Shennong Daojun

Chapter 106: Leaving the Fire Temple, Borrowing the Road

"Are you anxious about waiting?" As soon as Long Xiao saw Zhao Xing, he knew why he was here.

"If I don't leave, my family will be tired of it." Zhao Xing said, "Who can be reluctant to leave for more than a month?"

I had several farewell meals with Lao Sinong.

Zhao Xing was tired of saying goodbye to his family.

You have to tell me whether you can do it or not. Waiting too long to choose a tune is not a good thing.

If there is any problem with the Shenwei Army and there is no way to transfer him, then Zhao Xing will have to prepare for the assessment of Army Sinong.

There is a fixed assessment time every year, most of which are concentrated in spring. If you miss it, you have to wait another year.

Based on Zhao Xing's situation, he felt that if he took the exam now, he might not be able to pass it, he would just miss a chance.

After all, his spell perception is already comparable to that of many old eighth-level farmers. Most of the four spells of the time and place and the spells of the right place are at the level of eight or nine, and there are only a few at rank seven.

There are even self-created spells!

Compared with the real eighth-grade, Zhao Xing is only inferior to the ranks of Juyuan and Minghun.

Long Xiao said: "The process of moving across borders is relatively slow, and you have to cross the civil and military system to be transferred, but don't worry, I guarantee it with my life, it will definitely work."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xing also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as things can be done, he doesn't mind waiting a few more days.

"Huuwu~" At this moment, a gust of wind blew outside the door.

Chen Shijie's figure appeared in the lobby.

"No need to wait."

"Leaving the day after tomorrow."

Long Xiao raised his head and looked over: "Is there any news?"

Chen Shi nodded: "Well, I just received the letter. The Marquis asked us to arrive in Xi'er County on March 2nd."

Long Xiao said: "I'm a bit pressed for time, so I can only rush through the altar of Lihuo Taoist Temple."

Chen Shijie said: "I have contacted the branch hospital in Dayuan Mansion. The Lihuo Altar will be opened the day after tomorrow. We will use the road to go to Xi'er County."

Long Xiao pointed at Zhao Xing: "What about him?"

Chen Shijie took out a document from his arms and said: "I just took your transfer order from the county government. You have been transferred to the Shenwei Army. However, according to the process, you must first complete training in the military community before you can perform your duties. ”

Zhao Xing took the document and looked at it. It was a transfer order issued by the military department: "Which cave will I go to?"

Chen Shijie said: "The Shenwei Army's cave station has been changed to another place. There are eight other armies in this cave."

The Shenwei Army ranked 587th in the last martial arts competition of the Military World Legion. They did not have a separate Dongtian garrison and had to share it with other garrison troops.

There are only eight armies, which is relatively small.

In some places, hundreds of troops share the same cave, which is so crowded just thinking about it.

But there is no way, there are more wolves and less meat.

To enjoy the exclusive land of Cave Heaven, one must be among the top 300 in the martial arts competition of the Military Legion to be eligible.

Because the cave is not only a training ground, but also has many benefits. Of course, the troops stationed there will be the first to enjoy the benefits.

"If Jinting and Danxia are no longer around, what is the name of the new cave? What's special about it and what benefits can it bring?" Long Xiao asked.

Chen Shijie said: "I don't know the details of Shiyang Cave, and the Marquis didn't mention it in detail in his letter. Anyway, it will arrive in early March, and you will know when you look at it."

Shiyang Cave Heaven?

Zhao Xing's heart moved.

Chen Shijie and Long Xiao didn't know the situation in Shiyang Cave, but he did.

"The Shiyang Cave was discovered in the tenth year of Jingxin. It is now the sixteenth year of Jingxin, which means that it has only been discovered for more than five years. It is in the early stages of development and a large amount of area has not yet been explored."

"The Divine Power Army is stationed in Shiyang Cave. I'm afraid it's not just a training ground. It also has to undertake exploration missions. I do know the location of many treasures..."

Zhao Xing controlled his emotions very well this time, and even thought about it for a moment before controlling it.

Ever since he mastered [Knowing Everything], he has paid special attention to these details. You must know that it is very terrifying for high-level experts to cast this spell. Not only can they identify lies, but they can even grasp the psychological activities of low levels.

It's just that he knows something else. If he also knows a lot about the newly developed caves like Shiyang Cave, then he can't explain it clearly.

"Then I'll go back and prepare." After Zhao Xing properly expressed his curiosity about Shiyang Cave Heaven, he left the Chen Mansion and returned to his home to prepare.

Kangpingfang, Zhao family.

"The transfer order has been issued. I will set off with Chen Shijie the day after tomorrow to Xi'er County." Zhao Xing mentioned it to his family during lunch.

"Xi'er County..." Zhao Ruide thought for a moment, "it's tens of thousands of miles away from home."

Zhao Xingdao: "Well, it's still in Pinghai Prefecture, but it's in the upper reaches of the Canglan River. The round trip is more than 40,000 miles."

At that time, Long Xiao traveled through the fire escape from the altar of Lihuo Taoist Temple, and the straight-line distance was 20,000 miles.

If it’s by land or water, it’s even further.

Now that the location of the Shenwei Army has been changed, the distance may be even further.

"Be careful with everything. If you have time, come back often." Zhao Ruide simply warned him. After all, he had said everything he wanted to say many times this month.

Everyone is calmer now.

Zhao Zheng, this little brother, was reluctant to give up from the beginning: "Brother, please don't leave, I will practice martial arts well." By now, I have become disgusted with "Brother, why don't you leave and leave me alone to practice martial arts."

"Brother, I can't bear to leave you!" Zhao Zhengdao said, "But my father said that a man has ambitions everywhere, so I will definitely miss you!"

"Stop pretending, your mouth is grinning all the way to your heels." Zhao Xing pinched his little brother's face, "Don't think you can be lazy and not practice martial arts after I leave."

"Godfather, I have hired someone from Zong Shichang. From now on, Zheng'er will go there to practice martial arts every day. You don't have to worry about it."

Zhao Ruide nodded, and Mrs. Cai opened her mouth, but finally said nothing.

Although she was reluctant to let her son suffer, she slowly changed her mind after seeing Zhao Xing's success in the past month.

Who doesn't want his son to be successful?

Only Zhao Zheng disagreed with this. "No, brother, how can you do this to me? I object!"

"Opposition is invalid, eat!"


February 25.

Chen Shijie resigned, and Xue Wenzhong took over as the chief official of Sinongjian.

Chen Shijie's mansion in Gucheng and the rest of his property were all left to Gui Niang, including the Tianyuan Pear Garden.

It was not until this time that everyone discovered that Chen Shijie had a lover in Gucheng.

But no one dared to take advantage of Tianyuan Pear Garden.

Not only because of the strict laws, but also because Chen Shijie had accumulated a lot of reputation in Gucheng in the past five years.

In addition, Chen Shijie also had connections in the county, so although his family wealth was not small, no one dared to have any bad intentions.

Of course, the most important thing was that Chen Shijie also kept the guardian straw man who had been used to protect Zhao Xing.

February 26, Mao time.

Zhao Xing carried the Wenzhu box on his back and left his home in Kangpingfang.

When he arrived at Chen's house, there was a Liuyun flying boat waiting in the training ground.

Chen Shijie controlled the Liuyun flying boat to circle Gucheng three times in the dark, and then went straight to Dayuan Mansion.

Dayuan Mansion, located in the south of Pinghai Prefecture, is also the superior institution of Nanyang County, and the Lord of the Mansion is a third-rank official.

Lihuo Daoyuan has set up a branch in the east of the city.

As one of the 72 Daoyuans of Dazhou, Lihuo Daoyuan only has a branch in the city.

Even so, the number of its branches is spread across the 19 states, and its influence can be said to radiate the entire Great Zhou.

It only took half a day to get from Gucheng to Fucheng by Liuyun Flying Boat.

After entering the city, the three went straight to the Lihuo Taoist Academy branch.

"The predecessor of Lihuo Taoist Academy was Lihuo Sect, and the ancestors were also rich and ranked ninth among the Divine Sects."

"After the old sect system was broken, Lihuo Sect surrendered to the Great Zhou, no longer regarded itself as a sect, and changed its name to Lihuo Taoist Academy."

"The great ancestor was the honorary dean of all Taoist academies, and then gradually let his descendants take up important positions in various Taoist academies."

"The current vice dean of Lihuo Taoist Academy is the royal relative 'Ji Changkong', who is the cousin of the emperor and was named King of Liyang five hundred years ago."

"The dean of this branch in Dayuan Prefecture, 'Ji Qingshan', is also a royal relative, but he is still very young, only 201 years old, and is the nephew of the emperor."

"Two hundred years old is still considered young?" Zhao Xing asked in surprise.

"Two hundred years old is indeed young for a third-grade realm." Chen Shijie explained, "If you take into account the increase in lifespan and your own level of Ju Yuan, you can live to five or six hundred years old."

"You've only lived one-third of your life, isn't that young?"

"That's true."


The Lihuo Taoist Temple covers an area of ​​more than 5,000 acres, and there are even sacred mountains and lakes in the Taoist temple.

The 72 Taoist temples in the Great Zhou Dynasty have a very unique enrollment mechanism. Most of them have Taoist child temples, which only recruit children under 10 years old.

And there will be special people patrolling around the country to find seedlings with excellent qualifications and roots.

It is divided into inner and outer courtyards, and both inner and outer courtyards have upper and lower divisions.

Those who perform well in the academies of various places can be admitted to different levels of academies for study.

In order to make the sects submit, Taizu established the system of Daoyuan taking officials. All graduates of the 72 Taoist temples can go directly to various places to serve as officials. In other words, they are guaranteed to be assigned jobs after graduation.

In the ancient sect system, the relationship between master and disciple is very deep, even more than blood relationship. "Er-disciple, er-disciple" means that the master treats the disciple like his son.

The disciple cannot betray the master and switch to another sect for life.

But in today's Taoist temples, although respect for teachers is still emphasized, the titles have changed, and there are only teachers and students.

The teacher does not have to be responsible for the personal future of the students, but only for completing the teaching tasks assigned by the court. Students do not have to learn the law of only one teacher, and there is no such thing as betraying the master.

Of course, some Taoist temples still retain some ancient customs, and there will be apprenticeship.

But as long as there is no "cleaning up the house" and killing students for disobedience, everything is done according to the laws of the Great Zhou, and the court does not care about your personal relationship.


The gate arch of Lihuo Taoist Temple is very tall and grand, and very old.

Since credentials are required for entry and exit, Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie Longxiao are waiting for someone to pick them up at the entrance.

"The teachers in the Taoist Academy are divided into five levels: Master of Hundred Arts, Master of Preaching, Doctor of Scripture, Vice Dean, and Dean."

"The Marquis knows a Doctor of Scripture in the Dayuanfu branch. He will send someone to take us in." Long Xiao introduced.

The relationship between the Shenwei Army and the Lihuo Taoist Academy seemed to be quite good. Not long after, a yellow-robed boy flew out and landed in front of the three people.

He held half a jade pendant, which was the same half as the one in Chen Shijie's hand.

"Are you two masters Long Xiao and Chen Shijie?" the yellow-robed boy asked.

"That's right."

"The teacher ordered me to take you to the Lihuo Altar." The yellow-robed boy looked at Zhao Xing: "Huh? Why is there one more person? And a cat?"

"He is also from my Shenwei Army."

"Can it withstand the True Lord's ways?" The young man in yellow robe looked at Shanmao, somewhat confused. He is just a student from the lower house, with average eyesight, unable to discern the rank of Shanmao.

"This is the exotic lynx, level eight." Chen Shijie explained simply. "Don't worry about it."

The young man in yellow robe nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Please three of you follow me."

Away from the Fire God Altar, it is in a mountain depression surrounded by five fiery red hills.

There are fire ponds everywhere in the depression.

When Zhao Xing came near the altar, he felt a sense of heat.

He was no stranger to this place.

Lihuo Altar is a brilliant teleportation circle, which also combines the escape method.

In the era of Qi Luck Dynasty, ultra-long distance teleportation from the Fire God Altar with low side effects was unique.

Other Taoist temples also have similar methods, but the side effects are ridiculous. In the era when the spiritual energy has not been revived, the price to be borne is too high. Either the cost is extremely high, or the user has a threshold, or it has strong side effects.

In comparison, the conditions for using the Lihuo Altar are very low.

If you travel by the road, however far you travel, you will travel twice as far.

After arriving at the place, you can 'return' by just counting the steps. It's not too user-friendly.

"We're here." Master Huangpao pointed to a place ahead: "Firepit No. 9 will be opened in two quarters of an hour."

"After opening it for a while, just walk in. I see this brother is bringing a cat with him. It seems like it's his first time here?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "Yes."

The young man in yellow robe said enthusiastically: "Then I would like to remind you a few more words. When taking advantage of the road, don't move around casually, and don't try to understand the way of fire. After you go out, return to the road as soon as possible. It is best to complete it within a month, otherwise it will There are some bad effects.”

"Thank you." Zhao Xing said with cupped hands.

"You're welcome." The yellow-robed mage said a few words, then said no more, silently waiting for the opening.

Zhao Xing looked around. There were several fire pits burning with red flames. From time to time, people came out of the flames and people went in. However, every time they went in and out, the flames in the fire pits would shrink a lot.

The shrinking flames draw lines and surround the user's body.

While waiting quietly, someone suddenly approached, and several people's voices were heard at the same time.

"Lord Helian, we're here. This is Fire Pond No. 9... Huh? Why is there someone there?"

Zhao Xing turned around and looked over, and saw another young man wearing a yellow robe, leading five people to the waiting area of ​​No. 9 Fire Pond.

Among the five people, two looked like they were in their early forties, wearing armor and military boots. There are three younger people, two men and one woman, only ninth grade.

Chen Shijie and Long Xiao also noticed this scene. They looked at each other and frowned slightly.

"Friend, what's the matter with you? There's already someone in the fire pit No. 9, why are you still leading here?" The young man next to Zhao Xing couldn't help but ask.

"There's no reason." The tall, thin young man opposite said in confusion, "I just checked the fire register two-quarters of an hour ago. The ninth fire pond going to Datong Mansion is vacant at the fourth quarter of the day."

"So have you registered?"

"I-I should have registered..." The face of the young man in yellow robe opposite changed.

"Impossible. If you registered in the fire register, then I couldn't have registered you a quarter of an hour ago." The young man in yellow robe on our side said, "Friend, you are too careless. Hurry up and take the distinguished guest to find the next suitable one." time."

"I'm sorry, Master Helian and Master Lei, it was my mistake." The tall and thin boy in yellow robe apologized quickly.

Helian Lie's voice was low: "The fire pit in Datong Mansion can accommodate five people. Apart from No. 9, what other vacancies are there?"

"It seems, it seems..." The tall and thin boy in yellow robe stammered, obviously not thinking very well.

Huang Pao next to Zhao Xing couldn't stand it anymore and answered for him: "There are also fire pits No. 14, No. 26 and No. 49 that can lead to Datong Mansion for five people."

Helianlie looked over: "When will it be opened?"

The young man thought for a moment and said, "The fire pit No. 14 is at Mao hour tomorrow, the Fire Pond No. 26 is at noon tomorrow, and the Fire Pond No. 49 is the day after tomorrow."

"It's too late." The man named Lei next to Helianlie shook his head and said, "After arriving at Datong Mansion, we have to travel for six hours to reach the entrance of the cave. It will miss the military schedule."

Helianlie looked at Huangpao next to him: "But there is another way, to temporarily create a passage."

The tall and lanky boy almost burst into tears: "S-Sir, this, this seems to be impossible..."

Helian Lie immediately set his sights on Long Xiao and took out a jade pendant from his arms: "My name is Helian Lie, a brave captain of the Lieyang Army. We have military orders with us and need to rush to Datong Mansion. Please Let the five of us pass first. This dragon crystal jade pendant will be used as compensation for the three of us.”

Lieyang Army? Long Xiao and Chen Shijie looked at each other.

The Lieyang Army is another garrison in Shiyang Cave Heaven, and its ranking is higher than that of the Divine Power Army.

In terms of rank, Helian Lie, the brave captain, was one level higher than them all.

This is not a coincidence, because the assembly orders issued by the military headquarters to the nine garrison troops in Shiyang Cave Sky all have the same date.

In order to avoid trouble, Chen Shijie also reported his family name: "This is Chen Shijie, the commander of the Nine Sections Army of the Shenwei Army, and next to him is Long Xiao, the captain of Yihui."

"Sorry, we also have military orders and need to rush to Datong Mansion as soon as possible."

"Heh, it turned out to be the military order of the Marquis of Boping County." The middle-aged man surnamed Lei beside him suddenly chuckled, "Is the order of the third-class Marquis of the County more important than the order of the Marquis of Wu? Does the Shenwei Army rank higher than our Lieyang Army in the military performance of the military world? I think we should go first! Our military order is more important!"

"Bullshit, isn't my military order a military order?"

A trace of anger flashed in Long Xiao's eyes, and the scabbard behind him kept shaking.

You can insult him, but you can't insult the Marquis and the Shenwei Army.

At this moment, he really wanted to draw his sword and fight this man to the death!

Chen Shijie held Long Xiao, shook his head slightly, and then said: "Please find another way, don't waste your words, otherwise it will only waste your own time."

I wrote all night, but I still haven't finished the third chapter, and my head is a little fuzzy. I will post the first two chapters of these 11,000 words. There is no way, I can only write the third chapter after waking up.

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