The next day, the sun was high in the sky.

Ethan woke up from his dream.

This was rare for Ethan, who had always been diligent.

He stretched his legs and feet and stretched comfortably.

Most of the scars on his body were only a layer of blood scabs, and the deeper ones also felt itchy. It seemed that they were not far from complete recovery.

The good thing was that his body felt a little stronger and his muscles were full of strength. This should be the reward he got for the pain of the night.

Although he wanted to enter the carving state again, it was a pity that his mind no longer allowed him to summon the lame craftsman.

This secret technique is a big consumer of grain.

After a night of deep sleep, Ethan's mind power has only recovered about half.

Now he still lacks a meditation method suitable for him, so he can only rely on body circulation to restore his mind power.

Alas, there is a regret of guarding the treasure mountain in vain without being able to enter.

There is no choice but to do so.

Ethan washed and dressed. Today he wanted to take a good look at Behemoth City.

Behemoth City was opened up because of the relic - Behemoth.

The white bones in the sky pierce the sky, and under the sunlight, they glow palely, like a cage formed by white bones, and Behemoth City is covered in it.

According to records, the entire Behemoth City was built on the skeleton of the Behemoth.

So such huge bones can be seen everywhere in Behemoth City.

Ethan secretly marveled at the ingenuity of nature, and couldn't help but admire the builders of Behemoth City at that time.

Because they are adjacent to Titan City, the two have the same sturdy folk customs.

Ethan has a deep feeling about this when walking on the street.

Whether it is from the clothes of passers-by or from their personal conversation, everyone has a kind of casualness and Liangshan Uprising.

Originally, Ethan thought that his ragged clothes would definitely attract people's contempt, but who knew that in addition to some guild adventurers on the street, five or six out of ten people have the same style as him.

It seems that everyone has become accustomed to it.

Ethan couldn't figure it out, so he could only attribute it to local customs.

While feeling the exotic atmosphere, he asked passers-by about the specific location of the station.

Until he saw a huge wheel sculpture in the distance.

This is a square. It's called a square, but apart from the travelers in a hurry, there is only the wheel sculpture in front of him that is more than ten meters high.

The year is engraved on the wheel, 1814 AD, which means that the sculpture has been standing here for nearly 100 years.

A long article of praise is engraved on the memorial platform under the wheel sculpture. Ethan can feel the joy of the builder at that time.

Ethan's eyes passed the sculpture and fell on the building behind it.

The building is magnificent and majestic. It is a rare modern building in Beamon City.

In the most conspicuous position on the wall, the federal common language is written: Beamon Railway Station.

This is Ethan's destination today.

He needs a train ticket to Turing City as soon as possible.

There is still about a month before the registration date for Flo University, and Ethan is a little anxious.

There was an endless stream of people coming to the hall to buy tickets, and long queues had formed in front of the three windows.

Ethan had no choice but to stand at the end of one of the queues.

In front of him were two friends who seemed familiar with each other. They kept chattering, which made Ethan, who was waiting, less bored.

Ethan heard a lot of interesting stories from their chat.

It turned out that the ragged people on the streets of Behemoth City were not because of the tough folk customs and casualness, but because of a relic near Behemoth City.

According to records, the habits of Behemoth beasts are very similar to those of legendary dragons. They like to collect golden treasures, and the Behemoth beast in Behemoth City is no exception.

Not far to the north of Behemoth City lies a relic called "Greedy Cave", which is the place where Behemoth beasts hid treasures before they died.

Every day, countless adventurers in bright clothes go to the cave to look for treasures with dreams in their hearts. Most of them often become ragged and get nothing, and some even lose their lives.

However, this does not prevent adventurous young people from coming to challenge, and Greedy Cave is not short of exciting treasure hunting stories.

Every once in a while, there will be news that adventurers have found treasures.

The flow of people moves very quickly.

Unknowingly, Ethan has moved to the front of the team.

He opened the senbei and said, "Hello, I need a ticket to Turing City, the sooner the better, and I also need a horse consignment service."

Generally speaking, steam trains are equipped with consignment services, which can consign horses, pets, excess luggage, and even a small amount of goods.

The lady who sorted out the tickets was not beautiful, but she was neat and tidy.

While listening to Ethan's story, she buried her head in taking notes.

The senbei next to her kept counting her fingers in the air, and did not forget to quote the customer: "Uh~ one... um, adult ticket."

Ethan is indeed much taller now, and he looks like an adult, so it is understandable to calculate it as an adult ticket.

"1K scallop."

Hearing the price, Ethan secretly smacked his lips, this price is too unfriendly.

Although he had heard that the steam train ticket price was high, it was still far beyond his budget.

Ethan's total savings amounted to only a few kilobytes, which meant that he could clear it out with a few more train rides.

This did not include Xiaobai's shipping fee and food expenses.

"And... the shipping fee for a horse~, 1.5K shells~, food is not included."

After hearing her offer, Ethan's face was not very good. He didn't expect the price of the horse to be a 50% premium.

There was no way to sign up for Turing City, so he had to bleed a lot.

Looking at the ticketing senbei's ten fingers twitching back and forth, Ethan's senbei Ma Yun became a little impatient and whipped the whip in the air.


The sound shook, and the ticketing senbei was stunned.

Looking at Ethan's senbei with a crying face, his face was full of timidity.

Ma Yun's tone was full of disdain, and he scolded loudly: "Stupid! Hurry up!"

The ticketing senbei was nervous and burst into tears in an instant: "Wuwuwu~ Sorry, sir~"


Ethan looked at Ma Yun, why is it called this?

"Crack, call me Queen!!"

Seeing little Ma Yun in a thin shirt and short skirt, with a whip, the domineering look, isn't this the ideal type of abstinence?

Ethan stiffened slightly to show respect.

But he still felt embarrassed and lowered his head.

The ticket lady heard the crying of the fairy bean, and glanced at Ma Yun again. When she saw the whip in her hand, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she hurriedly said: "Sir, I'm sorry, my fairy bean is not delaying, but checking the ticket."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my fairy bean is too rude."

Ethan hurriedly apologized.

But the ticket fairy bean shook his head like a rattle, and not only that, he bowed repeatedly to apologize.

Looking at the little Ma Yun's uncomfortable look, he couldn't help but think of her cowardly appearance in the past.

Ethan was surprised, is this the song of the liberated serfs?

The ticket lady sighed and said, "Although there are fewer adult tickets to Turing City, they can always be squeezed out. However, there is really no way to get the carriage for the horse, so my senbei has not been answered yet."

Ethan frowned when he heard it, and hurriedly said, "Then it's okay to postpone it a little bit."


Ma Yun was intimidating without being angry, and she was getting more and more skilled in using the whip.

"Woo woo woo~ Queen, the check-in is one and a half months later~"


When Ethan heard it, he felt half cold in his heart. If it really takes one and a half months, the daylily will be frozen.

Amid the apology of the ticket lady, Ethan could only leave temporarily.

At this moment, a wretched figure came up to him: "Sir, do you want a ticket?"

PS: Everyone, do you have a recommendation ticket for the surname Hua (〃'▽'〃)~

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