Shennong Daojun

Chapter 197: Reward for War Merit, Heavenly Soul Lives in the Temple! (6K)

The military merits of the military world are determined by multiple aspects.

First, the army has its own recording props, such as the Mirage Pearl, which can record who killed the enemy. Soldiers actively submit to non-commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers submit to officers, and so on, reporting layer by layer.

Second, the Yin God statue carried by the army, that is, the Yi Suan Star Lord. During the war, the Yi Suan Star Lord in the Marching Hall will lead a group of wandering gods to patrol the battlefield and calculate the merits of each person.

Third, the direct monitoring of the military world. For example, during the Yuncheng period, the military world can directly monitor every move, and the number of kills can be directly calculated.

The above three are the main statistical methods.

The calculation speed is also very fast, and the results are basically available on the same day.

There are still many that cannot be directly obtained or seen.

For example, Zhao Xing led people to cross the Flame Mountain and bomb the Full Moon City. How many people died? It is not clear, and there is no direct record.

This requires time and multiple verifications.

First, the spies originally stationed in the Fire Dragon Pass stated the situation. On the side of the Fire Demon Clan, the spies certainly knew how many people died.

The second is to ask the God of Rebirth to check the number of ghosts at the original site of Yuanyue City. During this period, you must send a letter to the underworld to check whether there are more ghosts of foreign races.

All of the above only count the merits of beheading.

Bombing the city, breaking the pass, surrendering, etc., these cannot be accurately quantified, and these must be judged by people.

The Hundred Soldiers Tower in the military world will calculate the actions of a certain person or a certain team based on the deduction of the [Fortune Plate], judge the subsequent impact, cross-examine, and the bosses will come to a recognized opinion, and then increase or decrease the merits of each army and each person.

So the military world’s military merit judgment, in addition to beheading, has a most intuitive judgment method, and the others cannot be calculated by themselves, and have to wait for the above results.

After breaking the city, Zhao Xing stopped after beheading six seventh-grade.

Beheading a seventh-grade is only one thousand to four thousand points.

As for beheading an eighth-grade, it is only one hundred to four hundred points.

Master Zhao was used to seeing large amounts, and he disdained to argue with his brothers about these small amounts. After cutting off six seventh-grade heads, he stopped chasing.

There were too many people on his side, and more than 100,000 people rushed through the city to cut off heads, while the defenders of Huolong Pass were only 40,000 or 50,000 at most, which was not enough to share.

Zhao Xing did not cut off the eighth and ninth grades, because in this case, the high-grade killing the low-grade was considered to be competing with the soldiers for merit, and the military merit judgment given by the military world would be greatly discounted, and even the extreme auditors would not give the merit directly.

In addition, the soldiers would also be dissatisfied.

It was a thankless effort.

"My military merits were still the three things of stealing the Earth Fire Lotus, planting the Earth Fire Lotus, and blowing up Yuanyue City. These alone are not small."

Zhao Xing washed his face and ordered two walking straw men to carry him back leisurely.

At this time, Liao Rulong, Wen Shaoyang, Xia Jing, and Jiang Ming had all ordered the troops to withdraw, and only a small number of teams were still chasing forward.

It was not purely for the purpose of chasing, but to inquire about the situation in the plains inside the pass while chasing, in preparation for going to the Qinggang war zone.

Now the commander-level generals were summoned to inquire one by one, and then some merits that could not be directly calculated were recorded.

In the marching hall, there was a joyous atmosphere, and when people gathered almost.

Liao Rulong began to ask questions and calculate the "war merit points" one by one:

"In this battle, our troops took the lead in climbing the South City Pass, and we should be the first to break the city!"

"I wonder if the brothers of the friendly army have any opinions?"

Xia Jing and Jiang Ming shook their heads and said they had no opinions.

It was indeed Liao Rulong who took the lead and rushed to the South City Wall, and also attracted Yue Haisheng's suppression, but he resisted the pressure, which reduced the pressure on the pass and the North City Wall.

No one had any objection to taking this "first merit in breaking the city" battle point.

Liao Rulong nodded with satisfaction and bowed in a certain direction of the marching hall. The hall was filled with sandalwood incense, and the shadow of Yisuan Xingjun stood in the incense.

This is the mutual evidence of the generals of each army. For the commander of this level, everyone should talk about it first to see if they agree or not. Don't wait until the judgment of the military world comes down. If anyone has any opinions and asks for a review, it will be ugly.

"The defense of Huolong Pass is another military merit point."

"The city wall and the underground machine formation, the Zhenhai Army and the four lurking teams have made great contributions."

"According to our previous agreement, the time of action is the same, so these time differences will not be counted. It only depends on the effect of the damage."

"This section will be judged by Xingjun and the military world. Do you agree?" Liao Rulong asked.



Wen Shaoyang and Jiang Ming spoke first.

Xia Jing hesitated for a moment, and nodded: "Agree."

Speaking of which, he just found out that Zhao Xing blew up Yuanyue City, causing serious damage to the magic circle in the southern section of the city gate.

And Liao Rulong was very cunning. He asked Zhao Xing's troops to arrive in Huolong Pass in advance, under the pretext of "exploring the way".

This gave Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie's team more preparation time than the other three troops.

Without these two and a half days of preparation, how could he grow so many firecrackers to blow up Yuanyue City?

What made Xia Jing laugh and cry was that the traitor he had originally bribed was directly intercepted by Zhao Xing.

Originally, this guide should have been his own person!

If Pang Guangyao hadn't led Zhao Xing, it would have wasted more time just from crossing the mountain to finding Yuanyue City.

With Pang Guangyao, they could avoid the patrol team in advance and know which road was safer to march.

However, Xia Jing hesitated for a moment and did not object.

It was not that Xia Jing was broad-minded and did not care about it, but Zhao Xing had helped him many times and they had a good relationship.

If Liao Rulong did not say that Zhao Xing was in the team, and only Chen Shijie was there, Xia Jing would be furious.

As Zhao Xing said, there was no difference between joining him and joining Xia Jing. Even if he pretended to be a spy, he still had a share of the credit for buying off the spy.

The following discussions were a little more trivial, basically some disputes about the credit of the subordinates in the cooperation after breaking through the level.

For example, two commanders killed a seventh-grade at the same time in the same underground.

There was no record of the Mirage Pearl, and there was no priest carrying the Yin God statue in the surrounding teams.

The commander of the Xuanjia Army said that he killed him, and the commander of the Zhenhai Army said that he gave a fatal blow.

Although the combat merit of a mid-stage Disha Realm was only 2,000 points, it was not much in the eyes of the main generals.

But, for the people below, these merits were a lot.

Maybe this time he has made the greatest contribution.

So we have to fight for it, and we have to fight for a result.

But these have nothing to do with Zhao Xing.

He does not lead the team. After breaking the Fire Dragon Pass, he is free to act.

The merits are relatively clear.

That afternoon.

Zhao Xing's merits were refreshed.

Originally, his military merits were more than 486,000 before he went to steal the Earth Fire Lotus, which was outside the top 500 on the seventh-grade military merit list.

Now he received the reminder from the Earth Mirror and took it out immediately.

[Zhao Xing of the Divine Power Army: Rank 7]

[Military Merits: 1068421]

[Ranking on the Pacification Military Merits List: 5421]

[Ranking on the Seventh-grade Military Merits List: 69]


"It's been less than half a year since the start of the war, and I have broken through a million military merits!"

Zhao Xing smiled happily.

How could I have been so successful in my previous life?

"It really fulfilled my wish." Mr. Zhao was so moved that he almost cried.

In his previous life, his luck was terrible. In a large dungeon like Pingman, he was either fighting Babok of the Yanguang Royal Court or being killed by Liu Tianning as a transport envoy.

Now he is happy. In a few months, he has earned a million military merits.

Zhao Xing looked carefully and found that the military world had a brief description of his military merits.

"Lurking in the Fire Dragon Pass, bringing back the Earth Fire Lotus seeds, and gaining 30,000 military merits."

"Opening the volcano, leading the Sinong Camp to cultivate the fifth-level Earth Fire Lotus, and gaining 450,000 military merits."

"Bombing Yuanyue City, plus the breakthrough rewards from the Shenwei Army, a total of more than 100,000 military merits were distributed."

"I originally thought that 300,000 or 400,000 military merits would be enough, but I didn't expect to be given nearly 600,000."

After stealing the seeds back, Yu Ziqi, Chen Shijie, and Long Xiao all had about 20,000 or 30,000 military merits.

The military world doesn't look at how much risk you took, but only looks at the results.

Bringing back the third or fourth-level Earth Fire Lotus seeds can earn 20,000 or 30,000 military merits per person, which is considered a lot.

Because the Earth Fire Lotus seeds are just seeds, only the third or fourth level.

But the merits for cultivation and planting were given 450,000!

Although Dong He also participated, there were thousands of Si Nong who contributed to the planting and cultivation of the fifth-level Earth Fire Lotus.

But there is no doubt that Zhao Xing contributed the most!

It happened to be the time when the military released the task of fire-proof materials.

In addition, the fire-proof robes were effective in breaking through the Fire Dragon Pass, so Zhao Xing was given a lot of personal merits.

As for breaking through the Full Moon City, this was also a big part, and the Shenwei Army was the main force in breaking through the Fire Dragon Pass.

All in all, it was close to 600,000 merits!

You know, during this period, there was no opportunity to make great merits, except for the Shenlei Army in the west, which broke through Yang Qilin’s first line of defense, which was a great victory.

The main forces of the Xuanjia Army, the Tiger Dragon Army, the Lieyang Army, etc. in the north are still in a stalemate.

In the army of the Fire Demon Clan war zone, most people were in a window period, but Zhao Xing earned nearly 600,000 military merits.

Because of this, his ranking soared in an instant.

In the seventh-grade list, he was directly ranked 69, and the total list reached more than 5,000!

Now in the entire Pingman battlefield, there are more than 60,000 sixth-grade officials, and more than one million seventh-grade officials.

Of course, he was happy to be ranked 69th!

"As long as the military world has a phased truce, I can fulfill these military merit rewards." Zhao Xing said secretly.

What rewards can there be for a million military merits?

First of all, the title. Zhao Xing did not have any title before, but now with a million military merits, he can jump 10 levels in a row, Baron level 3, Viscount level 3, Earl level 3.

If the war ends now, he has now reached the threshold for the granting of the Marquis.

Of course, now is the lowest-level Marquis, only with food and no fiefdom.

So how many food and fiefs can a million military merits have?

According to the rules set by the military: 10 points of military merit equals 1 mu of inferior farmland.

A ninth-rank soldier who kills an armored ninth-rank foreigner can get one mu of land. (One mu of land in the Zhou Dynasty is 30 steps long and wide, about 200 square meters).

Zhao Xing now has a million military merits, so he should be able to get 100,000 mu of inferior farmland.

But in fact, the court generally does not give inferior farmland, because it is purely insulting, and the yield of inferior farmland is too low.

So it is necessary to convert.

The conversion of the three types of farmland, lower, middle, and upper, is in decimal, which means that Zhao Xing can now get a thousand mu of superior farmland, but generally it will be a reward of upper, middle, and lower, each accounting for a certain percentage.

But this is only a reward for the grant of land. If he is promoted to a marquis, he will also have a part of the fief.

According to the minimum standard of the Marquis, Zhao Xing can still have a food town for a thousand households, which means that he will find a place for you. Every year, a thousand households will farm for you in this place. The land tax paid by these thousands of households will be It all belongs to you.

As long as you don't make mistakes, the food can be hereditary and your descendants can continue to eat it.

Qianhuhou is the lowest grade of Zhou Marquis.

Now Zhao Xing has reached this minimum standard.

In addition, Zhao Xing will also be awarded San rank and Xun rank, which are even more varied. For example, Gongyi doctor, this is the eleventh level of San rank. If you get this San rank, you will be qualified to make suggestions to the state government.

If you continue to rise to the level of [Court Councilor], you can even write letters directly to the emperor and make some suggestions related to the country.

What else does it do? First, by taking the San rank, even if you sometimes have no official position, you can still upgrade and practice.

Second, we can discuss government affairs openly and honestly.

There are also many ways to improve your rank, but in the final analysis, there are two words: add money.

It will increase the salary of soldiers while they are alive. Even after they retire, their pensions will be linked to this.

Here we can take Tian Hou’s grandfather as an example.

Tian Yan's grandfather reached the highest level of a second-grade official, but his rank reached the forty-fifth level.

It is only one level lower than the highest level of 49.

His annual salary, converted into common points in the military world, reached an astonishing twelve million!

Even after retirement, he will still receive 6.34 million per year.

Tian Hou's father had lived for about two hundred years when he received this rank.

Although this rank disappeared after his death, he still accumulated an astonishing wealth while he was still alive.

Therefore, it was no joke that Lu Bang introduced Zhao Xing and said that Marquis Tian was "quite wealthy".

They are really rich, and they have serious, clean money.

Of course, in this period, even the rank is not that easy to upgrade.

There are a lot of loose ranks, and as long as you reach the fourth rank, you are basically qualified to write letters to the emperor, directly to Tianting.

There's just no real benefit.

But now that the battle is not over, these military merit rewards will not be honored immediately.

If you win the battle in the end, the various rewards will be upgraded to a higher level.

If you lose the battle, wait for the reward to be deducted.

When will it be closed?

Zhao Xing remembered that in the eighteenth year of Jingxin, there would be a periodic award.

Because this was the first time Emperor Jing considered ending mid- and low-level military training and starting a high-end war.

However, certain rewards will be honored immediately as long as the combat merit reaches a certain limit.

That is the qualification to turn into a Yin God.

"The soul of life lives in the womb, and the two souls of heaven and earth are always outside."

"If you want to turn into a Yin God, you must first take the Heavenly Soul into the temple. Otherwise, it will be difficult to summon the Soul after you die." Zhao Xing thought.

The heavenly soul is called the ‘Past Soul’. He now has millions of military exploits, and the court will send the Yin God to question him.

At that time, Zhao Xing can choose to give up the rewards of the rank and rank brought by the 'millions of battle achievements' and seek a 'posthumous name'.

"I still have to buy insurance, and the heavenly soul is useless to my cultivation. Even the intersection of the three souls of Dameng Chunqiu actually has little to do with the soul of the past, mainly the soul of 'karma'."

The soul of heaven is the mark of each person’s existence in heaven and earth.

No one can see the existence of Heavenly Soul until it reaches the first level.

Even if you want to cultivate the Earth Soul, it is a matter of the third-grade Yuan Soul realm.

Dameng Chunqiu, currently also cultivating the soul of fate, but the soul of cause and effect occasionally intersects, which can provide early warning, but the soul of heaven actually does not play much role.

Living in a temple is safer.

"In case of death, you can still summon the soul of life and the soul of earth through the sky soul, and be resurrected as a Yin god."

"You still have to buy this insurance."

The military merit assessment will end on September 20th.

Even if there are still some fragments, it has nothing to do with Zhao Xing.

The three armies were also resting at Huolong Pass.

Because Lu Yuanwei's Divine Thunder Army has not yet penetrated Yang Qilin's second line of defense, their army is not in a hurry to move westward.

Liao Rulong's tribe, Wen Shaoyang's tribe, Xia Jing's tribe, and Jiang Ming's tribe totaled 150,000 people.

This still includes the personnel in the supply city behind.

The manpower dispatched by the Golden Feather Royal Court, from various tribes and the Fire Demon Clan, guarded the Qinggang Mining Area at least four million!

Naturally, we have to wait for Lu Yuanwei to fight first.

"The fifteen armies outside are crossing the river with our Shenwei Army."

"Let's cross the river by following Lu Yuanwei, the son of luck."

Zhao Xing looked at the fifteen miscellaneous armies outside the pass and couldn't help but smile.

"What are you laughing at? Let's see!"

Xia Jing roared towards him with a broken Yuan Finger.

Zhao Xing turned around, and Xia Jing's fingertips stopped on his chest. His energy dissipated, and he bent his fingers into fists. Xia Jing hammered Zhao Xing's chest hard.

"Well, Zhao Xing, your military exploits have already exceeded one million. We are fighting in life and death, but not as many as you."

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "Thanks to Brother Xia for taking care of me."

"You actually used my name to recruit people. Even if you accept people, why do you still need to swear?" Xia Jing whispered, "It makes it difficult for me to arrange other positions for Pang Guangyao now."

"You are famous," Zhao Xing said. "If I said, 'I am Zhao Xing of the Divine Power Army,' who would recognize me? They would probably turn around and leave without even knowing who I am."

"That's not my fame." Xia Jing sighed, "it's my dad's fame."

Xia Jing's military exploits amounted to more than 800,000.

This time, his spies sent back the military strategy and defense plan. Therefore, the defensive formation did not even have a decent resistance, because all the weak points were bombarded.

But even though he won, Xia Jing was obviously still a little unhappy.

Zhao Xing knew what Xia Jing was thinking, and immediately said: "Sooner or later, you will be able to surpass your father's achievements."

Xia Jing waved his hand and said, "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to surpass my father. Just don't embarrass him."

He obviously didn't want to mention this aspect, so he changed the subject and said, "It's different now. Your fame has probably spread!"

"You now have millions of military exploits and have reached the threshold of the third-class Marquis. Have you decided what reward you will get in exchange for it?"

"I plan to give up the rewards of the honorary rank and the casual rank, and seek a 'posthumous name'." Zhao Xing said.

Xia Jing nodded. This choice was not surprising.

In fact, many qualified generals will choose this.

After all, in the concept at this time, if you become a Yin god, you can truly live with the country, be worshiped by descendants for generations, and live forever in the underworld.

"If I had millions of military exploits, I would earn a spot like this." Xia Jing said, "I just don't know how much more military exploits I can earn on the way to the Qinggang Mining Area."

Zhao Xing thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry, it's enough for you to chop."

Just as they were about to chat, the token on Zhao Xing suddenly trembled.

"Zhao Xing, the transfer ship is coming soon." Liao Rulong's voice came from the token, "Hurry down."

"I'll be there soon."

Zhao Xing and Xia Jing said something and immediately flew down the wall.

The ship of the Transshipment Department is called Feilong ship.

It is a sixth-level warship. Normally, a Feilong Tower ship is ten times larger than a fifth-level Dragon Head Tower ship.

But the Transshipment Department's building ship is a specially made version, and its size is fifty times larger than the top-level fifth-level warship.

A proper 'Fat Dragon Tower Boat'.

It looks like a small city flying in the sky.

This giant didn't take the usual path, traveling directly through the ten thousand-meter strong wind layer.

When it landed, it was like a huge mountain had fallen into the pass.

The transport envoy on the Pingman battlefield is the sixth grade.

But their status is unique, and they automatically elevate themselves to the first level when they see others, which can be regarded as the same as the fifth level.

When Liao Rulong saw Lu Tingzhi, the transfer envoy, he had to bow down.

"The lower official, Liao Rulong, has met Mr. Lu."

"Captain Liao, please get up quickly." Lu Tingzhi avoided the salute and stretched out his hand to help Liao Rulong, who was bowing, and said: "You and I are both in the sixth rank, how can we distinguish between superior and inferior?"

It's good to win the battle, and fat officials like the Transportation Department are polite.

"Congratulations to Lieutenant Liao and the Shenwei Army for conquering the Fire Dragon Pass. Now you are famous in the entire Pingman battlefield."

"It's all thanks to the majesty of the imperial court that I can achieve this small feat." Liao Rulong said modestly.

However, this is indeed true. The Zhou Dynasty has always had a great advantage in weapons and equipment when it comes to fighting the Southern Barbarians.

"I heard that there was a great agricultural officer in the Shenwei Army. I wonder where Zhao Xing is?" Lu Tingzhi asked.

Liao Rulong immediately introduced Lu Tingzhi: "This is Zhao Xing, the nine-section captain of our Shenwei Army."

"I pay my respects to Mr. Lu." Zhao Xing saluted respectfully, but he was murmuring in his heart, why did he meet this person?

Lu Tingzhi lived to the early stage of Emperor Wu.

When this guy was at his most glorious, he was the transfer envoy between Pinghai Prefecture and Daoyuan Prefecture, and he was a second-grade official!

When he was involved in corruption in his previous life, this uncle was his backer.

He was also the first second-grade official killed by Liu Tianning.

"He is indeed a young talent! Please forgive me!" Lu Tingzhi looked very appreciative.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." Zhao Xing was neither humble nor arrogant, and he did not compliment Lu Tingzhi.

I had no choice before, but now I want to be a good person... Zhao Xing thought in his heart that he would never have anything to do with Lu Tingzhi in this life.

Even if there was a chance, he would also like to borrow Lu Tingzhi's head to get promoted.

A routine courtesy.

Zhao Xing followed the generals into the building boat.

The arrival of the Transportation Department is mainly to provide supplies to the three armies and exchange some needed materials.

In addition, it is Zhao Xing, a genius who has achieved millions of military exploits.

As usual, the Transportation Department was going to come and ask Zhao Xing if he wanted to redeem his quota for Yin Shen.

If you want to change, you must change as soon as possible, otherwise if you die later, you will not know where the soul is, and the cost of summoning the soul will be even greater.

"I am willing to give up the rewards of millions of military merits and rank, and seek the position of Yin God." Zhao Xing expressed his attitude.

"Okay, then just go to the Shengxing Lord Palace and pray." Lu Ting said, "There will be sacrifices to guide you on what to do."


The building is very large, and there is a palace in it, which is the Palace of the Reborn Star King.

The specifications of this palace are much higher than those of the temple in the supply city.

Inviting Zhao Xing's heavenly soul to live in the temple, at least the third-grade soul of the deceased star king must be here.

Zhao Xing abandoned all distracting thoughts and entered the palace.

A priest led him to burn incense, worship and pray.

There is not much difference from worshiping gods in ordinary times, except that there is an additional process, which requires Zhao Xing to contribute a drop of blood as a medium to invite the heavenly soul to live in the temple.

"Pfft~" This drop of blood was poured into the burning copper furnace.

"The ceremony is completed, Mr. Zhao can get up." The priest said.

Is this enough?

Zhao Xing didn't feel anything at all.

"Thank you to the true king of the past."

After bowing again, Zhao Xing stood up and left the Palace of the True Lord of the Past.

Then he checked the panel.

He found that there was indeed a record on it:

[Jingxin calendar year 17, September 20th; Tianhun lives in the temple and obtains the position of Yin God. After death, he can be transformed into the body of Yin God. ]

"Tianhun lives in the temple, insurance has been bought." Zhao Xing smiled, "Next, you can let go and do it."

He was about to get off the boat, but suddenly stopped again.


Zhao Xing turned his head in confusion and took a few steps back.

His eyes fell on a young man sweeping the floor in the "Shenbing Hall" of the Transportation Bureau.

"This face looks familiar."

Zhao Xing thought for a moment and walked into the Shenbing Hall.

At this time, there were many officials coming and going to exchange things. When they saw Zhao Xing coming in, someone immediately greeted him.

"Master Zhao, do you want to exchange for a magic weapon?"

"Just take a look." Zhao Xing pointed at the young man sweeping the floor, "The Magic Weapon Hall itself is a treasure, spotless, why would someone sweep the floor here?"

There is still one chapter of 6K, and I will see how much I have paid back based on the number of words this month at the end of the month.

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