Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 87 Classification of Baptismal Ceremonies

According to the classification of abilities granted by the baptism ceremony, Ellis wrote down five types on the blackboard.

Skills, rituals, sacrifices, prophecies, and rules.

"At present, almost all abilities granted by baptism ceremonies are in these five types."

"Skills, as the name suggests, are to obtain a certain skill or secret technique. This type of innate ability often complements one's own thoughts, and the joint use will get a powerful effect of 1+1\u003e2.

And the general casting speed is very fast, and it can be cast in a single thought."

"The disadvantage is that most of them cannot be sustained for a long time, and the consumption may be relatively large. If you are this type, then a quick battle is a suggestion for you.

But if your enemy belongs to this type, it may be a good method to avoid the sharp edge and wait for the enemy to tire."

"There are still many baptism ceremonies of this type, such as 'Sage Moment' and 'Boiling Blood'. "

This type should refer to active skills, which are generally limited by cooling time.

It is also the innate ability obtained by most extraordinary people.

"Ritual type refers to a ritual performed to meet certain conditions, including external environment, spells, contracts, actions, etc. After the ritual is completed, certain abilities will be enhanced or some temporary abilities will be obtained. This ability may involve a wide range and is time-limited."

"The disadvantage is that every time you want to activate the ability granted by the ritual, you need to spend a lot of effort to hold the ritual. Some rituals may be simple and only require a few spells, but some rituals are more complicated and difficult to complete.

If you are this type, then you should try to perfect or simplify your ritual process as much as possible. If your enemy is this type, believe me, don't give him time to complete the ritual."

"Few people choose this type of baptism ceremony, and they usually focus on certain aspects, such as the most popular "Harvest Hymn" and "Rain God's Footprints" among farmers, "With You" in the Brotherhood of large guilds, and "Triumphal Overture" of drunkards are all of this type."

It is obvious that ritual abilities must have a reading process and are not suitable for fast-fighting types, but the range of ritual abilities is very wide and may be applicable to different occasions.

"Sacrifice is usually a two-party or multi-party event. When baptizing, a contract will be signed with the other party or multi-party contract creatures. This is often the favorite method of ancient sacrificial wizards.

There is a theorem: equivalent exchange. According to the conditions of the sacrificial contract, the more the sacrificial items meet the requirements of the other party to the contract, the greater the reward will be."

"The disadvantage is that it is more expensive and requires a process. Of course, this process is much simpler than the ritual type.

There is also a permanent sacrifice in the sacrifice type, which is an exception. It is said that only one sacrifice is required to obtain a talent ability, and one sacrifice will benefit forever.

Of course, I guess this This type of sacrifice may lose some of its beloved things, and the other party who signs the sacrifice contract is usually very powerful or even evil.

Sacrifice has no obvious disadvantages and is a more difficult type. ”

“Sacrificial baptism ceremonies are very rare. This kind of baptism ceremony is usually inherited by certain families and occasionally found in certain ruins. It is often hard to find. ”

“Like ‘The Torment of the Sleepless’, you can gain a short-term mental enhancement by sacrificing the sleep of the next few days.

‘Greedy Transaction’ seems to be able to exchange equipment or gems. ”

It sounds like this type of sacrifice is the type that hurts the enemy a thousand times and hurts yourself eight hundred times.

It is indeed as Ellis said, it costs money. "The prophecy type is the ability to obtain certain revelations through some reference objects. This ability may not be very obvious in battle, but it can seize the initiative in strategic layout and other aspects. It is a very popular ability for large guilds."

"It is a relatively rare type of ability."

"Like the baptism ceremony "Call of the Statue of Liberty" mastered by the Freeman Guild, it is said that some oracles can be heard from the wind."

"The last type of rule type is relatively rarer and also a type with a larger span. It is related to the rules. This type is too mysterious and generally difficult to identify. If you encounter such an opponent~"

"Wish you peace~"

Ellis smiled slightly.

As Karina said, he is approachable and humorous.

"Students who have awakened the extraordinary can match their talents and abilities."

"This is related to your future development of mind."

Ellis wrote "Extraordinary ability = talent given by the baptism ceremony + mind power given by your own bloodline."

"Extraordinary ability = baptism talent + mind power talent."

" That is to say, the ability granted by the baptism ceremony is equivalent to the baptism talent, and the bloodline's own telekinesis is equivalent to the baptism talent.

This is not over yet, Ellis wrote "development" at the back.

Extraordinary ability = baptism talent + telekinesis talent + development.

"The importance of development far exceeds the first two."

Ellis drew a wavy line under development, and then drew a horizontal line under the wavy line.

Ethan suddenly remembered what Connie said, talent and bloodline only affect your starting point, and development ability really affects your combat ability.

"As for the development path, there are many ways."

"Some are based on talent ability, some are based on bloodline ability, and some are a combination of the two. These are based on each person's application as the starting point."

"In addition, you will learn many secret arts in the future, which is also a good development point."

"Of course, this is only the first stage of awakening, and the subsequent career sequence and halo sequence are also the same, but you will also get corresponding career talents and halo talents at that time."

"No matter which aspect you start from, everyone has the possibility of becoming a strong person."

"At least you are stronger than me~haha."

Ellis smiled heartily, like an old naughty boy.

Bingo, who was sitting next to Ethan, could see everyone's life hourglass, representing everyone's life span. His ability should belong to the prophecy type, a relatively rare ability.

This may also be the reason why he was interviewed and accepted.

When fighting in a team, he can see the health value of some people. If he continues to develop, he can even predict who will be the next target of the enemy.

In fact, it is a very good ability.

Ethan's "Crime and Punishment" is undoubtedly a rule-based ability, mastering the "Fire of Judgment" and "Forbidden Heavenly Punishment", and it is currently effective for all living objects.

As for Nicole on his left hand, her expression was gloomy. She was one of the few freshmen who did not awaken the extraordinary.

And he is the only freshman who cannot pass any baptism ceremony.

PS: Direct access to recommendation tickets.

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