Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1853: ?(????)?Two fingers? People still have ten fingers...

"Cough cough!"

When Annie walked out of the room of 'Dead Sleeping Girl' Feiya angrily and hadn't planned where to go, unexpectedly, a strange guy wearing armor, a crown on his head, and his face could not be seen clearly. appeared in front of her.

"I see, you've visited a lot of places and are already familiar with this place, right?"


"You don't need to be angry for them, they're just passers-by here, you're not the same as them."

Then, the other party came down like that, and took the initiative to talk to her like a friendly gesture.



"Shu Mi, who are you?"

ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

Annie tilted her head and looked at each other up and down.

Then, in a strange way, she suddenly felt that the more she looked at the other's face, the more she felt a bit like the image of a bad guy she had seen in a certain world, that is...

Some Lord of the Rings entrenched in Mount Doom?

Then, of course, the preconceived Annie directly marked the other party with a permanent label of 'suspected villain' in her heart, the kind that can't be washed off.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Hello, Annie!"

"The little fader with the big rune, my name is Gideon Ofneer, of course, you can also call me 'Sir Baizhi'?"

"Very happy to see you!"

Apparently, Sir Gideon Offneal seems to have known Anne's name. As for whether he overheard it or learned it from some sources, I don't know for the time being, but now those things are not the same. It didn't matter, he just introduced himself in the kindest tone possible.

Although, for some reason, his voice might not sound that great?

"Sir Paige?"


Annie blinked, then scratched her head.



"Hello Shushu! Goodbye Shushu~!"


Then, for such an unknown guy, of course Annie didn't plan to waste time with him, and just went around and left here.

Anyway, preconceived, she has already decided that the guy in front of him who looks like a bad guy is probably also a bad guy, so she will definitely not try to get close to him.

What's more important is that she has already visited this broken place. Although she hasn't visited some places, she has lost her sense of novelty and doesn't want to stay here any longer.


"Wait a moment!"

It was startled for a moment, then, Sir Gideon Ofneil hurriedly rushed up and narrowly reached out to stop Anne before she could leave the blacksmith's hall.



Annie didn't say anything, just stopped and cast a very impatient look at the other party.

After this period of wandering for a long time, she has basically discovered that there are a group of strange and strange guys in this place. She doesn't like it here at all, and she doesn't like the strangers here at all. , so, she was ready to leave.

And if the other party wants to keep her forcibly, then she can't guarantee that she will not do some terrible things, such as burning this place or burning this place?


"Is such that!"

"It can be said that, as you can see, I am the leader of this round table hall, so..."


"You don't want to hear it, do I want to tell you something?"

Sir Baizhi sighed, had to be patient, and asked in a low voice, bewildered, to the little girl fader who was playing some unreasonable cards in front of him.

To be honest, he has seen a lot of faders, and he is also a fader who can see and have blessings. Originally, he didn't need to be so polite to such a little girl, but what's wrong, the other party has a big lu Well, that is the big rune of the demigod 'Limb' Greck, so for him, who is determined to collect big runes and restore Eldon's Ring, the other party must be worthy of his special attention. .



"It seems that I really don't want to!"


After thinking for a while, then, after making a face, Annie plans to leave again.

At this time, the shrimp in her hand had already been eaten, and she was wiping the greasy hands and face with Tibbers, where would she have time to listen to such a dead man here?

In Annie's opinion, instead of listening to each other here, it is better to go back and continue to eat her prawns!

She remembered that there were still several cooked in that big pot, and she didn't know if it was cold, and the oversized king prawn she caught was also roasting on the fire. She is very happy now. worried……

And all of the above things are more interesting and meaningful than listening to the dead man who calls himself 'Sir Baizhi' here in front of him!



"Don't you want to be King Eldon?"

"That's what we're all guided for and what we're here for, isn't it?"

Seeing that the little girl couldn't communicate, and still insisted on leaving, Sir Bai Zhi was in a hurry, so he shouted at the little girl who was striding away.

For the little girl who was reckless and unwilling to listen to him, Sir Pak suddenly remembered the time when he just woke up...

That was a long time ago.

At that time, his 'Sir Baizhi' Gideon Offneal opened his eyes from the coffin, and he, who had been exiled for an unknown number of years, was not qualified to return to the Golden Tree and be reborn, so he should have been forever Shen Mian is right, but the result...

Like countless faders, he himself has once again returned to the continent of the border, and the golden light of blessings that could have been hoped for, also inexplicably returned to their eyes and has been guiding faintly. wearing something.

However, unlike those faders who act recklessly after receiving blessings, he is one of the smartest people on this continent. Therefore, after the old woman explained the will of the two fingers, He didn't take long to grasp the development of the situation, and realized that: the ring of law has been broken, the true **** Malika he believes in has disappeared, the supreme will needs a new king to restore order, and the situation is so bad that he has to resort to their original group. The point of the exiled 'faders'.

That thing is still a little ironic when I think about it now...

Anyway, he never thought that the knowledge that he spent his whole life to learn during his lifetime was not recognized by the true gods, but could be used again after death, and the blessings he had been seeking before, but also took the initiative to find them. Not to mention, the difference between before and after really made him sigh.

After that, he came to this great blessing projected by the round table hall in the real king city at a certain time, and Baijing, with his endless knowledge, became the leader of this great blessing.

Over the years, people have come and gone in the round table hall, and there are new faders from time to time, and there are also faders who never return. He has no interest in remembering everyone's name, and he doesn't want to take the initiative to talk to anyone. After all, who knows how long those reckless 'faders' will live?

He didn't want to remember a dead person's name, but there are always exceptions.

Like, this little girl in front of me?


Seeing the other party stop and turn around, Sir Paige finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The little girl king who defeated 'Limb' Greck, obtained Greck's big rune and occupied Stonewell City, is said to be rectifying the Nimgford area, and summoned a large number of 'Fire Eye Knights', he must To pay attention to and win over the object!

In his opinion, the little girl in front of him is probably the most likely existence to become the King of Eldon over the years, and at the same time the most suitable!

That's not only because of the strength and power that the other party has, but also because the other party is young enough to have that kind of 'plasticity', which is the potential candidate he hopes to see!

At least, compared to those other faded people, compared to those guys with strange ideas and eccentric personality, this little girl in front of me is definitely more suitable to guide and...


Naturally, the above immature ideas, Sir Baizhi are still brewing, and he will definitely not say it directly.

"King Eldon again?"

'ο'*))) alas

"Shi Mi..."


"People say it again: people are really not interested!"

 ̄? ̄)????

Annie said word by word, and she had already told many people about this.

And the truth is the same as what she said, compared to the so-called 'King of Eldon' who has heard and seen at least a hundred times, she is more interested in the fact that she originally asked Tibbers to bake That king prawn!


Unexpectedly, the other party still had this attitude in the end, which made Sir Baizhi feel as if he was choking on the food, unable to say a word for a long time.

Although, he has been dead for many years and no longer needs food.


"Didn't you follow the blessing's guidance, defeat a Fragment King, and become the holder of the Great Rune?"

Fortunately, he quickly regained his senses, and then hurriedly asked again without waiting for the other party to leave.

Gu Xun

"When have people ever obeyed that kind of blessing?"


"Don't talk nonsense!"


Annie raised her eyebrows in retort.

In fact, although she could see and touch those blessings, she knew that they were deliberately placed everywhere on the border, but after seeing them once, she never paid attention to them again. She doesn't need them at all!

In fact, she always felt that they were a little annoying, and even if she didn't put them out directly, it was very good, how could she follow the guidelines of those things?

As for what the other party said about defeating Greck and Big Rune, it was just an accident, but she, Queen Anne, was disdainful of talking too much to a talking dead person like the other party.


(● ̄? ̄●)



"Didn't you come to the Round Table Hall under guidance?"

After being sluggish for a long time, Sir Baizhi could only defend in such a low voice, trying to guide the topic in the direction he was better at.



"It was a guy named Melina who tricked people into coming here!"


"If I had known that this is where weirdos like you gather, they wouldn't have come!"

?ˇεˇ??))) Bah! !

Yes, if she had known that this round table hall was such a place, and that the people here were all weirdos, she might as well go to that magic academy!

But it doesn't matter, she will teleport back later, and then go to the Magic Academy in time after resting. Anyway, she has time and is not busy at all!


have to!

At this moment, Sir Bai Zhi was speechless.

Although, he didn't know who the 'Melina' Annie was talking about, but he only knew that the little girl's finger witch was definitely unqualified, and it didn't have the proper guiding effect at all!

Is this not?

Such a good seedling has been guided to look like this. If it is known by two fingers, it will definitely be mad?

Fortunately, there seems to be some kind of problem with the **** now, and they can't always convey the clear will or control to the finger witches, otherwise, God knows what will happen.

"If it's okay, Shu Mi, they're going back!"


Although Anne hadn't finished visiting the Round Table Hall, she had no desire to continue after she had lost interest in this place after only visiting a few places.

"please wait!"


Originally, Sir Baizhi still had a lot of things he wanted to discuss in detail, and wanted to know the specific situation of the other party as much as possible. However, now that this is the case, after seeing that the two parties who met for the first time were not very happy, he Decided to wait for the opportunity to talk about it later.

"You own the big rune, right? Over there, in the deepest part of this round table hall, there is a room whose door is now open for you, and you are qualified to enter."

"Aren't you going to take a look?"

So, he directly said another thing, intending to guide the other party to the two-fingered and two-fingered witch, and then see if there will be any changes.

"The deepest room?"


"Is there any fun in there?"

∑('△')? !

Apparently Anne was a little bit interested, but just a little bit, not a lot.

"Two fingers!"

"And his witch, 'explain' Enya!"

"You'll know when you go in."

Sir Baizhi did not hide it, he directly told what he knew, and stretched out his hand to indicate the direction.

You must know that in the junction, the **** are the messengers of the supreme will, and can even be said to be the true **** of the junction, and also the gods served by those 'witches', and now, the little girl is so easy to get the audience' The qualification of two fingers' is enough to make countless people in the round table hall admire and envy.

"Two fingers?"


Annie was startled, and began to think about who the 'two fingers' that seemed to have a little impression was.

"Not interested in!"


Soon, after remembering what the 'two fingers' was, she slumped her face again, then turned her head and left!

"Isn't it just 'two fingers', what's so amazing, there are also 'five fingers'!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~



"It seems to be 'ten fingers'? Shouldn't the toes be counted?"


While walking forward, she muttered to herself, and soon, Annie waved and used a teleportation spell, causing a blue teleportation door to appear in front of her.




However, Sir Baizhi didn't have time to finish his words, let alone stop them, and he only saw in amazement:

The little girl, Annie, walked directly into the portal and disappeared without a trace in an instant. In front of him, in the round table hall, there was only a little blue magic brilliance floating in the air and slowly dissipating.



!? (?\'\'??)?

However, what that Sir Baizhi never expected was that a certain nasty little girl had just teleported to her destination, and she jumped up on the spot without any image, and then she couldn't care about anything else, just directly He rushed to a large bonfire.

It turned out that it was the king prawn she at this time, it was completely blackened by the fire...



"Tibbers, it's all your fault!!"


After finding that her king prawn seemed to be half burned and almost uneatable, Annie threw a certain bear she had just used as a hand towel directly into the fire in a fit of anger.

(Blame me, it was you...)


Bang! !



(Tibbers was suddenly silent, because, ah, before it could express its protest, a little foot in a red boot stepped viciously into the depths of the charcoal fire of the big bonfire, and let it stick before. The fat and minced meat on its body instantly burns due to the high temperature.)



"I'll take care of you later!"


Annie didn't pay attention to a certain bear who was being purified by the high temperature, but turned her head and ran towards the cauldron not far away.

Because, although the king of prawns is gone, the prawns that weigh several kilograms or even a dozen kilograms are still there, and the masked **** who was scared away by her before obviously did not dare to come back, and the previous one Miss Melina, who tricked her into the Round Table Hall, the bad guy doesn't seem to be here anymore, and he hasn't touched the delicious food in her pot, so she doesn't have to rush for dinner for the time being. worried about the problem.


The sky and the earth are huge, and Her Lady Queen Anne eats the most. No matter what is important or not, she has to wait until she is full before talking about it!


(*^▽^*)Monthly Pass

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