This is not the other way around.

The Crossing Well is a holy place as famous as the Fountain of Youth, the Moon Well, the Wishing Well, and the Summoning Well.

Countless adventurers flock to it.

However, unlike the other places, the location of the Crossing Well is not fixed.

It will suddenly appear in a certain ruins, without a fixed time, place, or conditions.

It appears completely randomly.

And it often appears in those places where few people go, as if they have found a way out of despair.

People who fall into the Crossing Well will be randomly teleported to a certain space or ruins.

The one-eyed man fell into it after being pushed off a cliff.

When he thought he was dead, he fell into the Crossing Well and was teleported to a temple.

This broken lamp was used by him to illuminate the temple at that time.

When he came out again, not only did his injuries heal, but his strength was also improved.

As for what happened in the middle, the one-eyed man didn't say, and Ethan didn't ask again.

But Ethan still transferred 10 Belos to him.

After taking the broken lamp back into the space, the three of them left together.

Thanks to Bidwen, otherwise Ethan would have lost his fortune.

But the man brought the lamp out of the well, so he should have known that it was of extraordinary value. Why did he sell it to him so easily?

Ethan was puzzled.

Just when he wanted to go back and ask for clarification, he found that the stall was empty.

Ethan held the broken lamp in his palm. Except for the handle that had been corroded, everything else was still usable.

Unfortunately, this old-fashioned lamp still needs a suitable wick to be lit.

After buying the equipment, the three finally left Cape Xinan.

There is another item on the admission letter, which is a messenger, but this is not necessary.

It takes patience to cultivate a good messenger, and it is definitely not something that can be bought casually in the market.

Ethan plans to find Gul and ask it for an eagle as his messenger.

But I hope Bryant will not be angry at that time.

After Ethan treated the siblings to a big meal, he returned to the Wizard of Oz alone.

It was too early for his part-time job at this time.

The experiments in the laboratory have almost been completed, and the rest needs time to brew.

Ethan took out the logbook from the badge and began to translate.

"April 7, the eighth year of Hill III.

Today I met the leader of the dwarves, Quiton, who was more powerful than I thought.

When he learned the purpose of our trip, his expression was somewhat worthy of speculation.

Then we reached a cooperation intention in a private room.

So I had a group of dwarf warriors, sailors and craftsmen on the ship exploring the sky city.

I hope these dwarves will not get seasick.


"April 11, the eighth year of Hill III.

The dwarves showed great interest in the ship "Dawn of the World", and after discussion and research by many dwarf craftsmen.

Because some materials are too bizarre, the main part of the ship will eventually be changed to a wooden and steel structure.

It is still installed according to the original design materials. and replacement.

The main power source was changed from the original mysterious fire power to the wind god sail.

Everything went smoothly.


"April 15, the eighth year of Hill III.

We were divided into two teams.

One team went to find some materials needed for the big ship. Most of this team was dwarf warriors and my guards, as well as a small number of craftsmen.

The other team was composed of craftsmen, mainly making the original parts of the hull.

In short, the big ship of the "Dawn of the World" officially began to be made.


"April 15, the eighth year of Hill III.

Of course, I was not idle either. I would lead the team to find the creatures in the illustrations and form a somewhat strange team.

In the illustrations of the "Dawn of the World", the composition of the crew includes humans, elves, dwarves, and so-called Alliance races, and tribal races such as the Undead, Undead, and Orcs.

This will be a difficult task for me.

My first stop is Stormwind, the largest human city, and there is a large slave market here. It is a bit embarrassing to say that my first crew members will be selected from slaves.


"June 10, the eighth year of Hill III.

When we arrived in Stormwind, it was already summer and the weather was getting hot.

But there is a bad news and a good news.

The bad news is that the slaves in the slave market did not meet the standards for boarding the ship, and only the old, weak, and sick were left here.

The good news is that the stationed troops told us that the next expedition is coming, and there may be new slaves.

Well, I have to stay here for at least Ten days."

"June 25, the eighth year of Hill III.

The expedition arrived later than expected, but they seem to have made good gains.

Through the introduction of my good friend Alonsus Faol, I met Anduin Lothar, a commander in the expedition.

He has noble blood, but is willing to serve in a bitter cold place like Stormwind. He is really an ambitious man, and his future achievements must be limitless.

I extended him the olive branch of the "Dawn of the World".

As I expected, he decisively refused.

Yes, such talents should serve the country.

With his help, I came to the slave camp of the expedition.

As expected, I saw a large number of orc slaves here.

In the end, I bought 25 orcs as sailors and servants.

There is also a troll among them. I don't know why it appears here.

And they look disgusting and cruel, fortunately they are tied up with chains.

I chose those who can still communicate. After learning about my demands, they are willing to join.

Maybe they have other little thoughts, but I have been prepared for this.

There is a sworn contract on the Dawn of the World, and the contract must be signed before boarding the ship.

Once the contract is signed, they will become one of us.

Ethan closed the diary after seeing this.

I didn’t expect that building this big ship would be so troublesome.

I don’t know if I can complete it.

In addition, there is a contract for boarding the ship hidden in the illustration, which Ethan did not find.

Is there any condition required?

He opened the illustration of the ‘Dawn of the World’, but found nothing in the end.

Ethan needs to think long and hard if he wants to rebuild this big ship.

First, he needs to find craftsmen. Dwarves are extremely rare now. They often live in seclusion in the dark, but there are several relics of dwarves.

And many craftsmen have taken dwarf secret medicine and obtained dwarf blood.

They are all skilled shipwrights.

In addition, the research department of Flo University will also be his talent training base.

Many black technologies now have surpassed the era of the log owner.

For example, the wind god sails they made rely on the powerful power source brought by the wind to drive.

Now it can be driven by the principle of the flying broom.

At the same time, compared with the telekinetic drive of the wind god sails and flying brooms of the dwarves, Ethan is more inclined to the fire drive in the original illustration.

PS: Recommendation ticket transmission array.

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