Behemoth City is a relatively remote city in the alliance.

But compared to the urban-rural fringe areas where Ethan was before, this place is enough to make his eyes light up.


A pedestrian was waving to stop a parrot selling newspapers.

Ethan's heart tightened, and he told Bryant to hide in his shadow, while he led Xiaobai to turn into a small path on the side.

In Rum Town, Prism intended to touch Bryant, but it escaped, and I'm afraid it won't give up now.

Fortunately, Ethan's face was full of paint at that time, and Xiaobai was also skinny.

The only photo that can be regarded as evidence is also a photo of him performing snake show half a year ago.

At that time, he was still childish, and the most important thing was a pair of heavy dark circles on his face. Everyone thought he was a blind child.

As long as Bryant didn't show up, he shouldn't be exposed.

To be on the safe side, Ethan still led Xiaobai to avoid the most crowded places.

Behemoth City, a remote street.

Ethan stood in front of a small hotel and looked around.

This small hotel is not in a good location, has little traffic, and the sign is a bit old, which doesn't seem to be very popular.

It just meets Ethan's needs.

"Boss, stay at the hotel!"

The owner was originally sleeping in a daze, but when he heard that there was a guest, he immediately became radiant: "Hehehe, distinguished guest."

He didn't mind Ethan's dirtiness and gave him a hug as if he was at home.

Could it be a black shop? Ethan was alert.

But later, in a chat with the boss, he understood everything.

This place was just bought, but he didn't expect that there were almost no guests because the place was too remote.

Ethan was the first one today, so of course he was very excited, and he didn't dare to pick and choose guests.

In connection with his previous observations, he believed this set of rhetoric.

After letting go of his guard, Ethan checked in safely.

The room in the hotel is not big, but it is clean and hygienic.

Perhaps because the string in his mind suddenly relaxed, Ethan took a hot bath and fell asleep on the bed.

He seemed to have a long dream.

In his dream, he saw the glittering black box in his mind, exactly the same as the one he had seen in the ruins before.

Now the outside of the box was wrapped in a thick layer of fog.

No matter how Ethan drove it away, his eyes were always blurry.

Just when he was at a loss and failed repeatedly, a wisp of blue flame disappeared into the box with a few wisps of fog.

The side of the black box facing Ethan suddenly revealed a corner.

It was a human relief.

A powerful giant sat with his back bent, his right hand supporting his cheek, and his mouth biting the back of his hand. Isn't this the "Thinker".

However, the "Thinker" in the previous life was a sculpture, but here it became a relief.

Although the relief was not big, Ethan could clearly see that there were still red lines on the Thinker's body, which was amazing.

When he looked more carefully, he noticed that there were several engravings on a corner just above the relief, which vaguely looked like a kind of text.

Only half of the text was exposed and half was hidden in the mist. Ethan tried hard to see it clearly, but he failed no matter what.

Until he woke up from the dream with a confused face.


Ethan washed his face and shook his head.

He looked at the stars and the moon outside the window, and his heart could not calm down for a long time.

I always felt that this dream seemed to want to tell him something.

What does that relief mean, what does that word represent, and what is the blue flame that blew away the mist at the beginning?

Three consecutive things in life, three unknowns.

I didn't expect that after the strange sound of "ding-dong" disappeared, I still couldn't sleep.

It seems that the dark circles are bound.

In the small room, Ethan took out several books that he had stored in the badge before.

But he felt dizzy after turning a few pages, and couldn't read it anyway.

The image of the relief appeared clearly in his mind again.

Ethan thought about it and mobilized his thoughts to run along the path of the red line, but after a quarter of an hour, nothing happened to his body.

He scratched his head in confusion, not quite understanding what was going on.

Doesn't that relief have any meaning?


Suddenly Ethan's eyes lit up, and he remembered the classic movements of the 'Thinker' sculpture.

Could it be that... the movements must also be consistent?

He immediately began to try to imitate the movements of the Thinker while mobilizing his thoughts in the direction of the red line.

After several adjustments, Ethan felt that his movements were very similar to those of the 'Thinker'.

But his body was not as muscular as others, and he felt a little ashamed of himself.

Just then Ethan suddenly heard heavy footsteps.

"Pa", "Da", "Pa", "Da"

One heavy and one light footsteps, slowly coming from a distance.

Ethan was startled, and his movements were immediately interrupted, and the sound stopped.

He looked around nervously, and there was no one in the room, and there was no limp in the sound.

Did he hear it?

Ethan thought deeply, and re-arranged his movements, mobilizing his thoughts in accordance with the red line on the 'Thinker'.

"Pah", "Da", "Pah", "Da"

Sure enough, the lame footsteps appeared again.

It was exactly the same as the first time. Could it be an auditory hallucination caused by the relief?

Ethan did not interrupt halfway like last time, but continued to keep moving and run the thoughts on his body according to the red line.

"Ding Dong!"

That voice!

The voice that had been bothering him before!


Ethan once again withdrew from the action of the 'Thinker'.

Because when the 'ding-dong' sound rang out, he clearly felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder, as if a chisel had carved heavily into his body.

Ethan stroked his right arm, and the pain that penetrated his bones could not be false.

A smooth shoulder appeared in front of him.


There was not a trace of mark on it.

Even the thin and shallow mark that was cut by the skeleton on the big ship yesterday was gone.

The scar on the other arm was still aching.

Could it be that my nervous system was disordered?

Ethan moved his shoulders, trying to find something different.

But the right arm was not only free to move, but also more relaxed and flexible than the left arm.

During the days in the foggy world, Ethan had been maintaining a high degree of mental and physical tension, so it was inevitable that he was a little tired.

But at this time, the right shoulder was obviously more free than the left shoulder.

The pain just happened to be in the right shoulder, which made him guess that it was related to the relief of the "Thinker".

Could it really be that pain just now?

The more Ethan thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, so he tried it for the third time.

This time he secretly made up his mind to endure it no matter how painful it was.

According to the steps just now, Ethan set the "Thinker" action, mobilized the thoughts in his body, and began to run according to the red line.

First, the sound of lameness sounded.

The sound of "ding-dong" followed.

It hurts, it really hurts.

Ethan secretly gritted his teeth and persisted.

The first one came from the right shoulder, and Ethan's teeth trembled in pain.


The second one was the left shoulder. Ethan felt the chisel fall heavily along the left shoulder, and the pain went deep into his bones.


The third one was the back. The pain this time was much worse than the shoulder, and Ethan shivered in pain.

However, with a strong will, Ethan managed to survive.


The fourth chisel suddenly appeared on the buttocks, and the chisel went straight in. Ethan shuddered and almost lost control of his bowels and bladder.


The fifth chisel felt as if his right leg was scraped open, and the burning pain surged into his heart again.


The sixth chisel felt the pain in his left leg again, and Ethan was already somewhat numb at this time.


The seventh chisel fell on Ethan's head, and his mind 'buzzed', and Ethan couldn't control himself at all, and exited the 'thinker' state.

Pain, indescribable pain.

Scraping the bone to heal the wound is just like this.

Ethan panted and wiped the sweat from his face.


This feeling... is really amazing.

Ethan silently felt his current state, and his fatigue faded, replaced by full strength and vitality.

He could even feel that if he ran for a long time, his body would definitely become stronger.

Is this the feeling of pain and happiness?

He couldn't help but wonder in his heart whether this was the legendary body-building technique.

If I can reshape my body, what does it matter if I feel a little pain?

He immediately got into position again, ready to continue his journey of self-torture.

But soon his movements froze, and he said with an ugly face: "Fuck, no more mana..."

PS: Thanks to Maosila and fggggwre for the rewards~ So happy~

PS: Please recommend~ Please collect~ Please invest~

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