Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1763: (?????) People never play matches!

Two days later...

When Leon, the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights of the Empire, and his adjutant, Liat, and others led the army to this bridge that was still smoking black, they had to be collectively dumbfounded.

Because, the road they were going on, the bridge on both sides of the Grand Canyon, which was two or three hundred meters wide, was connected to the bridge on both sides of the Grand Canyon. At this time, there was only a small section of black smoke and Just a little bit of Mars' bridge pier?


Looking at the burned bridge and the soldiers of the empire guarding the bridge, one of the glorious descendants, the legendary man, the unparalleled general in history, and the strongest knight on the continent, Leon's face gradually became richer.

Then, after his cheeks twitched for a long time, he took a deep breath, and turned to look behind him with an ugly face. At this time, he was bowing his head and trembling, and he was also the same as the other wounded soldiers. , the commander of the Imperial Army Bridge guard wrapped in layers of bandages.


"What the **** is going on here?"

If it weren't for the fact that the officer in front of him was seriously injured, it is estimated that Leon would have had the heart to slash with the long sword around his waist.

"Didn't I send a letter to tell you to keep this place and prevent the people from Karthus City from passing through and waiting for us to arrive?"

"But you..."

"Why did you burn it first!?"

In fact, Leon thinks that this bridge can't be burned, but at least it has to wait for the elites of more than a thousand people to pass through before burning it, right?

"Report to the Legion Commander!"

"This bridge..."

"It really, really didn't burn by us!!"

Seeing one of the four best-tempered generals in the empire, and seeing that the honorable Leon Corps commander was showing signs of anger, the commander of the empire was so terrified that he hurriedly told the whole story.

Anyway, it can be summed up as follows: when they were investigating the past business trips according to the order, they accidentally discovered a small group of people who were closely related to the target on the wanted order, so he naturally ordered the soldiers to arrest them.

The result can be...

Not only did they fail to capture each other, they were beaten and teased by the other party, and they were so tired that the entire bridge was burned by the magical flames released by the other party!

And then, it was the situation in front of them that made them want to cry without tears, and made Leon Corps commander and others dumbfounded.


"You mean, it was a little girl who burned the bridge?"

After listening to the other party's cry, the somewhat unexpected Leon suddenly thought of something, then frowned, and hurriedly asked:

"Is it a blond, blue-eyed, eight or nine-year-old kid in a red dress?"

Although he didn't want to mention that person, Leon had to ask with a strange expression after looking at Liat, who was also a little surprised.


"That's right!"

"It's just a blond and blue-eyed little girl who looks cute but is very fierce!"


"She also has a very powerful devil bear!"

"It smashed a large group of our soldiers away with one claws. It was very terrifying..."

Hearing that Captain Leon seemed to recognize the attacker, the Imperial Army commander hurriedly added loudly and complained in order to clear the way.


He opened his mouth, but Leon didn't ask any more, but turned around slowly with an ugly face, and began to continue frowning and contemplating against the cliff.


"Why are you fighting with her?"

Seeing that his army commander was in a bad mood, Liat naturally took two steps forward and continued to ask angrily at the commander who was more than successful.


"It's not that we want to have a conflict with them, it's that little girl who picked it up first!"


"At the time, the situation was like this..."

Seeing Liat's adjutant looking like he wanted to eat people, the Imperial Army commander hurriedly lamented and began to explain the reason in detail.

The situation at that time really can't blame them. After all, it was the little girl who jumped out and said that she had a close relationship with the two important prisoners on the wanted list, so they were definitely suspects, and since they shouldered the responsibility of guarding the bridge and The important responsibilities of setting up cards will definitely not let them pass if they are reasonable.

But who would have thought that the mere five people and one bear would be so difficult to deal with, especially that little girl, who could easily 'destroy' hundreds of their imperial soldiers with one person's strength, and finally burned the bridge and walked away?


"You idiot!!"

After listening to this, Liat just wanted to explode, but, recalling the fact that he and Leon Corps Commander seemed to have been shriveled by the little girl, he was a little embarrassed, but in the end he just scolded him angrily.


At this time, Leon seemed to have heard some key points from the conversation between the commander and Liat, and hurriedly turned his head and questioned.

"You just said..."

"How many of them are there?"


"Five, five!"

"How many men and women?"

"Two, two men and three women!"


"Is there the man and woman in the portrait?"


"I think should not be?"

"Is there any?!"

Seeing that the other party was speaking in that uncertain tone, Leon's face suddenly became very ugly and he shouted sternly.


"Report, report Leon Corps Commander!"

"Definitely none of those two!"

"My subordinates dare to guarantee with their heads!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, the commander of the Imperial Army was shocked at first, then after thinking about it, he hurriedly stood at attention and answered firmly.

"This bridge..."

"How much time will it take for you to retrain to the point where you can pass people?"

Hearing that there were no two people in the portrait among the five people who passed by, it was rare that Leon's face finally looked a little better, and then he slowed down and asked.

"This is..."

"My subordinates don't dare to entrust the big ones. To build such a bridge, it is definitely necessary to mobilize materials and craftsmen. Even if it is temporary, it will take at least about a month!"

Looking across the cliff for a while, after estimating the difficulty of the project, the commander of the Imperial Army had to give a conservative number so bitterly.


"Liat, it seems that we have to detour, and fast!"

Obviously, Leon must not be able to wait for a month, so he looked directly at his adjutant and prepared to let the other party issue orders.




"Can't we let the Griffin cavalry transport us little by little?"

Looking at the opposite side of the cliff, Liat, who seemed to be a few hundred meters away, suddenly suggested.


"We only brought more than 20 griffins, plus the weight of the griffin knights, their physical strength, it is estimated that they can only transport one at a time, how many times can they be transported in a day?"

"How many days will it take us to transport more than 1,000 people?"

"Also, do you still need equipment, baggage and horses?"

"Let's go!"

"Our purpose is not just the holy sword. Let's go to send orders and let everyone act quickly. Next, we have to speed up the pace."

He chuckled and shook his head, then, after explaining, Leon didn't even think about Liat's boring proposal, and just turned around and left.

Now they are marching to fight, not a few people taking risks, flying over the idea, unless there is such a large ancient weapon, otherwise, it is better not to think wildly.



"My subordinate understands."

After thinking about it and thinking that he had come up with a bad idea, Liat didn't dare to talk anymore. He first glared at the commander, then quickly walked to the side, and then turned over and straddled his full-armored royal horse. The warhorse roared and galloped towards the temporary camp at the foot of the mountain.


On the second day after the leader of the Qinglong Knights of the Imperial Army and others left the burned bridge, Irwin and his party of nearly 1,000 people gradually approached here, and they received a waiter when they were only half a day away. news from them.


"You mean, that bridge has been burned down by now?"

"But why?!"

Irwin was a little dumbfounded. They were clearly rushing all the way, and they marched very carefully to try not to let the rumors leak, but in the end, it was still broken by the people of the Imperial Army, and he didn't know what to say. Just fine.

"do not know!"

"But our spies discovered that the members of the Blue Dragon Knights were active near the bridge yesterday, and there are still many people guarding them, so they didn't dare to go too far."

"Anyway, the bridge was burned!"

Keith, the general of Karthus City who got the news and came to announce it immediately, also looked a little ugly at this time, but he still had to tell the bad latest news.


Helpless, Erwin began to think silently.

"What's up?"

"Alvin, what happened?"


At this moment, Hain, Liana, Shirley and others who noticed that the team had stopped and saw what the two were talking about also came over and asked worriedly.


"Something is wrong."

"The people of the Imperial Army first burned down the bridge we planned to pass through, and the scouts also said that they found the traces of the Imperial Blue Dragon Knights near there yesterday!"

"It is said that their leader, Leon, was also the strongest knight in that continent?"

"But they had already left at this time, and, most likely, their main force had already crossed the bridge before the bridge burned down."

Seeing Hain and the others crowding around, Alvin had no choice but to add fuel to what Keith had just reported.


"What, what?"

"The Blue Dragon Knights again?!"

Hein and Liana Qiqi were taken aback.

You must know that the Blue Dragon Knights are powerful, they have already understood it, and at the beginning, if there was that powerful little girl, Archmage Annie, now the three of them can stand here and talk about it!


"Why did they burn down the bridge?"

After passing by, Hein, who was a little puzzled, hurriedly asked.

"do not know……"

"It may be the same as before, to continue chasing Liana, or it may be for us all, or even..."

"More likely to relate to our purpose?"

Although a little uncertain, Erwin still gritted his teeth and said what he thought was the most likely scenario.


"You mean..."

"That Leon, his target is also the Holy Sword Rangulisa?!"

Taking a deep breath, Shirley covered her mouth in exclamation.

"That's right!"

"Since Ms. Jessica knows about the Holy Sword, it's impossible for the Imperial Army's Egbert to not know!"


"I don't know if you have noticed that the head of the Imperial Blue Dragon Knights, he seems to be wearing a magic ornament similar to me and Shirley?"

As he spoke, the sad expression on Erwin's face became even stronger.

"Hair accessories?"

"But what does that mean?"

Suddenly, Loga, who came over to the side, asked a little puzzled.


Erwin didn't answer, just shook his head, then frowned and thought hard.

"I know!"

"That hair accessory is the inheritance of the glorious descendant family, because there are usually some special signs and symbols on it, just like the family's badge, most people don't wear it casually."

At this time, Shirley opened her mouth to help Erwin supplement the secrets he hadn't said just now.


"That is to say..."

"That Leon, he is also a descendant of Radiance, can he also hold the holy sword?!"

Loga is not stupid. Hearing Shirley say that, he quickly reacted and realized the seriousness of the problem.


"No matter what the purpose of the Blue Dragon Knights is, we must hurry up!"

With a sigh of relief, since he didn't understand, Erwin simply didn't think about it, and planned to deal with the worst-case scenario.


"We must go to that ancient city of Bardia immediately!"


"Do you know any other way to get to that ancient city?"

Then, Erwin asked Shirley directly.


"I have no idea……"

"Mr. Keith?"

Shirley is the princess of Karthus. She has never been to many places since she was pampered, so how does she know the way to the ancient city?

And if she knew and went there, maybe, as her glorious descendant, she would have pulled out that holy sword and brought it back to Karthus, so why would there be so many things now?


"There are two ways to go to that ancient kingdom of Bardia!"

"One is a mountain road, which is relatively close, but it's hard to say, there are many barbarian tribes and bandits on the road, and there are even monsters!"

"That's not good to go!"

Keith is the general of Karthus, and he is naturally very familiar with the nearby terrain, so he said it when he opened his mouth.


"What about the other one?"

Hein obviously didn't want to be on guard against those barbarians, bandits or monsters when he was on his way, so he quickly asked about the situation on the other road.

"The other is the road."

"That one is easier to walk, but it is possible that it will pass through the war zone, and it will be further away?"

"However, the other two roads are farther than the burned bridge!"

Keith didn't go into a long-winded way, and explained it straightforwardly.


"Then what?"

"Let's state first, I haven't learned teleportation spells, and I can't send you to the other side of the cliff."

Hein had no choice but to look at Erwin.

It is impossible for him to directly open a stable portal for everyone like a little girl The kind of stable teleportation spell that can pass through the large army, but he knows the difficulty, I am afraid that even the Teacher Jessica can't use it easily!

"All right!"

"Time is running out!"

"We take a small road, day and night, no matter what, we must arrive in front of the imperial army!"

"lets go!"

Saying that, Erwin waved his hand viciously and made the decision on behalf of everyone.


"Then let's go, I'll lead the way!"

Keith didn't talk too much, he threw his whip and rode to the front of the team.

Soon, this team of 'Glorious Legion' treasure hunt team that started from Karthus City, with a scale of about 1,000 people, quickly completed the turn and began to quickly move towards the distant mountains and mountains.


What Irwin and others who are worried about may not know that the person who burned the bridge was actually someone else. It wasn't the Imperial Army who deliberately burned it to hinder their progress. They didn't have to hurry at all.

Because, at this moment, Leon, the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights of the Imperial Army, is also with his adjutant Liat, and he is feeling aggrieved and annoyed that he leads a large army of more than a thousand people slowly being told by them just now. On the farthest road we have passed, we are marching unhurriedly.


Regardless of whether Irwin or Leon, the leader of the Imperial Army's Blue Dragon Knights, can make it or not, I'm afraid they can't easily catch up with some nasty little girl who burned down the bridge and walked away three days ago. !

Moreover, what they didn't know was that the target of that bad little girl seemed to be the ruins of the ancient city where the holy sword was buried?


(??ω??) Ask for a monthly pass~??


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