The secret about the library.

This is the belief that has always supported Ethan to live.

Although he has already awakened the extraordinary sequence at this time.

After awakening the extraordinary, he can no longer be baptized for the second time.

Now for Ethan, the secret baptism ceremony may have lost its effect.

But as the spiritual pillar of his unremitting efforts until now, Ethan is still very curious.

The courses at Flo University are not tight. After the first class.

Freshmen can freely arrange the rest of the day.

Ethan, Nicole, and Bingo, the newly promoted Eagle Academy trio, came to the Flo University Library at Ethan's suggestion.

The place he has always been thinking about.

The library is located in the center of Flo University. It is a high-rise building in Gothic style.

It stands in the middle of a group of buildings like a castle.

As soon as you enter, you will see a huge carving: Knowledge is a fortress.

The sky blue dome, with sparse chandeliers hanging, and windows as high as the building, let a lot of sunlight become a frequent visitor here.

Students in groups of three or two, some standing by the bookshelves, some sitting on the steps, and some lying in the sun, without exception, they are all admirers of books.

Bingo is very interested in books about prophecy.

He seems to have found his target behind the third bookshelf.

And Nicole seems to have a special liking for books about alchemical reagents.

She found what she liked on the tenth bookshelf.

Ethan did not stop, although he saw books that interested him several times.

Until the innermost part of the library, there were few people here.

The seventeenth bookshelf, Ethan was sure it was here.

This bookshelf contains records about the history of dwarves, which is relatively unpopular.

Many books have a layer of dust on them.

So there are very few people in this area.

According to Connie, there is a unique Ouroboros logo on the chandelier directly above this bookshelf.

He was very vague at the time, and it was obvious that he had never been to this place.

There are three chandeliers above the seventeenth bookshelf.

Ethan pretended to walk around the bookshelf.

Sure enough, a circular Ouroboros logo was found in the center of one of the lampshades.

Ethan was delighted. This was the place.

He found a book called "The Scientific Age of the Dwarfs" on bookshelf No. 17.

This is a big book, the thickest one Ethan has seen so far.

On the outside, this book is no different from other books. The content tells the great history of the dwarfs, who are admired by the world for their technology and craftsmanship.

According to Connie's instructions, put this big book right under the chandelier with the Ouroboros logo.

Turn to page 730 of the book, and the book opens at a special angle.

Ethan was touched at this time, because '730' happened to be his birthday.

Who told Connie this secret?

In the middle of page 731, an 'Ouroboros' logo is exactly the same as the one on the lampshade.

Obviously this is not a coincidence.

Turn the book so that the Ouroboros on the book and the Ouroboros on the lampshade are in the same direction.

At this time, the secret was hidden under the stone slab covered by page 730.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

It didn't sound like there was a space.

Ethan took out the dagger he carried with him and began to dig the stone slab.

The stone slab was not difficult to dig, and it was soon done.

Sure enough, there was something.

The reason why there was no sound before was because the thing was covered by a thin pottery box.

The space was small, so there was naturally no echo.

Ethan put the pottery box into the badge and quickly restored everything.

Fortunately, it was lunch time now, and this was the least popular type of book.

So there was basically no one, and the process went smoothly.

Ethan stopped at the eleventh bookshelf as if nothing had happened. This was a language book.

One of the books happened to be in Duding language.

He picked up the book and read it with relish.

Time passed by minute by minute, until Ethan's five internal organs began to protest, and he went to look for the other two partners.

Sure enough, the students of Eagle Academy are always obsessed with books beyond people's imagination.

Nicole leaned against the bookshelf, holding an old yellowed alchemical reagent book in her hand and couldn't let it go.

When Ethan called her, she realized that it was already late.

The same was true for Bingo.

When the three of them left the library, they were almost about to miss the opening time of the cafeteria. After a simple meal, the three of them separated.

Looking at the direction, Bingo and Nicole were still heading in the direction of the library.

Ethan turned to another building.

"Knock, knock, knock~"

He knocked on the door of a room.

"Come in."

The voice was cold and emotionless, just like Mr. Colin's style.

This room is Colin's exclusive laboratory, and Ethan has been here several times.

The purpose of his visit today is to apply for a laboratory.

Freshmen have the right to apply for an independent laboratory, provided that they need a paper that can make the world tremble.

It may be difficult for others, but for Ethan, it is easy.

Colin shook the crystal bottle in his hand and glanced at Ethan, but the action did not stop.

"It just so happens that I have something to talk to you about."

"Tell me why you're here first. I know you wouldn't come here for no reason."

Ethan scratched his head.

"I want to apply for an independent laboratory."

Colin's face was slightly stunned, but his hands did not stop moving.

Ethan could see that this was a molten gold reagent, which needed to be shaken constantly because of its slow reaction.

"Haha, do you know what the requirements for applying for an independent laboratory are?"

"Have a paper that is recognized by an authority, preferably a paper recognized by the Pharmacists Association and other medical organizations."

At this time, the color of the molten gold reagent changed from light green to dark blue, which was a sign of successful reagent blending. Seeing the opportunity, Ethan took out the prepared paper from the badge and handed it to Colin.

The latter put down the crystal bottle and took the paper.

"Heimlich First Aid"

This paper is exactly the method that Ethan used to treat Occam before.

Emma had said before that this set of first aid methods could be used to enter Flo University without examination.

But it was rejected by Ethan. It might be a good choice to apply for a laboratory at this time.


"Well, this secret method was found in the ruins, and this name appeared on this first aid method."

In fact, Ethan could have named it after himself.

But as a freshman who had just entered the school, he was afraid of causing too much trouble. In this way, he actually used the banner of the Relic Secret Art to indirectly emphasize the value of this paper.

This world has a very strong protection for intellectual property rights.

Especially with the existence of the magic network, any behavior that damages intellectual property rights will be warned.

Like Ethan's paper, he will appear in the research results of Flo University, but the signature must be Ethan Moore.

Ethan came to Colin just to ask him to help him pass this paper to the upper level, even to the research department of the Wizard Tower.

Once it is included in the research department of the Wizard Tower, not only will Ethan gain a good reputation, but under the supervision of the magic network, everyone who has learned the "Heimlich First Aid Method" will also hand in some Belo.

PS: Recommendation ticket transmission array~

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