Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 961: ?? Mission Objective: Follow Alsace to Andorha...

The encounter that took place in the middle of the night was only able to end when the sky gradually brightened...

Last night, about two to three thousand undead spirits raided the camp of Prince Arthas and his men. Although the monsters were only zombies, skeletons, and a few ghouls, they rushed to fight. They still caused at least a hundred casualties among the heroic Lordaeron soldiers.

However, with the help of the two priests accompanying the army and the Holy Light of Prince Alsace, the plague toxins from the wounded soldiers were quickly removed, and the number of deaths was controlled to a relatively small number. Finally It is to keep this camp from showing too much tragic atmosphere.

In order to prevent the undead from coming back, when the genius was just beginning, Prince Arthas had already ordered the few knights under him to be dispersed, and started in the Israeli army camp for a mile, especially in the east. They galloped on patrol to prevent any possible enemies from intruding into their camp again.

At this time, Hermione, Harry, Fleur, and Krum sat on a pile of scattered wooden boxes of marching supplies in a daze. Their clothes, hair, and faces looked a little messy, obviously passing by. An unpleasant evening?

‘Is it all over? ’

"It seems to be over..."

‘This is the real battlefield, right? ’

'I do not know……'

‘Then what shall we do next? ’

'do not know……'

‘Can we go back? I kind of miss the Hogwarts bed...’

'do not know……'

‘Harry, can you say something except I don’t know? ’

"Sorry, I can't..."


In this case, when Victor Krum looked at the mess in the barracks and the rotten corpses of the soldiers and the undead for a long time and said with emotion, the four of you One sentence, I said one sentence.

The conversation of the four people doesn't actually have much meaning, it's just a way to comfort themselves amid the boundless fear, anxiety, and hesitation of the "warriors" from Hogwarts.

‘Dajjal! ’

‘If you have extra gunpowder, take a little to Farrick as a bait for the fire! ’

'understand! ’

After instructing Dajjal, the leader of the dwarf team, watched the opponent's urn replied violently and turned his head to leave, Arthas pulled the reins and led Jaina, who was also riding a horse, to the other side. The four wizards who were sitting there dazedly ran over.

He had just asked his captain of the guard, the loyal Captain Farrick to arrange for the manpower to count the battlefield, and burn the dead monsters and the bodies of the soldiers who died in battle. Only then can they be avoided again. Those hateful necromancers repurposed.

After such a long period of investigation, whether it was Arthas or the Jaina mage behind him, or the other people in the army of only a thousand people, they had basically gotten them. Understand some of the circumstances of this plague and learned an effective way to deal with them, that is-directly burn it! !

In short, as far as they know, the most effective way to deal with those plague toxins, and at the same time, is the method that anyone can easily use, and there is only the flame that brings warmth and happiness to people...

‘Call~! ’


In the early morning, the round of red on the edge of the sky gradually rose. When his soldiers were cleaning the battlefield after victory and preparing to burn the bodies of the enemy and us, Prince Alsace felt that there was nothing for himself. After riding the horse, the four young wizards were all a little dirty, and the clothes they wore were not the same as in the kingdom of Lordaeron and other places. They looked very embarrassed, and their mental state did not seem to be too good. They laughed and joked:

"It can be seen that you are indeed a group of wizards, and I recognize your power... However, I can also see that you are still a group of apprentice wizards without any experience. This should be the first battle you participated in. That's right. Right?"

Looking at the beaches of vomit that he didn't know who vomited not far away, Arthas kindly showed a sunny smile at the four of them.

After the battle last night, for the identities and abilities of the four people in front of him, Arthas had basically chosen to accept them.

He also decided in his heart that he was going to continue his mission with these four people, to investigate the source of the plague and solve it!

Because he needs the four little wizards of them!

After all, besides Jaina, if there are four more wizards who can cast spells in his army, it will definitely bring them a lot of help! Or, at least it should always be a good choice?


"Thank you very much for your shot last night, although your fighting ability is still lacking..."

Remembering that these four people would hide in golden shields last night, yelling and embarrassedly using that kind of trick-like spells to knock into the air or kill the ghouls and zombies approaching one by one, completely afraid Acting to match the performance of his heroic Lordaeron soldiers killing the enemy, Arthas could only smile in his own heart.

If the four of them were able to behave more bravely like Jaina last night, instead of hiding in the spherical shield and passively participating in the battle, I am afraid that the brave soldiers of Lordaeron would not be injured or killed. Big.

"But it cannot be denied that your lighting magic is very useful. It allows our warriors to see our enemies more clearly in the dark, and reduces our losses a lot... Therefore, from Hogwarts Wizards, I take back those words that were not respectful to you yesterday, and hereby formally agree that you will follow us to investigate the truth of this plague!"

"From now on, you are a member of our team. On behalf of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, I welcome your arrival. I hope that we can work together to investigate the source of the plague as soon as possible and find a way to eradicate it!!"

"Especially you, Lord Potter, the magical creature you summoned last night is very strong. It has helped us kill and disperse a lot of undead. If it lasts a little longer, so much All right!"

After jumping off his horse, Arthas began to walk up to the young boy first, and in the other's uneasy gaze, smiled and patted with his big hand wearing a heavy plate armour in a friendly manner. Pat the other person on the shoulder.

However, he quickly retracted his hand in embarrassment...

Because he saw: The young wizard in front of him, with that kind of strange crystal lens on his nose, was shot by him and grinned, as if he couldn't stand his own powerful power?


"I'm really sorry, am I trying too hard?"

Sure enough, there was no reason why Arthas had always looked down upon those wizards! If it’s those witches, then forget it, because the ladies are relatively weak... But, the witches are all weak and weak, and some of them are even inferior to the Lordaeron soldiers under him. , That's too bad.

Anyway, just the Dalaran he had visited before, and the wizards or wizards he had seen, but in terms of physical strength and strength, none of them seemed to be his opponent?

"No! It doesn't matter..."

"His Royal Highness, in fact, what I summoned last night was not a magical creature, it was a'guardian curse'! It is a stag condensed by magic and other powers. It is a positive and positive force, representing With hope and happiness...Anyway, it is my patron saint. The short time may be because my magic power is not enough, right?"

Harry rubbed his shoulders and began to stammer explaining.

In the battle last night, apart from using his magic power to maintain the stag, Harry spent almost the entire time playing soy sauce, hiding in Hermione’s continuous barrier shield, but even that. After a night of tossing, he was tired and scared.

And if Hermione hadn't used that barrier spell at a critical time, he would have been killed or torn to pieces by those crazy monsters?

"I never thought, those monsters, there are so many..."


Speaking of this, waves of tiredness and drowsiness hit him, and he couldn't help but slapped a big owe in front of the so-called Prince of Lordaeron.

And speaking of it, he hasn't slept for a whole day and night. Last night, they had an accident that happened not long after they lay down, and there was no time to fall asleep.

"Guardian spell? Hope and happiness condensed?"

‘A positive and positive force, representing hope and happiness’, isn’t it similar to their Paladin Light? But Arthas didn't think too much, because now is not the time to struggle with that kind of thing.


When Arthas was about to continue to say something to comfort the four ‘recruit eggs’ who had just experienced the battle, behind him, a soft and quiet voice suddenly came in.

"Is it the patron saint curse?"

"It sounds like a very interesting spell... But I also discovered it last night. It seems to be good at dealing with the grievances and ghosts that have no form, when dealing with ghouls and zombies The power has to drop a lot, it seems to be very laborious, it seems that it is really because of its insufficient supply of magic power or lack of substance..."

"But even that is amazing, Lord Potter, if we have time, can we find time to discuss that interesting ‘Patron God’ spell you cast?"

The mage Jaina who followed behind Arthas, this woman from Dalaran and also a student of Archmage Antonidas, was only 21 years old this year and exuding allure, she suddenly stood up. He came out and commented with a smile, while quietly asking Harry Potter, the shy looking wizard.

Because she could see that the spells and spells of the little wizards in front of her, as well as the principles of the spells, seemed to follow her from Dalaran, from her teacher Antonidas, and even the prince of the high elf. The arcane, flame, and frost spells that Kyle and others have learned are a bit different?

Therefore, she is very interested in the magic of these mysterious origins, who claim to be wizards rather than wizards!

"This one……"

"Yes, of course..."

Seeing that beautiful and charming Mage Jaina looked towards him and asked him to teach him the spell of the'Patronarch Mantra', Harry didn't even think about it, he stammered and agreed. Xia still seems to have such an inexplicable little bit of joy and excitement involuntarily?

For Harry, who has experienced the Christmas ball and is already in the beginning of his love, now that such a beautiful big sister Jaina mage comes to ask him about the spell, he will definitely not refuse it 100%, he has nothing at all. The so-called concept of secrecy!

Even, as long as the other party wants to know, maybe he will shake it all out when the time comes?

"thank you very much!"

"By the way! And this Miss Granger, the shield you used last night is also very powerful. When it is convenient, we might as well communicate with each other?"

Last night, the most eye-catching performance was obviously the two younger wizards and wizards in front of you. As for the other two...the single spells they cast, they were not released by her Jaina. In the heart! Therefore, if possible, Jaina would be very willing to exchange magic experience with these two people!

Of course, it would be great if you can learn those two interesting and practical spells from the opponent by chance.


"Of course! I am actually also very interested in the two huge water elements you summoned by Master Jaina!"

Hermione first glanced at the excited Harry beside her and couldn't help rolling her eyes, then proudly lifted her chin and agreed.

Hermione, like Harry, has no concept of keeping secrets of magic or spells obtained from Hogwarts, because ah, in their Hogwarts school or in Diagon Alley, high-level magic is recorded. The books of spells can all be read or bought at will... Therefore, if you can communicate with the Jaina mage in front of you now, and secretly learn a little bit of what the other party can learn from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry If the magic is not the same, that would be great.

Because, after the battle of the night, although Hermione was exhausted physically and mentally like everyone else, she already had some more speculations, that is: this world, this kingdom of Lordaeron, is absolutely It won't be as simple as the "real illusion" that their Professor Anne said!

Therefore, she must make some preparations in advance and try to protect herself with what she is good at! As for the task or the Triwizard Tournament, she had already left her behind...After all, she didn't want to participate in that kind of competition.


What Hermione didn't know was that when she was thinking of a little abacus and was about to exchange magic knowledge and stealing the master with the Jaina mage, in the early morning in the Hogwarts auditorium, there was a bad old man in pajamas The principal, at this time, also quietly helped the pair of reading glasses on his nose. There was a certain look in the small eyes behind the transparent lenses, and it seemed that he had made some idea in his heart?

"that's great!"

Nodding, Jaina looked back at her prince with a smile on her face. She said that she had already said her own words. See what else the other party wanted to add?


"The time is urgent. If you make adjustments, you should prepare quickly. If you have time, you can eat something or take a rest. I think our troops will soon leave the camp and set off. "

I glanced at the Krum wizard who seemed to be a strong figure, and then at the flamboyant and charming Fleur Witch, who was faintly exuding some kind of weird and charming magic. She didn't dare to stare at each other for long. , So that Arthas, who would not be angry with the beautiful lady Jaina beside him, after giving such a command, turned around and left with Jaina beside him.

Now, after a conversation between himself and Jaina, he saw that the faces of the four wizards had improved a lot, so there should be no need for him to encourage or comfort him! Because Arthas felt that he only needed to go through two or three more battles. After seeing life and death and blood, those four little wizards would definitely gradually get used to it, just like he used to?


"Wait! Your Highness Alsace, we haven't slept all night, and our legs are still soft. Are you sure you want to leave at this time?"

At this moment, the tired Krum suddenly asked in a strange voice.

For the four of them who grew up in a peaceful environment and had never experienced any battles, and at the same time could be an'academic' wizard, the mental and physical tensions that lasted all night remained high. After the battle, they relax now but don't want to move at all. They just want to bury their heads and sleep well, and then what can they say after they wake up?


At this moment, after hearing that Krum's words, Alsace suddenly stood still, but did not look back.

"It's the same with us, all of us haven't been able to rest all night..."

"But we must start quickly, because every moment more innocent people will die tragically under the plague and the butcher knife of the undead. Time is too precious for us Lordaeron, and we should not waste the slightest amount of time. !"

After speaking, Arthas stopped explaining more, but turned directly on his horse, and then drove his horse away as soon as he flicked his whip, so that everyone could only see him drifting away in the morning sun, the one looking at him The blue cloak and long golden hair disappeared behind the barracks tents.

"Do not worry!"

"I will ask someone to arrange a carriage for you. At that time, maybe you can rest in the carriage?"

Although she was also very tired, her physical strength and magic power were slightly overdrawn, Jaina still refreshed herself and turned around with a smile. First, she nodded apologetically to the four little wizards who were younger than her and said herself. After her arrangement, she quickly turned on her horse and chased after her lover where she disappeared.

After intense battles and investigations during this period of time, her Jaina has now changed from a mage and eldest lady in Dalaran to a qualified army mage and has adapted to this kind of life. If no one would say, Surely no one knows that she is now in the dust, and she is also a princess of a human kingdom at the same time?

Therefore, she has reason to believe that the four people will soon adapt to this tired but extremely fulfilling life.



How can it be like this...

Krum and Fleur, who were also exhausted, looked at each other. Obviously, the two of them expressed a bit of embarrassment and dissatisfaction with the fact that they could not sleep all day and had to go on their way... But suddenly they saw two Lordaeron soldiers lift up. When the corpse of a soldier who had been gnawed by a ghoul passed by silently, the pale faces of the two finally put away the expressions of dissatisfaction.

Because both knew that the soldiers must be just like them, even more tired than them...

Because they fought fiercely with the monsters all night at the front, they didn't have time to rest, and even they killed more than a dozen people...So, compared to the heroic Lordaeron soldiers , They who only hide behind them and under the barrier and occasionally cast a few spells, what right do they have to complain?


Clean up!

"Harry, Fleur, and Krum, let's hurry up and prepare. Later, I can cast a traceless expansion spell on the carriage, and then we will go to rest?"

With a wave of the magic wand, after cleaning up all the dirt on himself and Harry and others, after a night of battle, I saw enough blood, corpses, zombies and skeletons, and his face was also a little ugly and numb. Min, first stared sadly at the corpse of the soldier who had been carried away, then turned his head and sighed to comfort the three.

Now she suddenly understood where Professor Anne's disdain for the Triwizard Tournament came from...

Because, compared to the Lordaeron soldiers who are fighting with the undead on the front line and are neither tired nor afraid of death, they are Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Dems The "Triwizard Tournament" organized by the Tron School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is really just a little game like children's play?

If their performance is only as good as they are now, then they are definitely not worthy of the name ‘Warrior’! Therefore, if you don't want to quit being a deserter, from now on, all of them, including herself, must start to work hard and do their best to do better!

After all, now this is not just a competition between the four of them, but also a life-and-death battle with those terrifying beings in this world?


"We don't seem to have anything to prepare, because we don't have any salute except the magic wand, so let's just wait here..."

Suddenly, Hermione laughed again and sat directly on the messy wooden boxes beside them. She is going to sit here, take a good rest, sort out her confused thoughts, wait patiently for the soldiers to clear the battlefield and pack up, and then think about what she should do next and do it again. What to order.


‘Hermione? ’

At this moment, Boothbarton's Fleur sat back by Hermione's side, and after a moment of silence with her head down, she suddenly asked.

‘? ? ’

‘What’s wrong, Furong-senpai, do you have any questions? ’

Just wondering, when she encounters those terrible monsters, should she use a more powerful fire curse or use a protection curse to increase protection for the soldiers, Hermione has a strong spirit and looks at herself. The expression on the side was a little sad senior sister.


‘Where are we going to follow them? ’


‘It seems to be a place called Andorhal? It is said that there is a city, and the source of the plague is probably there? ’

Hermione was also not sure about this, because she just heard the soldiers say something inadvertently yesterday.


‘How long shall we stay here? ’

Fleur asked another question, and Harry and Krum looked over at this time, obviously they should be a little concerned about these questions.

'what? ’

"Sorry, I don't know about this..."

This question should be the Professor Anne who asked them, so Hermione said that without the little girl telling her in advance, she would not know more than the others present.


‘If I want to quit this terrible game, what should I do? ’

Obviously, Fleur, who sat down silently and talked to Hermione, seemed to be a little scared and planned to quit the game... because in her opinion, the things here are really cruel and terrible, which is as she imagined. The kind of "Triwizard Tournament" is completely different, which is not what she wants!

At first, she thought that this was just a magical tournament like an ordinary sports meeting or Quidditch! But now, she found that it was not like that at all. They should be desperate and might die at any time, and they would be swallowed by that kind of terrible monster, just like the poor one they saw before. Like the Lordaeron soldier, the flesh and eye sockets on his face were gnawed away?

Therefore, Furong absolutely didn't want to be like that. It was really too terrifying and cruel to her. Therefore, now that she was in a mess, she really wanted to quit.

Moreover, if there is that option, she will really order it!

"Sorry, Furong..."

‘I really don’t know, if I know I will tell you, really! ’

Hermione was dazed, and finally shook her head helplessly.

Because now, neither she nor Harry or Krum can contact Hogwarts, nor can they contact Professor Anne or any of the professors, or even know how to contact the school... …So, she really doesn’t know what to do. At the moment, except to bite the bullet and stay in this world and investigate according to the instructions of the previous mission, and then see what the dusk of Lordaeron is all about. What else can we do, what can we do? !


‘Maybe, if you die? Like the situation when we suddenly wake up when we have a nightmare? ’

At this moment, Harry suddenly got into the conversation between the two girls and came up with a conjecture that was reliable or sounded unreliable.

‘! ! ’

‘Harry! I advise you no one to do that, it may really die! There are also Furong and Hermione. I must remind you that I think you should have also known that the Triwizard Tournament has killed many people, so it was suspended for centuries! ’

"So, no matter what, please don't do that! Let's go to Andorhal with the Prince Arthas and Mage Jaina to investigate. I think there must be some way!"

At this time, Krum also intervened, warned and stared at the Fleur who had suddenly become less strong in a stern tone. After a few words of comfort, he glared more fiercely. Harry Potter, who had a bad idea at this moment, glanced.


‘I’m sorry, I’m just talking casually, don’t take it seriously! ! ’

Knowing that he accidentally said something wrong, Harry glanced at the Fleur Delacour-senpai before hurriedly smiling and waving his hands to apologize to the three of them.

'do you know? ’

"I don't know why, I suddenly miss my sister Gabriel, and I don't know if I can see her again..."

After Fu Rong hugged her legs tightly, she buried her face between her knees. Before closing her eyes, after she said so dumbly, she said nothing. I didn't say anything, and I didn't know what I was thinking.



Harry and Krum looked at each other, and when they saw each other's eyes, they hurriedly shrugged their shoulders innocently, saying that he was just joking casually just to ease the atmosphere, and how did he know it would make others messy?

"Hey, really..."

Somewhat worriedly, she glanced at her companion. After seeing that there seemed to be no major problems with others except Furong, Hermione sighed in her heart, then dropped her head again, thinking that she hadn't finished thinking about it. Those things.



Soon, the four people who had calmed down began to sit on the wooden boxes in silence, and gathered together in a group, thinking about their own thoughts, or looking up at the soldiers from time to time. Those things that dismantled the camp, packed up the packing, and burned the corpse patiently waited for the army's order to come.

'fast! Ready to act! ’

‘Oh, sir! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Finally leaving? ’

‘This night is really long...’

‘Here we need manpower! Hurry up, soldiers, act quickly, finish your work quickly, we are about to assemble and set off soon, we must move quickly! ’

‘That pile of corpses over there, what are you waiting for? Let’s set it on fire, waiting for the undead’s meat grinder to collect them again and throw them on our heads someday in the future? ! ’

‘Yes! For Lordaeron! ’

‘For Lordaeron! ! ’


‘Everyone, gather! ! ! ’

'set! ! ’

Beep~! !

Soon, when the foul-smelling bonfires and black smoke burned up on the edge of this abandoned village not too far west of Andorhal, there was a shout of Lordaeron officers and The wooden whistle sounded, and the young Prince of Lordaeron and his troops, as well as the four warriors from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, were finally ready to set off to the unknown Andorhal in the east.


‘Oh oh oh! ’

‘It’s a shame, we didn’t even see the battle last night...’

‘Ahhh~ it’s not fair, why can someone stay here without sleeping all night, but we are forced to go to sleep? ! ’

‘Just because they are professors, we are students? ’

‘You’re right, that’s it! ’


‘I’ve heard that our four warriors performed very well at the time. They all killed a lot of undead monsters, the monsters lying on the ground before! I just don't know, how many points will the professors give them? ’

‘It’s not over yet, can’t you score? ’

‘That’s right, this is just the second day, so what do you do with scoring? ’

‘But it’s really a shame, why the wonderful part happened at night, so they can’t fight during the day? ’


When the four “screens” above the Hogwarts Auditorium showed the scene of Lordaeron’s forces gathering, then their four warriors, Harry, Hermione, Fleur and Krum, all entered there. In the awning of the carriage, after getting into the small car without much attention, the students in the entire auditorium finally couldn't help but wailed and started making noise.

Because they learned from the school magazine, last night, shortly after a certain nasty principal drove them away, there was a fierce night battle, and all of them missed the opportunity and had to learn from Imagine the wonderful scene from the photos in the school magazine and the short description...

However, compared to other people outside Hogwarts, they are a little luckier, because they can watch directly here, instead of the channel that the Prophet Daily prepares daily serialization like others. Go up, to learn about the Triwizard Tournament?


"Classmates! Listen to me... the time for class is about to come. You have seen it, and there are no wonderful pictures now, so I think you should go now?"

Soon after the auditorium started to noisy, after the Hermione in the picture used the wonderful invisible expansion spell in the carriage to make the carriage more comfortable and spacious, a certain ignorant Mr. Dumbledore once again asked him He stood up at his position and started to drive people away.

Although it is indecent to appear in the auditorium in his pajamas, the principal's authority is obviously still there. Therefore, even if he has resentment in his heart, even if he can't wait to curse the other person, the students can only regret it. Under the intimidation of the prefects, they stood up from the seats of their respective colleges and walked out one after another...


"Students George Weasley and Fred Weasley, do you think that your wonderful phantom spell can fool me, an old-eyed principal?"


"You want me to make an exception and deduct 20 points for Gryffindor today?"

Human form appears!

When he saw the students leaving, Dumbledore did not sit down. He first glanced at the long Gryffindor table, and then began to warn... When he saw some two guys unexpectedly He didn't leave honestly, and didn't show up. Instead, he continued to lie in the seat with a good luck, he reluctantly drew out his wand, and suddenly gave the two a ruthless one.

‘Uh~! ’

‘Ah~! ’

"you guys!?"

"Gryffindor deducts 10 points!!"

Following the'humanoid manifestation' that can break the phantom spell, the two transparent twins were punched out of invisibility without error, and after a certain instigator sat back satisfactorily, Professor McGonagall Angrily walked in front of the two of them, and while selflessly deducting ten points for his own academy, he sternly stared at the two students who had risen from the ground, and then reached out to the direction of the hall of the auditorium to signal them to hurry. Leave, and teach her honestly.

"Ha ha……"

Not bad……

Now, all the noise sources have been driven away by Dumbledore, and he can finally happily sit in the best movie-watching position of his principal and ‘chasing the drama’.



Seeing those two funny guys being screamed and left by Professor McGonagall, it’s rare to see that Little Annie, who was up so early for the first time today, looked at someone who was very big and had something to do with a big guy Hagrid. Big aunty of Yipin:

"That one……"

"Mrs. Maxim, do you want me to cast the spell now, so that the warriors of your school, let Miss Furong come back soon?"


After eating their own breakfast, seeing that now Hermione and the others are already preparing to go on their way, and thinking that there is nothing to watch next for her, they plan to go wandering in other places...Of course, before that, she must be going to This big aunt confirmed one thing, that is:

Do you want to get back the Miss Furong who was almost crying and wanted to give up the game? Although, the talkative Harry Potter is right, and he can return if he dies... But if the big aunt agrees, she must be reluctant to arrange a plot kill for the other party in advance. , For example, the shadow arrow of a certain skeleton mage suddenly became thief, or the inferior mortar shells of those dwarves suddenly exploded unexpectedly, and then, the other party could die directly?


In the case of not interfering with the progress of the plot as much as possible, the kind of small things still can not trouble her Professor Anne! After all, there are four warriors in the Triwizard Tournament. As long as they don’t die all at once, they won’t worry about not having movies to watch?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"No! No need at all!!"

"The child of Furong was only temporarily shocked. She is a thousand times stronger than all of you imagined! No! Ten thousand times!"

Hearing the suggestion of a little girl, Olim Maxim was so scared that he almost didn't jump out of his seat! Then, she justly rejected the kind proposal of the little Professor Anne, and firmly rejected the other party's idea of ​​interfering in the game in advance.

"We need to give her a little more time. I believe that you will see the strength and courage of the Boothbatten Warriors soon!"

"I don't doubt this at all!!"

Although Furong's performance is indeed a bit poor now, for Mrs. Maxim, she absolutely does not want Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to become the first school to withdraw from Subject Two and be eliminated from the Triwizard Tournament! So, don't even think about that kind of thing, she directly rejected a certain little girl's proposal and made a strong decision for her student.

After all, after signing up from Furong and becoming the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament, after they played on their behalf at Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, they were no longer a matter for the other party alone. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, the little girl must Gritting her teeth and holding on, she Maxim will absolutely not allow the other party to make that kind of escape!



"Then I will go outside to play first. If you need my help, remember to say it in advance!!"


Since the other party didn’t need to be nosy on her own, Little Annie was happy and relaxed. She clapped her hands directly, wiped her greasy mouth with her napkin, and prepared to leave Hogwarts’s most popular university among teachers and students. Here in the auditorium, go out and swing around twice.

"Thank you very much for Professor Anne's kindness!"

"But unfortunately, you will soon see the power of the warriors of our Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Please believe that it will be us who wins the game in the end!!"

In fact, Mrs. Maxim doesn’t care about the competition, because now the creative "Subject 2" of the Triwizard Tournament has caused a sensation, and the Daily Prophet has added four additional pages for it. Daily live broadcasts, and prepare to send writers to be stationed here in the Hogwarts Auditorium 24 hours a day, so she will never let Furong shrink before she starts working hard. She doesn't want them. The school became the first to withdraw and was ridiculed by the outside world!

Furthermore, if Furong keeps on working hard and performs better, or persists longer, it will not only be good for the other party, but also have endless benefits for them at Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This kind of thing, as the principal, she does not You may not see it.



"Then I'm going to play first, goodbye everyone!!"


Since the other party resolutely stated that she did not need to help herself, of course Xiao Annie would not force it. Therefore, she took her own little bear directly after staring at an old man who wandered around in pajamas. After that, he pushed **** the professor's long table. After crossing the long table and landing, he hopped to the hall of the auditorium.


(Respected little master, with their four little wizards, they still want to change the "Twilight of Lordaeron", the little one advises you not to think too much, they will definitely die in Andorhal~ Maybe even a wave can't get up!

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——After being taken out of the auditorium by his own mischievous little master, Tibbers, who had no good shows to watch, couldn't help but vomit.

It is not optimistic about the four little guys. After all, a group of little wizards who knew nothing about the development of the timeline of the original Azeroth world, they still want to change the fate of Lordaeron, really thinking that those dreadlords Are they bully with the Lich King Ner'zhul? Maybe, one day that Ner'zhul felt that it was too troublesome for those little wizards to stay with Arthas, and then sent a Dreadlord out, and then they could directly play GG? )

"No way!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

"People think Hermione should still be able to survive, maybe she can last for a hundred days?"


Yes, Little Annie thinks Hermione should be okay, but she can’t guarantee other people...but she is not in a hurry, because this is the second day, and even when Andorhal hasn’t arrived, some It's too early to make a decision just with a bear.

(Then do whatever you like...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbs did not continue to speak, although it also knew that Hermione’s magic power at this time was equivalent to that of an adult wizard, or even to the level of an excellent Auror, but he had once mixed in the world of Azeroth. After a long period of time, it is still not optimistic about the little wizards who know nothing about Lordaeron or the world of Azeroth.)


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)


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