Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 66: Bai Suzhen may be the one who can live for 0 years

   "It's so boring! Tibbers! Where shall we go to play? The space gem charge is almost done, right? I don't want to stay here anymore!"

Little Annie is holding her teddy bear Tibbs, and she is sitting on the balcony railing of her suite at the top of Hogwarts Castle. Her height is second only to the observatory, and she can overlook the whole The scenery inside and outside the Hogwarts campus.

   The night has already begun to turn dark, and the sky is full of stars. Anne held Tibbers in one hand and supported the railing in the other. She sat on the edge of the railing boredly, her two little feet dangling just like that.

   The position here is very high. If ordinary little girls dare to do this, they are undoubtedly making fun of their lives! It is absolutely impossible to imitate! But for the powerful Annie, this height is nothing at all!

   Even if she fell down accidentally, she still had at least a hundred ways to land safely! For example: flashing, teleporting, floating, falling feathers, flying, or directly throwing Tibbers out as an air cushion and smashing them, etc., these methods are all possible! Anyway, there will definitely not be any achievement of slipping and falling!

Sitting on the railing for a while, Anne felt bored and sighed helplessly, looking at the stars in the sky, and then at the auditorium below the castle, where the front light was bright, and there was a burst of noise from teachers and students from time to time. sound.

   It is said that a duel club is being held there! Originally, the strange uncle of Lockhart in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class had invited Annie a few days ago, but Annie didn't want to go!

   Just now, she had explored the following situation with the eyes of the mage, it was all a group of children playing the house! It looks boring! Annie herself has stopped playing these children's gladiatorial games since she was three years old!

  Anne herself knows her specific strength, but she can't make random moves. Playing with people like them is totally bullying them, so boring! Besides, if your hands are trembling, one is not careful, and you don’t pay attention to controlling the magic, if you burn a certain unlucky egg into coke, it will be no fun! Annie is a good boy, so she won’t burn people indiscriminately!

   Now the starry scenery in the sky is beautiful, the stars dot the night sky, and the Milky Way is shining. At first glance, the stars in the sky look a bit like the Valoran world! But if you carefully distinguish it, you can find that there is no similarity in the astrological distribution between the two! After all, this place is completely different from Valoran!

   In the absence of stars as a reference, the portal launched by Space Gems is definitely not too reliable! It would be great if the bald-headed Gu Yi hadn't died back then! Maybe she has another way? Annie is suddenly homesick again! How long have you been away from home this time? The two worlds have been combined for almost half a year, right?

Hey! It seems that it will take a long time to find the way home! Tibbers! Tell me, what should we do? Will it just keep wandering like this! Huh? Humph! Bear, you don't talk anymore! Really annoying!


   The night was getting deeper and deeper, and Annie sat on the railing in a dazed manner, thinking about it. When she was about to sleep on the railing, she noticed a sudden noise in the castle below.

   Something happened again? Annie thought for a while and decided it would be better to go take a look! Anyway, I have nothing to do now! To be idle is to be idle! Then go join in the fun!

   So, she jumped, and when she fell halfway from the top of the castle, she suddenly stopped the momentum of falling, and then floated directly in through the opened castle window.

   "Huh! Did something interesting happen again?"

  Anni soon came to the castle, she found a group of people were pointing around something, some people still had extremely disturbed and fearful expressions on their faces!

   Seeing Professor Anne coming over, the students gave way to a passage. Dumbledore, Snape, and other professors were all here. They were talking dignifiedly and quietly. When they saw Little Annie, they had no time to give her a slight nod.

   At the very bottom of the crowd of onlookers, a student seemed to be holding a camera and didn't know what he was taking. He was putting the camera in front of his face, but he remained motionless! After Annie was slightly focused on the investigation, this student was like the cat last time, frozen by the petrified sight of a certain snake demon!

"Huh? That's the case again? Didn't I tell you that there is a snake monster?" Annie walked to the front, looked at the petrified student, and then turned to Dumbledore and said, "You are really useless! It's been so long. Now, haven’t you caught the snake demon yet?"

"Well..., I haven't found anything yet." Dumbledore nodded awkwardly. He did not find the monster, although he already knew that the monster must be hiding in the Slytherin's secret room, and it was still a monster. Giant basilisk!

   But..., he doesn't know how to enter the secret room! What made Dumbledore even more puzzled was who released the basilisk this time? It was Tom Riddle who released the basilisk back then, which is now Voldemort! So, what about this time? This time, who inherited the Slytherin secret room and released the basilisk? This is what Dumbledore cares most about! He didn't want another lunatic or careerist in the wizarding world!

"Annie! It's not a snake monster, it's a basilisk!" Hermione hurried over and added. She was on the way back to Gryffindor with Harry and a few classmates after the duel class, and then passed this corridor. They found it all! A student named Colin was attacked by a monster again!

   Regarding the basilisk, she had done a survey before! In a period of school history, she discovered that this basilisk was actually raised by the founder of Slytherin! It was released many years ago!

"It is said that it was a magic egg laid by a rooster in the sky of Sirius and hatched by a toad! Its line of sight is the most dangerous attack weapon: any creature directly facing its line of sight will be killed immediately, indirectly seen Creatures will be petrified!"

  Hermione can't imagine how long has it been since the founder of Slytherin raised it? Think about Hogwarts when it was founded in about a thousand years, so it has been nearly a thousand years now, right? This dangerous basilisk has been staying in Hogwarts Castle like this? Have you survived such a long time? A thousand-year-old basilisk, how big is that?

   "Huh? Basilisk? Snake monster? Is there a difference? Find it! Grab it! Then burn it directly, isn't it all right?" Now that you know what is at work, find out and burn it! Is it really good to let this dangerous thing stray in the school? Annie looked at Dumbledore suspiciously, and she didn't believe that the old bearded man had nothing to do with the basilisk!

"Ahem! This matter needs a long-term plan! Minerva, Severus, you protect the students first! And inform the prefects of the colleges, starting today! Anyone! After the curfew at night, absolutely not allowed to follow Come out in the lounge!" Dumbledore first looked at the students who were still talking about him. For the sake of safety, he decided that it would be better to send the students back to the lounge first! Who knows if the basilisk will pop up suddenly?

   "Yes, Mr. Principal." McGonagall and Snape took out their wands and began to lead the students back. They were also a little worried about encountering the basilisk wandering in the school, so they held their wands in their hands just in case.

"Hey! Hermione! Are you sure it was the basilisk who attacked Colin?" On the way back to the Gryffindor lounge, the Weasley twin brothers George and Fred sneaked up next to Hermione. Asked quietly.

"Of course! I went to the library to check it!" Hermione's voice was a little loud, and Professor McGonagall who led the way turned around and glared at her with dissatisfaction. Then she hurriedly lowered her voice and continued, "School Many years ago, someone released a basilisk and killed someone!"

   "It's killing someone? So terrible?" George was a little surprised, he had no idea that this happened at Hogwarts before!

   "Then, my dear Hermione! Do you know the weakness of this basilisk?" Fred rolled his eyes and asked Hermione quickly.

"Of course! The book says: It is most afraid of roosters! Another thing is that you can't look at it directly! If you see it directly, you will die! If you see it indirectly, it will be like Colin and Mrs. Lorice. It is said that the soul was frozen! This is what Professor Anne told us!" Hermione thought for a while and said seriously.

"Mrs. Loris? Filch's **** cat? It was also attacked? Ha! No wonder! We have been wondering these days, why we haven't seen it again when we sneaked out at night! It turned out to be like this! This is really great!" When the twin brothers sneaked out to make trouble at night, they were often caught by Filch's cat! Now that I heard that it was also attacked, the happiest thing in the school might be the two of them!

"That's because Professor Dumbledore asked for confidentiality before! But it's okay to tell you now, anyway you already know about Colin!" Hermione looked at the dark corridor and thought that there might be a basilisk in the dark corridor. Wandering nearby, I couldn't help but shiver!

   "Afraid of the rooster's cry? Can't you look at each other directly?"

George on the side heard his twin brother Fred asking Hermione about the weakness of the and his eyes lit up, as if he had a sharp heart. The two brothers smiled happily after looking at each other. stand up!

"Please keep quiet! Children! Let's go back quickly! The corridors of the school are dangerous now! Especially at night! For the sake of your life, I advise you to follow suit!" Professor McGonagall finally couldn't stand it. The three people whispering behind the crowd turned and warned them!

   After the deans of the colleges led her students to leave, Annie quickly slipped back to her residence on the top floor. She was very sleepy now! I don't want to stay in that place with that strange old man and find a basilisk to play with!

  Moreover, this Hogwarts castle was messed up by a lot of weird magic. In Annie's arcane vision, the aura of all kinds of magic was found everywhere by them! Some are still active! This castle can be said to be the most chaotic mage tower enchanted!

   In this case, it is really difficult to find a basilisk here! However, if Annie is willing to use her full effort to search, it does not mean that she will not find it, but it will be too tiring to do that! She didn't want to!

   But, she is not doing nothing! Just now she has used magic to release several invisible scout guards, and gave them the ability to move randomly. This is the most worry-free and effortless method Annie can think of! Anyway, this castle is not too big, as long as the basilisk is still in the castle, the guards can always find it for a few days! Then let them find it slowly!


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