Shennong Daojun

Chapter 103 The temple exam is over and the list is out!

The reason why Zhao Xing squatted down was that he wanted to use the five elements fluctuations of the earth veins to determine the specific time.

Just like the last question of the theoretical exam, the five elements can be matched with the four seasons.

The fluctuation law of the five elements of the earth veins can be used to reversely calculate the time.

Although it is a small world, the fragments of the small world should also have earth veins.

However, the result was somewhat unexpected.

"I can't sense the earth veins."

Zhao Xing shook his head. It seems that the method of using the five elements fluctuations of the earth veins to determine the time is not feasible.

The night blocked the sky and the earth veins were also isolated.

If the time and place are not good, then there is only one way left.

"I School." Zhao Xing's eyes fell on the fields in the distance. Looking at the plants, he walked over quickly.

There was a field of plants planted in front, which was endless and almost endless.

How to use the I School's method to determine the time?

"Use the I School's 'Yin Yang Five Elements I School Sutra' to determine the time."

The I School believes that there is a set of time in the body of a living being.

In layman's terms, it is the "biological clock", which matches the five internal organs with the five elements, and matches the heavenly branches and earthly stems with other organs of the body.

This set of theories is called the "small five elements and four seasons theory", also known as the "internal five elements and four seasons theory". From the name, it can be seen that it is not accepted by the mainstream and is relatively niche.

Zhao Xing has not systematically studied the magic of the self school, not to mention that internal observation of the five elements is not something that an official can do.

You have to study the "Yin Yang Five Elements Self Sutra" before you can do it.

In other words, internal observation of the five elements is not feasible.

Zhao Xing searched among the plants in front of him, and soon his eyes fixed on a plant.

"This is a noon grass, also known as Vitex."

The human body has a biological clock, and plants naturally have one too.

It is impossible to internally observe the five elements, but it is not that difficult to observe external objects.

Not to mention that this is a time grass specially for officials to observe.

"What an unpopular question. You must first recognize the time grass, and then practice the spell of identification to accurately judge the time changes through the time grass."

"It has never been asked in the past ten years. This year, a big shot from the Self Sect got involved?"

The reason why Zhao Xing made such a judgment is that the twelve-hour grass is not a 'native species'.

It is a 'derivative species' that has been artificially modified.

"Does the Self Sect want to show its presence among the officials through this temple examination?"

"They have always taken the elite route, generally attracting elite students from Taoist temples and academies, and now they are targeting the grassroots officials?"

"But won't you really be scolded to death by the officials in the world for doing this?"

Zhao Xing was a little speechless.

Because few officials in the Self Sect can practice anything famous, like Zhao Xing, they only know a primary spell [thriving growth] and a mid-level spell [wild growth].

This is just the fur of the Self Sect, and it doesn't touch the core at all.

So in his opinion, using the twelve-hour grass in the clerk temple exam is not to seek a sense of existence.

But to be scolded.

Because it is too difficult.

Identifying the derivative species of 'twelve-hour grass' is a technical job.

Using this to observe and calibrate the time is even more difficult, and can even be said to be the most difficult of the five difficulties.

We have finally passed the level and come to the temple exam, and you give me such an unpopular question?

"Using the twelve-hour grass method to find the time is simply... too crude." Zhao Xing couldn't help but scold the other clerks.

This question is as cold as the analysis of 'dead fish eyes with a weird light'.

It will make many clerks who originally had hope of passing the exam perform poorly.

If you fail this level, it will be too crude.

"Fortunately, I have cultivated the Five Elements Observation, otherwise I will fail in this level if I am not careful."

Zhao Xing quickly found the twelve kinds of hour grass and transplanted them around himself to form a circle.

Then he sat cross-legged in the circle and quickly confirmed that he was between the hour of Mao and the quarter.

"Now it seems that I came in at the hour of Mao in this small world."

"And the thunder will be heard at the hour of Chen, giving the officials only one hour to adapt."

"Whether this is the intention of the ego faction or not, the officials will definitely vent their anger at the ego faction... This pot is definitely taken."

Zhao Xing could imagine that after the exam, there would be a bunch of officials in the world shouting frantically outside the temple.

"Five Elements Observation."

Zhao Xing cast a spell and began to observe the 'Mao Hour Grass' in front of him.

It is about one meter high.

The grass stem is straight, as thick as a thumb, and has a total of twelve leaves.

In the state of Five Elements Observation, the veins inside can be seen, and there is a flow of air.

In the microscopic state, the one-meter-high grass stem is divided into 7,200 equal parts.

It is like a ladder, and each section of the ladder represents the number of seconds.

The interval between the rise of the ‘qi’ to the second section is exactly one second.

Seven thousand two hundred equal parts is exactly one hour.

With such a test method, you can tell me whether it is sloppy or not!

“Sloppy? What did you say?!” Chen Shijie suddenly sat up from his chair and looked at the clerk who came to deliver the test questions.

It was already the third day outside the temple.

According to the hour, all the clerks have entered the small world fragments for field assessment.

So as the chief official of Gucheng Si Nong, he also got the content of the test questions.

But after learning the questions of the field assessment, Chen Shijie couldn’t help but slam the table and stand up.

"Using the twelve-hour grass to test the time calibration of officials?" Chen Shijie murmured to himself, "Is it necessary to set it up so difficult? It is not an assessment of military officials!"

Long Xiao stared: "You are Si Nong, look at what I am doing... I don't even know what you are talking about."

"I didn't ask you." Chen Shijie said angrily.

"The Twelve Hour Grass is a derivative." Xue Wenzhong frowned as he listened, "I have only seen the derivative cultivated by Shangluo Academy once twenty-six years ago."

Tang Wanchun, Gao Linong, Pang Yuan and others remained silent.

They have only heard of it, never seen it, and don’t know much about it.

"What do you mean?" Long Xiao, a layman, was confused. "The question is a bit difficult?"

"It's very difficult." Xue Wenzhong shook his head helplessly, "It's easy for some promising officials to fail at this level."

He began to worry about Zhao Xing.

"What are you afraid of? If it's difficult, it's going to be difficult, and it's not just Zhao Xing." Long Xiao sat back on his butt again.

"General Long doesn't understand." Xue Wenzhong said, "On-site assessment determines everything. If you can't pass the test, it will be useless no matter how strong you are up front."

"This question is too unpopular, and it may very well lead to..."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Long Xiao said with a smile, "But I feel that if even this kid Zhao Xing can't get through, there are not many officials who can get through, so why don't they rebel?"

"Every difficulty is difficult together. What are you afraid of? You have to have faith in him."

"That makes sense." Xue Wenzhong nodded. He was confused because he was concerned, but he couldn't see it clearly as Long Xiao.

"Shangluo Academy is a gathering place for the Self faction. I don't know why they suddenly got involved in the official evaluation this year." Chen Shijie thought to himself, "Isn't this looking for scolding."

"It's not necessarily their idea, it might be someone taking advantage of it."

"Now the Timing Faction and the Right Place Faction are still getting bigger. The Self Faction wants to get involved, so it is better to put them in a position where they can be scolded than to shut them out."

"But it's better to be scolded than to have no one care about it. I heard that Shangluo Academy has been understaffed in recent years and has no successors."

Many thoughts flashed through Chen Shijie's mind.

But he quickly shook these thoughts away. He was only worried about one thing now.

That is, can Zhao Xing pass the exam?

Tang Wanchun looked at the test questions and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "The number of rain is forty-eight? It will rain for two hours with such a little rain."

"What's the problem?" Long Xiao asked.

Tang Wanchun cupped his hands and said, "The general doesn't know something. Forty-eight points of rain are counted. If the average level of the temple examiner is used, it will take about a quarter of an hour to start the attack with full firepower."

"But, I don't want you to use all your strength. I just want you to lay down for two whole hours."

"Then the [Rain] spell must be controlled very precisely, so that it can rain slowly for two hours."

"You can't stop in the middle, it has to rain for a long time, and it has to rain just right."

Long Xiao held his chin and said: "For example, I can urinate in ten breaths, but the examiner insists on making me squeeze out drop by drop and urinate for an hour? This is a test of my control over urination..."

Tang Wanchun's face stiffened: "Ahem, the general's words are rough but not rough."

Chen Shijie glared at him: "What kind of metaphor are you talking about? Why does my Sinong's rain-making spell leave a smell in your mouth?"

"Whether it is marching, fighting, or managing a place, the amount of rain and the duration have different effects. It has only been five years since we have cooperated. Have you completely forgotten all the previous training? Or did you not listen at all? Can I elaborate?"

Long Xiao chuckled: "No way, I remember everything you said! Isn't this just a joke to see how serious your faces are. I don't know what the function of rain is? You don't need to practice more for me when you go back. You really don't. …”

Within the fragments of the small world.

Zhao Xing supported Xingyun while staring at the noon grass.

At this time, thunder flashed in the clouds in the sky non-stop.

Sishicao's 'qi' has risen to the 7190th level.

Zhao Xing stared, counting down silently in his heart.

"Ten, nine, eight,...three, two, one!"


As Zhao Xing's golden light shot out to the clouds.


Raindrops began to fall.

At the same time, the grass stems of the noon grass started to climb up with "qi" from the rhizomes.

"It will rain on time, no problem at all." Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

The next step is to wait for noon to pass and the rain to stop at noon.

"It rains a lot. It has to rain for two full hours, but the number of rain can only be controlled at 48 o'clock."

Compared with setting the time, this is not difficult.

Of course, that's what Zhao Xing thinks.

The rest of the officials probably found it very annoying.

But it’s normal to have difficulty.

Otherwise, wouldn’t everyone be able to pass the exam?

An hour later, the Qi in the noon grass disappeared and seeped out from the leaves.

Immediately afterwards, the Qi in the grass began to rise.

Zhao Xing sat cross-legged on the ground, his heart unmoved.

The rain number is calculated at the beginning and just needs to be kept at a constant value.

"Normal officials have to pass this test. It is difficult to be consistent at all times. It is okay for a short period of time."

"As time goes by, there will inevitably be some problems."

"Staff who are more flexible will not use this method and will 'correct' the spell effects from time to time."

"Calculate the amount of rain and fine-tune the rain spell, but I haven't made any mistakes so far. After the life soul was upgraded, my spell control has been enhanced." Zhao Xing said secretly.

If he had not robbed the Blood Spirit Lord of his soul power, he might have considered modifying his spells to get through this.

However, after the soul of life is strengthened, the unity and coordination of the seven souls are also enhanced, and the control of spells is of course stronger.

Zhao Xing is now a ruthless rain machine, unchanged from beginning to end.

What kind of effect does the rain spell start at noon? What effect does it have now? According to calculations, if it stops raining at noon, it will rain forty-eight o'clock.

Time passed by minute by minute.

When the grass's 'Qi' rises to the last section.

Zhao Xing thought.

Rain, Thunder, and Cloud spells are all removed.

Stand up confidently.

"The time has passed. Official Zhao Xing, your field assessment is full marks. Please come to the temple in three days and wait for the results."

As this majestic voice sounded, Zhao Xing's eyes flashed and he was moved out of the assessment space.

The next moment, he appeared outside Tianxin Square.

At this time, he was alone outside the square.

Because he was the first to go in, he was naturally the first to come out. The other fourteen people were still undergoing assessment.

"Don't make any noise and leave on your own."


Zhao Xing cupped his hands and turned to leave.

The results of the field assessment are judged on the spot, because there are accurate data and standards for rainfall, time, etc., so the calculation is naturally easy.

For the theory test, people will mark the paper. Some essay questions can be given higher or lower, depending on the preferences of the marking examiner, so it takes three days to complete the cross-review.

Chen Shijie and others had been waiting outside.

Is he the first to come out again?

Gao Linong thought of the Bailu assessment at that time and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But this time he didn't dare to guess that Zhao Xing failed.

I was slapped in the face last year and it still hurts now.

"How?" Chen Shijie asked. "Have you passed the field assessment?"

"Passed." Zhao Xing showed a smile.

Chen Shijie and Xue Wenzhong both breathed a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that Zhao Xing would fail the field assessment.

After all, this question is a bit too unpopular.

It is possible for Zhao Xing to fail.

"How much was it divided?" Chen Shijie asked.

"Full marks." Zhao Xing said.

"What?!" Gao Linong's eyes widened immediately, "Full marks?"

You're blowing it, right? !

Tang Wanchun and Pang Yuan also didn't believe it. How can you get full marks for this kind of question?

"It is indeed a bit difficult to determine the time through the twelve hour grasses, but I have practiced Five Elements Observation, and I recognized the twelve hour grasses early, and put them together for observation."

"As long as the time can be confirmed, the next clouds and thunder and rain will not be that difficult." Zhao Xing said.

"Eat something first." Xue Wenzhong brought a food box, first the theoretical test, and then the field test, it was still a grueling tug-of-war, and I was very tired just thinking about it.

"Thank you, teacher." Zhao Xing was not polite. There was no supplement in the fragments of the small world, and the earth veins were not visible. He was indeed a little tired.

"Sit down and eat, and chat while eating." Chen Shijie asked him to sit down. A tent was set up outside the temple. They still had many things they wanted to ask Zhao Xing.

"How did you answer the theoretical questions? How many questions did you find difficult?"

Zhao Xing thought for a while and said, "Two questions."

"Oh?" Chen Shijie's eyes lit up, and Xue Wenzhong was delighted.

Gao Linong, Tang Wanchun, and Pang Yuan were a little shocked. Do you find these two questions difficult?

"Tell me which two questions they are."

Zhao Xing took a sip of ginseng soup, ate another piece of chicken, and said slowly: "The Nanzheng question, and the Beihai question."

Chen Shijie nodded: "The Nanzheng question involves geographical location and the method of collecting soil from the Five Elements and Four Seasons, but it is not an unpopular question. Either you don't know it or you can't answer it completely, but there are no traps."

Zhao Xingdao: "With the practical application of the method of taking earth from month to month, water moistens the soil, controls the fire, metal releases its beauty, and the power of the two earth veins guides the combination. The summer soil in Nanzheng, which has no spring and winter, can be obtained."

Tang Wanchun was stunned when he heard this: "Can't you just control the fire with water?"

Zhao Xing explained: "The summer soil in Nanzheng does not have the balance of cold and cold in spring and winter. Its fire is strong and it is difficult to extinguish the fire by relying on the water of its own earth veins. If you do not moisten the soil first, you can directly water it." If it is destroyed, the water will help the fire, and it will be trapped in the ground, making it difficult to achieve success. "

"Only when the water of the earth's veins moistens the soil, and is weak but not inexhaustible, can the metal show its beauty and make the summer fire return to normal. At this time, the soil can be taken and used, otherwise nothing will survive."

Tang Wanchun suddenly realized, Pang Yuan was thoughtful, and Gao Linong had mixed feelings in his heart.

Zhao Xing's answer to this question alone surpassed the three of them, because none of them had thought it through in the previous discussion, and at least there would be points deducted.

As for Zhao Xing's answer, in their opinion, there could be no points deduction.

"Where's that road to Beihai?" Gao Linong asked.

"To test your understanding of phenology, official system, agriculture, and the magic weapons of Tiangongfang, there are really many traps in this question." Zhao Xing said modestly, "I may not be able to get full marks."

In fact, Zhao Xing is sure that his answer is very good, but this does not know the mentality of the examiner who will mark the paper. If the examiner feels that you are exaggerating in some places, it is normal to deduct points.

Chen Shijie didn't ask this question. What about Zixiao Island, the military performance of the military corps, and Zhao Xing's understanding of this aspect far exceeds that of ordinary officials. It is obvious that he has lofty ambitions, so he would read books on this aspect. The key point is that he really understands it, not just a little bit.

There is nothing to ask next, because the last big question was predicted, and the model essay at that time was written by Zhao Xing himself. Thanks to him, the other fourteen people in Gucheng have an advantage in this question.

"I have to call you Lord Zhao in the future." Looking at Zhao Xing's talkative appearance, Tang Wanchun couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He felt like he was beaten to death on the beach by the waves behind.

"Okay, you go back and wait for news, and come back in three days." Chen Shijie smiled and walked away with Long Xiao. Except Zhao Xing, he didn't bother to pay attention to the others.

Three days later, Zhao Xing came to the temple, and the other fourteen officials of Sinongjian who participated in the assessment were waiting here early.

In addition, there are many officials, clerks, people watching the excitement, vendors setting up stalls... Because today is the day when the list of officials paying taxes is released, not only the Ministry of Agriculture, but also the rest of the departments will announce the list today.

I am going to a wedding today, so I will update two chapters first (a total of 10,000 words), and the third update will be in the afternoon or evening, so I will let you know in advance.

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