Shennong Daojun

Chapter 120 Angry Zuo Zizhi! Five Suns in the Sky! (3,000 monthly tickets plus the fourth update)

"Only two hundred people are left?"

Everyone felt the difficulty of the four courtyards.

You know, there are more than ten thousand people in the reserve!

Only two hundred people can enter the four courtyards?

One in fifty!

The reserve has already been screened by the nine garrisons.

"It's difficult, but the difficulty means that after passing, you will get more resources."

"Only two hundred are left from five hundred. This fourth level will eliminate sixty percent."

"I don't know what the content of this fourth level is."

Up to now, many people are unsure.

Getting good results in the front does not mean that you can get good results in the back.

Because the content of the test is different.

"Let's take it one step at a time. Han Bing dropped to more than 80 in the third level. It seems that his thunder method is a bit weak." Zhao Xing said secretly.

The military and agricultural departments all require more comprehensiveness to cope with various combat environments.

Being strong in a single item is not strong, being strong in all aspects is really strong!

After putting down the more than two hundred eliminated people, the building ship continued to set off and headed to the next location.

At this time, the deck was quiet, everyone stayed alone, and took the time to recover their vitality.

The Sinongjian did not issue any elixirs or recovery items for this branch test, and it was forbidden to bring them by yourself. You must rely on yourself to gather your essence to absorb the essence of heaven and earth.

Zhao Xing suffered a little in the level of gathering essence, so he had no time to chat, and seized every minute to recover.


After the building ship flew over a cloud, the light suddenly became brighter, even a little dazzling.

Zhao Xing couldn't help but cover his eyebrows with his hands, and then opened his eyes.

"Fuck, five suns in the sky?!"

"Where are we flying to?"

"Different areas of the Ten Sun Cave Heaven can see different weather conditions. Five suns in the sky, is it the environment for the fourth level test?"

"I feel a little hot through the magic circle of the Yunyu Building Ship. If I really want to go out, what will happen?"

"Coming to the Ten Sun Cave Heaven is really like a knife stabbing my butt, it's really eye-opening!"


The building ship slowly stopped in the air, but it did not descend.

At the same time, there were several clouds surrounding the building ship, which looked a bit strange.

Zhao Xing vaguely guessed that the fourth level of the test was held in the air.

"Five suns are in the sky, and it is almost noon now. One sun is in the center and four suns are in the four directions. Although it is not completely in the right position, the heat is almost at its peak."

"Wind, thunder, and clouds are all tested. Now it will not rain in the environment of five suns in the sky, right?"

Zhao Xing guessed, and the others also vaguely guessed.

Then the building ship released a small floating cloud flying boat and hovered beside the building ship.

"Sure enough, it is not going to land. The place of the test is in the air."

Zhao Xing stood by the boat and looked down.

The current height from the ground is about one thousand meters.

The ground is very dry, a complete wasteland, and even grass is rare.

Not only that, there seem to be some black spots on the ground. Zhao Xing used his keen observation to check, and then retracted his gaze thoughtfully.

He looked at the surrounding environment again.

There were clouds looming in the sky where the ship was staying, but with the appearance of these five suns, these clouds were also rising and evaporating.

But there were a few clouds that evaporated very slowly, as if foreshadowing something.

The ship had been stopped for a while, and Zuo Zizhi was still reluctant to come out to announce the rules.

Zhao Xing had a flash of inspiration, and tentatively stretched his hand out of the side of the ship, and found that there was no barrier blocking it.

So he no longer hesitated, and quickly jumped out of the ship and took off with the wind.

"Huh? What did he jump out for?" Zhuo Li looked at Zhao Xing's actions in confusion, "Didn't the magic circle barrier stop him?"

"It was Zhao Xing, he jumped out of the ship."

"Huh? The magic circle barrier was opened?"

"Now you don't say the test has started."

"But you don't say you can't leave the ship... Damn, I understand!"

Many people immediately followed suit and jumped out of the ship.

Shi Yong, Zhuang Ziqing, Feng Qiu, Guan Junyang, Hua Zhilin, Han Bing... also started to act.

Zuo Zizhi and Lu Bang, who had been reluctant to leave the cabin, laughed at the scene outside.

"They reacted."

"Humph, these guys are not too stupid."

Lu Bang pointed outside and said, "This Zhao Xing has a really good brain. He was the first to react. His grasp of the timing is really a qualified military minister."

Not only Lu Bang praised, but also the four responsible persons of Tianshiyuan on the upper floor were quietly looking down.

"Zhao Xing's reaction is fast. He is the first person to guess the content of the fourth level."

"Yes, this boy is quite smart. After feeling that the building ship has stayed for too long, he immediately took out the cloud rain beads to collect the clouds in the air."

"Humph, there are still more than a hundred people hesitating on the deck. It's really stupid!"

There are good performances and bad performances.

At this time, there are still more than a hundred people who stayed on the deck and did not fly out. They just quietly watched the messy flight in the air outside.

They wanted to wait and see if they would be forbidden by the people on the ship and what the consequences would be.

"Faced with a new and harsh environment, they were indifferent."

"The five suns were in the sky, clouds were rising, and water was extremely scarce. At this time, collecting rainwater should be the first reaction of the military minister!"

"From the beginning, we banned bringing other supply elixirs and treasures, but we did not ban bringing cloud and rain beads. There are still many people who have not noticed this detail."

The four people in charge of Tenshiyuan were extremely dissatisfied with the people who stayed on the deck.

One floor downstairs, Zuo Zizhi looked at the people on the deck. Zuo Zizhi, who had always been relatively tolerant, his expression darkened.

He opened the door and came out to the balcony.

He asked the people below with a straight face.

"Among those who remain on the deck, please raise your hands if you have not carried Yun Yu Beads."

Zuo Zizhi's tone was as cold as a question.

There were eighteen people below, and they suddenly panicked.

He raised his hand tremblingly.

Zuo Zizhi snorted: "Eighteen of you will be eliminated directly!"

"Sir, we thought you didn't need to bring it with you. It will be issued in the assessment."

"Yes, sir, give us a chance, we just forgot."

Among the eighteen people, many people either pleaded for mercy or refuted.

Zuo Zizhi scolded harshly: "You bastard! You still have the nerve to say that? Before entering Shiyang Cave, everyone was issued a set of standard equipment."

"The golden coir raincoat, the hundred-flower bamboo hat, and the cloud-walking boots are all third-level high-grade treasures. The cloud and rain beads are even lower-grade fourth-grade treasures!"

"Every treasure can be replenished for free after it is damaged!"

"I would like to ask you, why do other treasures cost money, but only these four pieces of equipment can be replenished for free?!"

"In this test, other treasures are prohibited from being carried. Why are these four items not prohibited?"

"Because these four pieces of equipment are what you eat!"

"For Jun Sinong, the fourth-level Yun Yuzhu is everyone's meal! Maybe just a little water can keep the army waiting for rescue, or maybe a rain can turn defeat into victory for the army... Yun Yuzhu The most important of the four!"

"You even forgot to bring someone to eat with you. How can you be a farmer?"

"You still have the nerve to ask why? Om? What shame do you have?!"

It could be seen that Zuo Zizhi was really angry.

A series of questions made the eighteen people feel ashamed and they all lowered their heads.

As for the other people on the deck, they were also a little scared.

Because although they brought them, they did not go out and take action immediately. Judging from Zuo Zizhi's attitude, their performance this time should also be inferior.

Sure enough, Zuo Zizhi glanced at the other people on the deck and continued: "This test is rain!"

"The location where the building boat is parked is the hottest area in the Wuyang sky, but there are a few clouds that are fixed around it by Tianshiyuan."

"The building boat deliberately stayed for a long time to give you time to observe and to prepare for collecting rainwater."

"But I think you don't need it. You are all geniuses. You are confident enough to make rain fall in extreme environments. Well, that's great!"

The sarcasm in Zuo Zizhi's tone was completely undisguised.

At this moment, those who reacted quickly took out the Yunyu Beads and flew them out.

If there was one, then there would be two. After a while, all these people flew off the deck, leaving only the eighteen people without clouds and raindrops, standing there dullly.

Among these eighteen people, there was one who ranked higher in the previous round, ranking fifteenth.

But now it has been ruthlessly eliminated.

This lesson must be enough for him to remember for a lifetime.

Outside the building, Zhao Xing held the cloud and rain beads and absorbed the cloud energy outside the building.

Since he was the first to react, he quickly drank half of his fourth-level Yunyu Beads.

After that, the speed slowed down because many people came out to collect.

Naturally, there were only a few pieces of cloud that had been specially reserved, and so many people couldn't stand to snatch them. Soon the air became completely dry.

Zhao Xing also flew back to the building boat.

He happened to hear Zuo Zizhi's reprimand.

As for why Zhao Xing reacted first, it was purely due to years of experience in his previous life.

As for what Zuo Zizhi said, Yun Yuzhu had a great influence on the war, and he deeply believed it.

"It hasn't rained in Qishan for nine whole months, so why is it raining heavily today... The sky won't help Liu, but it will help Ercao, pff~"

"Prime Minister! Prime Minister..."

Zhao Xing made up a picture in his mind.

"Your reaction is too fast." Han Bing stood next to Zhao Xing, "You are indeed someone Chen Sinong values."

"Huh? Did you know?" Zhao Xing never mentioned his relationship with Chen Shijie to Han Bing.

"You have the letter and extra resources, and so do I. We are in the same batch." Han Bing said, "It's just that the person who selected me is another Jiujie Si Nong of the Shenwei Army, 'Huang Chengzhi'."

"Oh." Zhao Xing nodded.

A quarter and a half later, Zuo Zizhi ordered everyone to return to the deck of the ship.

Then all the assessment contents were announced.

"Everyone, take the floating cloud flying boat and go to the area where the five suns shine. The clouds and rain will last for at least a quarter of an hour."

"The duration, number of rains, and range are the basic scoring points."

"There are two machine puppets on the ground, black and white, with exactly the same strength."

"Those who break through the level can hold either black or white side. After entering the designated area, the puppets of the black and white side will immediately fight!"

"If the rain method you practice increases one's own strength and weakens the enemy's strength, points will be calculated based on the number of puppets that are enhanced or weakened."

"The first two hundred people to score will pass the level, and the rest will be eliminated."

After Zuo Zizhi finished speaking, everyone on the boat couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

If the first three levels are just difficult, then the fourth level is abnormal!

With five suns in the sky, it is already difficult to rain in such an extreme environment.

It also requires the control ability of the challenger to enhance or weaken the puppet army below?

"So those black spots are mechanical puppets." Someone suddenly realized, "But this place is a thousand meters above the ground, and the clear eye spell can only see the blurry figure. How can you take care of or kill each individual accurately?"

"Blurry is enough, black and white are still easy to distinguish." Someone said.

"You make it easy. The Bright Eyes Spell is a universal spell. The ninth grade spell can only see a thousand meters. The rain will also hinder your vision. Can you ensure that you will not be dazzled?"

"Don't think too much. Let's make it rain first. I just collected 1% of the cloud rain beads. I tried my best to control it, but I don't know if it can rain for a quarter of an hour."

"With five suns in the sky, can this rain fall to the ground?"

"Difficult! The cloud and rain spells must be controlled to the extreme, and there must not be any leakage."


No matter how everyone complained about the difficulty, the test still began.

Twenty people in a group, twenty-five floating cloud flying boats, began to fly to various places.

Each person took turns to make it rain, and immediately changed places after the previous person finished.

Everyone's initial conditions were the same.

Zhao Xing's group had less than 20 people, because 18 people were eliminated directly before.

So there were only 19 people on this boat.

Zhuo Li, Jiang He, Jiang Hai, Hua Zhilin, happened to be in this group.

There was also a familiar person to Zhao Xing.

"The first one is He Yu, the commander of the Zhenhai Army." The judge read out the first name.

"Here." The young man who read out the name was shocked.

"Let's start." The judge said lightly.


He Yu stood on the bow with a sad heart.

He had just made it to the last round.

This round should have been his strong point, but he was a little slow in collecting rainwater and didn't collect much.

So he didn't have any confidence at all.


When a person is nervous, his mentality is unbalanced, and even the clouds are deformed.

As soon as He Yu performed the cloud, his cloud layer shrank rapidly under the illumination of five suns.

Before the next step, the cloud layer collapsed, and He Yu was impotent directly.

"Puff~" Hua Zhilin covered his mouth and laughed.

"?" Zhao Xing looked at the neutral man next to him in surprise.

He Yu's mistakes did not surprise him, but what's wrong with your giggle, brother? And you covered your mouth and laughed? !

"It's really interesting. He's so impatient that he can't even control the cloud method. Don't make this mistake later." Hua Zhilin raised his eyebrows when he saw everyone looking at him.

"...Fuck!" Zhao Xing's heart was full of goose bumps, especially when he raised his eyebrows. He subconsciously retreated behind everyone.

Zhuo Li, Jiang He, and Jiang Hai beside him also frowned because Zhao Xing retreated behind them.

Even the judge couldn't help but look at Hua Zhilin.

"The rest of you are not allowed to make noise!"

Hua Zhilin pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Ah Xi... Zhao Xing felt a chill when he saw this action. He had to rely on his strong psychological quality to resist hitting people.

"Rain for me!" He Yu roared, his cloud layer trembled, and a cloud rain bead in the cloud rotated, finally squeezing out rain.

However, due to the harsh environment and He Yu's excessive nervousness, he still failed this time and didn't even get the basic points.

"Fail three times, you are eliminated, come back." The judge said lightly.

"Yes." He Yu shook his head and returned to the boat. He had failed twice before when he used the Cloud Movement. If he failed again this time, he would not have a fourth chance.

He finally fell before the fourth level.

The Cloud Movement Boat flew forward a long distance.

"Next, Jiang Hai."

Jiang Hai was called by his name, took a deep breath, and jumped onto the bow.

His cloud layer was a sword, and the Bingyun method was relatively strong in stability. After the cloud method was used, it was relatively stable.

Although it was still trembling under the illumination of the Five Suns, it was still a stable rain.

Zhao Xing noticed that the rain under Jiang Hai was also in the shape of swords.

Jiang Hai played black chess, but looking at his appearance, he didn't seem to be very satisfied with his result.

The judges quickly announced the results: "Sword Clouds and Rain, lasting for two quarters of an hour, rainfall of 45; Black side, killed 1,009 enemies, 823 self-injured."

"Final score, 276."

Jiang Hai sighed softly. In this environment, cloud and rain were already his limit.

As for the enemy below, he really couldn't control it.

The final result was indeed 1,000 enemies killed and 800 self-injured.

As for cloud and rain, it is calculated as basic points, and the time and rainfall are multiplied.

The sword rain kills the enemy increase, which is a bonus item. If it is a positive number, it is added, and if it is a negative number, it is subtracted.

So Jiang Hai's final score is 90 basic points, 186 bonus items, and a total of 276.

"Don't take the bonus if you are not sure." Someone said in his heart, "If you kill 800 enemies and lose 1,000 self-injured, all the basic points will be deducted."

"Next, Yu Zhou." The judge drove the flying boat to the next location and then called another name.

"The thunderclouds and rain lasted for two quarters of an hour, with a rainfall of thirty-six. The white player killed five hundred and forty-six enemies and suffered five hundred and forty-one casualties. Total score: 77."


"Next, Jiang Tao, total score: 155."

"Next, Jiang He... total score, 263."

"Next, Liu Ping... total score, 0!"

"Next, Zhuo Yue... total score, 425."

As time passed, some unlucky people tried their luck to get bonus points even though they had obtained the basic points. As a result, the number of enemies killed was not as good as the number of self-destructions, and even the basic points were deducted.

But soon another high scorer appeared in this group.

Zhuo Yue's performance broke Jiang Hai's record and scored 425 points.

Under the envious gazes of everyone, Zhuo Li got off the bow of the boat proudly, and glanced at Zhao Xing by the way. There was a hint of provocation in his eyes, as if he was asking: Guys from the Shenwei Army, how many points can you get?

Zhao Xing felt Zhuo Yue's eyes and smiled disapprovingly.

This man was really kicked in the head by a donkey. With his performance as Yun Fuguan, and being the first to collect rainwater, how could he still lose to you?

Soon, the flying boat headed to the next location.

The judge also called his name.

"Zhao Xing is next."

The fourth update is here! Everyone is so awesome. We already have more than 6,000 votes. We will see if we can add these 6,000 votes tomorrow.

The writing is going smoothly at the moment, because tomorrow Zhao Xing will make the choice of branch, and the subsequent training plot will become more and more interesting. So if you have good energy tomorrow, add the 6,000 votes tomorrow.

The typo was posted first and corrected later, thank you brother for your understanding!

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