The change of Xuefeng only shows that Wei'an has good talent, but a destroyer can't change anything.

Moreover, the structure and style of the Xuefeng battleship are completely different from theirs, and they will also remain skeptical about Xuefeng's ability.

But Clemenceau's change really made her understand how strong the talent of Wei'an, the admiral, is.

Just like the hull of Xuefeng involves all modifications, the knowledge required is huge. Wei'an has been with Xuefeng for so long, and it can also be designed in advance.

It's just that he came to the academy and had the resources to materialize the previous hull plan.

When Wei'an told Elizabeth and the others about his talent, they had already realized this problem.

It can increase the mental endurance of their own ship mother, so the first thing they think of is the hull modification.

No matter who thinks about it, it's the same.

You can use more and stronger ship equipment, and you can have a stronger and larger hull.

But they also found a shortcoming of Wei's talent.

Although the hull of the ship mother is much easier to build than a normal battleship, it is essentially still controlling an ordinary battleship, but with some differences.

The hull structure, weapons and equipment, and even the design of the admiral's living area need to be considered in the design of a real battleship.

These are very time-consuming.

And maybe a parameter is not designed correctly, or the unreasonable design of the hull will also affect the performance of the hull.

This requires time to polish and verify.

So in their opinion, there are two ways out for Wei'an's talent. One is to make major changes to the original battleship and maximize the performance of the original hull, which is also a relatively time-saving way.

The other is that Wei'an now designs the hull for his own ship girl alone.

This way requires Wei'an to think about the construction of the battleship, and it cannot guarantee that the performance of the designed battleship is better than the previous performance.

And the time required is an unknown number. Who knows how long it takes to design a battleship.

After all, many admirals were ordinary people before becoming admirals, and many of them just like the ship girl to be lucky enough to become an admiral.

The ability to design battleships is also unknown.

After comprehensive consideration, they think that the upper limit of Wei'an's talent is actually in himself, and as for the resources that the hull manifests, they think it is a trivial matter.

They do not doubt the strength of Wei'an's talent, but they just need to verify Wei's ability to realize his potential.

With the case of Xuefeng, they will still have doubts.

Now that Clemenceau has appeared, they no longer doubt Vian's ability to design warships. The most limiting talent constraint is not a problem.

How powerful his shipgirls can be depends on how talented he is and how good he is at designing.

Just like the battleships that can run at 40 knots now, Hood thinks they are naked geniuses.

If there is a battleship like Clemenceau, he will definitely have a second and a third one.

When there is a fleet of such battleships, Hood doesn't know how powerful such a garrison can be.

If it was because of Elizabeth, Shropshire and Vian's talents before, she was very optimistic about Vian and was willing for him to join the E-United Department.

Now her attitude is to do whatever it takes.

At the same time, she is also grateful that the shipgirls of their E-United Department have a good relationship with Vian, so they can have the opportunity to lead other departments.

If such an admiral becomes the admiral of other departments, she will regret it to death.

The admiral and the shipgirls complement each other, and the relationship between the garrison and their departments is also complementary.

Isn't the strength of a department determined by whether the shipgirls of this department are strong?

The alliance is divided into the admiral's ship girls and free ship girls, and the admiral's ship girls have higher growth potential.

Why is the J-Union the strongest alliance in the Ship Girls Union?

Isn't it because there are more ship girls from J country in the construction, and there are more admirals with J country ship girls.

Because of the ship girls, they have a stronger sense of belonging to the J-Union, and the ship girls of the J-Union are a group of militants.

The result is that the number of admirals in this alliance is much less than that of other alliances. The more deep-sea battles they fight, the stronger the ship girls are, the more luxurious the ship equipment is, and the more domineering the wrist is.

The status of the J-Union is rising.

Why can't the old rulers of the Ship Girls Union beat the combined forces of the G-Union and the J-Union? Isn't there such a reason?

More and more admirals and ship girls do not agree with their ideas, and some leave and some leave. Now that there is no successor, how can they win in the decisive battle of the large fleet?

Just like Hood knew when he went to the headquarters to discuss before, this time a powerful admiral of the J-Union came to support his two ship girls.

Ise and Hyuga are two sisters.

Ise Hyuga is a powerful admiral who has been guarding the front line for a long time in the J-Unit, and he is also a very warlike one. He often takes the initiative to take his ship girls to find deep sea to attack.

So the two sisters he sent over are all ship girls with a training level of 110 without exception, and their ship equipment is also very luxurious.

Even the 356mm main guns that came with them before have all been replaced with 381mm main guns, and Ise has also replaced two 406mm main guns.

It can be said that they are not strong.

Even Hood, as the flagship of the E-Unit, is still using 381mm main guns. Among the ship girls sent by a powerful admiral, there are 406mm main guns.

The training level is higher than hers.

In order to deal with the normal ship girls that may be faced this time, they were temporarily equipped with a lot of anti-aircraft guns and sonars. Even the shells used are special shells used as ship equipment, which really caused great trouble to Alfonso XIII and others during the big fleet duel.

Not to mention that other admirals also sent their own ship girls to support them.

The Alliance won the victory, and they can get a lot of benefits.

So in this case, each Alliance can train the admirals they think are suitable, and they can also give feedback to the Alliance after they grow up.

So now that she realizes the height that Wei An may reach, how can she give him to others?

"There are still a few months until the joint assessment, and he probably won't give up participating for the joint reward, so it's a bit difficult for him to join the club early."

War-weary said, playing with his hair.


"The Union does not prohibit us from cultivating promising free admirals, just like the J Union Department. They can take advantage of loopholes, and so can we, but we are a bit sorry for the other admirals at the same time."

Guanghui used a small spoon to gently fiddle with the black tea in the cup in front of him.


, but her suggestion made Hood's eyes light up.

Training these pre-appointed admirals in advance is cheating to put it bluntly.

The process for others is to select and then join forces. They secretly trained the appointed admirals and took the rewards from the assessment. Their strength increased and they entered the league of their hearts.

A world where only ordinary admirals were injured was born.

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