Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1852: o(?^`)o It's because of Shushu that I want to hug



"This **** place is the round table hall that Miss Melina said?"


Annie was teleported to this strange place, and while eating half-eaten prawns in her hands, she looked at the place in front of her.

She saw that it was like a cave and a castle, but anyway, it didn't look very clean or luxurious, and it didn't have any similarities with what she had expected before. Stonewell Castle without repairs is worth a fight!

If I knew this was the case, maybe she wouldn't come...


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!


From Annie's point of view, looking around, there is really nothing unusual or rare here, except for a big 'blessing' rune in the middle of the big round table where weapons are inserted in a mess. .

At least, there wasn't anything to look forward to where Anne had come here and looked at it so far.

"That's it?"


"A tattered demiplane?"


"Is it a projection?"

∑('△')? !

Annie chewed the shrimp in her hand, then thought for a while, and after studying it for a while, she stopped looking at it, but walked in without seeing the outside world at all.

Anyway, she's here, so she definitely needs to go shopping, and she doesn't plan to study where this place is for the time being. After all, it can't trap her, Queen Anne, and it's not her family, so she can't control it. So much, and I don't want to worry about it.

"Oh oh!"

"Look, who are we here?"

When Annie was walking forward while observing the place, suddenly, a strange guy with a shackle on his neck and a cloth covering his eyes took the initiative to approach Annie from the side.


"Little faders?!"

Obviously, he must have discovered just now that Annie had stared at the great blessing in the middle of the round table hall for a long time, and since Annie could see the blessing's guidance, it proved that Annie must be a fader.

And the reason why he dared to be so sure must be based on that.

Although the age of the newcomer in front of him is indeed a little younger, there are all kinds of people who have faded, and now, there is a seven or eight-year-old girl who has faded in the round table hall. In his opinion, it seems that Isn't it unacceptable?



Although she didn't know what the other party wanted to do, Annie stopped and cast a curious and inquiring look at the other party.

If the other party can still see her wink while blindfolded?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"You're here for the first time, right?"

"I'm pretty sure I haven't seen a fader like you lately."

"Actually, we haven't had a newcomer in a long time."

The person who came here seemed to be familiar with each other, and in a few words, he approached Annie directly, showing extra enthusiasm.

"That's it!"


Annie continued to nibble on her prawns, and blinked her eyes at the other party, instead of moving forward, she wanted to see what the other party could say.

"Welcome to the Round Table Hall!"

"Is such that……"

"I'm Colin. As you can see, I'm a priest. Here, I'm mainly responsible for teaching new people how to pray, which is the power given to us by Lord Two Fingers."

"Also, in charge of exploring the golden law..."


However, what surprised and puzzled the clergyman Colin was that the little girl in front of him didn't even let him finish speaking. He just heard him say that he was a clergyman and was in charge of teaching new people to pray. Turn your head and lift your legs away?




"okay then……"

"May the golden law be with you?"

Smelling the sweet shrimp smell in the air, his throat couldn't help but move, but in the end, he didn't say anything, but sighed regretfully towards the little girl's back, then continued to turn around Go to work on his business.

It can be seen that the new little girl, the little fader who I don't know who brought in, doesn't seem to like him too much as a two-fingered cleric?


"Little guy, I've never seen you, are you new here?"

"It's really new!"

However, before Anne took a few steps, she had just passed an archway when she was blocked by an uncle in armor.



"Uncle, what are you doing?"


The other party stopped in front of her carelessly, and squatted down on her knees, making Annie think that the other party wanted to hit the half shrimp in her hand, so she had to take a step back and put her hands behind her back. Reached behind and asked cautiously.



"Don't worry, although it smells delicious, I never thought about eating your food!"

Startled for a moment, then looking at Little Annie's serious appearance and her little face full of greasy and white shrimp residue, the visitor shook his head and laughed as if amused.

"It's no use thinking about it!"


"People haven't eaten enough yet, and now there are only half of them left!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to really want to grab her own food, Annie breathed a sigh of relief, and handed the half of the prawn behind her back, the tail and the shrimp meat, which were estimated to weigh two or three kilograms. He took a hard bite in front of his mouth.

"You're the new fader, right?"

"Very happy to see you!"


"My name is... um, just call me Diaros!"

The visitor introduced himself generously, and tried his best to give Annie a kinder smile.



"Hello uncle, goodbye uncle!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~

Annie didn't like this familiar uncle. She always felt that the other party seemed to have some plans for her, so after nodding, she didn't want to say a word, and just planned to go around.



Unfortunately, the other party didn't want to let her go, so he chased after her and blocked her again.

"what happened again?"




"People really don't have any more shrimp, so people just bring this one leftover."


Annie hid the shrimp in her hand again with some dissatisfaction, and reminded it emphatically.

You know, what she eats is the shrimp tail, which is the essence of every prawn, and what she has eaten will not be given to such a strange uncle to eat casually!


"I said, I don't want to eat your food!"

Seeing that Annie was still mentioning that, Diaros couldn't help but wonder whether to laugh or cry.

"All right!"

"That's right, I have something to ask you, have you ever met a girl named 'Renia'?"

"Sure, she's probably a few years older than you, maybe a teenager?"

"She is my entourage. She likes to do whatever she wants, and often runs around alone. I haven't seen her for a while."

That Diaros asked sincerely.

It turned out that he stopped Annie, a newcomer who had just come to the Round Table Hall, with the intention of finding someone.



"Shu Mi, people don't know Lenia, but they know a guy named Diablo, whose name is quite similar to yours."


"Do you want to meet it?"


After she understood what was going on, Annie first expressed that she didn't know the person the other party was looking for, then she blinked, and then she said solemnly about another guy she knew.


"Who is that?"

Diaros was stunned for a moment, then blurted out subconsciously.

"That is a very fierce and fierce demon, very powerful!"


"People can introduce you to me!"



"Do not!"

"no no!"

"I don't want to be friends with that kind of fierce demon at all!"

Before Annie could continue to speak, Diaros hurriedly waved his hand and sternly refused.


"If you encounter Lenia in the diplomatic circle in the future, please come back and tell me, please!"

After finishing speaking, Diaros, who did not intend to toss any further, hurriedly smiled embarrassingly, then turned and left.


"I forgot to ask her what her name was..."

However, just after taking a dozen steps, Diaros patted his head.

Unfortunately, when he turned his head to look, the little guy who always likes to digress from the topic, the little fader has no idea where he has gone.

As a last resort, he had to give up the idea of ​​catching up again, and instead continued to be busy with his own affairs, although, here, it seems that he has nothing to do?



After getting rid of the strange uncle who was entangled in people, Annie continued to hang out in this round table hall.

It didn't take long for her to understand what the so-called Round Table Hall was.

Here, it is nothing more than a gathering place where all kinds of weird people gather, and it seems that there are so many faders who have come to this place, so that those strange guys are not too surprised by her arrival. ?

Although, she is not actually a fader...


Next to the hall where an ugly blacksmith forged weapons, Annie found a relatively clean and luxurious bedroom with paintings of Eternal Queen Malika and the Golden Tree hanging on the walls, so, out of curiosity, she did not see the place at all. walked in.



"Can people come in?"

?( ̄??)???

Although she said that, Annie walked in directly, and didn't care at all whether the elder sister in the room was sitting on the edge of a bed and curiously looking at her if she agreed.


"A little hero guided by blessings?"


Seeing that it turned out to be an eight or nine-year-old girl who looked smart, cute, well-behaved and clever, the woman hurriedly stood up with a smile and welcomed her.

"It was a pleasure meeting for the first time!"


"I'm Feiya, little guy, who are you?"

She motioned Annie to go to the front and back of her bed, and the woman who claimed to be Fia smiled and sat down again, and started talking to Annie with a straight face as much as possible.

"Oh Annie!"


A name or something, Annie never wanted to hide it, she said her real name directly and generously.


"A nice name..."


"Annie, can you let me hug you?"

"It'll be fine in a while!"

First nodded, and then, that Feiya suddenly made a request that seemed a little abrupt, and she still looked like she couldn't wait.



"But why?"


Annie was taken aback and hurriedly took a step back.

After all, she has never encountered a situation where a stranger asks for a hug as soon as they meet. Even if it is etiquette, she has experienced countless worlds, and she has never seen a similar situation. It is usually the kind of familiar people to hug.

So, of course, she took a step back vigilantly, and for the first time looked up and down with suspicious eyes.

"Feel sorry……"

"scared you?"

"That's it, I just hope you can give me a little bit of survival power and willpower, really."

Seeing Annie's reaction, Feiya hurriedly stood up, and then began to explain in a panic.



Annie was a little indifferent, still staring at each other with a strange and doubtful expression.

"You probably don't know me, do you?"

"When I was in my hometown, I was called the 'Sleeping Girl'. After I was embraced by countless heroes, I would get the power to survive, and then..."

"Go to bed with the corpse of the great man, and let the noble life return to him..."

"That's what hugs are for, and I'm here for that So, can you let me hug you?"

"I feel that you have a very powerful vitality, can you give me a little bit?"

"Just a little..."

'Dead Sleeping Girl' Feiya seemed to have no idea what politeness was or what restraint was. She looked at Annie expectantly and asked, as if she knew that Annie would agree.



Still want to steal life force?

"Of course not!"


After knowing the reason, Annie refused to think about it, but firmly and firmly refused.

Anyway, she didn't want to be hugged by a strange sister who slept with a corpse every day and then transferred the life force she stole from others to the corpse!

Moreover, that kind of thing directly affects her appetite, even more disgusting than the ugly blacksmith strange uncle outside.

Although she has a lot of vitality, no matter how many times she hugs the other party, it will never be used up, but...


Her Lady Queen Anne is not that kind of weirdo, so how could she be willing to hug a strange guy who is unfamiliar and wants to beat her vitality?

But if the other party was honest and directly stated the real purpose of wanting to hug, and didn't think about deceiving her, maybe she just smashed a fireball into the other party's face, she wouldn't because The other party is beautiful and soft-hearted!




After making a face at the other party, Annie hurriedly turned her head and ran away, not wanting to stay any longer!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


?(\'ω\')? Monthly pass! Crab!

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