me?"

Weian, who had been reminded by Elizabeth, was also guessing what Hood was thinking.

Hood glanced at the ship girls who stopped playing around and looked over.

"Something about your Excellency Commander, of course it may be a good thing for you"

"Then please come here."

Wei An signaled his wife not to be nervous, and started walking along the seaside with Hood.

"Commander Wei An, what do you think of the alliance between ship girls?"

"It's an organization established by shipgirls for self-protection."

"What about the E joint department?"

"The place where Shropshire and Elizabeth live, or the joint headquarters of the voluntary organization of the ship girls of country E."

Vian's understanding of E-Union comes more from Elizabeth and Shropshire's commentary, so he views E-Union more from their perspectives.

"Elizabeth should have told you in advance about the admiral issues between the various liaison departments, right?"

"Well, she really wanted me to join the E-Union."

Vian was also particularly candid about Hood's straight ball.

"So Commander, what are your wishes?"

When he asked this question, Hood couldn't help but clenched his little hands behind his back.

Although Wei An already has Shropshire by his side as the ship's daughter of E Wing, and Elizabeth also has a good relationship with him..

But he has never responded to this question directly.

Just like ordinary people are nervous when they are fishing for a ship girl for the first time, she is also extremely nervous now.

Wei An is probably the most talented person she has ever seen. Admiral, and the growth rate is also extremely fast.

The relationship with the ship girl is also very good. She just saw that Wei An has become one with the newly built ship girl, just like the big sister's ship girl. Most admirals love the same admiral who is talented and able to treat the ship girls well, not to mention that Wei An's abilities and characteristics are so special.

"Can I take this as an invitation?"

Although he already understood the purpose of Hood coming to him, he still asked his question with a"confused" expression.

The expression he concealed did not escape Hood's eyes and perception, but she ignored it.

"Don't think that this is an invitation."

Hood's words are very straightforward.

"Don't you have to wait until the assessment period to choose the department you prefer?"

"You have been unanimously approved by the internal meeting of the E-Union Department, although your information may not be retrieved by the headquarters during the assessment."

"But we can also choose the admiral we recognize in advance."

Hood, who was wearing white boots, stood upright in front of Wei An with his hands behind his back, looking into his eyes sincerely.

The soft sea breeze gently slapped her golden hair on Wei An's chest.

It was a bit playful. She looked at Sapphire under the red-rimmed glasses, which was very different from her usual seriousness.

"So now all I need is a nod?"


"Miss Hood, you have personally invited me, can I still refuse?"

"Of course, it is the commander's freedom to choose which joint headquarters to join, but once selected, it cannot be changed. Of course, the commander should think carefully."

Although he was a little nervous inside, Hu De, who still had a calm face, said softly.

"Is this still a choice? Now that Hood is here, doesn't he already represent your attitude?"

"Elizabeth and Shropshire also helped me a lot. Wasn't it also the E-Union that helped me in disguise?"

Although Wei An may have many other choices, the only people he contacted at first were the E-Union, even though he knew that the J-Union and G-Union were the strongest.

But the one that suits him is the most important.

"What's your answer, Commander?"

"I agree"

"This answer is really reassuring. I will welcome the commander to the E-United Headquarters."

Vian's answer finally made Hood feel relieved.

"But in this case, will I not have to take the subsequent assessment?"

Having achieved his goal, Wei An doesn't want to expose more for the time being.

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