By the time Hood arrived, Clemenceau was already surrounded by other ship girls.

To be more precise, it was surrounding Wei An.

Even the next subjects to be tested were forgotten by them.

But their curious look was also expected by Wei An.

"How did you make Clemenceau run so fast?"

Elizabeth was the only one who was familiar with Vian, so she was the only one on the deck of Clemenceau.

"Let’s talk about it together when Hood comes back."

So Elizabeth could only look here and there, observing Clemenceau's hull on the deck.

Hood's expression after hearing the data on the Clemenceau battleship told to her by the E-joint ship girl Like Elizabeth, she doubted life.

Most of Clemenceau's performance directly overwhelmed her. The only thing that gave her some comfort was that at least her main gun was stronger than Clemenceau's.


When he saw Vian, Hood didn't know what to say. After all, she was not like Elizabeth, and she had some relationship with Vian.

But today Vian decided to ask Clemenceau to express his feelings.���I have already made all kinds of psychological preparations

"Just ask if you want to"

"Can the speed of Clemenceau and Xuefeng be replicated?"

Hood and Elizabeth looked at each other, and finally Hood asked

"Yes, but the modification of the ship is relatively large, and it requires the mental endurance of the ship girl herself."

"So can it be reformed only if the mental endurance reaches the standard?"


Elizabeth also mentioned to Hood that Wei An had a talent that could improve her shipgirl's mental endurance, but she never expected that an admiral would actually use such a talent.

She knew that Wei An had great potential, but Unexpectedly, Wei An has already realized his potential, and it has greatly exceeded their expectations.

"So is there a way to increase the speed without major modifications?"

Hood, who was still a little unwilling to give up, continued to ask.

There are only three reasons why Clemenceau can sail so fast.

A new propulsion system, a new power system, and a hull specially designed to increase the speed.

Propeller He changed it directly on the drawings, and made the power system into the ship's outfit, as well as the overall battleship transformation plan.

Except that the power system can be painlessly changed by replacing the ship's outfit, the other methods are all based on the ship's body. Dismantling the skeleton.

Just like ship girls, after their battleship is damaged in battle, their bodies will show corresponding symptoms.

The most iconic thing is that when the battleship is damaged, their outfit will also become battle damaged. Look.

And the damage to the battleship will also be reflected in the pain in their bodies.

But in response to Hood's questioning, Wei An still shook his head.

He only asked Clemenceau to show their performance. After the ship girl is strengthened by his talent, it will be harder to copy than the ordinary ship girl, which will affect their evaluation of him.

"What about the others? Why is Clemenceau's shooting percentage so good?"

"Mental endurance will also affect the calculation ability of the ship girl. Clemenceau can control a battleship of more than 55,000 tons so easily, and her calculation ability is already stronger than that of most ship girls."

"Is that so, is your shipgirl the only one who can do this?"


Hood could only sigh helplessly after receiving the answer.

This is where they, as free ship girls, are not as good as those with admiral ship girls.

Not only do they need to find special cores to break through the level of 100, they don't need to be like contracted ship girls. They break through easily just like a mother.

Even the battleship modifications are all done by themselves, and then they make major changes without the pain.

There is another aspect that they can never match. The improvement in the combat power of the ship girls was immediate.

She had seen the Richelieu-class battleships, and compared with the current Clemenceau, it was really different.

This is why the ship girls with admirals were more powerful than them. place.

The cost for them to grow up alone is much greater than under the admiral. Even if they hate the admiral in the navy, they still can't leave the admiral. Just like the current admiral academy, they are naturally attracted by it. Wearing a shackle,

Wei An's shaking head only added more helplessness and sadness to her heart that had been numbed by countless disappointments. After all,

Clemenceau and the others couldn't do without them. Admiral.

Next, with a heavy heart, Hood watched Vian command Clemenceau to complete the remaining subjects one by one.

Clemenceau had installed many high-level dual-purpose guns and anti-aircraft guns, and its air defense capability was better than hers. They were much stronger and could defeat all the ship girls around them, and the destroyers were no exception.

Seeing the scattered planes that broke through Clemenceau's air defense circle, but they were still on fire, Hood's heart was broken. It's even more complicated.

Because even the 15 carrier-based aircraft in this batch were operated by a light carrier girl from her E wing, they couldn't break through Clemenceau's air defense, let alone the attack intensity. The loose deep-sea aircraft carrier.

At the same time, Clemenceau's posture during air defense also left a deep impression on her.

Their secondary guns are used against battleships, and Clemenceau's secondary guns are used for shooting aircraft.

The more powerful Clemenceau appears, the more complicated it is for Hood and Shropshire.

The battle between her and Clemenceau was decided when Clemenceau did not have a physical body. , so at that time she didn't know what Clemenceau would be like in the end.

Now every data Clemenceau showed was teasing her nerves.

She was Clemenceau's last subject today.

Before, she thought���I will teach this little ship girl a lesson based on my own experience, but now she has no idea.

Although Clemenceau's artillery hit rate is not as good as hers, it's not much different. The most important thing is that she can't hit as far as Clemenceau. At the same distance, Clemenceau's ability to cause damage is stronger than hers.

As Wei An's ship girl, doesn't she still understand that Wei An uses special steel for Xuefeng and Clemenceau?

Generally, the design of battleship armor will consider the armor that protects the powerful shells of its own main gun.

Yamato's side armor can withstand shelling from a 460mm main gun at a distance of 13 nautical miles to 16 nautical miles.

The armor arranged for Clemenceau and Yukikaze can maintain higher protection capabilities under the same weight and thickness.

Their main protection target distance is also concentrated at a distance of 8-10 nautical miles.

Yukikaze protects the 320mm main gun.

Clemenceau's armor is capable of protecting the 460mm main gun.

If the distance is further away, the 480mm main gun can also defend it.

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