The wand is a basic tool for students at Flo University to assist in their practice of mind.

Students use the wand to communicate with the mind in their bodies and to gain a deeper understanding of the characteristics of mind through the wand.

Through repeated testing, they develop their own mind skills.

But they ignore the wand's own mind tool properties.

Who says the wand can only be used for learning?

No, on the contrary, the wand is still a weapon of ancient wizards.

The Xiyi wand in Ethan's hand is invisible and silent when waving, and the wand itself is hard, which is really hard to defend.

"Perfect mind carrier."

Oliver looked at the empty wand in Ethan's hand.

Invisibility and silence can be regarded as an absolute advantage in battle.

He was thinking about why other people's minds can't make the wand invisible.

Theoretically, everyone's mind has different characteristics, and the representation is also different.

But when choosing the wand body, this point should be fully considered.

Generally, the wood used to make the wand is more universal for mind.

This is why no one chooses to use Xiyi wood as the wand body.

Xiyi wood is an excellent material that can carry a large amount of telekinesis, but it is difficult to resonate with the owner, so it is rarely made into a wand.

Especially now that the wand is mainly supplied to university students for enlightenment.

He suspected that the activation threshold of Xiyi wood is the capacity of telekinesis.

Only when the telekinesis reaches a certain amount can the hidden attributes of the wand be activated.

But even he can't activate the wand, but the young man around him can...

Oliver looked at Ethan hesitantly, how high is the total amount of telekinesis of this young man.

Ethan waved his cane and gently drew it in the air, and a thin thread appeared in the air.

Under Ethan's control, the thread went around the pot of mimosa on the table and gently pulled it.

A leaf of the mimosa slid down silently.

This may not be strange in Ethan's eyes.

But in the eyes of Emma and Bidwen, Ethan turned his wrist a few times in the void.

The leaf of the mimosa broke.

"Hmm? This is..."

"Hehe, I just developed it, called: Wand Lead~ How about it."

Ethan withdrew his telekinesis, and the pale wand reappeared from his hand.

Invisible to see, silent to hear.

Maybe it will be very convenient to make a backup in the future~

In the end, Ethan bought the wand for 3K shells.

It is roughly estimated that the Oliver family lost a few megashells.

The body of this wand is made of priceless Xiyi wood, and the core is the nerve of the extremely difficult to capture killing python.

The material cost alone should be no less than 2MB, but unfortunately, this wand has been displayed in Oliver's wand shop for hundreds of years.

As a crazy wand maker, Oliver's great-grandfather can rest in peace.

The creativity of genius is always rarely understood.

After leaving Oliver's wand shop, the three wandered around Xinan Corner.

For the remaining crystal bottles, crucibles, telescopes and brass scales, Ethan planned to buy second-hand ones directly.

But most of the items in Xinan Cape are relics, and the price is too expensive.

And there are very few of these experimental equipment.

"Ethan, are you sure you want to buy second-hand experimental equipment?"

Ethan nodded and gave Emma an affirmative answer.

"If that's the case, I know a place where these may be available."

In the southwest corner of Xinan Cape in the southwest corner of Turing City, there is a long corridor.

There are many stalls on both sides of the corridor, which are markets selling materials and some sundries.

There are many useful gadgets, including pharmacist sets.

Crucibles, crystal bottles, brass balances.

It took less than half an hour for Ethan to buy a good set of pharmacist supplies.

Although they are second-hand goods, they are clean and tidy, and the quality is not low.

These cost Ethan 2KB in total.

Most of them were spent on crystal bottles.

There are no glass products in this world. All transparent crystalline products are made of crystal. Fortunately, there is no shortage of crystal mines here.

Ethan secretly remembered the glass in his mind.

After the experiment at hand is completed, he plans to work out the glass craft.

The essence of glass is sand melted at high temperature.

It should be a huge profit.

"We've bought everything, let's go~"

Bidwen summoned a broom, looking like he was ready to race.

Ethan was about to agree, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of a broken lamp on the stall and became interested again.


He squatted in front of the stall and picked up the broken lamp covered with ashes.

The shape of this lamp is rare, it is an inverted volcano shape, a bit like a low teacup.

The lamp body is rusty, with a sun pattern printed on the bottom, and a handle that is almost corroded on one side.

Except for the serious damage to the handle, this lamp is still very elegant.

But what really attracted Ethan was the words engraved on the lamp body.

This kind of similar words is both familiar and unfamiliar to Ethan.

In the black box in his mind, there are similar words on the inside of the "Ten Commandments" ring.

It looks like an irregular figure, and those who don't know it might think it is some kind of pattern.

This made Ethan doubt its origin.

"Boss, how much is this broken lamp?"

The stall owner was a one-eyed man with a weather-beaten face and ragged clothes.

The items on his stall were very obscure, most of them were rusty.

And many of them were covered with dust.

Ethan guessed that these things were all found underground.

The one-eyed man's eyes shook slightly, and when he saw the broken lamp that Ethan pointed at, he was afraid.

"This is 1MB."

"What kind of broken lamp is 1MB? You are asking for too much!"

Before Ethan could complain about the high price, Bi Devin got angry first.

The one-eyed man's face was embarrassed. The lamp in front of him was not only rusty but also broken.

It was indeed not worth 1MB.

"10B net, if you are willing, we will take it, if not, we will turn around and leave."

Ethan thought that the gap was so big, people would definitely not be willing.

Who knew that the one-eyed man actually said one word in a decisive manner: OK.

I'm a bitch~

I was almost cheated.

After paying him 10 belos, Ethan did not take back the senbei, but continued to ask: "If you can tell me where this lamp was found, I will give you another 10 belos."

The one-eyed man's eyes darkened, and he ignored it, as if he was not interested in 10 belos, but just quietly packed up his stall.

Ethan immediately understood that the other person didn't want to tell him.

He had no choice but to turn around and leave.

But just as he turned around, the voice of the one-eyed man came again.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't know where that place is."

"But you can definitely get there from one place."

The voice was hoarse and a little sad.

Ethan turned around and looked at the one-eyed man.

The latter had a blank expression on his face and gently uttered three words.

"Through the well!"

PS: Recommended ticket teleportation array~

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