Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1764: |????) what is that?

When Erwin of the Radiant Legion and Leon, the leader of the Imperial Blue Dragon Knights, were walking from two completely different roads to the ruins of the ancient Kingdom of Bardia, they had already taken one of the nearest roads. The sad little girl once again abandoned their carriage, took her four followers to another shortcut, and entered a cave that had been abandoned for an unknown time.

Originally, Matthew, Grenier, and Imeda didn't want to enter such an unknown cave. They preferred to climb over the mountains from the road, even if it took a few more days to waste.


Their opinions obviously don't matter!

At the insistence of a certain little girl, they finally had to follow behind them honestly and apprehensively, and entered the ancient mine that was said to be able to cross the mountain very quickly.

"It's so hot..."


"I seem to smell the smell of sulfur. How deep is this cave? It won't dig into the ground, right?"

"I have no idea!"

"But it must be very deep. Otherwise, it can't be called a shortcut. How can you go directly through this mountain without digging deeper?"

"makes sense!"

"Let's go!"

In this way, a few people chatted while walking without thinking too much.


"What's that thing?"

Suddenly, Gnier shouted and pointed to the side, so that everyone walking in front had to stop, and looked at the cave walls on both sides in confusion.

"do not know……"

"Ameda, you know what?"

Matthew looked at the cave wall Nigel pointed to, and soon, he saw the khaki crystals above, but unfortunately he didn't know it.

"I am not sure as well……"

"But I can feel that there seem to be strong magic fluctuations above?"

Ameida stepped forward, rubbed the yellow crystal that protruded from the corner of the stone wall, and thought for a while, then said uncertainly.

"You're right!"

"They certainly have strong magical fluctuations, because..."

"That's the magic crystal!"

At this time, Sonia on the side just glanced at it, and spoke without looking carefully at all. She obviously recognized the things embedded in the cave wall.


"This, this is the magic crystal?"


"Matthew! We're going to get rich!"

"I've heard that these things are important materials for making magic cannons. We just need to dig a few boxes and transport them out. Later, we can go back to the village to pick up several beautiful girls and live a good life as a rich man!"

Hearing that the Huang Buliuqiu thing on the stone wall was actually the kind of super valuable thing, Gnier couldn't help cheering, and then he got down on the cave wall for the first time, and planned to use the long spear in his hand to shoot it. The crystal was dug out.



"It's up to you to marry as many beautiful girls as you want, Matthew won't be like you!"

Hearing that Gernier had such an idea, Ameida, who was beside her, hurriedly walked over and yelled a little nervously, for fear that Matthew behind her would be damaged by the other party.

"Magic crystal?"


"Gernier, smuggling magic crystals is a serious crime..."

"Are you crazy?"

Of course Matthew knew that magic crystals were valuable, but the risks and benefits were proportional.

Maybe, if they are accidentally discovered by others, they will not only be Karthus, I am afraid that even the empire or other surrounding countries will probably want them!

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's smuggling when it's discovered. If it's not discovered, it's just an ordinary business. Who would take care of this kind of thing?"


"There are also there, a lot!!"

Gernier said with a nonchalant expression, and continued to focus and excitedly use his weapon to pry on the rocks on the cave wall, as if he would never stop until he digs a few pieces.


The spear was fine for fights, but it wasn't a professional mining tool. For the hard rock wall, his broken spear was obviously a little too thin compared to hammers, chisels or other special tools.


Sonny ignored the quarrel between Gnir and Matthew, and just frowned sternly around the cave and deeper into the darkness, not knowing what he was trying to find.


"What's the matter with you, Sonia?"

At this time, Ameida, who saw Gnier, who had no choice but to get into Qian's eyes, suddenly discovered the abnormality of another companion, so she walked over and asked strangely.



"You have also seen that so many magic crystals here have been abandoned. This is very unreliable, and I am a little worried."

"What terrifying existence is there in this cave that makes people who need these ores have to give up mining them?"

Sonia's face was a little unsightly.

When she thought about it, this kind of mine with rich mineral content should be the place where the lord of Karthus and the empire were fighting for important resources and sent heavy troops to guard it, but as a result, it was abandoned directly. Some are unusual.




"Gernier, where did you hear this short cut?"

After listening to this, Ameda was stunned for a moment, and then, feeling reasonable, she hurriedly turned her head and asked aloud to Gnier, who was still knocking on the stone wall.

"Who said that?"

"do not know!"

"I forgot!"

Gnier is full of money now, where is he going to manage so much?



"Why did you all stop?"


At this time, Annie, who had been behind, finally rode on the shoulders of her big bear Tibbers, swayed from behind, and approached the few people who stopped and asked curiously.

"Is such that!"

"Annie, Gnier insisted on digging these magic crystals, and said that they would sell them for money, but Sonia was a little worried that there would be danger inside..."

"And then I also thought this cave was a little weird..."

"Otherwise, let's just turn back and continue on the safer road outside, shall we?"

Seeing Little Annie approaching, Ameda hurriedly stepped forward and expressed her concerns, and at the same time did not forget to offer her suggestions.

"Go out?"


"People don't want it!"


Annie refused with a bitter face.

After all, they have all been in for more than half an hour. After walking for so long, if they turn out now, it will be another half an hour, which is too troublesome.

"Let's go!"




"Uncle Gernier, stop digging, you are not a mage, and you don't study engineering. What are you doing with those broken crystals?"


Of course, Annie also saw the yellow crystals on the cave walls that were shining with strong magic light because of the fluorescent flashing magic, but she didn't care about those things that contained energy.

Similar things, for example, when she was in the Kepru star area, the purer high-energy crystals, etc., she had seen a lot, where would she have seen these yellowish and mixed Boring stuff with all kinds of magazines?

"Of course it's selling money!"

"I'll be fine soon!"

click! click!

Gernier said this without looking back, and continued to try hard, and he kept hitting the stone wall with the tip of his spear, causing the entire dark tunnel to make a constant noise.

"Sell for money?"


"How troublesome is that..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

"Follow up, and when you turn around, people will give you a lot of gold!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie glanced disdainfully, then patted Tibbs on the head and continued to take the lead.

Her Lady Queen Anne is never short of money, and she doesn't care about boring energy crystals. She doesn't want to take a second look at things that can't be eaten and are not fun.


"Stop digging!"

"Follow up!!"

Seeing that Annie started to take the lead, thinking of the other party's ability, thinking of how the hundreds of Imperial soldiers who were guarding the bridge had been teased by her, Ameida didn't say much in the end, just urged After Gnier, who was still busy behind him, hurriedly pulled Matthew and chased after him.



"You guys are waiting for me!"

As Annie took the lead and continued to move forward, as the light gradually dimmed, I saw that Ameda, Matthew and Sonia all followed Annie and saw that they couldn't easily dig down the hole with a long gun. For those crystals, there was no way, and Gnier, who didn't want to be left behind, had to give up temporarily and chase after him.


"A lot of gold?"

"This is what you said, you didn't lie to me..."

Then, while chasing after dragging his own spear, of course, Gernier did not forget to ask such a question.

After all, he knows that the little girl is a powerful arcane mage, and she is super rich. He gave the three of them a lot of gold coins last time, and if they wait until the commission is completed, they will give them another pile of gold coins. If so, it seems that he really doesn't need to risk beheading to dig those magic crystals embedded in the stone walls?


Another half hour later...

Five people and one bear finally reached the deepest part of the cave.

It's spacious here, but it's getting more stuffy, and the air is still muddy and dull, and there's a strange smell.

"It stinks!"


Annie smelled a stench, but after walking all the way here, she could only bite the bullet and move on.




It didn't take long for Amida, Matthew, and Sonya to stop exclaiming in unison.

Because, they saw that in the innermost part of this huge and spacious cave, in the direction they were heading, they saw a huge terrifying monster that was sleeping soundly!


"That is……"

"Yes, what is it?"

Gnier looked at the magma pool lying in front of him and was sleeping soundly. Looking at the huge body, one paw could make him into a patty in an instant, and then, his body was covered with thick scales. , with a pair of huge horns on his head, seemingly strong wings on his back, and a terrifying thing with sharp barbs on his long tail, he was so terrified that he couldn't even speak.


"That's a..."


"Gernier, you'd better keep your voice down..."

"But don't wake it up..."

Matthew touched the back of Gernier for the first time, and while frightening the other party, he reached out and covered the other party's mouth tightly.


Sonia didn't speak, just swallowed her saliva, and then slowly stepped back while holding the hilt at her waist, trying to create more security for herself.

No wonder, since she first came in, she has always felt that something is wrong here, and she is also a little curious about why this mine, which is rich in magic crystal ore, has been abandoned like this.

Now she finally understands, it turns out that there is such a terrifying monster sleeping here?

Although, dragons are not the most powerful creatures on the continent of Alusaria, and there are many dragon-slaying heroes, but...

There is no doubt that things like dragons must be the kind of beings that stand at the top of the food chain and strength. If possible, Sonia does not want to provoke them easily, especially in such a narrow terrain and only In the case of five of them and one bear.


"That should be a fire dragon!"

"Although it doesn't look very big, it should not be fully grown, but..."



"Let's get out quickly, remember, be gentle..."

At this moment, Ameida's voice trembled.

However, she still forced herself to calmly judge the situation in front of her, and at the same time, she did not forget to pat the two of them on the shoulders, intending to let everyone carefully retreat from here.

"what happened again?"


"Hey! What is that?"


As everyone stopped again, Annie, who had just run to another magma pool and didn't know what to look at, ran back again, and after turning the corner of the rock wall, she saw Jean Ameda and Sonia and other four people A big guy who was too scared to move.

"It's a dragon!"

"Annie, hurry up!"

"Let's run while it doesn't find it!"

"Let's go the other way..."

Ameida warned in a low voice, and stepped back carefully, for fear that her movements would wake up the terrifying behemoth.

Dragon slayer or something, although Ameida is also very longing for it, but she knows her own skills, and she also knows what Matthew and Gnier are, so now their best choice is how far How far to run!



"Find your way again?"


Annie stepped forward, looked at everyone whose teeth were chattering involuntarily, and then looked at the big lizard in front of her that was blocking her way, and quickly made up her mind.

"Where is the need for so much trouble?"


Then, without thinking about it, she jumped off Tibbers' shoulders and trotted with her short legs moving forward.


"Ann, Annie!"

"do not want!"

"She she she she... what is she going to do?"

Seeing the reckless behavior of a nasty little girl, Matthew, Grenier, Sonia, and Ameida turned pale in horror.

However, it seemed that it was too late for them to stop them at this time, and they could only watch in horror as the little girl ran to the huge head of the red dragon that was still soundly asleep.


|??˙??˙) Hello?

Standing pretty for a while on the heel of the huge guy whose teeth were taller than himself, Annie suddenly reached out and tapped on the dirty teeth of the other party and said hello.

Annie didn't want to do anything else, she just wanted to get the other party up and make way for them. After all, she also knew that it's not good to rashly disturb others while sleeping, it's very impolite.


The dragon seemed to be in a deep sleep, but he didn't pay any attention to her at all, and still fell asleep, without even moving his eyelids.





"Big wake up!"


After waiting for a while, seeing that the other party didn't respond, Annie frowned, and then she shouted at the other party unceremoniously.




Fortunately, even so, the giant dragon was still soundly asleep and had no intention of waking up at all, which made Matthew, Nigel, Ameida, and Sonia behind them feel very fortunate, and Gradually relax.


The four of them quickly turned from happiness to despair...



"Don't sleep, big man, get up quickly, you're blocking their way!"

ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)`з゜)? ? ?

Immediately afterwards, a little girl with less than ten seconds of patience naturally jumped up unceremoniously, and then raised her leg and kicked the dragon's nose fiercely!

Bang! !

A muffled sound!

'? ? ? ’

'Moo hoo hoo! ! ! ! ’

Then, waves of angry dragon roars roared around the cave and the eardrums of the crowd, causing the four of them to cover their ears and crouch to the ground in pain.

And then……

'Roar! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ’

Without waiting for the four of them to recover, stand up and run away, the giant red dragon, who was kicked up by a bad little girl, opened its huge mouth, letting the angry fiery red dragon breath directly and completely drown the entire cave...


(????????-) Remember the monthly pass


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