Shennong Daojun

Chapter 105 People also wait for changes, and laws also have rules!

"The balance of the five elements is broken, and yin and yang turn into true spirits in an instant, and the species will change."

"The fortunes of a country change in four seasons. Once a dynasty becomes an official, people will also change."

Zhao Xing opened a page of "Shangluo Benwo Jing" and suddenly saw this passage.

There are many books in the Zong Mansion. Zong Shichang doesn't like to read, but Zhao Xing likes them.

After drinking last night and knocking down Xiao Ze, Wen Nanxing and Zong Shichang, Zhao Xing stayed in the Zongfu library to read.

"Shangluo Benwo Jing", the name sounds awesome, because Shangluo is not only a place name, but also an ancient sage of farmers.

But what Zhao Xing had in his hand was actually a miscellaneous book.

It was not written by Shangluo at all. It does not involve specific magic spells, but only mentions some insights or anecdotes of the I-school of thought.

It is not uncommon for booksellers to use the reputation of saints and sages to sell books.

Zhao Xing was also deceived by the clickbait party.

Anyway, it was idle time, so Zhao Xing flipped through it casually.

I didn't expect to see such a sentence.

"The fortunes of a country change in four seasons. Once you become an official, people will also change. This is an interesting point of view."

"Due to drastic changes in weather, certain individuals within the species will undergo drastic changes."

"But this book uses egoistic thinking to explain species changes."

"It is believed that species change is due to the fact that the internal balance of the five elements within the species has been completely broken."

"Returning to the moment when yin and yang blend and give birth to the true spirit."

"As a result, the bloodline of life is completely changed." Zhao Xing read carefully.

"The book also takes officials from the Qi Luck Dynasty as an example."

"The person who compiled this book believes that the five elements of the human body are as huge as a world, and the movement of national dynasty energy into the body is just like the four seasons of solar terms operating in the five elements of the human body, and they are violently operating."

"Therefore, there is a huge gap between those who are qualified and those who are not qualified before and after becoming an official."

"It's just that the way in which the country's energy is transported into the body is controllable and is a gentle 'change in human climate'."

Zhao Xing thought about it and found that this book really has something to offer!

The ‘internal world’ mentioned in it later became real.

There is evidence even now, that is, after reaching the fiftieth level of Juyuan, a piece of "pure Yuan soil" will appear in the Dantian, which can be used to "breed the Dantian" and carry magical plants with them to fight.

But now it seems that this kind of thinking is too advanced, because no one can reach the state of turning into the world inside the body, so it is considered to be deviant and absurd.

Zhao Xing looked at the cover of the book and found that it was not signed. He smiled softly and thought that was indeed the case.

"Young Master Zong likes to collect such unorthodox books, so it is normal for them to appear in his house."

As long as you don't print and promote it privately and read the banned books yourself, you'll be fined at most.

As for the theory of climatic change mentioned in the book, whether it is the timing, location, or ego faction, there are several groups of people debating whether humans should be included in it.

Scholars who oppose the division of the human race believe that in the Nineteen States, no strong human race has experienced physical changes.

Even though there are differences in body types, they are still human in nature and cannot be called changes. Becoming stronger is caused by practicing in accordance with the way of heaven.

Scholars who support the classification of human races also have evidence to refute:

The land of the nineteen states is filled with precious treasures and heavenly flowers. It is guarded by the Qi Luck Dynasty, and the climate change produced by the human race is mild and controllable.

But in the barren land outside the Nineteen States, the alien races in the eight deserts were human when they were weak, but as they cultivated, they became less human.

Take the barbarians who pose the greatest threat to the Great Zhou as an example. Some of them will grow horns, and some will grow wings. The land outside is bitter and cold. Could it be said that they are also practicing in accordance with the way of heaven?

"The phantom I saw when I accepted the official title, the hundred-foot golden giant represents Emperor Jing. In reality, Emperor Jing can really become so tall."

"When the destiny of the country changes into the sky, the five elements within Yin and Yang, and the people will also change... I have to say that this Shangluo Book of Wo is quite reasonable."

When Zhao Xing was a player, he never thought about these theoretical things. He just slapped his head and rushed away.

Now I feel that there is some basis for the mysterious sight I saw in my previous life.

It might help him explore certain places in the future.

"In any case, the changes in ordinary people before and after they take office are indeed quite big."

Zhao Xing looked at the panel.

[Name: Zhao Xing]

[Realm: from the ninth level]

[Soul of Life: Mid-9th Grade]

[Occupation: Farmer]

[Luck: Yan San]

[Juyuan: Level 13 (557/10000)]

[Extra life: 75 years]

"The non-promotable limit disappears."

"The original extra life span was 53 years, and now it is 75 years. With this appointment, the extra life span has been increased by 22 years!"

Normally, the life expectancy of a ninth-rank official is about ten years. During Emperor Wen's time, this number was more than 10. Emperor Jing was relatively stingy, so the life expectancy of a ninth-rank official was basically less than 10 years.

Zhao Xing has doubled because he has reached the ninth level.

The foundation has been laid, so the fortune of the country has not spread much to the level.

When Zhao Xing went down the mountain before, it was 6 o'clock at the thirteenth level of Juyuan.

Before the temple exam, it was more than two hundred points for the thirteenth level. It took more than three months to grow by more than 200 points, mainly due to restrictions.

It is now at 557 points at the 13th level of Juyuan, which is an increase of less than 300 points.

The energy of the country was transported into the body, and most of it was added to [Shou Yuan], which was the result Zhao Xing wanted.

As for personal luck not increasing, it is still at the third level.

After reaching the third level of the derivative, it is quite difficult to continue to improve. Not to mention this time, even if it is promoted to the sixth level, there may not be a breakthrough.

[Primary spells (perfect):]

[Growing vigorously, moving clouds, raising wind, thunder, raining]

Without the restrictions on the level, there is no longer a vague barrier to spell comprehension. That night, Zhao Xing broke through a primary spell and completed the advancement.

The general spell of Bright Eyes disappeared from the primary spells and appeared in the middle spells.

It was replaced by [Clear Observation].

It retains the effect of the primary spells and has an additional lie detection function.

"The advanced level of Bright Eyes is called [Bright Eyes Reading Mind]. As long as you stare at someone's eyes, you can know what the other person is thinking. It works for people below your level, but it is a bit difficult for people at the same level."

The six kinds of straw man methods have not changed much, but [Five Elements Observation] has reached perfection from the seventh level.

The primary level [Earth Vein Comprehensive Element] has reached perfection from the sixth level.

After the restrictions were lifted, there was a breakthrough overnight.

Among the intermediate spells.

[Wild Growth], from the seventh turn to the ninth turn in one night.

[Lightning Induction] and [Cold Wind] were only a dozen or twenty points away from perfection, and they were also perfected after one night.

As for [Ice Rain] and [Sleepy Bug], they were already perfect at the intermediate level before the official was accepted, and there was no change this time.

The Dream Preservation Method is a soul secret method. It increases with the realm of the soul. This time, the soul did not change much and was still in the middle stage of the ninth grade.

The self-created intermediate spell, [Thunder Noose], went from the eighth turn to the ninth turn.

[Thunder Palm] went from the seventh turn to the eighth turn.

[Swallowing Clouds], [Boundless Underground Palace], [Five Elements Splitting the Earth], [Ksitigarbha Returning to the Origin·Humanity], because they were not realized for a long time, and were greatly improved through the preaching paintings, they are still in the original realm now.

They are Swallowing Clouds Eight Turns, Underground Palace Eight Turns, Splitting the Earth Seven Turns, and Ksitigarbha Six Turns.

[Level 4 treasure: Ice bead (low-grade)]

[Wind crystal earrings: Level 3 upper-grade]

[Level 6 treasure: Soul armor]

[Pet: Mountain cat (9th-grade perfection)]

[Plant: Tianyuan pear tree (growth stage)]

Since the little mountain cat came down the mountain on the autumnal equinox, it has been following Zhao Xing everywhere to eat and drink, and has reached the 9th-grade perfection, but it is still in the cub stage.

"Among the items I have, only the soul armor, ice bead, and wind crystal earrings are left."

"The blood spirit needle and blood evil bead are handed over to Lao Chen and Long Xiao to deal with."

"The Tianyuan pear tree that Chen Shijie gave me has finally reached the growth stage, but I have to leave soon." Zhao Xing looked at the bright moon outside the window, and he didn't know if he drank too much, but he actually felt a sense of melancholy.

"Gucheng is also my hometown, and I have to make good arrangements."

Unconsciously, Zhao Ruide's family has occupied a considerable position in Zhao Xing's heart.

"Brother Zong, are you awake?" The next morning, Zong Shichang opened his eyes and saw Zhao Xing standing beside him.

"Well, how long did you drink last night?"

"Not late, you all fell down at midnight."

"You can't blame me for this." Zong Shichang shook his head, "It's Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze who are not good, just tell me if I drink more than them?"


Zong Shichang nodded with satisfaction after hearing the answer, and then asked the servants to bring new clothes and help him wash.

Unexpectedly, the servant was stopped by Zhao Xing before entering the door: "I'll do it."

The servant hesitated a little, and then said: "There is still a washbasin that has not been brought..."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it."

Zhao Xing came to Zong Shichang's bedside with folded clothes and towels.

"Huh? Which bastard dared to let Brother Zhao do this?!" Zong Shichang was furious when he saw Zhao Xing doing the work of a servant.

"You and I are brothers, what's the big deal?" Zhao Xing said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite." Zong Shichang patted his face, "But there is still a basin?"

"Simple." Zhao Xing's fingertips flashed with golden light, and the clouds condensed into a basin.

"Splash~" Clear water came out of it.

"I'm not used to washing my face with cold water."

"No problem." Zhao Xing shook his wrist lightly, and the clouds in the basin flashed with thunder, and the clear water immediately heated up and emitted hot steam.

"Awesome, Brother Zhao, if you are demoted in the future, you won't starve to death if you go to Wanxianglou to be a servant."

"Brother, can you wait for me?"

"Haha." Zong Shichang buried his head in the clouds and rubbed his face, then took the towel handed by Zhao Xing and wiped it clean.

Zhao Xing also brought him a cup to rinse his mouth, and when he saw that Zong Shichang's hair was wet, he helped him dry it with wind... It was really thoughtful service.

"Brother Zhao, just say what you want to say." After Zong Shichang woke up, he also reacted to something. "As long as you don't want my life, we can discuss it."

"Brother Zong, I don't know when I can come back after I leave." Zhao Xing bowed and said solemnly, "Please take care of my family."

"What are you doing?" Zong Shichang quickly stood up and held Zhao Xing's wrist, "I will take this matter to heart even if you don't tell me."

During the Yinshen's selection stage, Zong Shichang answered that he wanted to work in his hometown, as long as it was within the scope of Nanyang County.

If it were another profession, the possibility of being agreed would be small, but the position of Si Nong was different. It would be more handy to be an official in a familiar environment. At least during the period of the ninth-rank official, it was very likely that he would be agreed to stay in his hometown.

For example, the old Si Nong was a native of Gucheng and had been working there for decades.

Zhao Xing thought about it and realized that only Zong Shichang had the ability to take care of his family. The others were either incapable or untrustworthy.

"Don't worry." Zong Shichang held Zhao Xing's wrist tightly, "Your family is my family. If they have any problems, you can use my head as a urinal!"

Zhao Xing used [Observe the Autumn Details], stared into Zong Shichang's eyes, and then stood up.

He did these things just now for nothing. If Lao Zong was hesitant in the future, he would think of the scene of him carrying a basin and delivering clothes to him today, which would add some chips of friendship in his heart.

Zhao Xing also made a promise: "Brother Zong, if you encounter any major events in the future, remember to write to inform me. Just delay it, and I will definitely help you as quickly as possible."

Zong Shichang laughed and said, "What major events can I have? If there is, I will call you back to drink, preferably to drink the wedding wine of me and Miss Liu, hehe."

"Hahaha, good! I will wait for your good news in the Shenwei Army."

The temple examination starts on the day of the beginning of spring and takes a total of six days.

By February 11, some people in Gucheng had been selected to serve in other places.

On February 13, Shen Zhui hosted a banquet for Zhao Xing and his friends in Wusi, because his selection also had a result, and he would leave on the 15th to go to the destination to serve.

"There are only three options for warriors. One is to be a police officer, in charge of prison inspections; the second is to be a patrol inspector, in charge of local public security; the third is to join the army and expand the country's territory."

"I wanted to join the army, but I was worried about my mother at home. I couldn't come and go freely after joining the army, and I didn't have time to visit her, so I chose to join the patrol inspection office."

"The temple issued my transfer order, ordering me to serve in the patrol inspection office of Sanjiao County. It takes one month by land and fifteen days by water. If there is an emergency, I can return by flying boat, which only takes five days, not too far."

"Brother Zhao, you have great ambitions. You will definitely make a difference when you join the army. With this glass of wine, I wish you a rapid rise in the army and be appointed as a general!" Shen Zhui raised the glass.

"Take care, Brother Shen." The two clinked their glasses together and drank it all.

On February 16 and February 17, Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze also left one after another.

On February 18, it rained.

The river broke the ice, the wild geese returned north, and the grass and trees sprouted.

Zong Shichang got what he wanted and was directly appointed as the assistant supervisor of the Gucheng Sinong. There were already three vacancies here, and now he is considered to be a colleague with his teacher Gao Linong.

On February 21, Lu Qian and Liu Muqing came to visit the Zong Mansion, but Zhao Xing did not attend. Lu Qian regretted it because she and Liu Muqing were leaving tomorrow to go to Tianyin Taoist Temple, but Zhao Xing went to Xiangshan in Lin County with his family. Lu Qian had to leave a letter for Zong Shichang to pass on.

On February 23, Zhao Xing accompanied Zhao Ruide, Zhao Zheng, and Mrs. Cai back from Xiangshan.

On that day, he broke through to the lower level of the ninth rank (late stage of the Ju Yuan realm in the ancient system)

"My spell level is sufficient. When Ju Yuan reaches the fifteenth level, it will naturally be judged as the lower level of the ninth rank."

"With my current spell perception, there is no shackle to the eighth rank Lingqiao realm. The only thing missing is the realm of the physical body, that is, the level of Ju Yuan."

Zhao Xing's current perception of Tao and law is to exceed the ordinary ninth rank standard. The only thing missing is the physical body Ju Yuan.

In fact, the speed of the physical body Ju Yuan is not slow, but it is slower than the perception of Taoism.

After the subtle transformation of the 'Dao Embryo Pill', he also got a lot of Yuan Fa Lingxiu and used the preaching paintings... In terms of the level of perception of Taoism, Zhao Xing is comparable to many old eighth rank officials.

As long as the level of the physical body Ju Yuan is up, there is no bottleneck for his promotion, at least there is no bottleneck at the eighth rank.

"Si Nong is slower than warriors in this regard. I have already reached the fifteenth level of Ju Yuan. In Gucheng, I have used all the methods I can think of. It is already very fast. If you want to be faster, you can only go to the army."

"I don't know when Lao Chen will have news. I have been waiting for more than half a month and I am still being selected."

There is no news, so I can't just wait.

Zhao Xing walked towards the temple.

Now he is an official official and can practice Si Nong's classic secrets such as "Solar Terms Order", "Growth Chart of All Things", and "Hou Tu Gui Yuan".

In the temple, Zhao Xing sat cross-legged.

The twenty-four visualization pictures of "Solar Terms Order" flowed through his mind.

"Beginning to make the curtain of heaven and earth, writing spring, summer, autumn and winter. The mystery of Tianshi School is all in these twenty-four solar terms."

Among the twenty-four visualization pictures, the clearest one in my mind is [Rain Water], followed by [Beginning of Spring]

Because it is the Rain Water solar term now, and the Beginning of Spring is the beginning of practicing the Solar Terms Order.

"There are different changes when you visualize the solar term map at different times."

"Each solar term map has three levels: knowing, determining, and changing."

"Knowing the solar term, determining the solar term, and changing the solar term." Zhao Xing felt that a simple rain picture was full of infinite mysteries.

"The first level is knowing. You can comprehend the relevant magic from the solar term map."

"The second level is determining. When you comprehend enough magic, you gradually look inward at the solar term map, and it no longer changes with the time. It is the same no matter when you look at it, because you have enough understanding, and you have reached the level of 'determination'. It is considered to be a preliminary mastery of the solar term, and you can give orders to the world."

"The third level is changing. The solar term changes as you wish. The mountain is still a mountain, but you are no longer bound by the form, and you have achieved true comprehension."

"If all of the twenty-four solar terms diagrams have reached the third level, if they are fully understood and integrated, they will surely enter the first level and become a great farmer!"

Zhao Xing tried to understand the [Rainwater] diagram. His [Icy Rain] spell was at full level. Based on this, he visualized the [Rainwater] diagram, and many mysteries suddenly came to his mind.

But every time when something seems to be gained, the rain map in front of me becomes blurry, and the aura disappears completely.

"Huh? What's going on?" Zhao Xing opened his eyes, full of doubts.

It clearly felt like he was about to comprehend a spell, but it was suddenly interrupted at the critical moment.

Why does this happen?

He walked to the temple platform, picked up a piece of yellow paper, and wrote down his doubts. Then he stood up and walked to the statue of the True King, lit three incense sticks, and burned the yellow paper.

As an official official of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Zhao Xing could use this method in the temple to ask the True Lord to help him solve his doubts.

The difference between officials and officials is here. Officials can only receive spells, and any spell they get is somewhat random, and they have to learn it on their own later.

Formal officials can ask the True Lord to clarify their doubts. Of course, it must be a True Lord who has taught the Dharma many times before. Yinshen who have not taught the Dharma before will generally ignore you.

After a while, the statue of Caoxi came to life and turned into an image of an old farmer wearing linen clothes.

"Meet the True Lord." Zhao Xing held his hand.

"The problem is not your own." Cao Xi held a piece of yellow paper in his hand, which was exactly the one Zhao Xing threw into the incense burner just now, with his confusion written on it.

Is it not because of myself? Where does that come from?

"Please tell me, Zhenjun." Zhao Xing humbly asked for advice.

"You use the [Icy Rain] method to study the rain map, and all you understand is the method of killing. If you are not a military farmer, if you study the rain map, you will automatically hide those spells with high lethality." Cao Xi explained, " So your inability to truly realize it is not your own problem.”

Zhao Xing nodded: "Then why could I withstand the dark wind and ice rain before?"

Cao Xi smiled and said: "You were just a small official before. You could not gather energy at the third level, and the energy in your body was no more than a trickle. Zhongxian Colonel Zheng Lun told you that the wind, thunder, and ice rain were caused by chance. He sensed it What you want in your heart, and I see that you are quite talented in warfare, so there is no harm in passing it on to you."

"Now that you have reached the ninth level, many intermediate-level spells have been perfected, and the vitality in your body is already rushing. If you don't become an army farmer, it will be impossible for you to realize more powerful methods."

Zhao Xing suddenly realized that this was like a county-level inspection department. The standard third-level crossbow armor for warriors was enough.

If you catch a thief, you can't fire the God-Destroying Cannon, right?

Treasures have standard specifications, and different responsibilities and positions require different equipment. For example, in the important town of Beihai, county-level farmers can use sixth-level treasures to be protected by the realm of guardians.

Spells also have rules!

For example, the [Ksitigarbha Guiyuan·Humanity] method is theoretically prohibited from being used in the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Zhao Xing is now in a state of selection. If he is not a soldier, he will not be able to practice those powerful spells.

"You can change your mind and try to use raindrops to understand the rain chart, so that the situation just now will not happen." Cao Xi said, "The progress of understanding Tao is still accumulating, but it will not let you master those powerful spells."

"Understood. Thank you so much, Lord, for clarifying my doubts." Zhao Xing cupped his hands and then ended the question and answer.

People are also subject to change, and laws also have rules. Although he understood what was going on, procrastinating like this was not an option. Zhao Xing decided to go to Lao Chen's house to ask about the situation.

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