Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1750: |????) Who is fighting?

"La la la~??"


Early the next morning, Anne said goodbye to the fat aunt at the inn, and was walking alone on the country roads of this magical world.

In fact, under normal circumstances, she would definitely not get up so early.

After all, there is no such strange capitalist in this world to urge her to work, but well, although there is no such kind of bad capitalist, there are a large group of strange uncles who wake her up.

Those guys don't know what's going on, they get up before dawn to eat, drink, and lax, making a lot of noise. When walking, the armor and weapons tinkled, and those hateful war horses roared a few times from time to time. , to her troubles.

And if it weren't for this hot hotel, a place where anyone can live, and if it wasn't her Queen Anne's own home, I'm afraid she would have smashed a magic out of the window long ago and threw those hateful guys into the It's tens of thousands of miles away, and where would the guys who had been arguing for half the night and woke up so early make trouble with her?

Of course, it's useless to say anything now, she's already up and left that hotel anyway, even if those nasty guys go back and continue making noise for another night, she certainly doesn't mind.




At this time, Annie, who was wandering aimlessly, suddenly heard a sound like a dull thunder in the distance.

"Tibbers, what's that sound?"


Now that the sun is shining brightly and there are no clouds in the sky, it is definitely not the sound of thunder when it rains, and the distance seems to be quite close, which makes Annie feel a little curious.

(It was Pyroblast that exploded, the stupid male native you taught before, he has learned that magic and is fighting people!)

(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Because this is a high-magic world, Tibbers was not suppressed too much, so it did not hide it, and directly sent the basic information it learned after scanning it to the lazy, lazy but curious **** in its family. The little master said it.)



"Pyroblast? Hot guy, he learned it so quickly?!"


Hearing what Tibbs said, Annie couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

She didn't know the guy named Haine who was chased away by her yesterday, but she didn't know where he heard about her eradicating monsters, and then he came to her suddenly and found her, crying and begging. She said she wanted to learn magic from a teacher, but at that time, Her Lady Queen Anne ruthlessly refused.

After all, teaching apprentices or something, that kind of thing is too troublesome. The last time she taught that Irena, she was lazy and gave it to Tibbers, who did not know magic, to teach, let alone teach those who did not know , He's not cute, and he's also a bit of a dumbass.

But then...

Being quarreled by the other party, she was really helpless, so she had to take out an explosive flame technique to fool the other party, and directly drove the other party away.

According to Annie's thoughts, that little trick of pyrotechnics is enough for the other party to learn for several years, and by the time the other party learns it, she probably doesn't know where she's wandering, so she doesn't have to worry about the other party coming to the door again. .

But who would have thought, the other party not only learned it in one night, but also learned and used it alive, and directly took it out to fight with people. That kind of speed, compared to the original witch Irena who was eaten by Tibbers many times, it is estimated that Is it just a little bit off?

Of course, even though that guy was a little worse than her former student, Irena, Queen Anne, he was still a lot stronger than Tibbers, whom he had raised for many years. After all, her family's The idiot bear has not been able to learn any magic until now. It's a waste of time for her to let it use her magic power.



(Tibbers didn't want to talk to him, and gave his poor little master a big white eye in his heart...)



"Why doesn't it ring again..."


"According to that guy's magic power, it should be possible to put two or three?"


"Did he really learn so fast?"


After waiting for a while, Annie couldn't help but hesitate again after realizing that there was no more thunderous explosions like just now.

"never mind!"


"Let's go!"


"Tibbers, let's go take a look!"


With that said, Annie threw out Tibbers the bear that she was carrying in her left hand.

Then, when Tibbers slowly swelled and grew bigger, she jumped directly onto its shoulders and sat down, not worrying about the dark red flames around it at all.

"Set off!"

??*. ??(ˊωˋ*)????*.

"Also, put out the fire quickly, if you accidentally burn the forest, you will be asked to carry the water yourself!"


Snapped! !

It wasn't for a fight, but seeing that Tibbers even let out that burning shadow flame to influence her to see the flowers and plants, Annie slapped its big round head fiercely.

"It's over there, the voice came from there!!"


Seeing the other party's reluctance, Annie had no choice but to tug at the plush ear angrily and pull it in the direction she thought was right.




At this time, in a village that was only about half a day's journey away from the roadside hotel, the traveling swordsman Irwin, the trainee magician Hein, and a witch from the Temple of Light were defending against the hundreds of imperial troops. , while slowly retreating to the north of the village.

Under normal circumstances, the three of them would definitely not be able to resist the attack of the small-scale army with more than 100 imperial soldiers. The light cavalry, the orange-haired swordsman Alvin standing at the very front was obviously not enough.

But no matter what, they still have the magician Hain who suddenly learned the explosion technique for some unknown reason!

Just now, Hain blasted over a dozen imperial soldiers with an explosive flame technique. Then, from time to time, he would throw some small fireballs at the soldiers and enemies in front, which made the group of imperial soldiers feel very jealous. Want to rush up to crush those two people regardless, but hesitant?

So, just like this, in the stalemate between the two sides, the three retreated to the other end of the not spacious stone bridge to the north of the village, and took advantage of the location to gather with the group but did not dare to get too close. The Imperial soldiers faced off.


"You can't go on like this, why don't you take Liana first!"

"Go north!"

"Go to Sarras City! I'm here to block them!"

Standing beside this small bridge, looking at the unsteady patrolling in the village in the distance, he might ignore the Imperial Army cavalry and the large group of infantry rushing over at any time, Erwin swallowed hard, and then held it tightly. The sword in his hand urged Hein and Liana behind him.


"No! No!"

"No way!"

"Erwin, without me, you will definitely die!!"

However, upon hearing Erwin's words, Hein loudly refused on the spot.

Although he has long seen that Alvin is really powerful in fighting alone, but it is definitely not possible to face so many Imperial soldiers.

Moreover, the commander of the other party's cavalry has never made a move. Although Hain doesn't know how powerful the other party is, he believes that if he hadn't provided magical support and deterrence behind him, the other party would have rushed over long ago.

Furthermore, without the strong support of Hein and Liana, who has a little magic treatment, the enemy will surely swarm over him. At that time, even without the commander of the other party, Alvin will be finished!

And once Erwin is finished, he and Liana will probably be chased by the enemy's cavalry if they can't run very far. Without Erwin standing in front of him, he is an apprentice magician who has not learned a lot of magic. How can Shi and Liana, who has little fighting ability, fight with so many vicious imperial troops?

Therefore, now their situation is that no one can do without another, and if anyone dares to run first, the last three people may all die!

If nothing else, just relying on the imperial soldier lying on the ground in the distant village, Hain felt that the imperial commander with a gloomy face on a horse would definitely not let him, the initiator, let go. He's been a trainee magician.

"That's right!"

"Mr. Irwin!"

"me too!"

"It's all because of me that you and Hein are involved, so I will never leave you or Hein first!"


At this time, Liana also spoke, and said stubbornly.

Just now, when the group of imperial soldiers rushed into the village aggressively, she learned about the purpose of those imperial soldiers from Leon, who claimed to be the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights.

Originally, she also planned to leave with the other party. After all, her arms could not twist her thighs, and she did not dare to resist those terrifying guys from the empire, because it was useless to resist.

But when she was uneasy, suddenly, her childhood sweetheart, Hain, who grew up together, and this Mr. Irwin in front of her suddenly rushed out of the house beside her, and were killed and injured in one fell swoop. And also killed and wounded several imperial soldiers, and then rushed all the way to cover, forcibly brought her here from the village?

"Let's go, let's go together!"

"Or, if you really can't, just leave me behind. You go first. Their target is me, and they will definitely not be in a hurry to chase you!"

Then, Liana suggested again.

Gu was first arrested by the Imperial Army, and then rescued and held here by the two of them. Her mind was always in a mess, and it was only now that she finally calmed down and regained her senses.

"No way!"

"Liana, now that they have killed and injured so many people, do you think they will spare me and Erwin?"

Hein certainly does not agree with Liana's naive and naive idea.

If he was the commander of the Imperial Army riding on a horse, if twenty or thirty soldiers under his own command were killed, then he must be eager to hack them to death and crush them as soon as possible, how could it be possible? Is there any reason to let it go easily?

"do not talk……"

"Now I can only fight with them!"

At this time, Erwin also felt that his thoughts just now were a little naive, so he stopped the two of them, and at the same time did not forget to be alert to the group of Imperial Army soldiers across the bridge.

Although the three of them have no hope of winning, with Hein's magical support, it is not so easy for the other party to rush over from the bridge easily.


"We must hold on!"

"When it was dark, the village chief sent someone to deliver the letter to Sarras City, hoping that they would meet the lord's patrol on the way?"


Otherwise, Hain didn't dare to continue talking.

Anyway, he only knew that it was definitely not the way to continue to confront the enemy here. After all, Hein himself knew that his magic power was running out. When the enemy finds out that his magic power is insufficient, Liana may be fine, but he and Erwin will definitely die!



"Surrender now!"

"Call that little girl out, and this uncle may spare your life!"

"Did you hear that?"

At this time, on the Imperial Army side, the infantry captain Barthe was a little impatient, and directly shouted to the three people across the bridge from a distance of more than 100 meters in the village.




It's a pity that Hain, Erwin, and Liana, who had already made plans, didn't give him any answers, and were still on guard across the bridge.



"Adjutant Liat!"

"What should we do now?"

"There is a mage over there, and there is that bridge. With so many people, we won't be able to rush through if we rush hard!"

Seeing that the other party was not fooled, and that he didn't want to talk to him at all, the empire captain Barthe had to go to the side of Liat, the adjutant, complaining in annoyance.

"As I say!"

"We should have brought some bowmen in the first place!"

If there is a team of archers here, not many people are needed, only ten or eight will do, and then the three guys across the river will have to eat and walk around!


"Don't say those useless things!"

Liat hesitated for a while, but after all, he didn't dare to go in himself.

Not to mention the skill of the swordsman, the magic of the mage alone made him very afraid.

After all, he is still far from the level of their leader Leon, so the magic that the little mage released just now is still a bit of a threat to him, especially that the stone bridge is neither long nor short, just enough Limit his circumvention route.

"you go!"

"Go to the villagers and ask, is there any other way to go around this river?"

"If I can, I'll take my cavalry around it. Without that bridge and that river, they'd be dead!"

After a long time, the adjutant Liat frowned slightly, and then he quickly thought of a way that was not a solution, and instructed the captain.

It is definitely not possible to rush directly from the bridge, but if it is from other places, such as the flat and spacious mountain behind the three, then Taliat has enough confidence in the mage and the swordsman. Kill on the spot!


"Why didn't I think of that?"


With that said, the imperial army commander Bart slapped his head, then cruelly led the people with a weird smile and rushed to a villager's house not far away.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of screams and begging for mercy in the house. Obviously, the way the other party asked would not be too friendly.



"General, general?"

Hearing the abnormality in the house, Liat frowned slightly and was about to say something when suddenly, he heard the sound of horse hooves, he couldn't help but turn his head in amazement, and saw Leon, the leader of their Azure Dragon Knights, riding a horse from The south quickly rushed towards them.



"The lord's army is about to arrive here, why are you still here?!"

"What about that woman?"

Seeing the gathered imperial soldiers, and then looking at the corpses lying on the ground, the person's expression froze, and then he scolded and asked Liat, the adjutant who was about to say something, with some annoyance.


"General, there are two boys who ran out to disrupt the situation, especially the mage, his spells are very powerful, they are blocking the opposite side of the bridge, we just..."

Liat was a little ashamed, and didn't dare to say that he was taken away by those two people who took the hostage carelessly. Then, he was afraid that the loss would be too great, so he didn't dare to act.


"It's him?!"

Following the instructions of his adjutant, Leon also saw the three people across the river at a glance, and saw the trainee magician he saw yesterday who didn't answer his question.


"There is no time, all those who resist will be killed!"

The time was running out. Leon, who had just hurried back because he had left beforehand, obviously didn't want to delay any further.

"You get out of the way!!"

So, looking at the two little pawns in front of him who wanted to continue to be the chariot, he felt ruthless.



Seeing that the legendary leader of the Azure Dragon Knights, that unparalleled fierce general actually turned back to the and even launched an assault on himself, Erwin gasped in fright at the same time. He couldn't help but hurriedly shouted at his partner behind him without looking back.

"Explosive Flame Technique!!!"

Hein did not disappoint Erwin. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a red circle lit up on his body and in front of his hands.

Immediately afterwards, a huge flaming fireball appeared instantly and slammed towards the charging leader of the Azure Dragon Knights!



Seeing that magic attacked, Leon was so quick to slash it with a sword!

boom! ! !

The explosion sounded again in an instant, and the blasted flames directly covered the head of the Azure Dragon Knights. At the same time, the shock wave of the explosion also shook the stone bridge, which was not very strong.



However, before Hain and Irwin were happy, they were horrified to see: a figure with flames on his body rushed out of the flames in an instant, and slashed towards the leader with a single sword.


not good!

Subconsciously, Erwin raised the long sword in his hand and went to block,


However, the weapon in his hand suddenly snapped, and at the same time, the long knife that was extremely sharp and seemed to have a powerful enchantment, and was also conducive to immediate slashing, still accelerated and swept toward Erwin's neck. come over.



Seeing this, Erwin, who had no chance to react, only had time to exclaim in his heart, and then closed his eyes subconsciously.


(??ω??) The end of the month, the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass~!


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