Shennong Daojun

Chapter 119 Thunder Hunting, ranked ninth! (3rd update)

When Lupin pressed his hands, the cloud method test immediately entered the second stage.

Most people had no intention of dealing with others, because it was already extremely difficult to fight against Lupin's cloud method.


Everyone's cloud layer, under Lupin's pressure, quickly dropped in height.

Those whose cloud layer was less than 100 meters would be eliminated.

No one dared to be distracted, and they all used cloud methods to resist the pressure from the sky.

"Go up to the sky with thunder, go up!"

In a corner of the eastern suburbs, Yu Chunwu's face flushed red. He had just watched the battle between Li Feng and Zhao Xing, and even wanted to personally question Zhao Xing why he wanted to plot against them.

But now, there was no such idea, and he was concentrating on resisting Lupin's pressure.

Yu Chunwu was not weak, but even if he tried his best to control the thundercloud.

The cloud layer still dropped to a height of 100 meters little by little.


In the thundercloud, a wisp of cloud gas dissipated and floated towards Lupin's cloud layer at a height of 1,000 meters.

Cloud field!

Although Lupin did not use the cloud swallowing method, his cloud has formed a field, absorbing the cloud of the geniuses below bit by bit.

As one side grows, the other side declines, and the difficulty of confrontation becomes greater.

"Buzz~" The cloud layer finally couldn't resist.

Yu Chunwu felt that he was entangled by a gust of wind, and the next moment his eyes blurred.

The whole person came to the outside of the boundary monument.

"Failed the test, go to the other branches to report." A man in armor looked at Yu Chunwu indifferently, "There will be opportunities to be promoted to the four major academies in the future, no need to stick to the results for a while."

"Yes." Yu Chunwu nodded respectfully. Although he was a little unwilling, he also knew that the test was a test.

As time went on, the number of eliminated people also increased.

After two quarters of an hour, 931 people slowly became less than 800 people.

At this time, Lupin's cloud layer also pressed down from a thousand meters to a height of 700 meters.

"Still pressing down, how many people does this old Deng have to eliminate before entering the next level?"

Zhao Xing also felt the pressure.

His current cloud layer is maintained at a height of 600 meters.

After swallowing Li Feng, his height rose to 900 meters. At that time, there were only a few people at this height.

However, with Lubang's downward pressure, he had to descend.

But he still maintained the level of the first echelon.

"The number of eliminated people is still increasing, and it is already less than 800 people."

Zhao Xing glanced around, and every time a person was eliminated, he was directly moved out of the boundary monument by the wind method.

Gradually, the people standing around him became sparse.


Lubang's cloud layer pressed down further.

It suddenly dropped to a height of 500 meters!

Zhao Xing was shocked.

"The old guy has no martial ethics and is sneaking up."

"Descent of 200 meters, this is going to kill people!"

Zhao Xing cursed in his heart.

His cloud layer was almost collapsed by this old Deng.

Although it didn't collapse, it was also broken up a lot. It was an all-round crushing, and he was unable to resist at all.

After reacting, he immediately controlled the cloud layer to drop to a height of 400 meters.

The cloud was broken into pieces and then absorbed and replenished.

The rest of the people were not much better.

The cloud methods of Shi Yong, Zhuang Ziqing, Hua Zhilin, Feng Qiu, Guan Junyang and others who ranked at the top were also greatly damaged.

As for the people below, they were miserable.

The challengers who barely maintained a height of 100 meters were suddenly hit hard by such a fierce pressure.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~"

Dozens of people disappeared in the boundary monument at once.

"The test is over! Please remove the clouds and rest on the spot."

Zuo Zizhi's voice came.

The dark golden cloud field in the sky also disappeared.


The challengers breathed a sigh of relief, and some even sat down on the ground.

The pressure was too great. Lupin was at least a fifth-grade strongman. Even if so many people fought together, the pressure on each person did not decrease.

"Finally passed, I wonder how many people are left?" Zhao Xing looked up at the sky.

"In the second round of the test, 720 people passed. The rest can report to other branches to compete for the ranking in the academy."

"Those who are eliminated don't need to be discouraged. If they perform well in other branches in the future, they will have the opportunity to be promoted to the four major academies."

Zuo Zizhi's voice spread all over the country with the wind.

"Only 720 people?" Zhao Xing was secretly shocked.

It was mainly the last one.

Lu Bang suddenly launched an attack.

That wave eliminated at least 60 to 70 people.

The first stage of the second round of the test is to support the cloud and compete for control.

The second stage is to rise to a certain height. The height of the cloud layer also determines the range of casting.

The last stage tests the stability of the cloud layer.

Even if these more than 900 people are already the best of the best, more than 200 people are still eliminated after the second round.

"The selection of Jun Si Nong is really strict."

In Zhao Xing's opinion, Shiyang Dongtian's selection of Jun Si Nong is also quite strict.

"I don't know what the next test is. There are eight tests, and I have only passed two rounds."

Many people were also whispering.

"The first level is wind, the second level is cloud."

"Should the third level be thunder or rain?"

Zhao Xing rested and thought silently.

"Of the four methods of weather, cloud and wind methods are tested, so there is no reason not to test thunder and rain methods."

"It depends on how the test is conducted."

"They should all be comprehensive tests."

At the first level, the news was leaked, and at the second level, the clouds were pressing.

All are combined with actual combat.

In the third level, I'm afraid it's not as simple as comparing who has a few turns of thunder.

"It's almost done." Lu Bang stood on the flying boat and said, "Let the building ship come over."

"Aren't we going to let anyone take a break?" Zuo Zizhi asked, "This is only a quarter of an hour's rest."

"A quarter of an hour has been a long time." Lupine said indifferently, "The real war has begun, and a quarter of an hour of rest is a luxury."

"Okay, you are the chief officer, you have the final say." Zuo Zizhi had no choice but to take out the ground mirror to summon him.

"All passers-by, please board the Yunyu Tower Ship."

"You are going to the [Ten Thousand Beasts Garden] area."

"The Garden of Ten Thousand Beasts is a confined plain and hilly area. There are a large number of exotic beasts in it. The lowest is Grade 1, or is comparable to Grade 1 in some aspects. Of course, the highest is Grade 9."

"The challenge breaker will be dropped into a random area of ​​the Ten Thousand Beasts Park, and the test requirement is to kill the alien beasts."

"The test lasts for four hours, and the ranking is based on the number of monsters killed."

On the boat, Zuo Zizhi announced the rules to everyone.

Everyone listened quietly.

"You can use Sinong's standard treasures, but you are only allowed to use cloud magic and thunder magic. There is no supply."

"If you use other spells, you will be eliminated."

"If you are rescued in a life-or-death danger, you will exit the test early, based on the number of strange beasts you killed when you were rescued."

"Four hours later, the rankings will be announced, and those in the top five hundred will advance to the next test."

After Zuo Zizhi announced the rules, everyone below couldn't help but shake their heads.

More than two hundred more will be eliminated!

"For four hours, the alien beasts are comparable to top-grade ones, or directly top-grade ones, and they are only allowed to use cloud magic and thunder magic."

"The thunder method is very powerful, but without supplies, how many times can it be used?"

"Rescued in a life-or-death crisis? That means he may have been seriously injured."

"This level is very dangerous..."

Even though most of these recruits were not recruits in the true sense, their colors still changed at this time.

They are all top-grade exotic beasts, or comparable to top-grade beasts.

Also known as the Garden of Ten Thousand Beasts, there must be quite a few of them.

But at this point, no one wants to back down.

They all took the time to rest silently on the Longshoulou boat.

Not long after, the Dragon Head Tower ship flew into the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden.

Farmers can choose to jump from any location.

But within a quarter of an hour a choice must be made.

You can use other spells before landing. After landing, you are prohibited from using spells other than thunder and cloud magic.

Once used, it is considered eliminated.


Zhao Xing jumped off the Longshoulou boat.

The Xiao Jiu Gang Wind Technique is used to draw the Gang Wind from the sky to surround itself.

Compared to the time I jumped from the entrance to the Great Lake.

This time Zhao Xing was much more calm.

Soon, he landed on a wasteland covered with bushes.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the two suns were setting in the east and west respectively.


As soon as it landed, the sound of wild beasts roaring could be heard from all around.

"Swallow the clouds!"

Without saying a word, Zhao Xing immediately used the cloud swallowing method to hold up the clouds.

He did not expand the scope of the clouds, only covering a radius of 100 meters.

"Use the cloud method to sense the existence of strange beasts, and use the thunder method to kill the enemy."

After Zhao Xing held up the clouds, he quickly sensed eighteen strange beasts around him.

Apparently there are a group of social animals around.


Zhao Xing stretched out his hand, and thunder suddenly descended from the clouds, striking at the strange beast in the darkness.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

The alien beast is extremely fast and extremely difficult to lock onto.

Although the intermediate-level consummate lightning guide was powerful, the strike just now only hit half of it, and the other half was quickly approaching Zhao Xing.

"Relying solely on the method of attracting thunder consumes too much and is inefficient."

"Fortunately, I know more than one type of lightning."

"We must slow down the speed of these strange beasts, and then use lightning to attack."

Zhao Xing remained calm in the face of danger.

This level also tests the actual combat mentality, entering a strange and unknown environment, and there are so many constraints.

If you get nervous, you may only be able to exert 20% to 30% of the 100% power of your spell.

It is also possible that in times of danger and desperation, other spells are used, resulting in elimination.

"Rolling mines!"

Zhao Xing stretched out his hand and pointed, and the golden light sank into the ground.

The power of thunder was soon channeled from the earth's veins.

Translucent blue light balls floated around Zhao Xing, more than twenty in number.


Zhao Xing waved his hand, rolled the mines, and began to spread around half a meter to one meter along the ground.



The rolling land mine explodes when it hits the target. The explosion range is not small. As long as it is affected, paralysis will spread throughout the body in an instant.

Under the influence of the rolling mine, the speed of the strange beast in the darkness dropped sharply.

At this time, Zhao Xing used the thunder method again, and the efficiency was greatly improved.

In fact, there are still fish that have slipped through the net.

If you are trapped by the Thunder Chain, if you slap it with the Thunder Palm, you will basically not survive.

"Let's go to the next place."

Zhao Xing finished cleaning up the strange beasts and left quickly.

Just when Zhao Xing started to fight with the alien beasts, he was on the boat on the building.

In an attic, Youdao's figure was watching the performance of the people below through a ground mirror.

"There are eight checkpoints in the branch. The first four are set up for my Tianshi hospital."

"As long as you pass the four levels, you can enter our Tianshiyuan, and we can be the first to select people."

"Have you decided on the candidate?"

The four figures all held important positions in Tianshi Academy and were also the main figures responsible for training the new recruits of Tianshi Academy after the branch.

"Shi Yong's wind, cloud and thunder are all excellent, so he should join our Tianshi Academy."

"Well, his three methods are all top-notch, and he is very young. It has been a long time since I saw such a good seedling."

"You can give him the resources of the upper level of the A-level for training."


"Agree." "Agree"

The four nodded and had no objection to choosing Shi Yong.

"Feng Qiu is good at wind, but he didn't have a chance to show it in this test. Although his cloud method is first-class, his thunder method is average, and the efficiency is relatively slow. He has begun to lag behind. It's enough to give him the resources of the lower level of the A-level for training."

"Give him the highest level of the A-level. If he wants to choose, he can choose. If he doesn't want to, don't force him."


After discussing Feng Qiu, the four looked at the next name.

"Zhuang Ziqing is good at the magic of the Dili School. He is probably going to enter the Dili Academy. But his wind, cloud and thunder magic are also good, all of which are first-class. Do you want to fight for it?"

"You can't compete with those guys in the Dili Academy, and Zhuang Ziqing is the grandson of Meng Hou. He has already greeted the 'Tian Hou' of the Dili Academy. I guess he won't choose the Tianshi Academy."

"Skip it and take a look at Hua Zhilin and Guan Junyang of the Xuanjia Army."

"At present, he can only get the treatment of the lower class. There is nothing special. It depends on whether he can have special performance in the next level."

The four observers of the Tianshi Academy are selecting a group of people with outstanding performance. In fact, the Tianshi Academy only looks at the results of the four levels in the assessment of the branch academy.

The Dili Academy looks at the middle two levels, while the Pinghuai Academy and Taicang Academy look at the performance of the last two levels.

After the challengers reach the fourth level, there is no elimination. They will have the opportunity to participate in the tests of the next four levels, and strive for different levels of resource training based on their performance!

Soon, several people's eyes fell on the name of Zhao Xing.

"He is first-rate in cloud method, and his thunder method is also good. I have seen that he has three thunder methods that are all above the seventh level."

"But for wind method, he only knows the fourth level of the small nine-day Gang wind method. His current performance can only be treated as B-level." One person expressed his opinion.

"Not appropriate. Lu Bang once told me that Zhao Xing knows a Yin wind method, which has been nine-leveled and may even be perfect. Li Feng was tricked by him in this way, so his wind method talent is actually not weak." Another person said.

"Oh? Then I don't know, then give him the treatment of A-level?"

"He is a clerk who has been promoted to a regular employee. He is still like a blank sheet of paper. There is a lot of room for improvement. I think he can be treated as A-level resources."

"Not appropriate. Because he has no work experience, giving him A-level is almost enough."

The three people had different opinions, but soon the fourth person said: "Let's see how the fourth level performs. Anyway, it will be very fast."


Time passed in a flash, and soon four hours passed.

When the time came to the next day at the hour of Mao, the assessment of the [Wan Shou Yuan] was over and everyone boarded the ship.

Zuo Zizhi also sent the hunting rankings of the Wan Shou Yuan to all challengers through the ground mirror.

[First place: Shi Yong]

[Second place: Zhuang Ziqing]

[Third place, Guan Junyang]

[Fourth place, Lei Meng]

[Ninth place: Zhao Xing]

[Tenth place, Jiang Tianming]

[One hundred and eighty-eighth place, He Zheng]

The rankings changed a lot.

Many people exclaimed after seeing the results.

"I killed so many monsters, but I'm only ranked 385th? Damn, the ones ahead are too strong!"

"Shi Yong is still the first, how can he be so strong?"

"Zhuang Ziqing is also very powerful, and he is stable in the second place. It seems that the top two in the report test are much better than the others."

"Guan Junyang also moved up to the third place."

"The three of them are stable, but the top ten have changed, and the rest have dropped."

"Alas, I'm ranked 700th, and I'm out of the four academies."

"It's really infuriating that I know two thunder methods, each of which has reached the seventh turn, and I'm ranked more than 200."

"There are too many geniuses, all of them are ninth-grade, why are others so strong..."

Zhao Xing also browsed the ranking silently.

"Ninth, better than expected."

He has four thunder methods, [Lightning Induction], [Thunder Chain], [Thunder Palm], and [Rolling Mine].

Among them, Rolling Mine has four turns, Lightning Induction is perfect, Thunder Noose has nine turns, and Thunder Palm has eight turns!

If you know a lot of thunder methods and have a variety of attack methods, you will naturally have a high efficiency in killing monsters.

After all, there are many kinds of beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden, and a single spell may not be able to cope with all situations.

Multiple thunder spells, Yang thunder and Yin thunder, long-range, single, and range combined use, will not waste too much time on a certain beast race.

Therefore, Zhao Xing's monster killing efficiency is quite high.

He directly rushed to the ninth place!

"Compared with the previous eight people, my gap is also very small, only the gap with the first and second is larger."

The ground mirror shows that Shi Yong hunted 1534 beasts!

Zhuang Ziqing, hunted 1325 beasts!

Both of them broke 1,000, starting from Guan Junyang, who ranked third, only 921.

Then it was Zhao Xing.

His hunting number was 825.

"The landing point and the different beasts encountered can be summarized in luck. It may be a little difference in luck that led to the ranking difference."

"My luck cannot be bad, which means that there is still some gap in strength between me and the people in front of me. This gap should be due to the fact that I have not yet learned the classic secrets of the three major schools, and my Ju Yuan is only at the fifteenth level." Zhao Xing said secretly.

Ju Yuan Fifteenth level is considered relatively low. Most of the others are already Ju Yuan Nineteenth level, one level away from the eighth level of twenty. According to the ancient system, it is the ninth level of perfection, and the Great Zhou system is the ninth level.

Secondly, there is a difference between the classic secrets of the three major schools, and there is a difference between practicing and not practicing.

For example, the Yin-Yang Original Self Sutra, which practices the five elements, has a much higher speed of vitality recovery and a much higher total amount. This difference will be reflected in high-intensity combat.

Zhao Xing can reach the ninth place, and he thinks that he is lucky and encountered a monster that is easier to kill.

"He actually ranked ninth?" Jiang Hai and Jiang He looked at Zhao Xing's ranking and were a little surprised. The two brothers were both outside the top twenty this time. "He's a tough opponent!"

"Zhao Xing of the Shenwei Army, I didn't expect him to be so strong in actual combat with thunder magic." Zhuo Li also noticed Zhao Xing when he checked the rankings, "I'm only 59th, I thought I could surpass him, but I didn't expect him to be 9th."

"Interesting, he deserves to be able to defeat Li Feng." Hua Zhilin glanced at Zhao Xing, with a strange light in his eyes.

At this moment, Zuo Zizhi walked out of the pavilion and interrupted everyone's discussion.

"The top 500 have been announced, and those who are eliminated can choose to go to other branches."

"The remaining 500 people will start the fourth level test."

"Only 200 people will be left in the fourth level."

"But once you pass the test, you will no longer be eliminated in the next level, and you can choose a branch. And you will get different training treatments based on your performance..."

The third update is here, and there will be a fourth update before 1 o'clock, with an extra update for 3,000 monthly tickets.

Some brothers who have to go to work or class don't have to endure it, it's the same to get up tomorrow.

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