Shennong Daojun

Chapter 102: There is an island in the North Sea, and it will change after a hundred years? I have d

In the official assessment system of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the temple examination was the final hurdle.

At Mao hour on February 3rd, Zhao Xing left his house and rushed to the agricultural supervisory office.

At three o'clock in the morning, all fifteen people for reference arrived. Including Zong Shichang, Xiao Ze, Wen Nanxing, Ding Shan and others.

Chen Shijie and other agricultural supervisors and assistant officials also waited here for a long time.

After seeing all the people present, Chen Shijie spoke: "Whether you can accept the official position depends on today."

"You all have a chance of passing. Don't be nervous for a while, just stay calm and perform normally."

"I and the other adults wish you all the best you can."

"Thank you, sir." All the officials thanked him.

After finishing his beautiful words, Chen Shijie continued:

"There is already a set of special clothes for reference in the bathroom at the back."

"Other than these clothes, no foreign objects are allowed."

"There are still three quarters of an hour left. Let's go in and change clothes first."

The officials were already familiar with the rules of the temple examination, so they immediately walked inside and began to change clothes.

Zhao Xing also walked in and changed into a long gown.

He didn't bring any foreign objects with him, even the sixth-level soul armor had been removed, and he hid it in the Great Dream Academy and gave it to the machine beast Xiezhi for safekeeping.

Originally, the Great Dream Academy did not provide this function, and all other things were allowed out but not allowed in. However, the soul armor was special, and it was allowed to go out or go in.

As for other items, such as the evil calendar and the Qianli Chuan token, they were borrowed at the beginning and were returned to Sinong Nei's treasury after the Xuantian Sect incident.

The Feng Jing earrings were placed at home, and now they can be said to be all alone.

After changing clothes, Zhao Xing and other officials came out to wait.

At this time, everyone did not whisper to each other, but waited silently.

At six o'clock in the morning, a Yunyulu boat came from the south and landed at the agricultural supervisory office in Gucheng.

Four officers descended from above.

Two of the temple masters of ceremonies held four statues of kings and kings.

There are also two invigilators who are from the seventh grade.

After reading out the rules as usual.

At exactly the right time, Yu Chen led fifteen officials from the agricultural supervisory department into the temple in Gucheng.

Under the leadership of the master of ceremonies.

The officials first paid homage to the temple halls, such as the Donghu Zhenjun Hall, Caoxi Zhenjun Hall, and other holy temples.

This process is thanks to the teachings of Yin Shen.

Zhao Xing mainly paid homage to Cao Xi and Zheng Lun.

Most of his spells were passed down from these two Yin gods.

The process of worshiping God ends

The fifteen officials then came to the Tianxin Square in the center of the temple and stood there.

At three o'clock in the morning, two masters of ceremonies from the county city placed the statues of the king in the four corners of the square.


As the golden light shone, a new palace suddenly appeared in Tianxin Square.

Fifteen candidates were originally standing in the center of the square, but the next moment they suddenly appeared in this new palace.

Tianxin Hall is dedicated to Taizu Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Only major festivals such as the Temple Examination and the Emperor's Festival will start a year.


The master of ceremonies led the candidates to burn incense and worship the statue of Taizu.

Thanks to him for establishing a temple to spread the Dharma and setting up an evaluation system for officials to give low-level officials a way to rise.

Chen hour and four quarters.

The master of ceremonies threw the yellow paper representing the officials' names into the Hongtong incense burner in front of Taizu's tomb.


The next moment, fifteen tables and chairs appeared on the ground.

"Please take your seat, officials."

Zhao Xing found the long table with his name on it and sat down.


As soon as I sat down, pen, ink, paper and inkstone appeared.

Looking up, the other candidates and officials faded away.

The theoretical level of the temple exam officially begins.

It lasted a total of thirty-six hours.

If you leave the seating area, you will be considered as handing in your paper in advance.

Once the time is up, I can no longer answer.

"It's finally here."

Zhao Xing breathed out slowly, then picked up the test paper on the table and began to review it.

There are forty test papers in total.

Thirty of them are test questions and ten are blank.

Just like the Bailu solar term assessment at that time, it was a question asked by Chen Shijie in accordance with the regulations of the imperial court.

The first ten questions are basic questions, which can be scored by rote memorization. Compared with the Bailu assessment, these basic questions are one-third less.

The temple exam involves formally accepting officials, so there will be fewer points to submit.

Zhao Xing took a cursory look and began to answer basic questions.

[In which dynasty, year and month was "Tianshi Baijie" written, and who compiled it? Where does it rank among the temples of this dynasty? 】

Zhao Xing quickly wrote down the answer: [Qian Dynasty, July 149 of the Yuan Dynasty, compiled by Chen Yi, the great minister, and ranked twenty-seventh among the temples of this dynasty. 】

On a hot day, the rotten grass turns into fireflies. ________Five more days, it rains heavily.

Answer: In another five days, the soil is moist and hot.

The rotten grass does not turn into fireflies, but the grains are fresh and fresh. ________

Answer: If the earth is moist and does not become damp and hot, the objects should not be punished. Heavy rains come from time to time, and the country is unfavorable.

Zhao Xing answered the questions fluently, and the basic points-sending questions were quickly completed.

Come to the situational advanced questions for screening candidates.

"In the land of Nanzheng, if you want to take the soil, the sparse soil will be powerless, but it will help the fire to generate earth; if you use gold to show off the beauty, the dry soil will be brittle and gold will be difficult to use. What's the explanation?"

Zhao Xing frowned slightly when he saw this question.

Unexpectedly, the first scenario question on the eleventh page was so intense.

"This question is about the use of soil, but why is it that gold is used to show off the beauty, and dry soil is brittle to gold?"

There are particularities in collecting soil, so this question should be answered according to the method of collecting soil in spring, summer, autumn and winter in "How to Use Soil by Month".

The sparse earth is powerless, but it helps fire to generate earth, which proves that it is 'summer earth'.

Using the power of the metal element in the earth veins to release the beauty is supposed to be the method mentioned in "The Method of Using the Earth Monthly". How could the earth vein power be "dry soil and brittle gold" and difficult to use?

Zhao Xing looked back and forth at the question and landed on the word "Nanzheng". Two seconds later, he suddenly realized it.

Then he picked up the pen to answer: "The land of Nanzheng is the ancestral land of this dynasty, and there are only two seasons, summer and autumn."

"There is no spring and winter cold to harmonize, which causes the summer fire to be too strong. If you want to take summer soil, you need to take water from the source. The power of the earth veins is weak but not endless. Use the water earth veins to moisten the soil and control the fire, and use the metal earth veins to release the beauty, then you can achieve the success of Ji Ji."

After writing, Zhao Xing relaxed his brows.

The use of earth month by month belongs to the content of "The Benefits of the Five Elements of the Earth Veins".

But the question is not only difficult, but also tests the understanding of the geography of the world by the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture.

What is the land of Nanzheng? That is the hometown of Taizu!

You don't even know that such a famous place has only two seasons, summer and autumn, and you still want to be an official?

Go back home and feed pigs!

If the clerk does not understand the situation in Nanzheng, he will definitely scratch his head.

But if you know what the situation is in Nanzheng, then this question will be much easier to answer. Remember the method of the five elements of the earth veins, and you can answer it.

For the following situational questions, Zhao Xing carefully examined the questions and answered them, and basically answered them smoothly.

It was only when he got to the last big question that his smooth thinking was hindered.

[There is an island in the North Sea. On the day of the beginning of winter, the water began to freeze. Five days later, the sea began to freeze. Five days later, the giant whale broke through the ice and turned into a black bird, and the blue bird entered the water and turned into a purple snake. Five days later, the seabed erupted with fire. ]

[There are tens of millions of islanders, but only the two departments of Si Nong and Tian Gong. If you are the chief of Si Nong, how should you resolve this natural disaster? ]

Zhao Xing looked at this question and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He thought he had read it wrong.

As the last big question of the advanced situational questions, it is indeed difficult.

But Zhao Xing was stunned, not because the question was difficult.

But he had done it when he was a player.

And he was very impressed.

Because he got it wrong that year, and he didn't get a job transfer because of this question.

"The last question about natural disasters on the island has become a free point question." Zhao Xing was happy.

This is a 'phenological question', and the question mentions the unpopular hundred-year phenology.

The giant whale breaks through the ice and turns into a black bird, and the blue bird enters the water and turns into a purple snake. Five days later, the seabed fire erupts, which are all hundred-year phenological phenomena.

The natural disaster caused by the hundred-year phenology asks you, as the agricultural officer on the island, how to deal with it.

There are three difficult points in the question. The first is to recognize that this is a hundred-year phenology and confirm the intensity of the natural disaster.

The second is to use the existing conditions to deduce the strength of your side in the question scenario.

The third is to give a proper solution to the natural disaster.

The first point is that although the hundred-year phenology is unpopular, it is not difficult for the well-informed officials to know it. The black bird and the purple snake are both sixth-grade exotic beasts. At the same time, the hundred-year phenology will only cause a single number of species changes, which means that there is only one black bird and purple snake here.

The second point is to use the existing conditions in the question to derive the power you can use.

The scale of "millions of islanders", Sinongjian, Tiangongfang, and the specifications of their internal treasure houses must not be lower than the fifth level.

This is to test the clerk's understanding of the official system of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Other departments are not required, but Tiangongfang and Sinongjian are strongly related departments and must be understood.

In addition, if the question does not mention other institutions, then other court departments cannot be involved when answering the question.

Otherwise, just answer "a hundred thousand troops came out together, slaughtered the black bird and the purple snake and ate barbecue" and it's done.

There is another trap in the second point, that is, "there is an island in the North Sea" in the first sentence.

"The North Sea is an important frontier area, with more than 10 million islanders. The specifications of the Sinongjian and Tiangongfang's internal warehouses must be raised to a higher level. Sixth-level treasures can be used to fight the enemy. You can choose from large magic weapons such as dragon bone ships and Xuanyuan giant crossbows, as well as personal magic weapons such as 'wind and thunder raincoat', 'hundred flower hat', and 'wind evil beads'."

"However, these treasures cannot be used indiscriminately, and must be used in reasonable combinations."

"It involves the third point, and give a proper solution."

Zhao Xing did not rush to write, but sorted out the answer ideas in his mind.

After making sure there was no problem, he started writing.

"The giant whale breaks through the ice and turns into a black bird, and the blue bird enters the water and turns into a purple snake. This is the hundred-year change of the North Sea."

"The black bird and the blue bird are both sixth-grade exotic beasts."

"The North Sea is an important town with tens of millions of islanders, so a sixth-grade treasure house must be set up."

"A natural disaster is coming, and the Tiangong Workshops on the islands should be ordered to open the large-scale sixth-grade magic weapon [Moshou Boundary] as soon as possible to protect the people."

"Then go out to sea with a dragon-bone building ship, accompanied by a dragon-head building ship, and release the floating cloud flying boat to save the people outside the island."

"Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture, you should activate the sixth-level 'Wind and Thunder Cotton Clothes' in the treasure house, and move at a divine speed."

"Sixth-level Hundred Flowers Hat, increase its method."

"Please read the two books "Hou Tu" and "Four Seas" to calm the earth veins and return the four seas to the abyss."

"Implement the "Solar Terms Order", reverse the three changes of the beginning of winter, and repeat them over and over again, so that the black bird will turn into a whale again, and the purple snake will turn into a blue bird again..."

Because he knew the answer, Zhao Xing wrote very smoothly and answered the question in one breath.

In order not to lose points for this question, he also gave multiple plans, including post-event appeasement measures.

Of course, these are all minor details, and even if there is no backup plan, it is enough. As for appeasing the people, just mention it in passing, because this is not the responsibility of the Minister of Agriculture.

The question itself mainly tests the clerk's understanding of phenology, the North Sea, the official system, and treasures.

This is a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the clerks, to see if you are ready to be an official.

If you can answer one or two of the questions that the sixth and seventh rank officials encounter, then you will basically have no problem being a ninth rank official.

This is the idea of ​​the question setter.

Time passed slowly, and after the advanced situational questions, Zhao Xing became more and more fluent in answering the following questions.

He also saw familiar questions many times.

Unconsciously, there was only one piece of paper left in front of him.

There was only one question on it.

[Please match the five elements, heavenly stems, earthly branches and four seasons, and explain the matching ideas. ]

"Teacher guessed the test question."

Zhao Xing smiled slightly.

The theoretical questions for the Bailu test were set by Xue Wenzhong.

The last big question is exactly the same as the current one.

"Old Si Nong is really a good teacher. The fifteen people in Gucheng will benefit from him today."

He took the test at the time, and later made his standard answer public for everyone to guess.

This will give the clerks in Gucheng an advantage in the last big question.

Zhao Xing sighed in his heart and then began to answer.

He didn't plan to make any changes this time, just answer according to the standard of last time.

The answer last time could make Chen Shijie, the examiner of the geographical advantage faction, learn to meow, and it was completely enough for this temple examination.

"The current mainstream is the earth king Jixia theory. If I answer the earth king Siji theory, it would be too advanced and might even backfire."

Zhao Xing made up his mind and began to answer.

He was not afraid that other clerks would surpass him, because the difficulty in the previous questions was already great enough. Besides, his standard answer was only seen by the people in Gucheng, and the temple examination selection was coordinated by the court.

They were colleagues, so it didn't matter if someone took advantage of them.

"Of the five elements, nothing is more precious than earth. Earth governs all four seasons, and it does not share the fame with fire."

"Wood, fire, metal, and water govern each season, and earth is in the center, holding the rope to control the four directions."

"The King of Earth Jixia said..."

After writing, Zhao Xing went through all the answers twice.

After confirming that there were no omissions, he stood up and left his seat.


As soon as he stood up, he saw the other clerks and the invigilators again.

At this time, there were still Yin gods patrolling outside, and no one could cheat through external forces.

"Clerk Zhao Xing, are you sure you have finished answering?"

An official asked.

"My Lord, I confirm." Zhao Xing bowed.


As soon as the voice fell, the test paper flew up automatically and entered the incense burner of Tianxin Hall to burn.

The answer sheet was seen jumping in the golden flame, but it was not burned. It just disappeared after rolling a few times.

"You are the first to hand in your paper. You can choose to rest for half an hour or proceed to the second half of the temple exam immediately." The invigilator had no expression on his face.

"I choose to proceed to the field exam immediately."

Zhao Xing had just finished speaking.


The statue of the Tianxin Temple emitted bursts of golden light.

Then Zhao Xing found that the other officials had disappeared. The sky was dark, and he appeared in a golden field.

Zhao Xing knew that this was the internal exam space of the Tianxin Temple.

It was refined from some fragments of the Dongtian Small World.

Although it was a fragment of a small world.

But the place was still very large.

Zhao Xing looked at it with his bright eyes, and he could not see the end at all.


As he was watching, a golden document floated from the sky and landed in front of Zhao Xing and opened automatically.

"Clerk Zhao Xing, the scope of this assessment is based on the county's standards."

"The assessment time is twelve hours."

"You need to observe the weather, location, and time on your own."

"Complete the assessment according to the following requirements."

Zhao Xing took the document and looked at the assessment requirements:

"Clouds at Chen, thunder at Si, rain at Wu, and sufficient rain at Wei, for a total of 48 rain points? And it must cover the entire assessment space?"

Zhao Xing frowned and found that things were not simple.

"It's dark. If you don't practice the universal spell of Mingmu, you can't see anything, which greatly increases the difficulty of casting spells. This is the first difficulty."

"Clouds are spread at Chenshi, thunder is heard at Sishi, rain falls at Wushi, and rain is heavy at Weishi. It lasts for a total of four hours, which tests the clerk's endurance. This is the second difficulty."

"To cover the scope of a county, the realm of the four methods of time cannot be too low. This is the third difficulty."

"The number of rain is 48 points, accurate to the last millimeter, which tests the ability to control spells. This is the fourth difficulty."

"The clerk didn't bring the almanac with him. It's dark here. It's difficult to judge what time he is in from the outside. If he misses the time, he will lose a lot of points! This is the fifth difficulty."

There are five difficulties in total, and each one is not easy.

If a clerk wants to become a regular official, it's really a battle between thousands of troops and horses.

And the field assessment accounts for a large proportion.

No matter how good the theory is, if the field assessment score is too low, he can never be a Si Nong official.

If he fails to pass the exam, he may cause his people to be displaced and suffer a disaster if he becomes a minister of agriculture.

How can we let him be an official? Wouldn't that hurt others and ourselves?

"Even the civil minister of agriculture is like this, it shows how difficult it is to be a military minister of agriculture." Zhao Xing sighed. "But this is not difficult for me."

The Bright Eyes spell is at the full level, and the night is not an obstacle for Zhao Xing. He quickly jumped to a high place and looked at the surrounding environment. He found that there were plains and fields all around, and there was not much difference.

Based on the humidity and temperature in the air, and observing the growth of plants in the fields, it can be concluded that this is early summer.

The rain in the sky and the earth is at a relatively balanced level.

It is a neutral condition for the clerks to cast spells.

The examiner finally did not make a fuss about the topography, otherwise if there was an extreme terrain and extreme weather, it would really worry the clerks who took the exam.

Covering the scope of the county, four hours of endurance, and precise spell control, these are not difficult for Zhao Xing.

The only trouble is to accurately calculate the time.

"There is no almanac, no sunrise, and even the night is deliberately set, which hinders most of the clerks' methods of judging the time."

"Clouds, rain, and thunder must start and end at the hour. A little error will result in deductions."

"If you don't know the time, you can't start. You must first judge the time you are in."

Zhao Xing thought for a while, and immediately squatted down and touched the soil underground.

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