Shennong Daojun

Chapter 166 I never thought that Mr. Zhao was so powerful? !

"Okay, let's go in first." Zhao Xing didn't get angry right away. What if there was something hidden? Wouldn't it make him, the chief officer, look very narrow-minded?

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian accompanied Zhao Xing into the Sinong Prison.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Zhao Xing frowned and looked at the sky.

Because it was snowing lightly in the sky, and it fell into the Sinong Prison.

It is said that the internal array of the Sinong Prison could not be affected by the weather, and how could the Sinongs let the snow drift in?

Zhang Zhong explained: "The Sinong Prison in Yuncheng has not been repaired for 20 years. We have limited ability and cannot determine the weather here. So what's going on outside, inside..."

Zhao Xing frowned, but didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky.


A golden light rushed up to the sky, sweeping the wind and snow all over the sky, and then flowed back to the sky.

The golden light spread, and a golden cloud quickly swallowed the surroundings and soon occupied the sky.

Then a breeze blew across the ground, and the frost on the ground quickly dissipated.

Outside the gate of Sinongjian, there was even a hint of green.

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian all trembled.

Raising his hand, the clouds swallowed the snow and the wind, and in a moment, it was the beginning of spring!

This new Lord Zhao is very strong!

"Go in."


The three of them became more respectful and followed Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing knew the organizational structure of the Sinongjian at various levels.

This was his first time to come to Yuncheng Sinongjian, but he seemed to have been here countless times and quickly found his place.

Dushui Palace.

He was the Dushuiling, and this was his office.

In Sinongjian, the one with the highest official position was the most important institution.

Zhao Xing was the Dushuiling of the seventh rank, so Dushuijian also had the largest and most buildings.

Zhang Zhong was the inner governor of the capital, a direct subordinate of Zhao Xing, and was also in charge of water control, but he was only of the eighth rank. It was supposed that there should be at least three assistants, one of the eighth rank and two of the eighth rank.

However, after entering the Dushuijian, only a dozen ninth-rank Si Nong were taking over.

The agricultural supervisor Jiang Xi was in charge of farming, but he was of the eighth rank.

He Fengnian, the governor of the transport system, was in charge of transporting money and grain, and transported the collected tax grain to the city. He was of the eighth rank.

The official positions and strengths of the three people were very ordinary, and Zhao Xing could see it at a glance.

Only Jiang Xi had some foundation.

Arriving at the inner hall, Zhao Xing sat on the main seat of the hall, and Long Xiao accompanied him with a sword.

The three people below followed the procedure and formally paid their respects to Zhao Xing.

But Zhao Xing was slow to call them up.

Master Zhao was really angry.

It took at least a quarter of an hour from the time he walked to the gate to the Dushuijian.

At this time, it is impossible to say "busy official duties" or "no notice" to get away with it.

But until now, no one has come.

"My three lords, the administrative specifications of Yuncheng Sinongjian are lower-level counties. In addition to this official of the seventh rank, there should be 66 eighth-rank Sinong officials in each department."

"It is six o'clock in the morning, and there should be 33 eighth-rank officials on duty during the day."

"Even if the official duties are busy today and everyone goes out to work, according to the regulations, at least nine of the 33 people should be stationed in the prison."

"Except for the three of you, where are the others?"

"You can't tell me that they all went out to work?"

Zhao Xing's perception is so sharp that after the beginning of spring, when the cloud method was used, he immediately sensed that there were no other eighth-rank officials in Sinongjian.

Either these people are late for work, lazy and corrupt, which is usually the case.

Or they know that I am coming and deliberately don't see me to show me a warning.

No matter what the situation was, Mr. Zhao couldn't be happy.

The atmosphere in the hall became a little depressing, and Zhang Zhong, the chief eunuch, buried his head even lower.

"My Lord, according to the regulations, there should indeed be 66 eighth-rank Sinong officers in Yuncheng Sinong."

"However, a group of them were transferred last month, including the previous chief officer, so there are only 21 actual officials in Yuncheng Sinong."

"Twelve during the day, nine at night, and four of them are stationed in the prison."

"The rest of the people will lead teams to various towns to inspect the weather and location."

Zhao Xing almost laughed out of anger after hearing this.

Before, he was afraid that someone would hold him back, but now, there is no one who holds him back.

"Three lords, please don't be polite, sit down and talk."

The situation was different from what he imagined, and Zhao Xing couldn't vent his anger on these three people, so he asked Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian to take their seats.

"You said there are four permanent officers in the black and white shifts, so where is the other one?"

Zhao Xing remembered that there seemed to be a loophole in the three people's words, and asked immediately.

Before Zhang Zhong could reply, a trembling voice sounded outside the hall.

"I, your subordinate Bao Wenshan, request to see Lord Zhao."

Zhao Xing looked closely and saw a white-haired old man on the steps outside, leaning on a staff and saluting. He looked like he was about to die.

Zhang Zhong whispered, "Sir, Bao Wenshan is the fourth person."

Zhao Xing: "..."

After Bao Wenshan entered the hall, Zhao Xing stared at the old man for a long time without saying a word.

He was really too happy too early.

The current situation in Yuncheng is that the old are old, the weak are weak, and the dead are gone.

The third ring mission of the military world gave me a seventh-rank official, but I feel like I am a pure Si Nong!

This seventh-rank official is not only temporary, but also severely chopped off.

How can I do things when I have less than one-third of the full staff?

Wouldn't that make me exhausted?

Seeing that Zhao Xing didn't speak for a long time, Bao Wenshan bowed and said, "Your Excellency has come from afar. I am sorry for not welcoming you. Please punish me."

What punishment do you want to punish? Please sit down.

Zhao Xing didn't care at all. He asked Bao Wenshan to take a seat. This man was almost going to die of old age in office. I don't know how long he has been here.

The military world did not give a specific explanation of the intelligence compiled on Yuncheng, so the difficulty should be here.

I just don't know if there will be more people coming.

They should be, right?

In any case, since we are here, we should make the best of it. Zhao Xing quickly adjusted his mentality and continued to ask about the situation in Yuncheng.

Since the military world did not report the situation, these were what he needed to take the initiative to understand, which was part of the test.

First, ask about people.

"Zhang Zhong, do you know why there is such a large-scale transfer?"

Zhang Zhong hesitated for a moment, and Bao Wenshan next to him spoke first: "Sir, let me tell you."

"Okay, then you tell me."

Bao Wenshan said: "It's not this large-scale transfer, but Yuncheng has always been underpopulated over the years."

"Why is it so?"

Bao Wenshan said: "Yuncheng is located in the border city of Jiutian Yingyuan Prefecture. For two hundred years, it has been frequently harassed by foreign races."

"I have been an official here for 136 years, and Yuncheng has been invaded by foreign races for a total of 1,452 times."

"Twenty-five of them, Yuncheng was completely occupied and fell into the hands of foreign races."

"Years of war and chaos, long-term defense will inevitably lead to loss, resulting in the Sinong Supervisor being understaffed."

Zhao Xing frowned slightly, he understood why Bao Wenshan said it instead of Zhang Zhong, only this person no longer expected any future, and it didn't matter what he said.

What Bao Wenshan meant was that the higher-ups didn't care about the situation, and thought that it was hard to defend, so they just left it alone.

Anyway, it was impossible for the foreigners to stay here, so they would just run away when they attacked, and then send people to govern and retake it after they left.

As for why this happened, there were many reasons, but in the final analysis, there was no interest drive.

It was the right thing to do if you defended well, and there was no reward for merit. If you didn't defend well, the punishment was not severe, because it had always been like this.

Emperor Jing didn't start a war before, and was busy dealing with the aristocratic families. The upper level was light and the lower level was slow, so who dared to start a border conflict without authorization?

So the atmosphere in this land was: I would rather do nothing than make mistakes.

"Over time, no one wanted to come to Yuncheng to be an official, and being assigned to a border city was regarded as a kind of exile."

"Even if they came, they would think of ways to find connections to transfer away."

"It would be better to be demoted one level, or even two levels, and transferred to another place, than to be an official here."

Zhao Xing waved his hand and interrupted Bao Wenshan.

It is enough to know the situation. The next thing to say is that he, as a superior, is complaining with his subordinates. Don't say anything that is not conducive to unity.

Seeing this, Bao Wenshan stopped talking.

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian looked dim.

"Don't worry, everyone. From today, Yuncheng will be different."

Bao Wenshan is not afraid of death: "I dare to ask, how is it different?"

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "Because the court will pay attention to this place, you may not know that this place will become an important town! Not only that, the court will continue to march south and expand the territory!"

"By then, Yuncheng will no longer be a border town, and you don't have to worry about your own safety and future all the time."

The pie that Zhao Xing drew really worked.

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian's eyes suddenly flashed with hope: "Are you serious, sir?"

Zhao Xing winked at Long Xiao.

The latter immediately understood: "How can it be false? Do you know who the Du Shui Ling in front of you is?"

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian stretched their necks to wait for the next words.

Long Xiao whetted his appetite and said after a moment of silence: "Lord Zhao, now only 21 years old, is the youngest and most talented military minister in Shiyang Dongtian!"

"Shiyang Dongtian, what is that place? The most elite military stationed in the entire Great Zhou!"

"Lord Zhao is a military minister who stood out from millions of people!"

"You just saw that he just waved his hand lightly and changed the celestial phenomena in Yuncheng. Can you do it?"

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian shook their heads.

Long Xiao said proudly: "And this is just the tip of the iceberg of Lord Zhao's strength. You should know how difficult it is to train a military minister, not to mention the rare genius among the military ministers. How could the court transfer him here to be exiled?"

Long Xiao patted the bamboo box with his palm and opened a corner.

The treasure was revealed.

"Look, the treasures given to Lord Zhao by the court are all top-grade, and there are also seventh-grade exotic beasts accompanying him."

"If he was exiled, how could he have such treatment?"

"So you can rest assured!"

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian were immediately shocked.

I never thought that Lord Zhao was so powerful!

But Bao Wenshan didn't see Zhao Xing cast a spell before, so he didn't understand how powerful Zhao Xing was.

Zhao Xing glanced at Long Xiao.

He was embarrassed by Long Xiao's boasting.

I just asked you to cooperate, but I didn't expect you to be so boastful.

It seems that I used to do this with Lao Chen?

After Long Xiao finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Zhao Xing, meaning that it was my turn.

Zhao Xing understood everything, and immediately took over the conversation and said: "The person next to me is Long Xiao, the brave lieutenant of the Shenwei Army, who is a seventh-rank official!"

"And Master Long is also a sword cultivator!"

"Sword cultivator is the best among warriors. It can be practiced by very few people. Even if you don't know me, you should know the strength of sword cultivator at the seventh level."

"It turns out to be the brave captain."

"The official has met Lord Long!"


Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian quickly stood up and saluted.

Long Xiao was very happy in his heart, but Zhao Xing was still a bit confused. I have boasted about you so much, but you just said two or three sentences to me. Why didn't you mention that I killed more than a dozen Xuanxuan with one sword in Gucheng? What about the feats of the Heavenly Demon?

Zhao Xingdao: "Now that the opportunity is in front of you, all you need to do is work hard. Your perseverance will be seen by the court and my officials. You must not slack off and miss this opportunity."

"Please follow your instructions."

Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, He Fengnian and Bao Wenshan quickly stood up and saluted again.

Zhao Xing looked at Bao Wenshan and said, "Mr. Bao, I think you have an internal problem, but have you been injured before?"

Bowen Shan said: "My lord, you have good eyesight. I have indeed been injured in the previous battle, but you don't have to worry. I can still fight for the people of Yuncheng for another ten years!"

Zhao Xing stood up from his seat and walked down the steps step by step: "Master Bao, please unbutton your clothes and let me take a closer look."

"I'm afraid it will stain your eyes."

"It doesn't matter."

Bowenshan then took off his shirt.

Zhao Xing couldn't help but be moved after seeing it.

Bowen Shan's body is covered with numerous wounds and scars. It stands to reason that even if the eighth-grade Sinong's physical body is not comparable to that of a martial artist, his recovery ability is not bad.

Normally, an eighth-grade Sinong can remain in a relatively healthy state even until death.

But Bao Wenshan, because he had been a farmer in Yuncheng for more than a hundred years, experienced various battles, and was injured countless times.

Because there is no reward for losing a city, but a punishment, and there is no credit for defending it, so every time he fights, he can't get any precious supplements to repair it.

Therefore, by now, the internal Qi of the five elements is close to the state of exhaustion, and its internal organs are even semi-depleted.

If it weren't for the fact that he was holding an eighth-grade official position in the imperial court, Bao Wenshan would have been dead long ago.

"Long Xiao, take out two Yuan Yuan Pills and Five Zang Pills from the asparagus box."

"Okay." Long Xiao immediately patted the asparagus box, and four fourth-level low-grade elixirs flew out.

Bao Wenshan was horrified and held Zhao Xing's wrist: "Sir, I can't help it. How can this old man be worthy of such a precious elixir!"

Zhao Xing grabbed Bao Wenshan's hand instead, feeling a little complicated. This old farmer reminded him of Xue Wenzhong, who also worked hard all his life, but failed to get the treatment he deserved.

However, Bowen Mountain is even worse than Xue Wenzhong, who has been here for more than a hundred years.

"Master Bao, you are totally worth it." Zhao Xing held his rough arm tightly, and his vitality entered Bao Wenshan's body, using the yin and yang meridians to regulate the energy in Bao Wenshan's body, "Don't mention these small pills. Medicine is more than enough, and you deserve it, trust me.”

"Sir." Bowen Shan's lips were trembling, with tears in his eyes. "I am very satisfied with what you said, sir. There is no need for you to waste precious elixirs."

"How can this be done?" Zhao Xing smiled and said, "You have rich experience, and I am counting on you to help me manage Yuncheng. Just think that I am selfish and these pills are trying to bribe you."

Bowen Shan was stunned, and a smile appeared on his wrinkled face: "Okay, I will accept your bribe."

Then he opened his mouth, swallowed the elixir, and combined with Zhao Xing's vitality regulation, his vitality increased visibly to the naked eye.

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