Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1738: (?︶`) Large-scale dungeon: Battle of the Bears...

"Oh no!"

"The big thing is bad!!"

"My Lady Queen, Her Majesty!!"

"Oh no!"

"That blue dragon, that terrifying Kaido, he rushed to our ship with someone!!"

When the golden mothership of the Bear Child began to mobilize all members and threw itself into the tense operation of clearing the remaining enemies, the fur clan bunny girl Garrot rushed out of the palace elevator in a hurry, and shouted at a very fast speed. Hudi skipped the two Naga royal guards, ran straight into the garden, and yelled at the nasty little girl who didn't know what she was doing with the mermaid White Star.


Seeing that it was Garrett, Shirahoshi just smiled at him, but didn't speak.

Because, she is now trying to learn how to control those sea kings from some bad bear child. After all, she will always send them away when she summons them, and she must send out signals in time. Stop the Sea Kings who haven't come yet.

That thing is important, very important!

Although the number of sea kings with a body length of more than 3,000 meters has exceeded 10,000, but that is far from the end.

This world is huge, and the ocean is also huge. According to Bai Xing’s estimation, at this time, there should be hundreds of thousands or even millions of sea kings on their way. It's just that they came from the nearby sea area. From farther places, such as those on the other side of the Red Continent, they must still be on their way.

However, they may have to pass through the submarine channel before they can arrive here, and it is estimated that they will arrive in a month at the earliest. She always has to try to stop them.

After all, now that the war is over, she no longer needs support, and if they come all the way here and find that they have nothing to do, then it's not good.



"People are not blind, they have already seen it!"



ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Annie, who almost didn't spit out the drink in her mouth, glared angrily at a certain panting rabbit spirit, and then sighed a little unhappily.

The big blue dragon just now rushed towards her family's big boat, how could she not see it, did she need the other party to come to remind it?



"Then you..."

Garrett was a little dumbfounded, then looked at Bai Xing, and then at Dusky, the maid who was standing beside the old **** but had an ugly face. She didn't know what to say for a while.


(????~????) Chew!

Annie ignored the other party and continued to eat her own snacks.

Originally, this place was supposed to prepare a banquet to celebrate the victory. However, the blue dragon didn't know whether to live or die, so he had to run over to give it away. Therefore, there was no other way. Those guys had to go to destroy each other first, and the banquet was naturally destroyed. Pushed to tomorrow night, she had no choice but to eat something to bolster her stomach.


"Don't worry, Garrett."

"The abyss commander Sivara sister and Tezolo have already gone to arrange the encirclement and blockade, you can rest assured, there should be no problem."


Looking at a little girl who was just basking in the sun and eating snacks in the garden, and looking at the bunny girl Garrot who was a little overwhelmed, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi had to explain with a smile on her behalf.


"So it is!"

Blinking, then clapping his hands vigorously, Garret finally felt a little relieved after knowing that everyone had already made arrangements.


(????~????) Chew!



Annie glanced at the bunny who would not let her shed her hair, then quickly turned her head away and continued to eat her own.


"Don't be lazy!"


"You idiot, you can't learn such a simple signal expansion magic, how dare you be distracted?!"


Then, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she slapped Bai Xing's huge **** fiercely, and scolded him to continue to study quickly, otherwise, if it was a little later, those unrestrained Neptunes would probably be You have to fight yourself first.



"I-I know!"

Bai Xing exclaimed, followed by a shock, and then, her beautiful face instantly flushed,

But she didn't dare to complain, and hurriedly rubbed her ass, which was covered in fish scales, and then continued to hold her wand, closed her eyes, and pondered, trying to study and understand what Annie gave her just now. The so-called signal-amplifying 'magic' that transmits its own brainwaves to those sea kings over a very large area.


Looking at Bai Xing, and then at a certain bad little girl, the bunny girl Garrett just wanted to turn around and leave, but soon, she seemed to have thought of something, so she hurriedly turned around and asked:


"My Lady Queen!"

"What if you let them destroy here and accidentally smash cities and ships?"

Garrett said worriedly.

Anyway, she likes this place very much. For Garrot, this splendid golden mothership and this equally beautiful golden city are much better than the country of Zou where she lived. At this time, she was like a girl who suddenly came from the country to the big international city. After seeing the flowery world outside, she never wanted to go back. She just wanted to continue to stay here.

Therefore, she, who doesn't want the city she lives in to be destroyed by outsiders, is still very, very concerned about this matter. Anyway, she is more concerned than some bad boy.



"Then let them smash it!"


Annie just blinked at the kind of boring question that Rabbit Garrot was worried about, but she didn't take it to heart at all.

Because, let’s not talk about whether those guys can smash the boat, and even if they can, that guy Tazzolo is still not dead, but the other party has the ability to manipulate gold, and he must be able to smash the boat in minutes. Restore!

Otherwise, why did the other party plated so much gold on the ship?

Moreover, even if that Tezzolo can't recover, it's not that she is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most powerful, Queen Anne Are you there?

So, that kind of problem is definitely not a problem, she doesn't need to care about it at all, just wait here for the end of the siege.



"How is this possible?!"

Garrett was a little anxious.

"Are you really not going to help?"

"Can't you help me?"

You know, she managed to use Annie's nepotism to get a beautiful golden building with a garden without an owner in the city.

It was originally the residence of a certain big company that escaped, but now it belongs to her, and she plans to take some time to return to Zou and invite Wanda, Sicilian, Giovanni, Conslot, everyone from the Forest Knights, and even the kings of the two furry duchies came here to visit or live here, and if they were accidentally smashed, what would she do?

She, Garrett, still intends to show off and flirt, and get the envious and grateful eyes of those furry friends!

"why not?"




"They're not going anywhere, they're going to you!"


"They still have to teach this idiot Bai Xing to learn magic, otherwise, after a while, there will be those sea kings everywhere, and even the boat can't be driven!"


Looking at Garret's uneasy, anxious and pleading eyes, Anne didn't even think about it, and sternly rejected the other party's boring request with an unquestionable tone.

In her opinion, those guys who broke into the ship, Tezzolo can easily deal with it alone!

And if that idiot can't figure it out, isn't there also the Abyss Commander Sivara and those Naga Royal Guards?

If so many guys can't beat a hundred or so enemies, then they deserve to be beaten miserably!



"Then lend me Tibbers!"

"I'm going to beat them!"

After struggling for a long time, Garret seemed to think of something again, and then rushed forward, grabbed a certain bear on the table, and hugged her furry and firm arms tightly. Zhonghe asked stubbornly.

Although Garrett considers herself to be very powerful, there is no big problem in dealing with ordinary pirate captains, but if she can have the help of the more powerful little bear Tibbers, perhaps she will be more confident that she can deal with that Terrible Kaido?

In short, she will strictly guard her golden building with a garden, guard the city, guard this golden ship, and will never let those bad guys destroy this place casually.

absolute! !



"Are you going to take the bear to fight?"


"okay then……"


Annie, who felt that she was using the excuse of teaching Bai Xing to be lazy here, really didn't need the bear. Annie, who felt that it would be no big problem to borrow the other party to play for a while, thought about it, and finally nodded reluctantly.

Anyway, my own bear can't be lost, and the other party can't take it and run away, and he won't borrow it and not return it like some bad guys, so let's just do it!


"Then let's settle it!!"

After speaking, as if he was afraid that some bad bear child queen would regret it, Garret continued to hold the bear tightly in his arms with one hand, and waved his hand towards the white star who was thinking about it. , and hurriedly rushed towards the golden elevator again.



In the distance, the two huge Naga royal guards did not stop the small Garrot, but turned to look at each other, and then let the other party speed past them once again.

"I will definitely beat them!"


Before rushing into the elevator, Garrot, the rabbit spirit from the furry principality, once again promised to shout so and so loudly.

In this way, when 'Beasts' Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were rampaging in the Golden City with their people, and were trying to approach the Golden King Hotel, the 'large-scale dungeon decisive battle on the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child'. The combination of the silver dragon elite fur clan's little BOSS Garrot and the golden dragon skull question mark super hidden BOSS shadow bear Titibes began to take the initiative.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

And when Garrett couldn't help but kidnapped Tibbers and went out to find trouble for those intruders...

The latent spy 'Red Flag' X Drake who ran away to do side quests and ran away from battle before, instead of joining the group, and Rob Lucci, the hidden NPC he was responsible for protecting, were finally in an alley just one street away from the destination. ran into trouble.


"I finally caught you!"

At one end of the alley, a little girl wearing a speckled dress, one-sided glasses on her left eye, and a little sister's head, led a group of murloc soldiers and a slimy, disgusting old man who kept secreting mucus. Blocked at the exit of the alley.

That's right, the people who come are the important cadre of the Don Quixote family, Xia Tang, who has been in charge of chasing down the bear that X. Drake is carrying, and another important family cadre, Torrepol, who is responsible for protecting X. Drake!

"It's abominable!"

"On the way, you two bad guys have destroyed so many of our surveillance phone bugs. This time, I will never spare you!"


"Our team is coming soon, I want to see, where else can you hide this time?"

With his waist tucked in, Sugar shouted in full force.

Although the fur bear suddenly found a helper who looked very powerful, but she didn't take it to heart, because she also has helpers on her own side, and there are many more, as many as you want, I don't have to worry about the other party being able to run away from my palm again.


"is her!"

"She is the sugar of the Don Quixote family, and she is the one who made me this ghost!"

"But she's not very powerful, just be careful not to be touched by her body?"

"It's the one beside her..."

"That's Torrepol of the Don Quixote family, the sticky fruit person, you have to be careful!"

Seeing the person coming, Rob Ludge the bear first struggled to get down from Drake's hand, and then hid behind Drake, before he dignifiedly stretched out his bear paw and pointed at the little girl and said timidly.



X.Drake didn't speak, just slowly pulled out the rapier from his waist.

Of the two Devil Fruit abilities, one of them can be ignored, while the other is a bit difficult to deal with. As for the remaining murloc soldiers, he didn't take it to heart at all.


"You still want to resist?!"

Seeing X.Drake draw out his rapier, the sugar in the speckled dress was startled, and hurriedly took out a phone bug.


"I'm Sugar!"

"I blocked the suspect and an intruding enemy here at the 103rd Alley, West Street, Golden City. Send someone to support me!"


"Jorah, Violet, and Gradius are nearby?"

"That's great!"

"Then you ask them to come over quickly. Some of them seem to be very powerful, and they seem to be Fei Liubao from the Hundred Beast Pirates!"


"That's it, let them hurry up!"

Because the body will stop growing after eating the fruit of childishness, regardless of age, height and appearance, it will remain the same at the moment of eating the fruit, resulting in the character of sugar is still a little cowardly, like a child, and it is still unbearable She was too frightened, so when she saw the enemy pulling out the knife, regardless of whether Torrepol could win or not, she immediately called for support.


Hearing the words of the sugar, and seeing that the other party shamelessly called the phone worm for support despite the fact that there were many enemies and few enemies, Rob Luqi was so excited that he almost didn't get scolded out of anger.

"You go and stop them!"

"I'll go around from behind, or it'll be too late!"

After speaking in a low voice, Rob Ludge didn't care about the feelings of Drake, who was standing in front of him, and turned around and ran.


"Want to run!"


"catch him!!"

Seeing that the suspect who had been chasing him for a long time still wanted to run, Xia Tang was in a hurry and couldn't wait for support. With a wave of his hand, he let the group of murloc soldiers and Torrepol rush up.


"You can't pass me by!"

X Hunting Ground! !

I calculated in my mind the approximate time it would take for Rob Ludge to go from here to that destination. X Drake, who knew how long he had to resist at least, didn't say much. The ground rushed up, and chopped down several of those elite murloc Nautilus guards with just one blow.



The snot takes the blade! !

Seeing that the enemy was so ferocious, Torrepol did not dare to be too big, and directly secreted the thick brown slippery mucus from his body and sprayed it towards the long sword in Drake's hand in the form of snot. After passing by, he stuck the opponent's weapon and snatched it away.

"Well done!"

"Torrepol! You catch him, I'll catch that nasty bear!!!"

Seeing that Torrepol captured the enemy's weapon in one move, Sugar, who felt that he was winning, cheered, and then planned to run over to hunt down the cunning and abominable furry bear that had just run away.


'Roar! ! ! ! ’

Suddenly, a dragon roar sounded, and then, the group of strong murloc Nautilus guards who had planned to take down the enemy in one fell swoop, screamed and flew out.

Immediately after...

A powerful, tall, green-headed Allosaurus with sharp claws suddenly appeared and swung a claws toward the sugar head.

"granulated sugar!"


Sticky launcher!

Fortunately, Torrepol was by his side at this time, so With his exclamation, he launched countless lumpy snot-like mucus, directly sticking the enemy's body. , Narrowly saved the sugar that rushed out recklessly, and let the opponent's claws swipe in vain a few inches across her neck.

"Go back!"

"He is a member of the Beast Pirates, he can fight without weapons!!"

After speaking, he stuck the sugar with a piece of elastic snot and threw it back out of the street far behind, Torrepol followed the Nautilus guards who got up again, and once again pulled at the one who pulled him away. The slimy and roaring green Allosaurus charged up.

Therefore, X. Drake, who wanted to secretly brush the side quests, could not use his Dragon Dragon Fruit-Ancient Species-Allosaurus form ability to communicate with the cadres of the Don Quixote family, Torrepol, Sugar and some fish. The Nautilus guards fought here.

Of course, Xia Tang didn't take part in the battle, she was just a refill, she couldn't seem to do anything except stomping her feet in a hurry and urging people nearby to hurry over with a phone bug?


"Let me catch it, I will never spare that bear!!"

"He's waiting for me!!"

Looking at the battle in the alley, seeing the indistinguishable outcome in a short period of time, and then looking at the furry bear who had gone somewhere, the sugar outside the alley couldn't help stomping his feet in anger.


??(*??)?? Remember the monthly pass!

More exciting, please see the ㊣ version of what the author said

In the North Sea, in a large fleet sailing to the southwest, Sanji dialed the phone bug of the Grand Desolo, under the watchful eyes of all his family members.


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