Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1739: (?︶`) Large-scale dungeon: Battle of the Bears...

At the inner bay pier of the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child, all the Kid Pirates are with the 'Flying Six' Sasaki and the senior leaders of the Hundred Beast Pirates in the form of 'human beast' or 'all beast', come to me Shouting and fighting to the ground.

At this time, the battle between the two sides lasted for more than ten minutes, and at the same time, the entire indoor dock was turned into a mess.

Those gorgeous decorations and exquisite red carpets have long since become shattered, and there are still big pits, fissures and broken fragments left after the attack by both sides. There were also many people on both sides who fell to the ground.

No doubt it was a tough fight!

Although the Kidd Pirates have the upper hand, the remnants of the Beasts Pirates are not easy to mess with. Even if the number is small, He is fierce and unusual. The stalemate is deadlocked, and if there is no more time, it will definitely be easy to distinguish the winner.

But fortunately, this is the golden mothership of the Bear Child. Here, there are tens of thousands of soldiers of all ethnic groups who can participate in the battle. Therefore, without waiting for the two sides to decide the winner, the two Naga royal guards He brought a group of murloc guards over after hearing the news.

Immediately afterwards, after seeing Eustace Kidd and others from the Kidd Pirates fighting against a group of enemies with animal-type Devil Fruit abilities, the two Naga guards simply used magic on the spot. Summoning the seawater in the berth of the pier, two 'flushing shock waves' swept and bombarded everyone in the entire indoor pier.

There was a clatter.


Then there is nothing then.

After all, everyone knows that devil fruit people can never touch the sea water, and to be able to fight after being completely immersed in sea water, at least they must reach the level of super domineering like a vice admiral or even a general.

Therefore, when the Kidd Pirates and the beasts or humans and beasts of the Hundred Beasts Pirates were all hit by the sea, they all fell to the ground, and even if they could still stand, they soon disappeared. The murloc soldiers who were rushed up were easily put down and tied up.

As a result, the battle at the inner bay pier of the Golden Mothership was declared a failure because the "landbreakers" of the Hundred Beasts Pirates failed to defeat the guarding BOSS in time and reinforcements arrived!

What's more, what is different from the general wasteland 'game copy' is that after they fail, they fail completely, and there will never be a chance to carefully study and analyze the strategy and never once.


Seeing that his opponent was brought down and **** by the murlocs in three or two strokes, after a while, his whole body was also covered with sea water, so that Eustace Kidd, who was a little weak, staggered to his feet. stand up.

He was really tired after fighting for so long without taking down the flying six-member Sasaki.

However, tiredness is still the majority.

Of course, being hit by the sea also played a big role. After all, he was also a Devil Fruit person himself. When the two Naga used the sea water in the dock so indiscriminately, his combat power basically lost the ninth floor or even more. many.


"I can defeat them without your help!"

First, he said this to the two Naga royal guards in an unhappy manner, then looked at the mess on the ground, and then looked at his men who were killed and injured a lot, Eustace Kidd's face was stunned. Black, then turned around and left.

Now he has no face to go to Kaido for revenge, because the facts just now have become clear, in the case of an absolute advantage in the number of people, his Kidd Pirates will face off against one of the Beasts Pirates. More than a dozen small bosses have fought so badly, what would it be like if they faced the big kanban or the 'hundred beasts' Kaido on the big kanban?

Kid didn't dare to think about that kind of thing, so he already had a rough idea of ​​him in his heart, and he felt that the rest of the battle today had nothing to do with the Kidd Pirates, he just had to find a place to hang out. , and wait for the complete end of the battle on the line.


"What did he just say?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because we despise us for taking his credit?"

"Grab credit?"

"But we are here to reinforce him. If we don't help him, they will have to kill a lot of people!"


"Forget it, leave him alone, how do these guys deal with it?"


"These people are still quite strong, but they are afraid of the sea water. Why don't the fish people put them in a water prison. If there is sea water, they can't escape."

"Ah! The water prison in the sea? This is a good idea, just do it like that!"

"Who made these people's weaknesses so obvious?"

"Yeah, Kong has that kind of powerful power, but a tidal attack directly makes you lose your strength after hitting the sea water. That kind of devil fruit is really not a good thing."

"Definitely, otherwise, why does it have the word 'devil'? It's not a good thing to have a relationship with the devil."

"Let's go, let's take them back and lock them up."


Looking at Eustace Kidd who left sadly, the two Naga royal guards were a little puzzled, and after saying a few words in Azeroth's common language, they waved their hands, no longer concerned, but signaled those The murloc soldiers handcuffed the living people, such as the 'Flying Six' Sasaki of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and took them away.

In this way, the battle that took place at the indoor pier in the inner bay of the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child ended in a hurry, and the people of the Beast Pirates had nothing to gain except for the mess here.

At the same time, in the royal garden on the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, while the Mermaid Princess Bai Xing was racking her brains to learn that kind of mysterious magic, a bad little girl was in her In front of him, a magic projection screen was opened and he was watching with relish eating BB popcorn and drinking Coke.


(??~??) Chew!

"Yes! That's it, beat that bunny to the ground!!"



(ノへ ̄,)

"Stupid! You didn't beat her down quickly and gave her a chance to throw Tibbers..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

A certain bad little girl, Bear Child, was screaming in surprise.

Moreover, listening to her tone, it seems that she is not cheering on her own people, but cheering on the enemy's?


So, listening and listening, the mermaid princess Bai Xing, who was beside her, was puzzled, and she could not help but secretly open her eyes and take a peek.

Then, Shirahoshi saw that in those magical and magical pictures that can be displayed without the need to monitor the phone bug, Garret seems to be fighting with many people from the Beast Pirates and BIGMOM Pirates in a street. .

But soon, with the help of the little bear Tibbers, she knocked down the enemy who was stronger than her in three or two strokes.

'what! ’

'It's so easy! ’

In the picture, after releasing Tibbers the bear and defeating the enemy, watching the murloc soldiers who arrived only had time to clean up the mess, Garrot of the fur tribe was not to mention how proud he was.

So, she patted the little bear who was almost as tall as her on the shoulder, and motioned for the other side to continue rushing towards other streets where the fighting was heard.

‘Let’s go! ’

'Tibbers! ’

Garrett in the picture is very proud, and the little fluffy tail is still swaying.


GuMermaid princess Shirahoshi saw that Garrot wouldn't be in any danger with Tibbers' support, but after she was quite content, she was a little relieved, and then looked at another picture.

There, she saw that a green Allosaurus with great strength, tall and strong body and extremely sharp claws was fighting with Torrepol of the Don Quixote family, the fat woman Jorah and others. And it seems that the other party did not fall into the disadvantage of fighting alone?

It's a pity that the status quo of the other party did not last long...

Soon, a tall and strong Naga royal guard appeared and summoned two blue sea elementals. As the two sea elements attacked directly with sea water, regardless of whether they were friends or foes, the green The Allosaurus couldn't hold on any longer, and finally fell to the ground together with the cadres of the Don Quixote family who could not escape under the impact of the sea water of two sea elements, and then was successfully swarmed by the murloc soldiers. They were easily captured.

This time, even Bai Xing was stunned.

The weaknesses of those with Devil Fruit abilities are too obvious. Once they encounter the Naga Royal Guards who can summon sea elements, they have no resistance at all, and they can't even let those powerful Royal Guards personally The game has already been lost.

'Ha ha! ’

‘Finally defeated him, thank you so much! ’

In that magic picture, when seeing the green Allosaurus being defeated and captured, the cadre of the Don Quixote family who couldn't wait, the little girl Sugar rushed out and rushed to the Naga royal guard. Grateful.

'you! ’

'Take him away! Remember to lock it with Hailou stone! ’

'Quick, the others come with me, let's go after that nasty bear! ! ’

After the murlocs were in high spirits to tie up the enemy and **** them away, the little girl didn't even look at the cadres of their Don Quixote family who had also become weak after being attacked by the sea elements, and planned to take the murlocs directly. Troops go catch people... oh no, catch bears.

However, before she could set off, Bai Xing saw again that in the picture, the phone bug that Sugar was carrying with him suddenly rang.

'Hello! ’

'what? ’

'The bear is in Lane 90 on East Street, how did it go there? ’

'what? ’

‘Gallot is being chased by that bear? ’

‘How is it possible, after he turned into a bear, he couldn’t be that strong! ’


'Okay, I'll go check it out now! ’

After hanging up the phone, the sugar in the magic screen looked to the left, then to the right, and struggled for a long time. Finally, she gritted her teeth and ran straight towards East Street.


"East Main Street……"

"Isn't that Garrett and Tibbers?"


"That sugar, why is she going to catch Tibbers?"

Seeing this, Bai Xing's mind was a little confused, so she, who had only sneaked a few glances, couldn't help but exclaimed and asked in a murmur.



"Don't peek! Hurry up and learn that magic, or else, the sea kings you summoned will fight themselves first!"

( ̄▽ ̄)o╭╯☆Clap! !

When she found that some uneducated mermaid princess dared to take a peek, Annie turned her head and patted the other's big buttocks with beautiful scales and slapped the tight 'fish' above her. The meat directly seemed to vibrate, and it spread to the rest of the buttocks in the form of ripples.



"I know!"


"I didn't mean to, I'll continue now!!!"

First, she stretched out her hands to cover her buttocks in exclamation, and then, despite the pain, the mermaid princess Bai Xing with tears in the corners of her eyes no longer dared to peep, and she continued to hold her wand honestly and meditate.



"It's not being honest, is it?"


After punishing some idiot who didn't study well, Annie continued to watch those pictures that were better than TV, more exciting than movies, and the special effects were more than 50 cents gorgeous, and they were even better than the real pictures.


(????~????) Chew~!

As for what Mermaid Bai Xing exclaimed just Of course she also saw it, and knew that Miss Sugar must have been misled by the people in the monitoring room.

However, she didn't want to explain, just continued to watch her little movie with relish.

At this time, there is a picture showing that Charlotte Lingling of BIGMOM Pirates and Kaido in dragon form are leading the way party CP0 and at the same time actively let most people block and create chaos in various parts of the city Under the circumstances, he finally arrived at the first floor amusement park of the Golden King Hotel, and as soon as he entered, he saw a blind man leaning on a cane waiting for a long time in front of the 'Yi Xiao Bo Da' instrument. .



"There's a good show to watch now!"


"Suck it~ Ha!"


Seeing that the fat woman and the Qinglong man finally came to the downstairs of her own palace garden and ran to Fujitora, Annie hurriedly sat up straight, then zoomed in on the picture and began to hug her BB excitedly Popcorn and take a gulp of Coke, then get ready to watch the show.


At this time, the mermaid princess Bai Xing also heard the exclamation of a certain bear child, and then, not remembering to beat her, she quietly opened her eyes again and began to peek.

However, this time, she behaved well and covered her mouth with one hand, making sure that she would not make any sound no matter what she saw later.


(〃°ω°〃)?? Monthly Pass


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