Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1749: ∠(°?°) Return from target

Just like that, Leon, the leader of the Empire's Blue Dragon Knights, and his adjutant Liat and others stayed in the hotel by the road beside the village.


At this time, it was completely dark.

In this hotel, except for two soldiers wearing cloaks to cover the conspicuous green imperial armor standing guard and guarding the door, the rest of the more than 130 people are all crowded into this small area. In a small hotel.

"Ha ha……"



"Captain Barthe, detours are also good for detours. At least we can have wine and hot meals to eat, right?"

"that is!"

"It's right to follow Lord Leon, you, you are too impatient in the daytime. It's a good thing that Lord Liat didn't hear it, otherwise you will feel better."

"Go, go! Drink!"




"Come again..."

"do not!"

"I can't drink any more. I have to get up early tomorrow and rush on the road. If Adjutant Liat sees it, I will be reprimanded again!"

"You're talking about that old-fashioned guy in Liat, he's a..."


"Let's eat yours, Captain Barthe, it's better to say a few words less!"

"Come! Eat!"

"I'm going to change posts later when I'm full!"

Then, of course, except for those who had already been crowded into rooms to sleep, the rest of the imperial soldiers gathered in groups of three or five in the lobby of the hotel to eat, drink, and shout, taking this small place. It was packed and quite lively.


At this time, the proprietress of the hotel was walking back and forth between the crowd and the back kitchen.

She is very tired and busy now, and her expression is very complicated. She just listens to the conversations of those imperial soldiers, but she doesn't dare to take a look.

The food of these more than 100 people is basically about to empty the food such as wine, meat, grain and other food in her hotel. Moreover, she is busy all the time, from the evening until now, she is about to get tired. It was broken. Although the other party gave her a lot of money from the beginning, so that she didn't have to worry about escaping the bill, but when she thought that these people were soldiers of the empire, she couldn't be happy.

She still doesn't know what's going on between Sarras Land and the Reygard Empire. Now a group of ferocious soldiers from other countries are eating and drinking here, but she has no way to understand the situation or report to the lord, but she can Worried.

Of course, worry is useless!

She is the only one in this hotel now, and she doesn't even dare to run away, let alone do other things.





At this time, a certain bad little girl suddenly rushed from the dark night outside the door into the hotel lobby with several lights lit. Then, she was a little surprised at first, and she didn't know why the group of monsters came here in the evening. The uncles hadn't left yet, but soon, she put such trivial matters behind her, jumped directly to the counter and lay on her stomach.



"Auntie! People are back, those monsters have been wiped out by them!"


"Anything to eat tonight?"


Annie didn't pay any attention to the tired face of the proprietress who had just sat down at the counter, she just jumped over excitedly and asked.

She came here a week ago, and then, while walking, she came across such a hotel, and then temporarily stayed here.

A few days ago, when she was chatting with the idle boss, the aunt at the counter, she learned that the other party originally had a daughter here as a waiter, but she was attacked by a group of monsters one night last year and died tragically , and then she could only manage it by herself, she couldn't bear it for a while, and patted her small chest and promised the other party to help clear all the monsters around the village.

So, she cleaned one of them last night, and went to clean up the second polluted cemetery again tonight, even if it was finally done.

That kind of small thing is not difficult for her, just a little troublesome. Under normal circumstances, she must be disdainful to do that kind of thing.



"Did you...really go to that place?"

Hearing Annie's words, the proprietress was slightly startled, and then her tired eyes became somewhat sober.

"Of course!"


"If people say they want to help, they will definitely help, how can they not go?"


That's right!

What Queen Anne has promised is usually done well, and by the same token, if she is not willing, it is useless for anyone to ask her!



"This is the helmet of a very powerful skeleton monster. Now it is given to you. You can exchange it with the lord for money!"



With that said, Annie took out a rusty but unusually heavy plate horn helmet from her space pocket and threw it on the floor inside the counter with a dull crashing sound.



"what sound?"

"Did the basin fall?"

Hearing the metal collision on the counter side, the imperial soldiers who were eating and drinking seemed a little sensitive, so they couldn't help but turn their heads and take a look.

"Oh, leave her alone, she's a child anyway!"

"Come on, let's keep drinking!"

"Captain Bart, why don't you drink it?"

"The last cup, really the last cup, come, let's do it together!!"


However, when they saw that the proprietress was talking to the little girl during the day, they quickly turned around and continued their business, eating, drinking, and shouting.

After all, she's just a village woman and a little girl who can do a little tricks, so it's not worth wasting too much attention by the grand men of the Imperial Army.


"It's so heavy!"

"Annie, did you really go?"

Leaning over, he picked up the plate armor horn helmet on the floor, picked up the helmet that seemed to have magic power, and weighed it for a while, and then hurriedly shoved the fat lady boss into the counter. asked a terrified little girl.

"Of course!"


"Didn't they promise you?"


Anne asked angrily.

You know, Her Lady Queen Anne has always kept her word, and when she says she wants to eradicate monsters, she will definitely eradicate monsters! And if there are no monsters, she will even create monsters by herself first, and then start to destroy them!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"What did you encounter there?"

The proprietress could not imagine that a little girl would dare to go to such a terrifying place alone at night.

However, the fact is in front of her. The helmet just now is not only rusty, but also smells like a rotten undead. In addition to what happened last night, she does not doubt whether the little girl Annie in front of her has really been to that horrible place. , a place where even the local lords are helpless.



"It's nothing, just some skeletons, undead, and the skeleton general wearing the helmet just now. It looks very powerful, but he is still a little bit more powerful than him."


Annie didn't want to scare this fat aunt, so she lowered her own power to an infinite extent, but even then, she was not something that boring skeleton could reach.



"And undead?!"

"too terrifying……"

Sure enough, the proprietress was instantly stared at by Annie's words.

She did not doubt Annie's words, because the honorable lord of the local Sarras led the soldiers to clean up the two polluted cemeteries, but unfortunately, monsters will appear again soon after the cleanup, plus Those monsters wouldn't come out during the day, and they wouldn't leave the cemetery too far at night, so they just ignored them, and didn't pay attention to them until after her daughter's accident.

However, because her daughter's accident was only an isolated case, the nearby villages did not show any signs of being attacked by monsters on a large scale, so until now, she has not seen the intention of the lord to send troops to conquer it.


"Actually, it's useless even if you eliminate them."

I was happy for a while, and after exclaiming, the proprietress quickly became depressed again.





Annie was a little puzzled.


"Isn't it because the two cemeteries were polluted?"

"It is said that there was a battlefield there, many people died, and there were necromancers who used terrifying necromantic magic in that place, so that kind of thing happened."

"Although you cleaned up this time, but..."

"It won't be long before those terrible things will come out. There were a lot of corpses buried in those two places, and even the lord's priest, Lord Ai Fanze, could not purify them."

"I heard that it may at least require a big man like the Archbishop of the Great Temple of Light to do it?"

As she spoke, the proprietress couldn't help shaking her head and sighing.

She also knows that the lord is probably just talking about that kind of thing, and will not really go to the temple for help. After all, what a noble person the Archbishop of the Great Temple of Light is, how could he come to a small village like them to help them solve that kind of unnecessary trouble?

There are so many monsters and monsters in this world, and the situation here is not bad. How can the lord control it?

"Let's not talk about that anymore."

"Annie, you can solve those troubles for us, and we can at least be stable for a while. Wait, I'll see what else is delicious, and I'll get it for you."

With that said, the proprietress was going to find a place to wash her hands, and then figured out how to prepare an exquisite late-night snack as a thank-you gift for a certain powerful little girl mage.



"Okay, thank you auntie!"


Annie smiled indifferently and thanked him.

However, she did not tell the other party that of course she had seen the two cemeteries being polluted by necromantic magic, so she simply burned the glass there. Now there is nothing left there, and in the future No more monsters!

And the helmet just now was specially reserved by her to use it as a certificate. Otherwise, she would have burned it into molten iron and melted it into the magma pool.


Although the terrifying undead monsters are gone, she was still too hard at that time, so that the flame element there is abnormally strong now, coupled with the equally abundant magical energy in this world, there may be something terrible in the future. The fire element life is not necessarily born there?

But even the birth of fire element Annie is not worried at all!

After all, fire elements generally don’t like to leave that kind of magma land, just like the flame kingdom she stayed in before. Those fire elements generally don’t like places where ordinary people live. If they are not transformed, it is normal. The room temperature is still a little too cold for them, and the villagers here are sure to be fine as long as they don't go to that kind of place to kill themselves.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"You wait a while..."

"As you can see, there are a lot of people here today, I have to look carefully..."

After that, the fat lady boss turned back and went to the cabinet behind the counter to rummage, and racked her brains to think about what to do.



"That person went back to the room first. If you're done, auntie, you have to bring it up quickly!"




After speaking, Annie didn't even look at the soldiers of the Imperial Army who were eating, drinking, and making noises in the lobby, and jumped straight to one of her rooms on the second floor.

And at the same time...

In another village about half a day away from the village where the hotel is located, a trainee magician in a white cape finally hurried back to their village.

"Oh no!"

"Alvin! Something big happened!"

As soon as the trainee magician who came back overnight saw his new friend, he hurriedly told everything about the group of soldiers of the Imperial Army he met on the way to learn magic. .


"More than a hundred imperial soldiers appeared here?"

"This is the territory of Sarras. Although it is a frontier, it is indeed a bit unpleasant to have the Imperial Army!"

Hearing his newly-acquainted mage friend talking about such a thing, Erwin, who had been adventuring alone with a sword for many years, couldn't help but be slightly startled.

"All right."

"Hain, don't worry too much, take a break and drink some water."

"There are more than 100 imperial soldiers in the mere area. It is estimated that at most they infiltrated to spy on the information. When the lords of Salras landed responded, they might have run away."

"Besides, even if there is a real war, they won't be able to hit here all at once. Don't worry too much, just ask the village chief to send someone to inform the lord tomorrow."

"Even if the imperial army does come, there will definitely be time for the villagers to evacuate."

Erwin thought it was the imperial army that killed Sarras and brought it here, but after hearing that there were only a mere hundred and all of them were light soldiers, he quickly stopped. Relax, and comfort him with a smile to his friend Hain, the mage apprentice.


"Have you found that powerful Arcane Archmage?"

"Did she teach you magic?"

While handing over a glass of water, Erwin hurriedly asked curiously.

The matter of the Imperial Army is the only concern of the lords of Sarras. Erwin is just a passing adventurer. He doesn't want to be involved in the war between one country and another, so, Compared with those things, he is more concerned about his friends now.


"Teached a pyrotechnic..."


"I haven't learned it yet, she thinks I'm stupid, and impatiently kicks me out..."

Hearing his friend ask about the Arcane Archmage, Hain was stunned for a while, and then his face became bitter.


"No way?"

"Haen, you are so good, she still despise you for being stupid?"

Irwin was a little surprised. After all, in his experience, there are very few people like Hain who have this level of magical attainment at this age. Otherwise, he They don't specifically make friends with each other.

"I think……"

"Could it be that the guy is not good at it, so he didn't dare to teach you?"

"It must be like that!"

Then, Erwin punched hard, began to speculate maliciously, and tried his best to use words to comfort the trainee magician friend who went all the way to the next village to study and returned after failure.


(??ω??) It's the end of the month!


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