Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 67: Opening big sale! As long as 998!

After experiencing the second attack by the basilisk, all the teachers and students in the school finally learned an important message: somewhere in Hogwarts Castle, in the secret room of Slytherin, there is a very terrifying Basilisk! It recently picked out to attack students at night! Therefore, Hogwarts imposed the strictest curfew from the day after Colin was attacked!

   Just this morning, after the students’ breakfast was over, Principal Dumbledore personally announced a new school rule: All students in the school must return to the lounge in advance before dark! All night club activities or courses will be cancelled! The courses are all adjusted to the day time! Any student, staying outside the lounge after dark! Once found! Severe punishment!

   Some of the middle-aged professors in the school were divided into several groups by Principal Dumbledore and asked them to take turns on duty! At night, the team of these professors will patrol the main castle! Strictly guard against the basilisk that may appear at any time!

  Because of the situation at Hogwarts now, the Gryffindor College lounge after dinner today will be more lively than ever! Students of all grades who have nothing to do and don't want to go to bed too early are gathering together in twos and threes. Most people are talking about topics that are of mutual interest to each other, some people are burying their heads in rushing homework that can never be done, and some people are leisurely playing wizard chess that they can play by themselves.

   Now the Gryffindor lounge is strictly prohibited from going out! Headmaster Dumbledore’s doglegs, the two prefects and the two prefects were sitting on a chair alone, with their legs up, standing by the exit of the lounge! They just received the order, after this time of day, everyone in Gryffindor College is only allowed to enter! Not allowed!

   So, students nowadays don't have much choice for them except the common room hall and their own bedroom! All this is caused by that **** basilisk and curfew! But for the sake of their own lives, although the students were a little dissatisfied, they were not stupid enough to do such behaviors as using spells to hide from the standing guard and sneak out!

   "Harry, ask you something! Are you really Slytherin's heir?" Ron finally couldn't bear loneliness after finishing half of his homework, and asked Harry quietly from the side.

   After Colin was attacked last night, some rumors began to circulate in the school today: In fact, Harry Potter is the heir of Slytherin! It is also the basilisk he released! The reason is because, in the duel club last night, Harry actually uttered a snake language! He also wanted to direct the snake to attack Malfoy! And Slytherin is one of the signs of Slytherin heir!

"Of course not! Ron! Why do you want to suspect me? I could have been with Hermione and the others last night! And I have never left in the middle!!" Harry refuted Ron's question angrily ! He was punished by Snape today to write ten pages of homework, and now he is very annoying! How can I think that Ron should bother him with this kind of problem! Are they still friends?

   "Ron! You! Hey...!" Hermione, who was reading quietly, sighed and shook her head! She is really worried about Ron's IQ now!

  Mrs. Pomfrey really shouldn't let him come back in advance. Instead, let him stay alone in the school infirmary at night, and let the Slytherin basilisk attack him! It's best to let him petrify, and then no one will ask such stupid questions!

"Don't you know the situation at the time? After Harry and I finished the course of the duel club, he and I and several other classmates walked back at the time! He never left halfway, and did not commit crimes at all. Time! There is no motive for committing the crime! You know, Harry and Colin, the relationship between them is pretty good! They are friends!" Hermione doesn't understand, there are a lot of classmates who can testify, how can he pay? Will go to doubt Harry? This is really...! Forget it! Hermione suddenly didn't want to talk about Ron! Let's continue reading her own book!

   "But... that's what other people say." Ron shrank his neck, a little afraid to look at Hermione. He just asked curiously, why did she have such a bad temper? He even spoke in such a harsh tone!

   "Believe what others say? You don't believe what we say? Ha! This is really funny!" Hermione glared at Ron, incredibly angry! The meaning is obvious: what is your brain for? Furnishings? Do you believe what those Slytherins say? Now not only are you not helping Harry, but you are also making fun of them?

"Ah! I'm sorry, Harry! I didn't mean that! I just.... I'm just curious about you! That's right! That's it! After all, it's the Slytherin! That's right! So..." Seeing Harry looking at him angrily, Ron quickly apologized and explained.

When Hermione, Harry and Ron were confused about whether Harry was heir or not, the Weasley twin brothers George and Fred suddenly took a large bag of things and opened the entrance. He rushed to the middle of the lounge and climbed to the top of the public round table.

   The behavior of the twins shocked the two prefects on guard! They don't know what these two guys are doing? He came back now, pressing down on time! If it weren't for a little time before the official curfew, it is estimated that the two Fred will be arrested by the prefect and sent to Professor McGonagall for handling!

"Good news! Good news! Gentlemen and ladies! Please look at us! We bring you good news tonight! Great news!" George and Fred ignored the angry eyes of other students After standing on the round table, George took his wand and released an amplifying spell to his throat, making his voice appear loud, so that all the students in the lounge could hear his next speech.

"I think everyone should know? Now there is a huge danger in Hogwarts school castle! That's right! That's the **** basilisk! That basilisk in the Slytherin secret room!" George said with a low voice. Said in his tone.

"It is said! Anyone who sees its eyes directly will die immediately! Even if they only see it indirectly, they will be petrified! Think of Mrs. Loris! And the poor classmate Colin Come on!" As soon as George stopped, Fred quickly added from the side.

   Seeing that most of the students in Gryffindor were attracted by what they said and were also frightened by their success, the Veles twins nodded in satisfaction. Then, they finally picked up the two hemp pockets that had been placed at their feet since just now. The reason why the two of them came back so late tonight is to make these things in a hurry!

"In this regard, Fred and I, for the sake of everyone's safety, have spent a whole day and night trying to sleep and forget food! We finally invented two special effects treasures that can target the basilisk! There are absolutely special effects! We dare to honor Gryffindor Promise!" George also shook his hand with a large pocket.

   "Look! Now these targeted treasures are here! As long as you have them, you will no longer be afraid of the threat of basilisk! As long as you have them, you can relax and walk the corridors of the school boldly!"

"Yes! As long as you have them, the basilisk will never take your life! The threat of horror, the haze that hangs over Hogwarts will never return!" Fred immediately took it again. George's words, the two brothers just sang and worked hard to promote it.

   "So, what exactly are these two things you invented? What's the effect?" Neville Longbottom, who had been tempted by the two for a long time, finally couldn't help but ask.

awesome! Waiting for your words! When George and Fred heard Neville's words, they immediately looked at each other with a knowing smile! They originally considered whether to spend money on a caregiver or ask the familiar Harry and the others for help! It’s just that today’s time is too rush, they can’t make preparations in advance! Good now! Take a look! Immediately someone rushed to the door to act as a trustee! Nawei really deserves to be the best supporting role of the year!

   "Good question from this classmate!"

"Let's take a look! This thing is called: the crystal magic mirror away from the gaze of death! As long as you wear it, you will be far away from the death gaze of the terrifying basilisk! Even if you directly see the eyes of the basilisk, you will not die! Only ten silver coins! How about? Are you surprised?"

  George took out a pair of chic flat glasses from his hemp pocket, with a layer of faint magic color coating on them, which looked like sunglasses, but the color was slightly different! If combined with that long name, it looks very extraordinary!

   In fact, George didn’t say the whole thing. Wearing these glasses, after seeing the basilisk, you will definitely not die, but you will never escape from being petrified! But somehow saved a little life, right?

   Actually, it is just a pair of stalls worth less than a pound! If you buy in large quantities, maybe less than ten shillings per pair! These are all bargains they entrusted people to buy from Muggle World overnight, and then use the owl to send them urgently! After that, the two brothers spent almost all their free time during the day, and gave them a layer of magical color coating that looked cool. As for what is the use of this coating? Ha ha! You ask too much!

   And now, with such a pair of glasses that cost less than ten shillings, they actually want to sell ten silver sikes! You know, the current exchange rate of Gringotts to British pound is that one golden gallon is about five pounds! And one Jin Jialong can be exchanged for 17 silver Sicos! So, as long as they sell a pair of glasses, they can make a huge profit of at least eight silver coins! These two guys are indeed unscrupulous profiteers!

"Come and see! The baby in my hand is called: the crow of the magic rooster! It is so small and so cute that it can even be placed in your pocket at any time! As long as you put magic power into it, it can croak a rooster! If you go to check it, you will know that the book clearly records that the basilisk is most afraid of rooster crows! It can help you drive away the deadly basilisk! Only ten silver sikes each! How? Was it unexpected?"

   Fred reached out and took out a strange little box from his own pocket. Hermione, who grew up in the Muggle world, recognized it at a glance! That thing is actually a simplified version of the pronunciation box! Toys for children! You can buy several for one pound! Neither of them even had time to erase the factory logo and LOGO on it! Hermione almost wanted to laugh when she saw it!

   And now, it is no longer playing a certain piece of music, but can repeat the sharp and loud chirping of a rooster back and forth! As for the need to use magic power, it is estimated that the two brothers changed the battery to magic power to generate electricity, right? This is really an interesting idea! With this creative invention, it's worth ten silver scones!

   Hermione thought about it seriously, these two things may still be very useful, it's a bit difficult for them both! Those glasses should really prevent direct death, as evidenced by Mrs. Loris and Colin with the camera! They all saw the eyes of the basilisk indirectly! Only one is reflected through the stagnant water, and the other is through the camera lens!

   For the music box, Hermione just thought it was possible to drive away the basilisk! She is not too sure! So just think it is possible! After all, this has not been proved by any examples, she dare not jump to conclusions now! But in general, these two things are excellent! Hermione felt that these two talents were truly elite talents in the wizarding world! Thanks to them being able to come up with a way to target the basilisk so quickly!

   "If two purchases are made at the same time! There are discounts! Each purchase can be ten silver cico! No counter-offer! If you buy at the same time..."

   "If you buy two at the same time, you only need one gold gallon! Isn't it great value? What are you waiting for now?"

   The two twin brothers spoke clearly on the stage, stunned the audience of students in the audience. After a period of silence, the Gryffindors finally reacted and began to swarm them, asking for money.

   In their opinion, these things sound well-founded, and they seem pretty reliable! Then buy it first, then talk about it! After all, this is related to my own life! Hand fast! Slow hands! Grab one for yourself! Anyway, it is just the price of two snacks, not very expensive!

"Give me! Give me! I want a pair of glasses!" A clever and cute first-year girl rushed to the forefront. She took out ten silver Sicos from her pocket and quickly snatched them from George. A pair of flat glasses with enchanting colors.

"Give me! I want too! I want both! Here! Give you money! This is a golden Jialong!" A fat boy squeezed hard, with a golden golden Jialong in his chubby hand. ! Two things were taken away immediately!

   "Give it to me! Give it to me! I want too! I just need to buy that box!"

   "No! Go away! What squeeze! This is my first! I want both!"

   "Hey! Don't squeeze! I'm out of breath!"

   "What are you doing? What are you going to do? I don't want to disturb the foundation! I'll turn my face again!"


   "Asshole! How dare you touch my old mother's **** while you mess? Are you trying to die!"

"I, I didn't mean it! You stepped on my foot first! I just wanted to push...Ah!!!" Neville, who was glaring at the girl in front of him, quickly prepared to explain. He didn't mean it just now. ! She stepped on his foot first! However, the hot-tempered senior girl didn't have time to listen to his explanation now, and she slammed his eye socket with a punch!


"Okay! Okay! Please line up, one by one! We have prepared a lot! We guarantee everyone will have a share! Ouch! Who are you? Don't grab! Stop! You haven't given the money yet! Where to run The legs are stiff and dead!"

   The Weasley twin brothers George and Fred glanced at each other triumphantly, and began to maintain order. By the way, they caught a slippery head who wanted to fish in troubled waters and took back the stolen goods! Want to grab something without paying? Now these little ghosts are really turning their backs!

   George and Fred have invested all the income from selling the ring a while ago into this batch of goods. They were a little nervous before, for fear that this batch of goods would be smashed in their hands, and finally made the bamboo basket empty! But according to the current situation, they not only don't need the slightest worry, but they will soon make a lot of money! May need to replenish?

   The two brothers were selling goods while thinking: Look at the current momentum, if you go to the other three academies and sell them for a round tomorrow, you can make at least a few hundred gold gallons, right? It seems to be really going to make a fortune! They seemed to see countless Jin Jialong beckoning to them desperately!

   After Harry thought for a while standing behind the crowd, he also took out a Jin Jialong and walked over to line up. At the same time, Hermione also followed, she also planned to buy a pair of plain glasses! As for the pronunciation box? She thinks it's better! Don't spend the wrong money!

"Ron! Are you not going to buy something?" Harry came back soon, playing with the pronunciation box and glasses. He already wears myopia glasses. These magic glasses that are far away from death gaze make him a little difficult. ! He doesn't know how to wear one, he can't wear two glasses together, right? That's too silly!

"Yeah, Ron! Why don't you buy one? These glasses are really useful! Before the professors can solve the basilisk, maybe you can rely on them to save your life!" Hermione took her away. Glasses, this kind of life-saving thing is not expensive anyway, it is always good to buy one!

   But she has no plans to wear it now, it is still safe in the Gryffindor lounge! As for the music box... She always thinks it's a bit stupid to carry the sound box that can make a rooster, and it doesn't seem to be reliable! Can a recorded rooster have the same effect as a live rooster? This is very doubtful! To be verified! So she didn't plan to buy that thing.

"Ah? No! I don't have that much money! And George and Fred will definitely not give it to me in vain! I still don't want it..." He has less than five silver coins in his pocket. ! Since the last time he was asked for the ring, he was refused and taunted. Ron thought that the twin brothers would definitely not give it to him this time, so he didn't dare to go up and make trouble.

"Oh? Do you think so? My dear brother Ron! We are not the kind of petty people you imagined!" After everyone had bought it, George and Fred had time to clean up Something came over, but just happened to hear Ron's words!

   "That's right! Even if you don't ask, we will give you a pair of glasses! Now, here you are! Hold it!" Fred put a pair of glasses directly into Ron's jacket pocket.

"Also, if Ron, you were petrified by accident, we would definitely work together to carry you home! What do you think? Fred?" George was carrying a heavy purse, just today's Gran Fondo has already made a lot of money for them, and there will be three major colleges after dawn tomorrow! That's another big battle! They need to rest early tonight and recharge their energy!

"Yes! I think we still lack a decorative statue in our house! At Christmas, we can hang those decorative magic lights on his neck! Or just paint his nose as a clown?" Fred immediately understood George's thoughts, and they could play with the dumb brother a little bit.

   "Ha! This is indeed a good idea! Maybe we can still paint a layer of gold paint on his body?"


   "Look! Look! They've always been like this!!" Ron looked at the leaving twins with anger!

   "All right! Ron! They at least gave you a pair of life-saving glasses for free! Didn't they?" Hermione smiled, and she thought the two twin brothers still care about their brother Ron!

   After all, they gave him a life-saving glasses! Not the flashy, unreliable pronunciation box! Their behavior is nothing more than a joke about the brotherhood of the twins! After all, these two twins have always looked like this sloppy!

   Anyway, Hermione thinks this kind of scene is very good, full of warmth among family members! It's just that this dull Ron didn't feel it! Hermione is the only daughter in the family, and there is no chance to experience this unique friendship between brothers and sisters!

   After finishing her textbook, Hermione is going to go back to the girls' bedroom to rest! Because when she went to visit Annie a few days ago, little Annie inadvertently taught her a way to use meditation to increase magic power, and some basic applications of arcane spell models and magic structure analysis!

So she decided to go back early, lie down on the bed, enter the sea of ​​meditation, and continue to study these interesting ways of using magic. These are the Hogwarts school library and even the entire wizarding world Rare knowledge that is not there!

   "Good night! Harry! And you! Ron! See you tomorrow!" After saying that, Hermione walked straight up from the entrance of the girls' bedroom.

   "Harry! Let's go back to the dorm and go to sleep!" After a while, Ron saw that many people had left, and there were not many people left in the common room.

   "Have you finished your homework?" Harry knew that Ron would never have less homework accumulated than himself! He still wants to go to bed so early?

   Although Ron took sick leave due to Mandela grass, the professors at Hogwarts do not recognize the sick leave set! Want to take sick leave? can! As long as the reason is appropriate! However, you must make up the missing assignments in full after the break! And now, because Fred and George had been selling products for a long time, and wasted a lot of time arguing, Ron didn't seem to have done much homework, right? Harry felt weird now. He didn't finish his homework. What sleep?

   "Uh... at least half of it hasn't been written!" Looking at so many homework, Ron also scratched his head.

   "Then you don't hurry to write! I still have eight pages of the potion recipe to copy!" Harry almost laughed! Just forget it if you are lazy and don't want to write! Now you still want to drag me into the water to cushion your back? If you don't finish writing tonight, how can Snape in the Potions class tomorrow, that dark wizard spare himself lightly?


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   A big chapter with more than six thousand words! This is two more!

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