Shennong Daojun

Chapter 208 Huge military merit mission, Liu Tianning's oppressive training! (6K)

Liu Tianning could not take action personally in the war zone, but teaching Zhao Xing spells did not violate the regulations.

"You go find the black soul wood, dark hidden sand, dark spirit obsidian, red flame fire beads, golden gang, earth spirit sand..."

Liu Tianning reported a series of materials.

"According to my request, give the materials to the formation masters and let them build the formation base."

"After preparing the formation base materials." After a pause, he continued: "Go and ask the thirty-two eighth-grade priests to come to the school grounds to listen to the order."

Zhao Xing was stunned, and he vaguely guessed something.

Is Lao Liu going to create a fascination array for him?


Zhao Xing immediately retreated.

He found Wang Ji, who was chatting with Wang Ji, Han Bing and Che Shihai.

"Back when I was studying at the Ten Thousand Dharma Palace, I made it to the last level and got 8,000 points!"

"But compared with the boss, the treatment is completely different." Che Shihai sighed.

"The inheritance of the straw man method is immeasurable." Han Bing also shook his head, "In Liu Tianning's eyes, except for Zhao Xing, none of us can fall into his eyes."

It’s so fucking shocking!

In Shiyang Cave Heaven, the other teachers were all kind and gentle. Even Cheng Xiazi and Ge Wuzhu would not talk to them like this.

But Liu Tianning showed no respect at all and walked out of Shiyang Cave like a stranger.

While we were chatting, the real owner arrived.

"Wang Ji, we have work to do." Zhao Xing took a list and hurried in, "Quick, find someone to make me a copy of the materials according to the requirements here."

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Wang Ji took the list and immediately got up and left.

"Boss, what are you doing here, Master Liu?" Che Shihai asked before Zhao Xing left.

"Come to teach me." Zhao Xing sighed.

"Are you still sighing?!" Han Bing almost crushed the cup. That's Liu Tianning! The straw man method is known as the best in the world, what do you have to sigh about?

"You don't understand." Zhao Xing didn't explain much.

"Let Junshu Guan be careful when transporting supplies these days. Anping Road and Nanxiang Road can't be used. We need to find other routes."

When it came to business, Han Bing and Che Shihai put away their laughter.

"If we don't take Anping Road and Nanxiang Road, we can only go through enemy-occupied areas." Han Bing said: "It is easy to be intercepted and killed by the enemy. Should we first let the army withdraw to Tonghuo City?"

"Sir, I also think we should let the army come back to rest first." Che Shihai said, "The Lieyang Army's 'Min Zhiheng' learned a lesson from yesterday."

When it comes to Min Zhiheng, Zhao Xing's face also looks a little heavy.

Min Zhiheng is an army of the Lieyang Army on the northern front. Min Zhiheng himself is also a captain of the sixth rank. He ranks one hundred and thirty-sixth in the rank of sixth rank.

Yesterday, a message appeared on the ground mirror: Min Zhiheng led 87,000 people to attack the 'Sixteen Cities of Xijiang', but was defeated by 'Jin Yan', the prince of the Jinyu Royal Court. In a huge defeat, more than three people were killed and injured. More than ten thousand people.

The Lieyang Army, a partial army, was defeated.

Min Zhiheng, a sixth-grade captain, originally had more than 3 million military merits, but this battle completely wiped them out.

His official position was also demoted five levels in a row, becoming the seventh grade.

Since Min Zhiheng was well-known in Shiyang Cave Heaven, this disastrous defeat also sounded the alarm to all armies in the Fire Demon Clan war zone.

They all realized that there were not so many smooth battles to fight. If the Golden Feather Royal Court wanted to protect the territory of the Fire Demon Tribe, attacking this tribe might make the previous decades of efforts in vain.

It is not easy to gain promotion to military exploits and official positions. It requires many victories to accumulate.

But it only takes one big defeat to fall.

"I know." Zhao Xing nodded, "I have informed the front line and asked them to send a team of 10,000 people back to protect the transportation line."

"In this way, the efficiency will be reduced." Che Shihai said, "It is useless to bring back the general combat power."

"Let's do this for now," Zhao Xing said.

A fascination array appeared on the supply line, and the area was quite large. This resulted in the originally safe transportation routes being no longer available, and they had to go around enemy-occupied areas.

The scale cannot be too large, otherwise it will be easy to be discovered and intercepted.

Changing the route now is just a temporary measure, and this trouble must be solved eventually.

But whether to evacuate or not still depends on the commander at the front. Zhao Xing, the logistics manager, can only take care of his own affairs.

After giving orders to Wang Ji and Han Bing.

Zhao Xing was planning to go back to find Liu Tianning, but at this time, the ground mirror trembled.

He took it out and saw that the Bingjie had issued a mission to him.

[Military Mission: ‘Maintaining the Stability of the Soul-Sacrifice Pass Supply Line’]

[Military World Intelligence: A large-scale high-level ecstasy array has appeared on Anping Road and Nanxiang Road from Tonghuo City to Soul Sacrifice Pass. According to the predictions of the fortune board, this deployment will seriously affect the supply needs of the army, and may even lead to Defeated. 】

[Task requirements: Please ensure the supplies of the Shenwei Army, Zhenhai Army, Xuanjia Army, Huanyou Army, Yuanhua Army, and Zhaoyuan Army until the end of the war. 】

[Task reward: Depending on the evaluation of the task completion, different levels of merit rewards will be given, up to 400,000! 】

[Note 1: You can check the information about this formation in the ground mirror. If the supply line cannot be maintained and the frontline operation fails, you will be deducted a lot of combat merit. Please take measures quickly! 】

[Note 2: If the army retreats to Tonghuo City, this mission will disappear. 】

"The mission of the military world has also arrived." Zhao Xing put away the ground mirror.

The high-level enchantment formation appeared the day before yesterday. After two days, the military community also collected enough intelligence and deduced the direction of the war.

Now Zhao Xing estimated that it was not only himself who received the mission, but also the commanders on the front line.

The content can be guessed, that is, there will be problems with logistics supply, which will increase the difficulty of fighting. Under this premise, one head will be counted as two merits.

However, the corresponding casualty rate will also increase.

If you continue to fight, the reward for military merit will increase, because the opponent's strength has also been upgraded.

Of course, if you lose, the deduction of military merit will be quite serious, and it may even be that all the previous efforts have been in vain, and the military merit will be directly reset to zero, just like Min Zhiheng.

"I can't give up the last major military merit task of this stage easily." Zhao Xing thought to himself, "The further we go, the harder it will be to get this military merit, especially after next year, when Emperor Jing gradually becomes impatient and the Nanman stabilizes their decline, but becomes more and more tenacious."

"My current military merit can only get me a sixth-grade rank, because the previous million military merits were exchanged for Yinshen quotas, and I don't have any scattered ranks or ranks at all."

Zhao Xing didn't care much about the title of a scattered official, but it would be best to have a title when he transferred to the civil servant Si Nong, because the civil service system values ​​this more.

The scattered rank is related to the annual additional bonus, which is also more rewarding during wartime, especially for the merit of breaking the city, which can be increased by adding a lot of scattered ranks.

Zhao Xing is not short of money now, but after reaching the sixth grade, he will definitely lack money, because the seeds and treasures of the middle and high grades are gradually becoming scarce.

And if he wants to get to the fifth grade during the reign of Emperor Jing, cultivate the inner five elements world, and strengthen the 'Hou Tu Sand and Gravel', he will need a lot of resources.

If he doesn't intend to embezzle, he can't rely on his own basic salary.

If he doesn't rely on his own cultivation, he has to rely on the court.

But in this way, after being demoted, his cultivation will be greatly reduced, which will be controlled by the luck system of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and will affect Zhao Xing's longevity plan.

He doesn't intend to rely on the court to improve his cultivation and magic realm, he only wants luck and life!

"It's November 7th, the 17th year of Jingxin calendar." Zhao Xing said secretly. "Military merit! I must get more military merit!"

Liu Tianning arrived at Chenshi and ordered Zhao Xing to prepare materials.

The materials were ready at noon.

But in the meantime, Zhao Xing received news from the front line.

First, Liao Rulong contacted Zhao Xing through the ground mirror to ask about the supply line.

Zhao Xing received the task, and they naturally received it.

"Can you guarantee the supply of the army?" Liao Rulong asked. "If not, we can retreat to the vicinity of Tonghuo City first and then make plans."

"Yes." Zhao Xing said.

Liao Rulong and Xia Jing were together, but Xia Jing didn't ask because he believed Zhao Xing could handle it.

Jiang Ming and Li Que of the Zhenhai Army didn't ask because they didn't receive the task at all.

On the front line, they were deputy generals of the coalition forces and had no decision-making power.

When the army in front withdrew, they followed.

Some of the warships of the Zhenhai Army also took on the task of logistics supply transportation, and the logistics had to be decided by Zhao Xing.

So there was no need to worry at all.

But on the other two lines, Qi Yuanjun, Wen Shaoyang, Yi Yue, and Nangong Ye all sent messages to ask.

Among them, Nangong Ye and Qi Yuanjun were relatively mild in their words.

Because Zhao Xing had not made any mistakes in the past half month, and he delivered them on time and in quantity every time.

But Yi Yue was quite excited.

"Zhao Xing, can you stabilize your supply line?"

"If you can't, I will send more people from Yuanhua Army!"

Yi Yue was so excited for a reason.

Because the people Zhao Xing sent to deliver supplies a few days ago were trapped by the maze on Anping Road.

The Yuanhua Army supplies for Yi Yue were delayed for nearly two days.

Yi Yue ranked third on the seventh-grade battle merit list. He himself had a bad temper. When facing people like Qi Yuanjun and Nangong Ye, he would slam the table when he spoke.

What he meant was that if you, Zhao Xing, can't do it well, then change someone else. I can transfer a lot of logistics from Yuanhua Army.

"General Yi, calm down. There will never be such a delay again." Zhao Xing said.

"What if this happens again in the future?" Yi Yue was aggressive.

"Then let General Yi's people take my position!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

After that, Yi Yue hung up the communication.

"Yi Yue is very capable, but he also has a bad temper." Che Shihai said, "How dare he talk to the boss like that."

"You can't blame him for speaking loudly. This matter concerns the lives of tens of thousands of people in his army." Zhao Xing said, "If it were me, I would also be angry."

There is no such thing as face or not face in this matter. It's not about the person.

Zhao Xing didn't think Yi Yue was targeting him, after all, it was really delayed for two days before.

"We have to solve this problem quickly... Wang Ji, have you finished your things?" Zhao Xing asked.

"It's ready, and it has been moved to the big parade ground in the south of the city." Wang Ji said.

"Han Bing, go and notify the priest Zhang Yi and ask him to bring people here." Zhao Xing said.


Everything is ready. Liu Tianning has set up a small soul-enchanting array in the parade ground in the south of the city.

Although it is small, the array also covers nearly 10,000 acres of land.

And it has reached the level of a high-level array.

"High-level soul-confusing formations involve the principles of yin and yang." Liu Tianning and Zhao Xing stood in front of the formation. "The one I set up is just a simple version, with a lot of materials and someone guarding it, so it can barely be considered high-level."

"But the one you encountered should be unguarded, and it is based on the five elements of heaven and earth, and the ghosts are the materials."

"However, the principle is the same." Liu Tianning said, "If you can get through this formation, you can also get through the formations on Anping Road and Nanxiang Road."

"I can only break through but not break?" Zhao Xing asked.

"It cannot be destroyed." Liu Tianning said, "It is very difficult to destroy such a large magic circle."

Zhao Xing thought about it, and it was the same.

The defensive formation of Huolong Pass also stretched for hundreds of miles. It was a large formation. The Shenwei Army and the Black Armor Army sent a total of 18,000 people at that time to climb over the Flame Mountain and destroy it from the inside.

The bombing of dozens of cities only temporarily disabled the customs defense formation.

After that, in cooperation with a large number of naval ships outside the pass, they violently bombarded it and finally broke it.

Although the current ecstasy formation is not as good as the defensive formation at Fire Dragon Pass, it is also a large-scale high-level magic formation.

It is also difficult to destroy from the inside, because inside, you can't even find the direction even if you try to break through the walls.

"As long as you can get through it, it's fine." Liu Tianning said, "The ecstasy formation is not offensive at all. It is mainly used to block and trap the enemy."

"You know how to get through this formation, and then you learn how to be a straw man. After that, every time you transport supplies, you personally lead the team, and you can solve this problem."

"I understand." Zhao Xing nodded.

Starting from November 7, Zhao Xing handed over all military affairs to Han Bing and Wang Ji. At this time, we can only believe that they can complete the task of 'delivering supplies through a detour'.

He concentrated on studying with Liu Tianning.

What to study?

The first is to pass the high-level ecstasy formation.

In the high-level ecstasy formation, Zhao Xing passed through the formation very quickly.

First of all, he has Liu Tianning's guidance, secondly he has a foundation in battle tactics, and finally, his life soul has reached the sixth level and he also possesses the Heavenly Eye Technique.

The combination of many factors allowed Zhao Xing to quickly master the skills of passing through the formation.

The second is to practice the original method.

The lowest threshold for the self-made method is the perfect unity of the five methods.

The lowest level of the straw man is also a high-level spell. The highest level has no upper limit. It can be called the 'ultimate spell' of the straw man method.

Zhao Xing's previous straw man method can achieve the perfect integration of three methods, namely flying, bravery and death.

When the four methods are combined into one, there is only the intermediate seven-turn level.

It is actually quite difficult to achieve the perfect unity of the five dharma in a short period of time.

If he had not taken the Life Soul Pill, Zhao Xing would not have expected that he would be able to do it in a short time even if Liu Tianning gave him personal guidance.

But now that he has taken the Life Soul Pill and Liu Tianning personally demonstrated the incarnation method, there is a glimmer of hope.

In the military world, there is a tower of hundreds of soldiers.

King Luohu, King Lingde, and King Tianyan gathered together.

"King Tianyan, King Luohu, your gamble has turned around." King Lingde said, "Zhao Xing has not given up on the mission assigned by the military world, and the generals in front of the Soul Sacrifice Pass have not retreated either."

"This kid is taking risks again." King Tianyan couldn't laugh at this time. "He also took risks in Fire Dragon Pass before. This time, he knew that the task was difficult, but he still refused to give up."

"Qi Yuanjun, Nangong Ye, Yi Yue, Xia Jing, Liao Rulong... are all geniuses in taking risks. Only Wen Shaoyang is more stable. When they get together, they really have the same chemistry." King Tianyan shook his head.

If the opinions among the several generals are not unified, then Zhao Xing will not be able to accept this task, and the army will disappear when it withdraws.

If Zhao Xing feels that it is not possible, without the guarantee of logistical supplies, the armies on the three front roads will also withdraw to Tonghuo City.

Zhao Xing had previously used the Turtle Money Trigram to predict the future, and he was reminded to stop with the trend and preserve the fruits of victory.

King Tianyan also felt that Zhao Xing and the others should stop for a while, but these few people did not stop.

"It may not necessarily be a risk." King Luohu looked at a letter of information, "The army at Soul Sacrifice Pass is obviously afraid and cannot be beaten head-on, so they want to block their supply line so that they can retreat in spite of the difficulties. Get some breathing time.”

"If supplies are not lost, Soul Sacrifice Pass will not be able to hold on for another two months."

King Lingde said: "The deductions made by the fortune board all think that the troops on the eastern front are more dangerous. King Luohu, the premise is that they can persevere."

"The fortune board may not be 100% accurate, it only provides possibilities." King Luohu said, "King Lingde, why don't you also take a gamble?"

King Lingde was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "When Luo Hu invites you, of course you have to give face. How do you want to bet?"

"I bet that Zhao Xing's supply line will not be lost, and the Soul Sacrifice Pass will be lowered within two months." King Luohu said, "I bet on two seventh-level magic weapons."

"Hahaha." King Tianyan laughed, "Luohu, don't get deeper into this. You bet me on one seventh-level magic weapon, and you bet two more on King Lingde."

King Lingde smiled and said: "If we go to the Soul Sacrifice Pass within two months, then Zhao Xing will have to solve the problem of the Soul Ecstasy Array immediately, but I still won't bet on it."

King Rahu said: "Forty days! I bet that the Soul Sacrifice Pass will be lowered within forty days!"

King Lingde was surprised. He thought about it for a while, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation: "Okay, I'll take a bet! Let's see whether it is God's destiny or your Rahu's vision that is right."

"Maybe Luo Hu can restore some blood to you." King Tianyan said with a smile.

"King Lingde, you are destined to lose." Luo Hu said calmly, "Didn't I tell you? People who can create opportunities without opportunities are peerless geniuses, and they can often create miracles."

"And now, there is more than one such person on the Eastern Front."

King Lingde was a little stunned. He immediately took out the ground mirror and searched: "Damn! Luo Hu, you are cheating on me!"

"Does it count that Liu Tianning also went to the war zone? This is against the rules!" King Lingde protested.

"Why can't it be counted?" King Luohou smiled: "He is just a clone of the sixth-grade combat power. He was a disciple of the past. He didn't take direct action. The hard conditions for breaking through the high-level maze are there."

"You..." King Lingde was speechless. If there was only one Zhao Xing, he would really dare to bet, but now Liu Tianning also ran over, he was really a little weak. In the military supervision department, Liu Tianning is highly regarded! If he goes to teach Zhao Xing, he might really create a miracle.

On November 9, Zhao Xing was able to shuttle back and forth in the maze of the south parade ground.

On November 10, Zhao Xing began to practice the four-in-one method, which was the flying bravery and the invisible straw man.

On November 13, the straw man method was perfected!

But at this time, Tonghuo City was frequently attacked and damaged in many places when transporting supplies to the front line.

However, the supply output of Tonghuo City was sufficient, and Zhao Xing insisted on carrying out the saturation transportation method under pressure.

That is to say, every time he sent supplies, he sent three or five times the amount. Since he had to take a detour, he would create several more lines, divide them into multiple batches, and play hide-and-seek with the enemy troops who intercepted the road.

Even if there were losses, the losses were shared by multiple teams. Under such circumstances, the supply to the front line was barely guaranteed.

Under such pressure, the time came to the third day of December.

At this time, whether it was the Shenwei Army, the Zhenhai Army, the Xuanjia Army, the Zhaoyuan Army, the Huanyou Army, or the Yuanhua Army, the offensive became more fierce, and the resistance of the Jihun Pass became more tenacious.

Da Zhou wanted to take down the Jihun Pass quickly because they knew that the supply line was always a hidden danger. The supply line controlled by Zhao Xing had no major problems yet, but it was not guaranteed that there would be problems if it was delayed.

The six main generals were also under great pressure.

The main generals of the Jihun Pass were also under great pressure. The six-army alliance had a luxurious configuration.

Qi Yuanjun, Yi Yue, and Nangong Ye were all talented main generals in the top five of the seventh-grade battle merit list.

The Zhaoyuan Army, Yuanhua Army, and Huanyou Army are the top-notch armies in the five caves.

Especially the Huanyou Army, which often has an overwhelming advantage when facing soul-controlling sorcerers and ghost attacks.

At the beginning, the Soul-Sacrificing Pass dared to come out to fight, but later it could only passively defend and dared not let the ghost army out again.

It’s just that more and more teams were sent out to harass the supply lines, trying to relieve the pressure of attacking from this aspect.

As long as there is a breakthrough in this aspect, it is a sure thing to defeat the Six Armies Alliance.

On the fifth day of December, Zhao Xing had already started practicing the Five Methods in One.

He used the five straw man methods of flying, bravery, sacrificial explosion, invisibility, and soul-binding as the basis, and tried to perfectly integrate the five methods.


A straw man exploded in front of his eyes.

"This is the 19,873rd failure." Zhao Xing looked a little pale.

He is under great pressure now, because the bad news is gradually increasing, and the saturation transportation method cannot last long. There are even enemy troops that have begun to frequently attack Tonghuo City and the supply cities along the line.

"Not only did I not get any military merit this month, but I was also deducted more than 50,000." Zhao Xing said secretly. Originally, providing and transporting supplies would also earn military merit every month, but this month, due to the heavier losses, the monthly military merit rewards were deducted, and he was fined more than 50,000.

He did this, and the people below him also began to "owe debts".

The decisions of the superiors will affect the people below. Zhao Xing chose to insist on this task and not let the army retreat, so he had to bear this risk.

"The great way is seen in adversity." Liu Tianning walked in front of Zhao Xing, "Your current pressure is not big enough, I will help you."

"What?" Zhao Xing was stunned.

"I will demonstrate it to you for the last time now." Liu Tianning said calmly, "Next, my straw man will completely disintegrate, and I will not send straw men again. You only have this last chance."

"If you can't learn it, your mission will end in failure."

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