Looking at Clemenceau's results, Hood was silent and Elizabeth was silent.

As a ship girl with 100 levels of training, Hood's hit rate is guaranteed to be higher than Clemenceau's.

But these are all the experiences she has accumulated from long-term battles, and Clemenceau is still a ship girl who has just taken shape.

She doesn't even have actual combat experience, so tell her now that Clemenceau is just a little bit worse than her.

How to keep her silent.

As for the reason for Elizabeth's silence.

She is worse than Clemenceau.

But even though he was shocked, Clemenceau's sea trials still needed to continue.

When it was his turn to test the speed, Wei An was struggling with a problem.

How fast he wanted Clemenceau to run.

Clemenceau, stretched to the limit, can now run faster than Yukikaze under normal circumstances.

A battleship can run faster than a destroyer.

So he was confused.

He was afraid that Clemenceau would run out of Section 42 now, and that later Clemenceau would be dragged away by Hood and the others to dismantle and study it.

But when he thought about joining E-Union and working with Hood and the others for a long time, Wei An finally chose to let Clemenceau run 40 knots.

There will always be a time to fight, and there will always be a day when Clemenceau is exposed.

Now there are all the ship girls he is familiar with. At least the danger after being exposed is very low.

This time, the ship girl used as a reference changed from Elizabeth to Hood.

After all, Hood was known for its high speed when it was built, and her speed could reach 32 knots!

Saratoga in the sky controlled her own small plane and observed the changes in the speed of the two ship girls.

The two ship girls launched their own battleships and the battle started.

Hood obviously had the advantage in starting up and increasing speed. By the time it reached 10 knots, it was already one bow ahead of Clemenceau.

This surprised the other Elizabeths and Hood.

After all, Vian's battleship Xuefeng pays so much attention to power and speed, but now you want to play a low-speed battleship on the battleship?

The increase in the speed of a battleship also represents whether the power of a battleship is strong. Clemenceau was thrown off by Hood at just 10 knots, which was obviously a lack of power.

But why Clemenceau's ability to speed up is relatively weak has little to do with power.

It should be said that Clemenceau's power system is more powerful than Hood's, simply because the waterjet thruster is not very effective at low speeds.

However, when the speed reached 15 knots, Clemenceau was already far behind and could not even reach the stern of Hood.

But just after Clemenceau's speed exceeded 18 knots, this situation changed.

Hood, whose speed had exceeded 22 knots, saw that Clemenceau had not continued to widen the distance between the two warships.

Then all the ship girls saw that the distance between Clemenceau and Hood was rapidly shrinking, and Clemenceau's acceleration became stronger.

Everyone's hearts tightened until Clemenceau's speed reached 29 knots.

This is a hurdle for today's battleships. How many powerful battleship girls are stuck at 28 and 29 knots.

It is no surprise that Clemenceau, like Hood, crossed this threshold to the thirtieth knot.

But it was enough to surprise other ship girls. A battleship has a speed of 30 knots.

Just when Hood and the others thought that Clemenceau would maintain this speed with Hood until the end.

Hood, who had reached the limit speed of 32 knots, looked at Clemenceau who was still shortening the distance between him and him.

Touch the stern of Hood's ship, reach the middle of Hood's hull, and then keep pace with Hood.

Vian could see Hood's shocked eyes on Clemenceau's battleship.

Now Clemenceau's speed is 34 knots.

This speed immediately silenced them once again.

Elizabeth thought that Wei An had changed from usual and started to develop towards low-speed heavy artillery, but in the end Wei An was still the same Wei An.

A 220-meter battleship-like destroyer can run 40 knots. As expected, this battleship is also a high-speed battleship.

And it’s shocking to reach verse 34.

But Clemenceau's acceleration did not stop. The speed of 34 knots was already fast enough, and Hood was quickly overtaken.

The disadvantage of the waterjet propeller is that the low-speed effect is not very good, but when the speed is high, the effect is opposite.

Saratoga, who was observing Clemenceau's speed in the sky, promptly reported Clemenceau's speed to the surrounding shipmates.

"Clemenceau is already at 35 knots and she hasn't stopped accelerating yet"

"36 knots..."

"40th session..."

Every time Saratoga told them that Clemenceau was still accelerating, it was a heavy blow to their hearts.

"Not scientific, not scientific at all"

"Is this a battleship? A 55,000-ton battleship? A battleship running at 35 knots is already outrageous. Now tell me it can run at 40 knots?"

"Kitchen Goddess, please hit me and see if it’s true."

Elizabeth, who is also a battleship girl, doesn't understand the price that needs to be paid to increase the power.

She just modified herself to get rid of the low speed of 25 knots and barely reached 30 knots, but even in this case, the power system failed. It occupies most of her old hull.

Now tell her that there is a battleship that is bigger, heavier, and has more firepower than her, and it can run faster than her.

How can you make her believe this? Happened.

The Goddess of Kitchen followed Elizabeth's words and slapped her on the face.

The red slap mark and pain on her face told her that it was not a dream.

However, Hood who followed Clemenceau was not as shocked as Elizabeth and others. , after all, she could only see the stern of the ship, but even under such circumstances, Clemenceau's acceleration has not stopped!

"Clemenceau is 41 years old"

"42 knots"

"Her speed seemed to have stabilized."

Now it's not just Elizabeth and the others who are shocked, because they have been stunned.

Now it is Wei An's ship girl who is shocked.

Shimakaze is not envious at all, because she can also run so fast, and Guo Guang is also a destroyer. It can run at 39 knots.

When the Clemenceau ship was realized, Wei An had already made the ship equipment of the Clemenceau power system. All that was left was to install it for Clemenceau.

For this reason, only Xuefeng, Clemenceau and Lexington knew how much hair Vian lost because of Clemenceau's motivation, but none of the ship girls behind her knew. ah

"Sister, Section 42! Section 42! Not section 24! Battleship 42 knots! Commander is so awesome!"

"So what do you think of Commander now~"

Hearing his sister praising Wei An, Lexington couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, of course Commander is the best~

She already has a small plane made for her by Wei An, and Saratoga has already been Wei An's little crush.

But this time the shock caused by Clemenceau was too strong.

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