From the historical documents of the Red River Valley, there is a piece of information that caught Ethan's attention.

Although King Goxia I was of royal blood, he was expelled when he was young, and he lived a humble and difficult life.

He had no money and no food.

How did such a person who could not even guarantee basic living save the world and lead the world in the midst of disputes among countries?

History has no answer.

It was also related to what the group of people were looking for just now.

Could it be related to the ring in his hand?

It was a pity that apart from a few simple letters on the inner circle, Ethan did not find any other information.

He held the sapphire ring in his palm, and the more he looked at it, the more amazing it was.

The flowing blue fluorescence seemed to be substantial, as if it was sucking him in.

There seemed to be an invisible guidance in the dark, driving Ethan.

Wear it, wear it.

A faint murmur, like Gollum's mumbling: My precious...

My precious...

I don't know how long it took, when Ethan regained consciousness, the ring was already on the middle finger of his right hand, opposite to the Hades ring on his left hand.

One was dark and mysterious, the other was sacred and elegant.


At this time, a starlight was sprinkled on the ring.

The thoughts in the body began to flow rapidly into the right hand.

In the blink of an eye, the whole body's mental power disappeared.

But this is not over yet, the light curtain continued to expand, forming a starry sky in front of Ethan, and in the starry sky were strange words formed by stars.

There was a faint mumbling in his ears, it was a strange language, told in a strange tone.

Illusions, mumbling, and strange words seemed to drown Ethan in it.

Ethan unconsciously raised his hand and pointed at the star curtain formed in the void.


When Ethan's finger fell, a huge fingerprint appeared out of thin air, printed on the star handwriting in the void.

There was a sigh in the void, the stars disappeared, the handprint disappeared, and everything around returned to its original appearance.

What happened just now? Ethan looked at his right hand and fell into deep thought.

His consciousness was clearer than ever before, and he remembered the illusion in his mind clearly.

Why did the text composed of the stars in the void look so much like a contract?

The Ten Commandments Ring? The Commandments Contract?

Thinking of the picture that just flowed in the star curtain, Ethan suddenly remembered a legend in the classic masterpiece "Miracle".

Legend has it that God created all things, and living beings were able to reproduce.

But in the face of survival, all spirits fell into chaos.

Under the law of the jungle, humans who had no physical advantages could only survive in the cracks.

Relying on tenacious vitality, the surviving humans gradually gathered together and formed ten tribes.

These ten tribes were the original human ancestors.

The God of Creation sympathized with the plight of mankind and could not bear to see the leader of all spirits he created sink.

So he gave each of the ten tribes a ring.

Each ring will bring them unparalleled magical powers, but they must abide by God's rules.

The ten rings correspond to ten commandments, which are: faith, self-respect, humility, dedication, non-killing, integrity, truth, patience, kindness, and silence.

Referred to as the "Ten Commandments".

When the commandments are violated, God will impose severe punishment.

According to legend, no one who gets these rings can stick to their respective commandments, and they will eventually be burdened by the commandments.

At that time, the picture in the star screen changed with the sound.

When this sapphire appeared, it just corresponded to a picture of torture.

In the picture, the tortured person was tied to the cross.

Various tortures were imposed on his body.

Finally, he could not bear the whipping and chose to compromise.

So his originally strong body began to wither.

In a flash, it turned into a ball of dust.

And the sapphire ring fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the torturer picked up the sapphire and put it on his hand.

There is a sentence about the "Ten Commandments Ring" in "Miracle":

"God warns the world: When the mission becomes a burden, disaster is imminent..."

Such a sudden warning made Ethan shudder.

Ethan seemed to be wearing a hot potato. He tried to take off the ring, but found that the ring could not be taken off, as if it grew on his body.

It was hard to laugh or cry.

From the picture of the star screen just now, you can see.

This blue When the owner of the gem ring could not bear the punishment, he was punished by the gods.

So the ring in his hand is likely to deal with the "patience" in the "Ten Commandments".

Could it be that I also have a ring grandfather?

Ethan accidentally signed the commandments with the ring, and he was a little amused at this time.

It is very likely that Ge Xia I relied on this ring to truly sweep the world and achieve the "Red River Prosperity" recorded in history.

Ethan tried to calm himself down and then mobilized his thoughts.

A touch of weirdness appeared on his face.

The mind power has never been clear and surging.

Without hesitation, he directly performed the Lame Artisan Body Forging Technique.

Ethan posed as a thinker, and as soon as his mind power moved, the Lame Artisan appeared beside him almost instantly.

This time the image of the Lame Artisan was clearer than any other time.

In the past, Ethan could only hear the footsteps of the Lame Artisan, but never saw the body of the Lame Artisan.

And now Ethan can clearly see the appearance of the Lame Artisan.

Fiery red beard and messy hair, strong arms, ugly face and violent, one leg is disabled as Ethan expected.

In his right hand, he holds a hammer, and in his left hand, he holds a chisel.

A pair of eyes stare at Ethan's body, as if he is admiring his own work.

This time, he didn't do it directly like before.

Instead, he raised the hammer and chisel in his hands after thinking for a long time.


As if he was not satisfied with his work, he swung the sledgehammer and smashed it directly at Ethan's body.

"Hua La~"

The overwhelming pain made Ethan's eyes black, and he almost quit the thinker's shape.

It was completely different from the previous pain.

It was a kind of soul shock.

When the hammer went down, pain, numbness, itching and other five kinds of feelings were mixed.

Ethan felt his blood boiling, and there was a slight smell of blood in his mouth.

The sledgehammer hit Ethan's chest directly.

It was as if the sculpture was shattered all over the ground.

Ethan's soul suddenly flew into the air.

He seemed to have become a third party, quietly appreciating the lame craftsman's sculpture.

One hammer made his soul leave his body, so terrifying~


The second hammer.

The hammer head fell on the fragments and turned them into powder directly.

And a large piece of dirt suddenly appeared on Ethan's back.


The big hammer mercilessly hammered down a piece of sculpture fragment.


This time, a large piece of stain appeared on the thigh.




I don't know how many times the lame craftsman swung the hammer, Ethan's soul just floated in the air and watched the lame craftsman smash the sculpture representing his body into powder.

And pieces of dirt appeared on Ethan's body.

Until finally it looked like a gray little man.

At this time, the lame craftsman put down the hammer and chisel, and brought a basin of clear water from somewhere, pouring it on Ethan's head.

It was cool and comfortable, and even Ethan's soul groaned.

The water kept flowing down, as if it had never stopped.

It didn't stop until there was no more dirt on Ethan's body.

PS: Recommendation ticket transmission array.

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