Shennong Daojun

Chapter 167 Lord Zhao, what a great authority you have! (Additional chapter 1)

Bao Wenshan's injuries are too serious to be cured by a few pills or the Yin-Yang Self Sutra.

Although Zhao Xing can awaken Bao Wenshan's vitality, it is only a temporary solution for now.

If he wants to be cured completely, he can only take care of it slowly.

Unless Zhao Xing comprehends the [Beginning of Spring] to the fifth level of the knowledge realm and comprehends the high-level recovery method from it.

Or he can master the second level of the Yin-Yang Self Sutra, where the five elements are like silk, and can see the intricate five elements in the body, and can perform deeper conditioning.

If he can comprehend the third level and master the 'five elements particles', he can cure Bao Wenshan in a moment.

But for now, Zhao Xing can't do it.

"Lord Bao's injuries are too severe to be cured. I think the medical department of Yuncheng is in the same situation as the Sinong Supervisor." Zhao Xing thought to himself, "If Yuan Yang is here, it will be great."

"If he, the military doctor, is here, with my Yin-Yang and Benwo meridians, and supplemented with tonics, the treatment time can be greatly shortened."

Unfortunately, Yuan Yang's landing point is uncertain. At the beginning, Lao Chen could only be sure of the mechanical master Wang Ji and the priest Zhang Yi.

However, Zhao Xing checked and found that these two people did not appear on the list of officials in Yuncheng.

This is not Lao Chen's breach of trust, nor is it bad luck.

It's that the task content and progress of each profession are different.

He contacted Wang Ji and Zhang Yi through the ground mirror. At present, the two are still in the second ring of the task and have not crossed the river yet.

Zhao Xing's speed is fast. Either kill them all or knock them all down. How can it not be fast?

Although it doesn't cure the root cause, Bao Wenshan is still very excited.

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian were also very shocked, because they saw with their own eyes that Bao Wenshan had grown a lot of black hair and his blood and qi were much stronger.

"Lord Zhao is not joking, he is really capable."

"Have we really waited for the opportunity?"

"Does the court really value Yuncheng?"

"We must seize this opportunity!"

No matter how many nice words you say, it is better to do something practical.

Seeing Zhao Xing casually give Bao Wenshan four fourth-level pills, their eyes also changed.

They felt a little numb before, but now they have more hope.

This superior is not only from a big family, but also has real skills and knows how to take care of his subordinates.

Following such a person, maybe you can really get rid of the predicament of Yuncheng.

"Master Bao, go back and recuperate for three days, and come back to recuperate after three days... Don't rush to refuse, recuperation is for better completion of government affairs."

"Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, He Fengnian!"

"I am here."

Zhao Xing looked at the three people: "In the next few days, you should sort out the detailed information of Yuncheng for me, such as the disaster situation over the years, the type of natural disasters, the crops planted, the number of fields, the taxes paid, including the evaluation of the prefecture city... The more detailed the better. In addition, summarize the shortfalls of the internal treasury of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture for me."

"You go and notify each department, seven days, seven days." Zhao Xing stretched out his hand and said: "After seven days, I will check the accounts. The officials of the Junshu, Agricultural Supervision, Du Nei, Ji Tian, ​​and Wutie departments will not be held accountable for the shortfalls before their term of office. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian were startled and said quickly: "I understand."

Yuncheng is in trouble. If the upper level is in a mess, the lower level will definitely follow suit. There may be a lot of corruption.

But this is not the time to pursue.

There are extraordinary rules for employing people in extraordinary times.

Zhao Xing meant that the vacancies before the term of office would not be checked. Those who embezzled during the term of office would be given seven days to fill the vacancies. If it was really difficult to fill the vacancies, they could confess and be treated leniently.

If they refused to repent and dared to go against Mr. Zhao?

Zhao Xing did not need to say any more threats, because he himself was a threat!


Zhao Xing did not arrange additional tasks for others.

Because he still had to visit other institutions in Yuncheng.

"The third ring of tasks will definitely involve subsequent tasks. The more adequate the preparation and the better the work, the more spare energy will be available to expand the scope of influence."

"Whether it is water control or killing barbarians, I must solve the problems within Yuncheng as soon as possible, so that I can use the title of county-level county magistrate to gain greater power."

Now that the reserve officials within Shiyang Dongtian have not arrived yet, Zhao Xing has to prepare in advance. In addition, Emperor Jing is more determined than ever this time. Others may not realize it, but he is clear.

Zhao Xing now has to use every bit of power, and even try to control more forces, in order to achieve his goal.

"Maybe there will be soldiers from other caves coming over, and if we seize the opportunity, we can be one step ahead."

Zhao Xing did not rest, but simply walked around the Dushuijian, chose an official residence as his residence, and then went straight to Yuncheng Gongsi.

The third round of tasks mainly involves water control.

If there is no Gongjia magic array, mechanical equipment to assist, relying solely on manpower, and taking the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled to control, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

For example, Zhao Xing must get some of these weapons such as Guiyuan Waterwheel, Water-controlling Copper Bull, and Mountain-opening Shield Cart.


A quarter of an hour later, the Swordfish Flying Boat landed directly over the Yuncheng Tiangongfang.

"Who is it?!"

Zhao Xing's sudden landing immediately attracted interception, and the halls of Tiangongfang even emitted magic array light for defense.

He was not angry about this, but was very pleased.

It would be good if someone could stop him. The worst thing is that there is no one to stop him. How bad would that be?

"How dare you! The person in front of you is Zhao Xing, the new Du Shui Ling of Yuncheng Sinongjian!"

"Who is the chief officer of Tiangongfang? Call him out quickly to greet him!"

Long Xiao acted as a loser and shouted loudly, which resounded throughout the sky above Tiangongfang.

Within the Agricultural Supervision Bureau, Zhao Xing's attitude was relatively mild and he didn't put on any airs.

But externally, he must put on his official airs.

As the saying goes, words can deceive gentlemen, but clothes can deceive villains.

Putting on this official air can save you a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The kind of drama of going on private patrol incognito, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, and then revealing your identity, just looking for trouble for yourself, is also disgusting and completely unnecessary.

"A seventh-grade official is here?"

When the interceptor saw Zhao Xing's uniform, he suddenly panicked and immediately removed the magic circle barrier.

Someone else hurriedly reported it.

Just a stick of incense time.

Inside the workshop, fifty or sixty people came out in a dark crowd.

Looking around, they are all in the eighth grade.

Even the Ninth Grade was not qualified to greet him, so he had to wait far behind.

The leader's machine master is named Ling Yuan.

On the eighth level.

He was only one level behind Zhao Xing, but the official level was overwhelming. At this time, he had to pay homage respectfully, address him as Master Zhao, and ask Zhao Xing to come down from the sky.

Ling Yuan's eyesight was very sharp, because the warrior standing next to Zhao Xing was a sword cultivator. Although he did not wear a crown uniform, he was at least seventh grade!

It's nothing to just get the seventh-grade capital water order, but the bodyguard he carries with him is also a seventh-grade one, or is he a sword cultivator?

That’s a big deal!

The normal procedure for a seventh-grade chief official to take office is to play gongs and drums, and county officials must send out an honor guard to greet them.

When Ji Ming arrived in Gucheng, Li Wenzheng went out of the city three miles to greet him.

Officials from all departments who import goods must be present.

The Du Shui Ling can be the chief officer in a border military town, and he is not necessarily inferior to the county magistrate. It all depends on the situation on the ground.

He may not be able to cause trouble for the Yuncheng County Magistrate, but Ling Yuan, the eighth-level leader of the workshop, can definitely be manipulated.

"Ling Yuan, the lower official, led all the ministers and workers of Yuncheng Tiangongfang to pay homage to Mr. Zhao."

Seeing that Zhao Xing was unmoved, Ling Yuan paid his respects again: "Master Zhao, please come down and inspect the Tiangongfang."

Zhao Xing still said nothing.

Ling Yuan felt helpless and led the foreman to worship again:

"I don't know that Ling Yuan failed to come out of the city to greet him when the Du Shui Order arrived, so he asked Lord Zhao to punish him."

Three prayers is enough.

Zhao Xing showed off his official authority, and then asked Long Xiao to press the swordfish flying boat and land directly on the workshop square.


The magic circle of the swordfish flying boat was extinguished, and a storm was raised around it.

Landing directly inside instead of landing outside first and then walking in through the gate is the posture of raising an army to accuse someone.

Ling Yuan hurriedly ran all the way and stood under the flying boat to wait.

The other officials looked at it and felt that Mr. Zhao had such great official authority!

Seeing that the other party was so understanding, Zhao Xing no longer bothered him about his fault for not coming to greet him before, and gently returned the favor, even though the matter was revealed.

"Master Ling, you're welcome."

"It's the official who neglected his duty." Ling Yuan recognized that Zhao Xing could not afford to offend him, so he kept his attitude straight and kept bending down to speak: "Master Zhao, please go to the inner hall to rest, and allow the official to take a bath and change clothes, and then come to pay a formal visit."

"There's no need to shower and change clothes. I'm here to discuss important matters."

"Please give me your instructions, Mr. Zhao." Ling Yuan listened obediently.

"Officials below the eighth rank will do their own thing. Officials of the eighth rank who are in the workshop will all be summoned to the main hall to discuss matters." Zhao Xing gave the order unceremoniously. "If anyone is resting at home, please call them over as well. I will only wait for two quarters of an hour."

"Call them all?" Ling Yuan secretly complained in his heart. He didn't have enough control over the workshop. After all, he was only an official of the eighth rank.

Normally, he should be at the seventh rank, but now he is only at the eighth rank and concurrently serves as the workshop director, which is obviously a problem.

"Master Zhao, this may be a bit difficult to handle." Ling Yuan whispered: "Some of the workers were transferred away by Magistrate Jiao. Even if the subordinates wanted to call, it would be difficult to call them all at once."

"Hard to handle? Humph." Zhao Xing immediately expressed his dissatisfaction, and Long Xiao suddenly looked fierce.

Ling Yuan's heart trembled: "Xiaguan, please do your best."

Zhao Xing said: "Forget it, let's gather all the people you can."

"Yes." Ling Yuan immediately began to order people to notify him, and then accompanied Zhao Xing to the main hall.

He invited Zhao Xing to take a seat at the main table.

He was standing in front of the lower left plan.

Zhao Xing didn't say he could sit down, but he really didn't dare to sit down.

Several eighth-grade officials who arrived one after another could only stand and wait when they saw Ling Yuan like this.

Two quarters of an hour later.

There were only thirteen people in the Gongdian Hall, including Ling Yuan, the chief officer of the eighth rank, there were only fourteen people.

"Sure enough, it's far lower than the full number."

The number of servants needed in the workshop is very large, far more than that of the agricultural supervisor, because the agricultural supervisor can take care of a large area by one person.

But for mechanical engineers, many heavy and large pieces require the joint efforts of multiple people.

People need more. In terms of numbers, they are only one step behind the Three Divisions of Warriors.

"Is everyone here?" Zhao Xing asked.

"Everyone I can call is here." Ling Yuan said bravely.

"Then please take your seats."


Ling Yuan sat in front of the first case on the left.

"I am here today to deal with natural disaster prevention and water conservancy projects in Yuncheng."

"This is the responsibility of Tiangongfang."

In fact, this should be regarded as the joint responsibility of the Agricultural Supervisor and Tiangongfang.

But as soon as Zhao Xing opened his mouth, the matter became all about Tiangongfang.

Mainly to pave the way for the next step.

"Lord Ling, according to the county-level water conservancy regulations and agricultural machinery manufacturing regulations, do you know how many water conservancy equipment Yuncheng should have, and how many projects are used for natural disaster prevention and flood control?"

Ling Yuan stood up and said, "Lord Zhao, according to the specifications of previous years, the total number of water conservancy equipment used for farming should be more than 54,700. According to the specifications of previous years, the projects for flood control are four reservoirs, seven Pingjiang channels, and 32 dams."

Zhao Xing glanced at Ling Yuan. This man avoided the main point in his answer. He asked about the county-level regulations.

But he answered about the specifications of Yuncheng in previous years.

It sounds like the same thing, but it is completely different.

Zhao Xing immediately pointed out: "Lord Ling, I was talking about the regulations of the county, but you said the specifications of Yuncheng in previous years. Did I not explain it clearly, or did you mishear it?"

"Or do you think I'm easy to fool?"

Ling Yuan complained bitterly in his heart. Yuncheng is Yuncheng, and the county is the county. Although it has the title of county, it doesn't have so many materials. Moreover, it has been fighting for years, and it has been built and destroyed. If it is strictly followed by the regulations, everyone will be beheaded!

How do you want me to answer?

But this thing can't be explained, because Zhao Xing is using the rules and regulations to pressure people. If you really want to explain the actual situation?

He Ling Yuan offended people as soon as he opened his mouth, and criticized the inaction of the superiors.

Ling Yuan is not Bao Wenshan, he hasn't lived enough.

But if he doesn't answer Zhao Xing's question, it proves that he, the chief officer, has failed in his duty. If you look into it carefully, as he said, ten heads are not enough to be chopped off.

The new Du Shui Ling is not someone you can easily mess with... Ling Yuan's forehead was sweating.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Zhao Xing spoke up:

"Well, let's do as you said, based on the standards of Yuncheng in previous years."

Ling Yuan and the other officials just breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xing changed the subject: "Then may I ask Lord Ling and all the others, how much has been implemented based on the standards of previous years? Lord Ling, you have to think carefully before answering this time. Before I came here, I checked with the Sinong Supervisor. Zhang Zhong, Bao Wenshan and others all told me everything they knew."

Ling Yuan's heart was lifted again.

He knew he had no way out, so he stood up and bowed to Zhao Xing: "Sir, according to the specifications of Yuncheng in previous years, the actual number of water conservancy equipment used for farming is only 23,600. The projects for flood control include one reservoir, three Pingjiang channels, and twelve dams, and the rest are in disrepair."

This number is far from the number that should be repaired and built. Logically, the farming equipment and projects that should be built for the Ministry of Agriculture are not even half!

Ling Yuan was ready to accept Zhao Xing's questioning, but he didn't expect Zhao Xing to remain calm and just stretched out his hand and said: "Sir Ling, all the lords, you are talking about the minimum specifications of Yuncheng in the past ten years, and there have been no major wars in the past ten years."

"I will give you a number. If you can make up for it within three months, I will forgive you for the past."

"You have rejected me three times, and I don't want a fourth time."

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