Legend has it that God created the first human being with mud.

And now Ethan is experiencing this process again.

The lame craftsman's big hands kneaded the powder and water into mud like mud.

And constantly changed the mud into various shapes.

Ethan felt the thoughts in his body, which were still abundant.

The lame craftsman had no intention of ending.

Ethan couldn't help but feel happy.

In the past, Ethan could only withstand sixteen hammers and chisels.

But today it was more than that.

Time passed by minute by minute. The small compartment on the second floor of the Wizard of Oz was bright and clean, and the moonlight sprinkled a silver white on the ground through the glass.

In the room, Ethan was working on the shape, and unknowingly a night was about to pass.

The mud formed by the illusion on Ethan's body was still changing shape in the lame craftsman's hands.

There were flying birds, beasts, dragons, and sea monsters.

Gradually, the fur of the mud began to disappear, and then the tail disappeared.

Grow limbs, head, facial features, hair...

Finally, it had a rough human appearance.

At this time, the lame craftsman stopped his action and stared at a human figure that was gradually overlapping with Ethan.

He stared at Ethan's face, frowning slightly.

As if he had thought of something, he hesitated.

Suddenly he raised the chisel and made a scratch in the middle of Ethan's forehead, between his eyebrows.

The scratch was about the length of a knuckle from top to bottom.

It was like a crack in the center of the eyebrows.

Looking at his last work, the lame craftsman nodded with satisfaction, wiped the sweat from his face, and turned away.


At this point, the phantom light disappeared.

Ethan's mind was clear, and his soul finally returned to his body.

He opened his eyes and looked at everything in the room, the bed, the desk, the window...

It seemed that the world had become much clearer.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the attic as usual.

Ethan took off his clothes and stood in front of the mirror.

Although he had practiced all night, his body felt more comfortable than ever before.

The muscle lines on his body were still there, but they were much whiter than before.

The slight dark circles left behind before were gone without any trace.

Feeling the skin as delicate as a newborn baby, Ethan looked at himself in the mirror, as if he had become a different person.

Brown short hair, with milk-like skin, and without dark circles, his face became more angular, as if he had reached the level of relying on his face to make a living.

Finally caught up with the average appearance of the book friends of a certain point.

The change in appearance is still secondary. The most important thing is that Ethan actually felt that his mind became very clear, and he could always solve any problem he wanted.

You know, he didn't sleep all night yesterday.

This has to be suspected to be caused by the cripple body forging technique yesterday.

No, it's not just the body forging technique.

Ethan looked at the ring on the middle finger of his right hand.

In the past, he didn't have enough thoughts when practicing the cripple body forging technique.

And last night, the thoughts seemed endless.

This is why a series of changes followed.

Is this the ability of the 'Ten Commandments Ring'?

Energetic, clear mind, infinite thoughts...!

Or are there other undiscovered abilities?

He now had some understanding of how Gexia I rose from the grass and ended the troubled times.

But if Gexia I was really the contractor of the ring, how did he take off the ring?

And how did the ring appear on the sculpture of his guard?

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. He would definitely go to the cemetery to find out.

Looking at the huge sapphire on his right hand, Ethan shook his head helplessly.

Alas, with such a big gem, should he wear gloves in the future?

As soon as he had this idea, the ring flashed slightly and disappeared without a trace.

The holy object is worthy of being a holy object.

He speculated that this ring corresponds to the "patience" in the Ten Commandments, but it was just a speculation.

After all, when the contract was signed, he had never heard of that language, and was forced to sign the agreement.

I must consult some linguists when I have the chance in the future.

Suddenly Ethan had an idea. If it was Miss Lisa who wore this ring, what kind of chemical reaction would happen?

The possession of the God of Europe: the rarer and more expensive the equipment, the greater the power.

Lisa with the ring on her face is probably no less powerful than Thanos~

I can't imagine it.

I can't afford to offend her.

"Da Da Da~"

"Da Da Da~"

Ethan got dressed and was about to go downstairs.

Suddenly, he was disturbed by the knocking on the window.

This is a snow-white owl.

He quickly opened the window, and the owl came in, spun around in the small attic, and threw the letter in its claws in front of Ethan.

An owl delivering a letter, so fresh.

Ethan picked up the envelope from the ground, which was printed with the school emblem of Flo University.

It was written below:

Principal: Vic Springhall (President of Flo University, President of the Turing City Reader Association, Prism Distinguished Professor, Earl, and Senior Member of the Wizard Tower.)

His eyes lit up and he quickly opened it.

There were two sheets of letter paper.

Page 1.

Dear Moore Ethan:

Congratulations on being admitted to the Medical Department of the Strategy Department of Flo University with a score of 101 (out of 100).

Please report to Flo University before 8 am on September 1st. We will wait for your owl to bring your reply before August 1st. (Remember to give the owl some food you like.)

Attached is a list of required books and equipment.

Sincerely, from the Flo University Strategy Department.

It is indeed an admission letter.

But this is too simple.

Ethan folded the first page of paper and put it on the table, then picked up the second page.


Required books:

"Detailed Explanation of the Fog Ruins" by Yilaizhe Aiden.

"Record of the Battle of the Land" by Luis Vito.

"About Mysticism" by Zephenia Taylor.

"Language System" by Zephenia Taylor.

"Basics of Pharmacists" by Needhamus Ken.

"First Aid Techniques" by Crofts Truman.

"Combined Application of Medicine and Mind" by Marjorie King.


In a long list of books, Ethan actually found that the authors of two of the books were Taylor.

I don't know if the Condor Gul successfully handed over the Senbei Gudong to Taylor's daughter at that time.

Ethan believes that as long as he is at Flo University, he will always have the opportunity to meet them.

At the same time, there is Professor Taylor's safe that Ethan has been thinking about.

Equipment list:

A magic wand (for the enlightenment of Nian)

A crucible (pewter, standard size 2)

A set of crystal vials

A brass balance

In addition: students can bring an owl, a cat or a toad.

Note: First-year students are not allowed to bring their own flying brooms.

It's a pity that there are no snakes.

Looking at the long list of things listed above.

I'm afraid it's worth a lot.

Ethan felt sorry for his Belo.

PS: This chapter borrowed some settings from Harry Potter, which does not involve the plot and does not hinder reading.

PS: Spoiler: One of the professional inheritances of Flo University is Auror. As for the ability setting, everyone can give some suggestions.

PS: Recommendation ticket teleportation array.

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