Shennong Daojun

Chapter 198 Is he really a genius? (6K)

"Master Zhao, his name is Yue Lingzhi. He was originally an eighth-grade divine weapon forger. Because he made a mistake in forging the armor, Master Lu sent him to the Divine Weapon Hall as a punishment to sweep the floor. He can be reinstated when the sweeping is completed," the reception official said in a low voice. With.

"How long has he been like this?"

"It's been more than two months."

Zhao Xing frowned, and then used his bright eyes to observe Yue Lingzhi.

I found that the broom he was holding looked ordinary. It had many mechanisms inside and was extremely heavy. It weighed more than a thousand kilograms at least.

It is very difficult to hold such a heavy object.

Once the broom hits the ground or is more than two breaths away from the ground, thunder will come from the handle and electricity will hit Yue Lingzhi.

In other words, Yue Lingzhi couldn't stop, he had to keep scanning to avoid being electrocuted.

As for why he was asked to sweep the floor when the Divine Weapon Palace was spotless?

It's just punishment, so what reason is needed?

Even if the left foot steps into the threshold first, it can be used as a reason.

"Lu Tingzhi's narrow-minded nature and harsh treatment of his subordinates were revealed at this time." Zhao Xing said secretly. "No, I was greedy for ten thousand taels in my last life, and he had to take away nine thousand taels. What a bitch."

People come and go in the Divine Weapon Hall, mostly officials at all levels exchanging items.

There is obviously a sense of humiliation in such a punishment.

The largest number of people under the transportation department are workers. It also governs other departments, such as farmers, priests, weavers, warriors and other professions.

Lu Tingzhi has great power, and he wants to punish a small eighth-level blacksmith, just like for fun.

"Thank you for informing me, brother." Zhao Xing and the official who received him bowed their hands and walked out of the hall.

He wanted to see Lu Tingzhi and ask him to leave.

Because this is a future master craftsman, a machine master like Wang Ji, who has learned a lot of things. He can forge, cast cities, and form formations.

But Yue Lingzhi specializes in forging. This person had another encounter in the future and learned the "Tianzong Sword Forging Technique" from ancient times.

The magic weapons he created were three points more powerful than others.

Later, Yue Lingzhi became Emperor Wu's imperial craftsman and could freely enter and leave the imperial treasury.

Zhao Xing is definitely the angel investor!

He first got off the boat and made some preparations, and then came to the transfer company's office to ask for a meeting. Lu Tingzhi immediately came to see Zhao Xing.

"I've met Mr. Lu." Zhao Xing cupped his hands and said.

"Zhao Sinong, have you finished praying?" Lu Tingzhi asked with a smile.

"It's done." Zhao Xing said, "I came here specially to thank you for your trip."

Lu Tingzhi raised his eyebrows because he saw Zhao Xing carrying a box over.

"Zhao Sinong, what do you mean?" Lu Tingzhi said, "It is my duty to come to Huolong Pass."

"Sir." Zhao Xing smiled and said, "These are the trophies I obtained from the Fire Dragon Pass. They are personal belongings of Xiaguan. They are all used by barbarians. They are not valuable. They are just unique and are the personal belongings of Xiaguan. ”

"Take it..." Lu Tingzhi originally wanted to ask Zhao Xing to put it away, because at this time he was not a greedy person in the future, but still cherished feathers. Zhao Xing gave something to him for the first time when they met, so he was not willing to accept it. .

But Zhao Xing had already opened the box, and when Lu Ting's words came to his lips, he immediately swallowed them back.

"Since it is Zhao Sinong's heart, I will accept it."

Zhao Xing sneered in his heart.

I still don’t know what you, a bitch, like?

Lu Tingzhi has a collecting habit, and his favorite things are all kinds of curious items.

After the original guard of Huolong Pass, Yue Haisheng, ran away, he had no time to take away the wealth he had collected in Huolong Pass.

These were all cheaper for three armies. Zhao Xing went around the inner treasury of the Shenwei Army, picked a box at random, and sent it to Lu Tingzhi's heart.

"Zhao Sinong, please sit down." Lu Tingzhi's attitude became more enthusiastic.

Zhao Xing put the box in front of Lu Ting first, and then took his seat.

Wait until Lu Tingzhi finishes admiring it.

"Never thought you were good at collecting?" Lu Tingzhi looked at the things in the box, picked up a pair of horn cups, looked at them carefully and was quite satisfied, and found Zhao Xing even more pleasing to his eye.

Zhao Xing didn't like it at all, but on the surface, he still pretended to like it: "I've dabbled a little, but I'm a rough person, so I'm not as good as adults in appreciating it."

"Haha, then I have to walk around more in the future." Lu Tingzhi said with a smile.

"As long as the adults don't find it annoying." Zhao Xing laughed, but began to curse in his heart. This guy was already hinting that he would give him more things in the future. How shameless!

After chatting for a few more words, Lu Tingzhi took the initiative and said: "It's not polite to come back without reciprocating. Zhao Xing, you have made outstanding achievements in this trip, and you will definitely have a lot of loot. Is there any treasure that needs to be exchanged? If there are any additional requirements, even if If it’s not on the military list, you can talk to me.”

Although Lu Tingzhi is greedy, he still has one good thing, that is, he doesn't take it for nothing. He will do things after taking the money.

The Transportation Department transports materials. Sometimes they are assigned according to the list of the military community, and sometimes the various departments of the Transportation Department deploy them from various places.

Sometimes items are out of stock and may not be available in time.

Whether to supply the Shenwei Army first or other armies first is a matter of a few words from the transshipment envoy. A slight time difference will delay a lot of things.

With great power, everyone will naturally fawn over you.

In this way, Lu Tingzhi gradually developed the habit of collecting things from others. It was harmless at first, but his appetite grew more and more later.

"I really have something to trouble Mr. Lu." Zhao Xing said, "Although our Shenwei Army broke through the Fire Dragon Pass, the losses were not small."

"In particular, the demand for blacksmiths and mechanics is great. I wonder if Mr. Lu can temporarily lend some manpower for emergency response."

Lu Tingzhi thought about it for a while: "How many people do you want, and what are their grades?"

Zhao Xingdao: "All it takes is an eighth-grade team."

Lu Tingzhi nodded slightly, Zhao Xing didn't want many, only ten people.

There are many craftsmen in his transportation department, and hundreds of them can be selected at any time.

Lu Tingzhi saw that Zhao Xing was a promising person and he was on the right track, so he was willing to make friends with such a talent.

In addition, the gift was indeed delivered well, and the things to be done were trivial.

He immediately took a token and said, "It's a small matter, just take my token and go to the engineering department to select someone."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu. I'll take my leave." Zhao Xing pretended to be very happy, took the token and left.

Lu Tingzhi watched Zhao Xing leave, turned over the box casually, and smiled: "This person is quite interesting. He gives gifts and does small things. I really want to visit his camp more in the future."

Zhao Xing took the token and hurried to the Forging Department of the Transportation Department and checked Yue Lingzhi's name off the list.

He also randomly hooked up nine people and transferred them to the Shenwei Army.

After completing the process, these ten people became members of the Divine Power Army.

Then a seventh-grade officer from the Blacksmithing Department followed him to the Divine Weapon Hall and found Yue Lingzhi.

"Stop sweeping and follow me."

"Who are you?" Yue Lingzhi raised his head in confusion, but just for a moment, the broom in his hand began to fire lightning, and Yue Lingzhi's body trembled obviously.

"Yue Lingzhi, this is Mr. Zhao of the Shenwei Army." The person in charge obviously didn't like Yue Lingzhi very much. "You are lucky to have been favored by Mr. Zhao. Now you are Mr. Zhao's person. Why don't you pay me a visit soon?"

Zhao Xingqu flicked his finger on the broom, and the mechanism inside was directly destroyed.

Yue Lingzhi's hand involuntarily let go of the broom.

Zhao Xing shook the transfer order in his hand: "Now that you are being recruited by me, are you willing to leave? If not, I won't force you."

"I do." Yue Lingzhi nodded. Although he didn't know why, it was better to leave than stay here sweeping the floor in the dark.

Zhao Xing smiled slightly. He guessed that Yue Lingzhi was also willing to leave, because Lu Tingzhi's punishment, apart from humiliating people, would not bring any training effect.

This period of time under Lu Tingzhi was purely 'garbage time' in life.

If we free this guy early, maybe he can take off sooner.

"Let's go."

Zhao Xing patted Yue Lingzhi on the shoulder.

Yue Lingzhi looked at the tall back and followed him subconsciously.

After getting off the ship, Zhao Xing assigned the remaining nine blacksmiths to Wang Jiguan.

But Yue Lingzhi and Zhao Xing had other plans.

"It's not the most suitable choice for you to fight with the Divine Power Army."

"I recommend you to go somewhere, are you willing to go?"

Yue Lingzhi was full of doubts. He wanted to come over, but he didn't want to leave him in the Shenwei Army?

"Where do you want me to go?"

Zhao Xing thought for a while and said: "Youyuan Mansion, Baibing Dao Academy."

Yue Lingzhi was stunned: "A lower-ranking official with few talents and little knowledge, how can he be qualified to be a teacher at Baibing Dao Academy?"

Zhao Xing chuckled and said, "You are overthinking. I don't have the ability to let you be a teacher. I want you to be an outsider."

In his previous life, Yue Lingzhi spent three years in the army, achieving nothing, and bounced back and forth in the eighth rank.

Later, he left the army and took the exam at Baibing Dao Academy. Instead, he became the vice president of Bai Bing Dao Academy and Youyuan Mansion branch.

His path to rise was in the Hundred Soldiers Academy, and Zhao Xing wanted to send this guy to his original path to rise.

Why does Zhao Xing know so clearly?

Because Yue Lingzhi finally had a biography circulated in the world, which recorded a lot of his past. Even he himself said that he was in vain in the army, and he gained the most in Baibingdao Academy.

"Outer Taoist?" Yue Lingzhi fell into thinking. Outer Taoists are casual officials and are not formal teachers, but they are better than Taosheng.

He is now on the eighth level, and if he wants to go to the Hundred Soldiers Academy, he has to drop back to the ninth level.

It is really not easy to make this determination.

In his previous life, Yue Lingzhi also spent several years in the military before making this determination.

However, Zhao Xing's timing was also very good. It happened to be after Yue Lingzhi had experienced a dark time in the Transportation Department.

So just thinking about it for a moment, Yue Lingzhi had the answer in his mind.

But before telling the answer, he couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

"Why do you want to help me, sir?"

"You are like an old friend of mine." Zhao Xing said lightly, "I saw you being insulted in the Divine Weapon Palace again, so I couldn't help but help you."

"It's okay if you don't want to, I'll take you back to the ship. With my relationship, Mr. Lu will definitely not embarrass you again."

"I am willing to go to Baibing Dao Academy." Yue Lingzhi made his choice immediately when he heard that he was going back to the ship.

Baibing Taoist Academy is one of the seventy-two Taoist Academy. Even if you become a ninth-level Taoist priest, you will have a better future than staying in the Transportation Department.

What future can he have if he stays in the Transportation Department and returns to work under Lu Ting?

Exercise the mind? Being insulted does not exercise one's mind; it only wastes time repairing the wounds.

It's like Han Xin was able to become a general in the future, not because he experienced crotch humiliation, but because he finally found Xiao He who could recognize his talents.

What Zhao Xing is doing now is to send Yue Lingzhi to a place where he can truly develop his talents.

"You stay in Huolongguan for a while, I will do this for you." Zhao Xing said, "I don't know when, but I will definitely do it for you."

"Thank you." Yue Lingzhi bowed sincerely, "Although I don't know which old friend of yours I look like, but... thank you."

Zhao Xing smiled slightly, and this investment was half done.

The other half, of course, must be done with the help of Xia Jing's relationship.

The Baibing Daoyuan is in Youyuan Prefecture, not in Pinghaizhou at all, but in the neighboring Yuanpinzhou.

The only big guys who have influence across a state are big guys like Xiahou.

His teacher Tian Yan, does not have such great ability.

Because Tian Yan has left the military sequence, he is actually a civil servant in Yangcheng, mainly teaching students, he does not have military power, and his fiefdom has no private soldiers.

Telling Tian Yan about it will also require Tian Yan to find people everywhere, and it will be troublesome to explain.

Not to mention Yang An, he is still very young, not to mention Zhao Xing is not easy to ask him to do such a thing.

But when talking to Xia Jing, there was only one sentence: "Prince, help me with something."

"What is it?" Xia Jing glanced at Zhao Xing, "It sounds like it's not easy, you call me Prince."

Zhao Xing smiled and said, "Send someone to the Baibing Daoyuan in Youyuan Prefecture. The requirements are not high. Just be a ninth-rank outer sect member. He is an eighth-rank blacksmith."

Xia Jing said, "This is simple, but why do you have to go to Youyuan Prefecture? This branch is still in Yuanpin Prefecture. Don't Heqiu Prefecture, Anping Prefecture, and Datong Prefecture in Pinghai Prefecture have branches?"

Why send him to Yuanpin Prefecture? Of course, the opportunities for this little brother Yue Lingzhi are all in Yuanpin Prefecture.

"He has relatives there." Zhao Xing made up a reason casually.

"I see." Xia Jing didn't ask any more questions, "When will it be done?"

"There are urgent ways to do it, and there are ways to do it without being in a hurry."

Zhao Xing said: "It's not that urgent."

Xia Jing nodded: "Since he is an eighth-grade blacksmith, it can be done within a month. You can ask him to wait for my news."

"Thank you, my prince. I can't repay you for your kindness. You will be my slave in the next life."

"Don't try to be so mean... eh? Did you say something wrong?"


After meeting Yue Lingzhi, Zhao Xing also remembered his investment plan.

He specially went to the barracks of the fifteen armies outside the pass to see if there were any big guys lurking in the wild.

But unfortunately, he didn't find any outstanding people.

After running back, he asked Xia Jing about the strange man "Mi Fu".

However, Xia Jing had never heard of the existence of "Mi Fu". The acquisition of "Xuan Huang Xi Yuan Shu" would have to wait a little longer. But he also agreed to help Zhao Xing find out.

Zhao Xing flipped through the list of the sixth, seventh and eighth ranks again, and there were a few familiar names.

But it was useless to just look familiar with the name. There were many people with the same name in this world. Zhao Xing was not sure before he met the person.

He secretly paid attention to it. If he could meet him, he would probably be able to confirm it.

However, in this life, Mr. Zhao's vision was much higher. Those who could be noticed by him could at least become fourth-rank officials in the future.

It was useless if it was lower. Mr. Zhao's own promotion speed was quite fast.

Since the fall of Huolong Pass, he has already had a million military merits.

Ranked 69th on the seventh-rank list.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will be promoted three levels in the phased reward, skipping the "seventh rank upper", from the sixth rank lower, and directly to the "sixth rank upper".

As long as he does not suffer a defeat, in the phased reward of the eighteenth year of Jingxinli, the people at the top of the nine, eighth and seventh ranks will be promoted three levels in a row.

On the sixth-rank list, if you are from the lower sixth rank, you will be promoted to the sixth rank smoothly.

But if you are already the upper sixth rank, you will not be promoted to the fifth rank.

Because if you are promoted to the fifth rank, you will withdraw from the battlefield, which will lead to large-scale replacement of generals before the battle, and tens of millions of troops will have to change their main generals!

This approach is of course inappropriate, so if you can still rise to the sixth rank, you should save it first, and wait until the training of the middle and low levels is completed, and then unify it.

Soldier Realm, Hundred Soldier Tower, and the Supervisory Room of the Three Kings.

"Chen Shijie has 890,000 military merits, and Long Xiao and Yu Ziqi have over 800,000 military merits."

"Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang, the two captains, have also broken through the million mark. Jiang Ming, the sixth-rank captain, is a little weaker. He just came ashore and currently has only about 500,000 military merits."

"This battle, the Shenwei Army is really famous in the Pingman battlefield." King Lingde said with emotion, "I didn't expect that the Shenwei Army, which was at the bottom of the Shiyang Cave Heaven, would perform so well this time."

"Liao Rulong is also decisive." King Tianyan smiled and said, "Otherwise, he wouldn't have broken through a million military merits so quickly."

"Yes, since Liao Rulong is the commander of the detachment, no matter how great the merits of his subordinates are, they will be Their share. "King Lingde nodded, "For example, Zhao Xing stole the Earth Fire Lotus, planted the Earth Fire Lotus, and bombed Yuanyue City, all of which were inseparable from Liao Rulong's strong support. "

"If a more conservative general were to change, he would have directly denied the step of stealing the Earth Fire Lotus seeds. "

"There are only seven sword cultivators in the Shenwei Army, not counting Yang An, that's six. "

"Yu Ziqi and Long Xiao account for two of them. "

"Chen Shijie and Zhao Xing are also elite agricultural officials. "

"Dare to send these four people to perform undercover missions, ordinary generals really don't dare to make this decision. "

"If any of these four people die, Liao Rulong's position as a captain will be over. "King Tianyan said.

Because Liao Rulong's move would be judged by the military community as deliberately letting his subordinates die.

Huolong Pass is a heroic pass of the Southern Barbarians. As the commander-in-chief, Liao Rulong gave such an order, so long as nothing happened, if something happened, he would definitely be held fully responsible.

Liao Rulong also knew that it was a huge gamble, and he couldn't sleep well in those days.

But after defeating Huolong Pass, Liao Rulong also gained a lot of military exploits.

As for Wen Shaoyang, his combat achievements are relatively high. He was originally higher than Liao Rulong, but now he is tied with Liao Rulong.

"Zhao Xing is really a talent. He can actually persuade Liao Rulong to implement such a plan."

"I originally thought that he would be ignored by everyone in the Shenwei Army. I felt sorry for him before. Why not go to the Tiger Dragon Army?"

"Now it seems that if he went to the Tiger Dragon Army, he might not have such an opportunity." King Lingde sighed with emotion.

"Luo Hu, why don't you speak?" King Tianyan said with a smile, "Don't you want to say it?"

"Humph." King Luohu snorted, but remained silent.

He was also very speechless.

Originally there was no chance at Huolong Pass, but Zhao Xing finally found a chance to come out.

Can anyone snatch back the Earth Fire Lotus?

He actually knows the high-level method of the Self Sect and can cultivate a fifth-level earth fire lotus!


Now Zhao Xing has reached the threshold of becoming a third-class marquis, and Xia Jing is close to it.

Although the bet is to be awarded the title of second-class marquis, if the situation continues like this, it is not impossible to become a second-class marquis.

How could King Rahu be in the mood to talk?

"Luo Hu, you can't do it. It's just two seventh-level magic weapons." King Tianyan said with a smile, "You can't afford to lose."

"I don't care about divine weapons." King Luohu shook his head and said, "But this Zhao Xing has repeatedly deviated from my judgment..."

King Luohu doesn't care about the two seventh-level magic weapons, but he cares about his judgment on war and the way he sees people.

Zhao Xing had surprised King Luohu several times, which made him doubt his coming.

King Lingde smiled and said: "Luo Hu, you still have a chance. Next time we attack the Qinggang Mining Area, he won't be able to make any more great achievements."

"Lu Yuanwei on the western front has not broken through Yang Qilin's second line of defense. The Shenwei Army, Xuanjia Army, and Zhen Haijun are unable to defeat the several million troops of the Golden Feather Royal Court alone."

King Tianyan also said: "Yes, Luo Hu, don't be discouraged, you don't necessarily lose."

King Luohu finally said: "Judging from the information given by the Creation Pan, the Fire Dragon Pass has been broken, the defenders have been fleeing to the southeast, and most of the cities along the route have been abandoned.'"

"There isn't much resistance along the way, which means there isn't much merit to be gained."

"Unless they take a detour to attack the Soul Sacrifice Pass' defense line, only here can they get enough credit. Otherwise, they have to wait for the Zhaoyuan Army, Huanyou Army and other powerful forces in the north to break through, or wait for the Shenlei Army to the west to break through."

"The Soul Sacrifice Pass is guarded by a legion sent by the Holy Spirit Palace to support the Golden Feather Palace."

"This line of defense protects against the armies to the north and east. Its strength cannot be underestimated."

"Of course, they have another option, which is to go to the Canglan River to hunt for water witches."

"But the master-slave status has changed. Water battles are Zhen Haijun's home field, and even Zhen Hai Hai doesn't have much success."

"It would be difficult for Zhao Xing and Xia Jing to gain credit in a place like this."

King Luohu said: "Judging from the current progress, there may not be any big breakthroughs within this year."

"Unless something unexpected happens."

Having said this, King Luohu saw that King Lingde and King Tianyan were looking at him with smiles, and he could not continue talking.

"You guys are waiting for me to finish my analysis and are you going to laugh at me?" King Rahu said angrily.

"No, no," King Lingde said quickly.

"Absolutely not." King Tianyan raised his lips.


King Luohu shook his hand and stopped chatting with these two people.

He turned to look at the battlefield situation.

Thinking of what Zhao Xing did, King Luohu couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"He can create opportunities even if there are no opportunities. Is he really a genius? What will he do next?"

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