Shennong Daojun

Chapter 209 The straw man is formed, the magic circle is broken, Qi Yuanzi is shocked! (6K)

Zhao Xing was also impressed by Liu Tianning.

If it was Tian Yan, he would probably say: "Don't worry, don't be so stressed, be more open-minded."

But when it came to Liu Tianning: "You are not stressed enough, I will push you again."

This is Liu Tianning's style. He hates stupidity and can't stand seeing people being stupid.

He is even more strict with his disciples, almost to the point of being perverted. Because his self-requirements are very perverted.

Can't learn? Then go to hell!

He constantly puts pressure on himself to the limit, constantly splits his soul, and controls more of his own self to play all kinds of things.

Such a person... even a pervert like Mr. Zhao thinks he is perverted.

"If you can't learn, the mission will fail."

"Not only will you lose your military merits, but your morale will also be greatly affected. If you don't retreat, you will be ambushed by the people of the Holy Spirit Royal Court sooner or later, and at least hundreds of thousands of military merits will be deducted."

"If you retreat, the Six Armies Alliance will collapse, and the previous efforts will be in vain. You will be blocked at the Soul Sacrifice Pass." Liu Tianning said lightly.

Zhao Xing's breathing also became rapid.

He was under a lot of pressure, and now Liu Tianning said this, his nerves were tense and the pressure was full!

"I understand. Come on."

Liu Tianning nodded and stretched out his white jade-like palm: "The perfect unity of the five methods is essentially to make the five elements in the straw man's body generate each other and circulate endlessly."

"The self-grass man method is to confirm the "Yin Yang Self Sutra."

"The five elements reverse yin and yang. You must not only perfectly control the five elements of the straw man method, but also make it adapt to the yin and yang souls. Therefore, the foundation of the self-grass man's integration must not lack the "soul-binding straw man."

"The soul lives in the fetus. Now this straw man will be your second flesh fetus for a trace of your soul to live in."

As Liu Tianning spoke, his body disintegrated.

A normal straw man collapses and basically disintegrates all at once, but Liu Tianning's "disintegration" is slowly analyzed from the straw man's skin, flesh, meridians, and bones.

He controlled the speed and slowed it down many times so that Zhao Xing could see it clearly.

The skin of the self-grass man is similar to that of a human, but there is no flesh and blood. The cracked skin is the "meridian".

Liu Tianning's ego straw man was made of very ordinary materials, as if it was a specially prepared demonstration body.

Its meridians were actually the rice stalks of the third-level Yuan rice. The hollow rice stalks were flexible and retractable, and they shuttled through each other and twisted together, just like the meridians of the human body.

Its internal "skeleton" was also a relatively common fourth-level material, a cork branch.

The five elements of qi flowed inside the rice stalks, passing from section to section.

Liu Tianning's left hand fingers disintegrated, but his right hand began to cast a spell.

Zhao Xing could see how the Yuan Qi flowed in his body and how the spell was finally formed.


A cloud appeared in the palm of his right hand.

"Clouds in the palm of the palm!"

Zhao Xing was very familiar with this operation. When Xue Wenzhong, Gucheng's first teacher, first taught him the cloud method, he demonstrated the cloud in the palm of the palm.

It's just that Liu Tianning's cloud is faster and stronger than Xue Wenzhong's. He still cast the cloud with the straw man method!

Maybe Xue Wenzhong learned the Cloud Method from the Liu family.

"Watch carefully."

Liu Tianning stopped explaining, because he had already said what he needed to say.

Now it was up to Zhao Xing to figure it out.

The left hand disintegrated, and the right hand cast a spell.

After an hour, the left arm had completely disintegrated, but it still kept the shape of the arm, but because it was disassembled, it became an enlarged version.

Zhao Xing was fully focused. From the beginning, he activated the [Sky Eye Method], and the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness opened his eyes.

Watching Liu Tianning's performance from different angles.

Immersed in this demonstration, Zhao Xing could not feel the passage of time.

I don't know when it started, everything in front of him stopped moving.

When the toes also collapsed.


A pile of materials scattered all over the ground.

Liu Tianning's straw man completely dissipated.

Zhao Xing looked up and saw an illusory shadow, which was a wisp of soul power separated by Liu Tianning.

However, without the protection of the straw man, this wisp of soul power quickly dissipated.

"Old Liu has been very kind to me." Zhao Xing could not help but sigh.

His original straw man could have been recovered, and his soul power would not be damaged.

The soul power left in this straw man is very strong!

But now that they are thousands of miles apart, the soul power dissipates, and it will take a lot of time to make it up.

Liu Tianning did not plan to fight, so this soul was specially sent to teach him.

Now that it is scattered, it will take at least one or two years to make it up, and it will cost a lot of precious treasures.

Heavy pressure surged in his heart, and Zhao Xing began to draft a man with the materials next to him.


Zhao Xing tried the five methods in one again. The five straw man methods are brave, flying, annihilation, invisibility, and soul arrest.

A single straw man method involves the balance of the five elements in multiple parts.

The combination of two methods increases the difficulty of the five elements inside exponentially. Each additional spell will be ten times more difficult than the previous one.

Zhao Xing already knows more than a dozen high-level spells, but the limit of other high-level spells is only high-level.

For the Self-Straw Man Spell, the high level is just the threshold. It is known as the ‘ultimate spell’! All spells can be put into it!

The Self-Straw Man Spell is the most difficult spell Zhao Xing has ever learned! No other.

“Merge!” He manipulated the five Straw Man Spells with both hands and merged them.

Every step he took was trembling. He had to control the five elements of qi in the rice-sized area.

It was very difficult for Zhao Xing to perfectly integrate the five spells, and he soon reached a limit.

A seemingly complete straw man appeared in front of him, but abnormal repulsion appeared in all parts, and the five elements vortex either turned slower and slower or faster and faster.

Zhao Xing was like a firefighter. The straw man was on fire everywhere. He maintained it here, but there was a problem there. He stabilized the upper part, and the lower part began to collapse again.

It was difficult to support it left and right, and a feeling of powerlessness surged in his heart.

He was too familiar with this feeling. He failed more than 10,000 times, and each time he failed in the final link.

"Five methods combined into one, do it for me!" Zhao Xing roared in his heart, trying his best to persist.

Under tremendous pressure, his spirit and energy reached the peak at this moment.

No matter how the five elements of Qi in the straw man's body ran wild, he tried his best to save it, and pulled the magic fusion back from the edge of collapse again and again.

Such repeated manipulation put great pressure on the mind, and the vortex of Yuan Qi in the dantian also turned wildly. The solar term order and Hou Tu gravel were all shaky. He really reached his limit.


"Bang~" a muffled sound came.

Zhao Xing's eyes went dark, his whole body relaxed, and his heart sank to the bottom.

The sound was like the straw man exploded again.

Did it fail again?

When he opened his eyes, Zhao Xing saw "himself" kneeling on the ground.


The strange scene immediately made Zhao Xing realize something.

He looked down and saw a pair of rough palms like tree texture.

"The five methods are combined into one! This is the perspective of the Wanfa straw man!"

Zhao Xing was ecstatic.


He laughed up to the sky.

But he forgot that this straw man was still relatively crude and had no mouth.

In excitement, the straw man collapsed directly.

He accidentally merged into a trace of the straw man's soul and returned to his original body.


Zhao Xing let out a long breath, looking at the stump of the straw man in front of him, he smiled.

It doesn't matter if it collapses, he has already learned it.

After crossing this hurdle, the next step is just a matter of perfecting the small details!

At this time, there is already one more spell in his panel.

[All-law Straw Man (Advanced)]

[Progress: One Turn]

[Effect: The five methods are perfectly combined to achieve the All-law Straw Man. When the straw man method is cast, a trace of soul will be split, which can exist for a long time. As the realm is improved, other spells can be infinitely superimposed! ]

"The strongest straw man method has been learned by me." Zhao Xing grinned, "This is the ultimate spell in the Yuanqi era; in the era of spiritual energy recovery, its effect will be stronger, like a magical power, with endless benefits."

The All-law Straw Man is Si Nong's life-saving magic skill. Liu Tianning suffered so many assassinations during the Emperor Wu period, but he lived well and eventually died of old age.

As long as he doesn't want to die, no one can kill him.

Because no one can tell which one of Liu Tianning is the real body, and no one can find where its real body is.

Of course, Emperor Wu is excluded here.

If Emperor Wu in his prime wants to kill Liu Tianning, he can still do it.

After a certain period, it won't work.

"If I reach Liu Tianning's position, get Mi Fu's "Xuanhuang Xiyuanshu", and then use Lingshan method to nourish the spirit, break the drawbacks of Caoren method, and then go to the major caves to improve my luck to Yanshi, and get a few treasures, Emperor Wu in his prime can't kill me." Zhao Xing said secretly.

He is the first-class Minister of Agriculture, and Liu Tianning is the first-class Minister of Agriculture, which is completely two concepts.

Zhao Xing is much stronger than Liu Tianning as the first-class Minister of Agriculture!

"Now it seems that I have to accept this karma from Old Liu."

Liu Tianning taught carefully, even at the cost of his own soul. In any case, they have become a master and apprentice. This karma is much more important than the financial investment of Tian Yan.

"You chose me, I will not let you down, and I will definitely carry forward your Liu family's straw man method!" Zhao Xing said secretly.

One of Liu Tianning's biggest wishes is to prevent the Liu family's straw man method from being lost.

After mastering the self-straw man, Zhao Xing sent a message to Liu Tianning through the ground mirror to announce the good news.

Liu Tianning, who was in the Wanfa Palace, smiled after seeing the message in the ground mirror.

Not only because Zhao Xing was so talented that he actually learned the Wanfa straw man, but also because Zhao Xing called him master in the letter. He was of course happy that Liu's straw man method had a successor.

On the other hand, Zhao Xing urgently perfected the Wanfa straw man. He soon reached the level of high-level third transformation.

After mastering the Wanfa straw man, he was much easier to integrate the other straw man methods.

Including the elementary spells such as "reconnaissance", "return", and "great power" that I learned at the beginning, they can all be integrated.

Even some other spells can be integrated, such as the bright eye spell, which can allow the straw man to see farther.

Of course, at the level of high-level three transformations, Zhao Xing can only accommodate mid-level spells, not high-level spells.

However, in terms of its effectiveness, the original body may not be as good as the straw man.

Because Zhao Xing does not know these spells such as illusion and invisibility, but the straw man can perform them.

"I can now raise three straw men of my self at the same time. If there are more, it will put a lot of pressure on the soul, and these three straw men cannot be damaged at will."

"If they are damaged, it will hurt my soul." Zhao Xing looked at the three straw men in front of him.

Because of the ability to 'transfiguration', the appearance of the straw man is no different from the original, especially wearing a straw raincoat, a bamboo hat, and holding a staff, ordinary people can't tell the difference at all.

"It's time to break through the maze of Anping Road and Nanxiang Road!" Zhao Xing did not hesitate and immediately summoned the Junshu Order of Tonghuo City to discuss the matter.

"From today on, the supply transport team will still pass through Anping Road and Nanxiang Road!" Zhao Xing issued an order. "I will lead the team myself."

As long as Anping Road and Nanxiang Road can pass through the maze, they are much safer than other routes.

Because these two routes can be supported by the three armies on the front line in time.

If the Jihunguan wants to harass?

That's perfect, there is no need to attack the city, just attack the reinforcements directly.

There was a commotion among the people below, because Zhao Xing's order seemed a little incredible.

He was the only one who had to lead several transport teams.

Moreover, the maze is now more powerful than before, and there are ghost armies guarding it. Many people think Zhao Xing is a little crazy.

But, Zhao Xing is the boss here!

Even if there are people who oppose, he can still do what he wants to do.

The order was issued and executed on the same day.

All the transport teams on the original route that had not set off were stopped, and those that had set off not long ago were all sent to catch up and ordered to return to Tonghuo City, and no longer have to go around the enemy-occupied area.

As soon as he did this, the front line responded immediately.

Liao Rulong, Xia Jing, Chen Shijie, Wen Shaoyang and others learned the news and immediately held an emergency meeting in the field through the ground mirror.

"You want to take Anping Road and Nanxiang Road? Is it okay?" Wen Shaoyang asked.

"Yes!" Zhao Xing said, "You pay attention to the movements on the two roads and attack the reinforcements sent by Jihunguan at any time. I changed the route this time, and Jihunguan will not be indifferent. This is also an opportunity."

Seeing Zhao Xing so confident, no one questioned anything.

Xia Jing and Chen Shijie both told Zhao Xing to be careful, and then hung up the communication to discuss the sniper plan.

On the other side, Qi Yuanjun, Yi Yue, and Nangong Ye also held a small meeting in private.

"Zhao Xing of the Shenwei Army said that he would go through Anping Road and Nanxiang Road again, and asked us to support the transport team at any time and attack the reinforcements of Jihun Pass." Qi Yuanjun said, "Nangong, what do you think?"

"Can he pass the maze?" Nangong Ye frowned, "If he can't, not only will our troops be wasted, but the supply line will also collapse."

"Let him try." Yi Yue said, "He has promised that if he fails, we can send our own people over."

"Okay, then I will take this risk with him this time." Qi Yuanjun said, "His and the Shenwei Army's current performance is still remarkable. If he can't do it, we can mention other things."

To be honest, Qi Yuanjun, Yi Yue, and Nangong Ye are all quite satisfied with the Shenwei Army.

Except that Yi Yue had some opinions about Zhao Xing's previous delay, Zhao Xing did a good job overall.

If they were replaced, it would probably be impossible to do better.

If Zhao Xing is okay, then the status quo of cooperation will be maintained.

If Zhao Xing is not okay, then they can also have an excuse to increase their troops, improve their voice in the Six Armies Alliance, or even go it alone.

The generals of the Jihun Pass were also discussing this at this time.

Morik and Qi Yuanzi were responsible for the deployment of a section of the Anping Road Maze, and they received a sniper order from the leader of the coalition forces at this time.

"Zhao Xing from Tonghuo City, won't he really break into the maze?" Morik received the order and felt incredible, "Does he really dare?"

"The transport teams on other routes have all withdrawn, this is a fact." Qi Yuanzi said, "As for whether he really broke into or pretended to break in, and whether there is any conspiracy, we will know after a try."

"Morik, we have to pay attention to it. Once he can really get out of the magic circle of Anping Road, we have to retreat." Qi Yuanzi frowned, "I always feel that this person is not simple. Prepare to withdraw to the Sacrifice Soul Pass."

In the past month, Zhao Xing was still able to withstand huge pressure and ensure that the front-line army had no shortage of military supplies, which was beyond Qi Yuanzi's expectations.

The saturated transportation method is not something that everyone can play. The transportation capacity, military output and reserves of Tonghuo City have exceeded their calculations.

If the maze can still be solved, he and Morik's field barbarian army should not think about staying along the Anping Road, and it is better to withdraw to the pass quickly.

Among the coalition forces of various tribes at the Soul Sacrifice Pass, Morik's number and voice ranked last. If the Soul Sacrifice Pass was lost, they would not be primarily responsible.

"If we lose the Soul Sacrifice Pass, we can still take it back later, but if we lose our lives, we can never get them back."

"You are right." Morik agreed. He was from the Holy Spirit Royal Court. He did not have much determination to defend the Fire Demon Tribe territory under the Golden Feather Royal Court, and it was not his hometown.

"All dragon-bone warships advance 1,200 meters, and the land flying boat camp retreats 600 meters!"

"Fu Hai Lou Ship, turn left with full rudder!"

Anping said, Zhao Xing stood on the dragon head on the deck of a warship in the low sky, constantly giving orders.

"Che Shihai, you're flying too high, descend 200 meters!"

"Boss, but if you descend another 200 meters, I'm going to crash into the mountain!"

"I told you to descend, you're just hallucinating!"

"Yes!!" Che Shihai gritted his teeth, opened his eyes wide, descended 200 meters, and crashed into the mountain in front.

Strangely enough, he felt that he was about to crash, but the flying boat he controlled flew over.

The leading flying boat passed by, and the ones behind followed suit and flew over together.

"Damn, this is really weird." Che Shihai's palms were sweating.

He had been flying for two hours and had experienced this kind of thing several times.

But every time, he couldn't help shaking.

It was purely an illusion given to him by the maze, which affected his soul.

It made him feel fear and terror instinctively.

"Wang Ji, let the fire crossbow battalion of the dragon bone warship prepare!"

"Aim at the fourth hexagram position, Gen position, and stroke area in the left cabin. After ten breaths, saturation fire!"

"Don't stop until I tell you to stop."

"Yes!" Wang Ji immediately shouted to the mechanical master who was controlling the warship: "The fire crossbow battalion in the left cabin is in place, adjust the crossbow to the fourth hexagram position to store fire, and the attack range is: Gen position and stroke area!"


The fire crossbow battalion of the Great Zhou generally refers to the fire crossbow battalion of the warship, which can only be equipped with at least the fifth-level top-grade warship.

Because the ship is small, there is really no place to put it. A crossbow is 108 meters long and 15 meters wide.

The crossbow is divided into five parts: base, flint, crossbow machine, muzzle, and crossbow arrow.

The fifth-level crossbow cannon has a 1,600-shot mode and can fire 80 fire crossbow arrows per second. It is more like a giant spear than an arrow.

The fifth-level crossbow arrow is extensible. Before it is fired, it is five meters long and as thick as a wrist. After it is fired, it will expand to the thickness of a thigh and 15 meters long.

The fire crossbow arrow is a three-section type. There are a total of 1,285 mechanical arrays carved in the last two sections. During the flight, it will provide power to the front crossbow tip and accelerate to at least five times the speed!

The arrowhead of the fire crossbow arrow is a three-layer sleeve type. It can break the barrier and penetrate the warship. After hitting an object, it will not explode the internal array immediately, but will explode a few seconds after penetration.

Its inner two layers, or core layers, are made of the fifth-level firecrackers.

Those who can equip the fire crossbow camp are basically strong armies. Ordinary armies will run out of materials after fighting.

Because to build it, the mechanism master must be an elite like Wang Gong. Ordinary craftsmen cannot master such exquisite mechanism array technology. In addition, fifth-level firecrackers are not something that ordinary Si Nong can grow in large quantities.

"Buzz~" A stream of green light was launched from the left rudder of the keel warship.

There was no sound of breaking through the air, because the wind resistance was eliminated by the wind array on the crossbow, and this is why it is green.

Only when it hits the target will the arrow turn red.

After giving the order, Wang Ji also stared at the target area in front.

Because the place where Zhao Xing wanted to bombard, in his opinion, was an unobstructed high altitude.

But when the crossbow was fired, he soon saw the fiery red light blooming, which meant that the target was hit.

But Wang Ji still couldn't see what was hit.

Zhao Xing stood on the deck with his eyes open. He saw that in the air, a group of flying boats with a black body and ghost-headed soul sails were shot down.

"This is the aerial array base of the maze array. It has the effect of confusing the mind and also has the power of attack. As long as you get close, your soul will be impacted. At the least, your soul will be damaged and become an idiot, and at the worst, your soul will die directly." Zhao Xing said secretly.

"There are three hundred flying boats hovering along the way. With so many, it seems that I will soon fly out of this maze array."

As expected, the Fire Crossbow Battalion on the dragon bone warship shot down these flying boats.

In less than two quarters of an hour, Zhao Xing saw the city in front of him. The weather returned to normal, the almanac was no longer a warning, and the direction and time were all in the right position.

It means that his team has walked out of the maze array.

"Old Liu is really awesome. He is also proficient in the art of formation." Zhao Xing couldn't help but praise.

"This person is the military minister of agriculture, and he is also proficient in the art of formation. It is really extraordinary!"

After Zhao Xing's warship team flew over, in a valley below.

Morik watched the black soul sails falling from the sky with his eyes wide open, his expression was shocked. This was the arrangement they had prepared long ago.

"This person is not simple. He can come here with the five elements of heaven and earth as the basis and the ghost sails as the formation." Qi Yuanzi's eyes were full of shock. "This formation of my Xuantian Sect can block the sky and the earth, but it can't stop him."

"Morik, let's retreat. Don't think about sniping him, and retreat immediately, otherwise we may be surrounded by the army in front! If it's too late, we can't escape this encirclement!"

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