Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 960: ?For the Kingdom of Lordaeron?

Surprisingly, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the teachers and students gathered in the auditorium officially started the second project of the Triwizard Tournament at 9 o’clock in the morning. Until now, except for the professors and students who had classes during the period. They had to go to class. In the rest of the time, they all gathered in this auditorium to watch the four warriors who watched them explore the magical "real fantasy" Lordaeron and conduct Nayu real people The live big movie performed-the dusk of Lordaeron!

There is no doubt that that kind of magical live broadcast movie is extremely rare and fresh for the teachers and students at Hogwarts, or for the guests from Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. An experience! Therefore, on the night of the first day of subject two on February 24, after the teachers and students had dinner in the auditorium, no matter who they were, except those who needed to go to the bathroom, they had to rush out. Besides, no one is willing to leave their seats easily.

At this moment, they were sitting quietly in their seats, raising their heads slightly, and with different expressions. They looked at the four people above the auditorium with different warriors as the third-person vision. The image in the magical'movie'.


"Hey, George..."

‘? ? ’

‘What’s wrong, Fred? ’

‘That’s it, I’ve been observing for a whole day, and suddenly I discovered something very interesting...’

'Interesting things? what is that? ’


‘Look, that beautiful warrior, that fellow Fleur Delacour, is she going to solve personal problems? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Fred, aren’t you thinking...’

'of course! You know, this is a 24-hour uninterrupted real-time live broadcast. I saw that they need to eat, they need to solve their personal problems, but also... So I think, besides going to the bathroom, the warriors are at the right time When appropriate, they must change their clothes or take a shower, right? ’



Then Fred did not say clearly, but his twin brothers were obviously aware of that important problem, and then they quickly tacitly locked their eyes on the ghost in the woods. The sneaky activity seemed to be a student Fleur Delacour who wanted to find a place where no one was, and wanted to do something shameful.

‘! ! ’

‘I’m looking forward to it, George, really! ’

‘I’m the same as you, Fred...’

The two of them didn't blink, because they felt that it seemed necessary for them to keep an eye on each other's next move, and was responsible for monitoring each other's surroundings. Is there some hidden danger?

However, following their big and small conversation, soon, many of the students around who heard it couldn’t help whispering, and locked their eyes on the Fleur Delacour’s. The'screen', while the non-girl students turned their heads in anger or shame, and began to angrily criticize certain boys.

But it's a pity that the condemnation of those girls quickly stopped, and secretly relieved...

'Oh! **** it! I hate that light! ! ’

'Oh no……'

"It's a pity..."

‘Hey! ! ’

"Merlin, sanction the holy light for me..."

‘? ? ? ’

‘Professor Anne, we strongly protest! We urgently request to be able to grasp all the dynamics and information of the warriors in all directions! We strongly oppose the Holy Light...’

'what! Who? Who just hit me? ! ’


Soon, some ill-intentioned senior boys or professors with brilliant eyes all wailed in protest or sighed privately with regret.

Because, at this time, in the scene of Fleur Delacour’s'Big Movie', the opponent appeared in vain with something very similar to the Holy Light that Prince Alsace had released during the day, directly The whole screen was shining, and when the'Holy Light' disappeared, the sneaky classmate Fleur Delacour, had already pushed aside the bushes and walked back comfortably? !

Therefore, inevitably, there were bursts of lamentation, anger, crying, and the laughter and curse of some girls in the entire Hogwarts auditorium, which made the auditorium that has been quiet for a long time. It became lively and uproarious, as if it was celebrating a festival.


With the crowds of the students, looking at the scene of Fleur Delacour again, a little regret seemed to flash across Dumbledore’s old face inadvertently? Then, after taking another look at his pocket watch, he finally stood up, put his wand against his neck, and after proper amplification, he began his last speech today:

"Dear students, it’s already late. I ask all of you to immediately follow your prefects and deans back to their respective lounges to sleep, including Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Of students!"

"The protest is invalid. What you say is useless..."

Without waiting for the students' wailing of protest, Dumbledore raised the decibel of his voice again and completely suppressed all the different voices in the entire auditorium.


"Let’s go back first, because this game may be very long, as Professor Anne said, it is likely to last until June 24th, until the last project starts... So, this is interesting 'Movies' are long and worthy of all of us looking forward to, but now, please go back to sleep immediately!"

"Also, I warn you some of your classmates who have been reluctant to follow the rules..."

The sharp eyes behind Dumbledore's reading glasses began to lock in the crowd of bad students with bad ‘conviction’, such as: the twins of the Weasley family and some guys in Gryffindor?

"Some of the conspiracies you want to sneak to see will certainly not succeed!"

"Because, there will be professors and officials of the Ministry of Magic on duty 24 hours a day, and Mr. Filch will also look after this place at night... So, all of you don’t want to steal it during the night’s scheduled break. Run out to watch quietly, you will definitely find out and catch it!!!"

After speaking, Dumbledore waved his hand and signaled to the deans and prefects of the various colleges to quickly lead the guys who were noisy and seriously disturbed his Principal Dumbledore’s'watching movies' before they got out. Sit back to his seat again.

Obviously, Dumbledore must be unwilling to leave the auditorium so soon. After all, the school has nothing to do except the Triwizard Tournament, and he himself is the head of the school, so he doesn’t need to. Go to class to prepare lessons, so if he wants to, he can brazenly stay up late to chase the drama, and obviously no one in this Hogwarts castle can control him Dumbledore.


'classmates! Please come with me and go over here. If you don't want to cause your college to be deducted, it's better to settle down? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Gryffindor students, please go here! ’

‘George and Fred! I see your little moves! If you think your botched spell can deceive so many professors present, you can just try it! ’


‘Slytherin College students, stand up immediately and go back to rest immediately! ’

'what! Sorry……'

"Professor Flitwick, let us lead the students back. Don’t worry, we Ravenclaw students have always abide by the school rules. Our prefect promises to bring them back to the lounge. go with. ’

‘Hufflepuff’s classmates, please come here to gather...’


Soon, including the guests from afar, the students of the four Hogwarts colleges began to reluctantly, under the leadership and supervision of their respective deans and prefects, turning back and forth one step at a time. Leaving the Great Hall of Hogwarts in an orderly manner, only a few professors and officials from the Ministry of Magic remained here.

after all,

The movie has just started today. For the fresh and energetic students, it is obviously extremely cruel to ask them to stop the act of "chasing drama" at this time... But there is no way, at the order of the principal Next, under the stern gaze of their respective deans and the threatening gaze of the prefects, what else could they do besides observing the discipline and leaving?

You know, this auditorium is so big, and it is still under the noses of so many professors, even if they want to stay and hide, it is probably an impossible thing to accomplish.

"Ha! It's so late..."


At this time, when the students had left the auditorium from the main entrance hall in an orderly manner, Little Annie also got up from her seat and stretched a little.

She didn’t go to play anywhere else or take a nap all day today. Except eating, she stayed here and monitored almost all the time. So when she saw that there seemed to be no problem, she found Hermione and the others. After the four had successfully entered the state, they also planned to go back to sleep.



Annie knew that this old man Dumbledore was the same as herself, watching it all day! And now, those four dumb guys have successfully integrated into that world and Alsace’s army, and have successfully become wizards with the army. There must be no problem here, so she has no plans for a bad old man. The act of leaving showed a little bit of puzzlement.

"Hey! Old Dumbledore, why don't you go and watch? If you don't go, I will go!"


After all, this epic mission is live broadcast and the time ratio is 1:1, so it is likely to last for a long time, maybe it will last three to four months? Therefore, Annie herself certainly won't be staring here all the time. She only needs to see the performance of those idiots when she is bored, or when the plot is fun.

Besides, she still had some doubts, whether Hermione and the others could last for three to four months is still unsure! After all, there is a major premise for that, that is: only if the four of them did not burp and die in advance, they would go on forever, otherwise, in case they all died someday, that scene The "live broadcast" big movie must also end with tragedy in advance.


"It's fine... I'm already a bad old man, and the older I get, the sleep is getting lighter and lighter, and at the same time getting shorter... So let me continue to watch it for a while, if I'm sleepy, I I will go back to sleep..."

Dumbledore didn't pay attention to the little girl, and he waved his hands without looking back, indicating to the other party what to do, not to care about him as the principal.

Because he had discovered that Harry, Hermione, Fleur, and Krum in the picture were secretly exchanging eyes at this time, as if they were preparing to do something? Therefore, he was very interested to wait and see, to see what kind of thoughts and responses would his students think and respond to in an unfamiliar environment and under the threat of crisis?

Regarding this, he felt very curious, and there was an urge to continue to see what was happening. After all, this was one of his few hobbies...

And presumably, President Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim must have the same idea as him at this time? Because, the two of them didn't even have the slightest intention to leave now. Just now, they were just talking about their students and going back to rest on their own. Both of them didn't move their buttocks.



"Then it's up to you, people are going to go back to sleep, good night~!!!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Regarding the bad behavior of a bad old man who drove away the students, but he continued to stay up late to'chasing drama', Xiao Anni didn't want to comment, because she knew that the bad old man would send someone on duty at night and record the warriors. Our words and deeds will then be published in the Hogwarts school magazine... What's more, the plot is just beginning now, she is not in a hurry to stay up late to watch the'TV series' at this time!


So, she is going back to sleep now. Anyway, the time in the world of Azeroth and the time in this earth have been tuned to the same channel by her. The four Hermiones inside must be going to bed soon, she I won't stay here silly and watch the four get into the tent to sleep! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


As an arcane light flashed and quickly dissipated, and following the students who were rushed back to sleep, Little Annie also disappeared directly in the auditorium.



However, the departure of the little girl who caused the instigator did not make Dumbledore or other professors or Ministry staff who were still stuck in the auditorium silently'watching the movie', except for the little girl's magic at the beginning. In addition, what they care more about now is obviously that the content of the live broadcast on the four'screens' is more important.


However, Dumbledore suddenly thought a little more...

Because, he suddenly remembered that if Harry and Hermione stayed in that ‘real illusion’ for several months, then it would definitely have a certain impact on their studies, right? Then, it is very necessary for him to make arrangements in advance now. After Harry and Hermione come out, he must arrange for the professors to provide professional tutoring to the two backward homework!

Of course, more of them are tutoring Harry, because Dumbledore knows that the student Hermione is very conscious, and now even the seventh grade textbooks have been self-study, what is lacking is only some experience. If the other party doesn't understand anything, just ask the professors to ask questions, and he doesn't need to worry too much.

As for Harry, he didn't do it. Dumbledore knew the kid very well. If he couldn't find ways to make up for the missing lessons, it would be very detrimental to Dumbledore's many future plans.

However, he hasn’t figured out exactly what to do. After all, this little guy that Annie made out of nowhere was indeed a bit unexpected, so he could think of a perfect solution so quickly. Plan out? But it doesn't matter, they obviously still have a lot of time. Now let's continue to observe Harry and their performance in that ‘Lordaeron’. As for other things, let’s wait until they’re out.

Because now, among the four ‘screens’, Harry and the others have also got into the tent, so he Dumbledore wanted to see how they would discuss and solve their troubles?


After the students watching the movie from the'outside' left in an orderly manner, the four warriors in the'inside' experienced a day of hesitation, helplessness, acceptance, and a little chaos. During this time of rest at night, They finally settled down and gathered in the assigned tents, and began to discuss their strange encounter and the confused task...

They may never have thought that their every move is being monitored by the entire Hogwarts people, and at this time, there are still a group of voyeuristic old men and professors ‘watching’ them.

'Hey! ’

‘Hermione, isn’t this the real world? ’

‘Why do I always feel that this place is not like that kind of illusion, but like a real world? Because I have been observing it all the time today. Here, whether it is insects, fish, birds or beasts, soldiers, or even a small grass, a fallen leaf, they are not like magical things. Where is it? ’

The first person who spoke was Fleur Delacour. After a day of observing carefully, especially when she just sneaked out for convenience, all the things she saw made her feel: This seems to be a reality. world!

Anyway, it seemed to Furong that if it were an illusion, it would definitely not be like this. She didn't think there was any magic that could do this.

‘Of course this is Lordaeron! ’

‘As for whether it is a magical illusion, I’m sorry, Furong-senpai, because I don’t know...’

Seeing the other person questioning herself, Hermione shook her head quickly, because where would she know?

You know, until now, she herself is at a loss!

And their Professor Anne did not give her any reminder before. In the morning, she was the first to calm down and win the favor and approval of the Prince Arthas and Master Jaina. It was a miracle, now where can she know more?

However, Hermione actually had some bad premonitions...

‘I always think it’s a bit like a dream...’

'what! ! ’

Suddenly, before Harry finished speaking, he let out a cry of pain.

‘! ! ’

‘Hermione! Why are you pinching me? ! ’

After exclaiming, looking at the red mark on his arm, Harry quickly grinned and rubbed it... Just now, Hermione pinched a layer of his skin and twisted it vigorously. It was human. Something?

‘Harry, do you feel pain? ’

After the pinch, Hermione asked her friend Harry without mind.

'pain! ’

Seeing the red mark on his hand that might not disappear for a long time, Harry finally held back the water stain in his eye sockets that he just subconsciously wanted to overflow, and then nodded hurriedly.

'That's right! ’

‘If you can feel the pain, it proves that this is not an illusion, at least not a normal magic illusion! ’

Hermione no longer paid attention to Harry's resentful eyes, and began to decisively continue to analyze the three people in front of her:

‘In the morning, before we were teleported here, the mission statement that Professor Anne wrote, should you all remember? ’

After speaking, Hermione looked around again at the three competitors squeezed around her, but at the same time they were friends in the same boat.

Now they are in such a completely unfamiliar environment, there is no sense of competition at all, at least not yet...because all of them are still a bit at a loss and confused about Professor Anne’s task, completely unaware What to do, I don't know what'Lordaeron's Twilight' is all about.

'of course I remember! ’

‘The little professor said, this seems to be a real illusion? But this is so real, I almost thought this world was real...’

At this moment, Krum was born and nodded affirmatively.

In short, everything he can feel now seems to be real, because he can indeed smell all kinds of smells in the air, except for those of his companions, those from Lordaeron The various strong body odors on the Legionnaires, the green and astringent odors from the flowers and trees, and... I don’t know where it came from, the faint smell of rotten flesh?

As for what the smell of rotten flesh came from, Krum didn't know for the time being.

'correct! I remember this too! ’

‘Say this is a real illusion, a mission, it’s called ‘Twilight of Lordaeron’? It is also said that a major disaster has come to this ancient kingdom. Professor Anne asked us to help the prince named Arthas investigate the truth? ’

‘But, that Prince Arthas is really handsome...’

At this time, Furong also spoke out again and responded to this sentence.

However, her more attention seemed to be on the tall and strong prince of Lordaeron...because she had discovered it at that time. The eyes of that prince seemed to look more at her. How many eyes did Fleur Delacour look at?

But it's a pity that Furong also felt that the Master Jaina didn't like her a little bit, and had a strong hostility towards her? That feeling was the magical sixth sense between their women, and she, as a senior wizard who is about to graduate, and also a wizard with Veeva blood, really clearly felt it.

Moreover, she also agreed with Krum's words, this world is really too real, and it feels like everything is real whether they see it or feel it?

And if it wasn’t for the previous Professor Anne’s mission statement that it was a magical “real illusion”, she almost thought that the other party really used magic to teleport them to this strange, named Luo The world of Danlun Kingdom is now!

‘I also remember the description of that mission...’

‘But guys, I don’t know why, I always feel a little uneasy. I think this thing shouldn’t be as simple as we saw...’

Harry followed with some worry.

Because, as he remembered, the sentence in the mission statement:'This land has gradually entered a terrifying situation, and more and more people of Lordaeron who have been infected with the plague have become zombies and undead. What it brings is that more cities become cities of death...'?

If the paragraph he saw is correct, then the task they will face next will definitely face those terrible things and become very difficult, right? After all, the kind of ‘plague’, ‘zombies’ and ‘undead’, it sounds like they are not easy to deal with, and they must not be easier to deal with than fire dragons!

Therefore, now Harry is actually thinking, what kind of spells should be used to effectively fight those ‘zombies’ and ‘undead’? Is it to remove your weapons, obstacles, raging fire or other spells?


‘You may not believe it, but I think Harry should know it. My relationship with Professor Anne is very good, very good! Moreover, it has been good since two years ago! ’

‘So, based on what I know about Professor Anne and what we see and come into contact with today, I always feel that things here are more than just fantasy! ’

‘I think it must be...’

At this point, Hermione stopped suddenly and couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning. Then she stopped talking, not knowing what to do... Obviously, she seemed to be dared by herself. Frightened by guessing, and thought of something terrible?

'what happened to you? ’

‘Hermione? Hey! Are you ok? ! ’

Seeing his friend Hermione's face suddenly turned so ugly, Harry hurriedly leaned over and asked, and shook his shoulder, thinking that something was happening.

‘? ? ’


In addition to Harry asking questions, Krum and Fleur looked at Hermione with curious and questioning eyes without knowing what was going on.

They wanted to learn more valuable information from Hermione, a fourth-grade student who was suddenly surprised, but seemed to know Professor Anne well. Krum, in particular, was fortunate enough to invite Hermione to be his dance partner, and he was given a spell by the other party, but he was better than anyone knew about the little girl in front of him!

However, it is a pity that, without knowing the reason, the other party turned down his pursuit. This incident has always made him feel depressed...

'It's nothing……'

‘But I urge everyone, from now on, everyone’s best to be careful and try our best to deal with our tasks, otherwise... it might really be dead! ’

‘This world, it may not be as simple as we thought, it may not be an illusion! ! ’

Having said that, Hermione quickly took out her wand from her pocket and stuffed it into the small pocket of her special wand with the wide cuffs of her Hogwarts school uniform so that she could use what she needed. You can get it at any time.

Although, she would have long been able to cast spells without a wand, and she was basically proficient, but she would definitely not reject a handy wand that could speed up her spell casting, save her magic power, and increase the power of spell grammar.

'what? ! ’

Hearing Hermione's warning and seeing the other's actions, Harry screamed in exclamation and pressed his pocket for the first time.

Because his wand was in his large pocket, but after thinking about it now they were in the barracks of Lordaeron soldiers, he quickly relaxed again, because he didn’t feel it. What kind of danger will the four of them be when planting.

Now they are in the tent, and the tent is in the barracks. In addition to the rested soldiers, there are a lot of sentries and guards outside the barracks. If there is something dangerous, it must be no It will affect them here.



As Harry exclaimed, Krum and Fleur's expressions became a little ugly unconsciously. After all, based on their own observations of the world and this so-called "real illusion", it is actually not difficult to draw conclusions similar to Hermione's. They knew that what Hermione had just said was not all alarmist.

However, they have no other good way to do this, because they have no idea where Hogwarts is, and they don’t know where the world is, and they can’t contact the one who sent them here. Professor Anne.

‘Stop talking! ’

‘Let’s go to sleep first, keep your energy and strength, because no one knows what will be waiting for us tomorrow...’

"So, Hermione and Fleur, you two sleep in the two safer beds in the tent. Harry and I sleep near the door of the tent. I decided not to sleep too hard at night. If you can, use a sturdy tent. curse? ’

At this time, Krum very gentlemanly pointed to the two "beds" placed on the grass in the small tent and said to the two ladies in the team, and then he directly took out his wand and pointed it at the tent door curtain. Click a little, and with the shock of magic power, a silent spell of alarm or defense was quickly completed.

And from this method, it is not difficult to see that Krum is not only a powerful Quidditch, but also a great wizard? Otherwise, I am afraid that he would not be so easily selected by the Goblet of Fire as a Warrior of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and participate in the Triwizard Tournament.


‘Then we’re welcome! ’

Hermione and Fleur looked at each other, then laughed directly, and generously accepted Krum's proposal.

Although it is a bit embarrassing for Hermione and Fleur to be in a tent with two boys, but now is a special time, and there are so many people that they can be more secure in this strange environment. , They didn't say much, they walked directly to their beds, ready to go to sleep directly.

‘Harry, do you want that bed? ’

Seeing that the ladies were ready to go to bed, Krum looked at Harry Potter, who was tied for second place with him in Subject 1, and pointed to the bed on the left and right of the curtain.

‘It’s all the same, there is no good choice! ’

Harry didn't think much at all. He carefully walked around the wood staring at the tent, and sat directly on the bed on the left of the curtain, and then stretched out his hand to pull the fur of an unknown animal. It looked like a sprawling army blanket. Said.

If possible, Harry really hopes to make this little tent a little bigger with the Unmarked Expansion Charm, and then dress up more beautifully, just as he went with the Ron family during the Quidditch World Cup The huge tent where you lived while watching the game?

You know, from the outside, the tent at that time looked smaller than theirs at this time, but inside it was bigger than the Ron’s house and the Dursley’s house, and it was big enough for him It's okay to roam and chase with Ron and the twin brothers!

But it's a pity that Harry doesn't know how to expand the curse without a trace. Maybe Hermione will? However, this is the time, seeing Hermione in the tent already lying down, Harry would definitely not ask for that kind of excessive request anymore, besides, they wouldn’t even use the Unmarked Expansion Charm now. More furniture to dress up here.

'Ok! ’

‘Then everyone, go to bed quickly, keep your energy, and talk about something tomorrow morning...’

Seeing that everyone was lying down, Krum took out his wand and cast a spell on himself that was waterproof, moisture-proof and warm, and placed the wand next to his pillow to make sure he could catch it at any time. Lie down slowly.

at this time,

The night outside was quiet, only some of the four of them couldn't hear the sounds of animals or insects, sometimes lingering in their ears...

‘! ! ’

‘Enemy attack! ! ! ’


Just as the three of them were lying down and preparing to rest for the night in the tent provided by the soldiers of Lordaeron for the apprentices of wizards, a loud roar suddenly sounded outside!

Then, without waiting for them to react, soon, in this not too big, originally quiet barracks, there were bursts of shouts, and the crash of those weapon shields and armors?

Of course, it must also be the kind of terrifying roar that suddenly rang from all directions, like some kind of beast monster? !

‘Sizzle~! ’

‘Roar~! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘! ! ’

The four people who had been talking in the tent and were about to lie on their respective beds thinking wildly and gradually became a little confused, of course, were frightened and sat up.

Then, after looking at each other in a daze and amazement, they jumped up from their respective beds for the first time, and at the same time drew out their wands and rushed directly to the outside of the tent.

'fast! The second team is here! ! ’

'attack! attack! ’

‘Soldiers of Lordaeron, gather! Open the shield wall! Be sure to keep them out of the barracks! ! ’

‘I can’t stand it anymore, they are crawling in from the railing, come and get someone...ah! ! ’

‘Damn it! Where is the Musketeer? Need support here! ! ’

'on! Cut off their heads for me! ! ’

Cang! clang!



'Help! ! ’


‘Tweet~! ’

The sound of people turning upside down sounded, and the shouting, screaming, intersecting weapons, and chaotic footsteps of countless soldiers made noise throughout the barracks.



It was pitch black outside, messy figures and not too many firelights each other, countless Lordaeron soldiers clashed and shouted, but Hermione and the other four had no idea what the Lordaeron soldiers were following. What kind of enemies are fighting, I don't know what kind of monsters are hidden in the darkness in the more outer areas.

"Who attacked us?"

"Hey! What the **** is going on here, what enemy is attacking us?!"

Krum, who could not see the situation, first yelled at a group of heavy armored soldiers who ran over. However, for their new apprentice wizards, the soldiers of Lordaeron ignored them, just He ran to the periphery in a hurry, or simply rushed into the dark to fight with something, and no one paid any attention to his questioning.


"Fluorescence flashes!!"

In this dark field camp with no street lights, no moonlight, and even a bonfire not enough to illuminate the surrounding environment, Hermione felt a trace of fear. After thinking about it, she resolutely raised her hand. The magic wand fired a bright'fluorescent flash' flares toward the sky!

Soon, that magical light magic rose slowly, directly like a small sun, emitting a bright white light, instantly illuminating the entire barracks and a place about two or three hundred meters away from the barracks. .


"Then, what kind of monster is that?!"

Finally, I was able to clearly see the situation around me and the monsters that were fighting with the soldiers hurriedly getting up from the bed farther away, and I could see the terrible zombies and ghouls clearly. And after the appearance of the fierce and transparent undead, Furong was immediately shocked and exclaimed.

‘Hiss! Kaka~! ! ’

At this time, a ghoul seemed to have noticed the anomaly at the bright light source here, so it roared and made terrible crashing sounds with its sharp teeth, directly facing Hermione and the others with its hands and feet. People pounced over here.


"Hushen guard!!"

Seeing that there really is that kind of terrifying monster like a dementor, but he did not feel the familiar feeling of being sucked out of all the happiness, reminiscent of the most terrible things, and said to deal with this similar monster. With a lot of experience, he didn't even think about it. He directly raised his wand and shouted the curse of the patron saint that he was good at and prepared just now.

Next second!

His eleven inches long, holly wood, and the end of the wand whose core is Phoenix Fox’s tail hair, suddenly ejected a silver gas, and then the silver gas quickly condensed and formed a strong silver stag. !

After that, the stag quickly stepped forward at the moment of its formation, lowered its head, and easily used the forehand and foot together. It looks hideous, its mouth is full of fangs, and its body is full of rotten flesh. The monster with its long scarlet tongue exuding a terrible stench flew out directly...

However, when that ghoul was flying out by the top, more ghouls fiercely rushed toward the place of the four of them!

‘! ! ’

‘There are so many obstacles! ! ’

Knowing that the matter was urgent, Krum couldn't think about it more, so he raised his wand and pointed it at the fastest ghoul, letting his curse knock it off. Get out!

However, he couldn't take care of more ghouls anxiously, and could only watch them pounce on the four of them...

'Step aside! ! ’


Just when Fleur was a little scared and a little overwhelmed, just when Hermione had just finished playing the fluorescent flicker, just when Harry released the silver stag patron saint being entangled by the ghoul that flew up and got up again When Fa came back to help, suddenly, a loud shout rang out from behind the four of them!

Then a knight riding on a tall horse and holding a golden warhammer rushed over...

‘For Lordaeron! ! ’

Bang! !

At the moment he rushed past, he directly used the body of the horse to knock the ghouls flying at the four of Hermione, Harry, Fleur, and Krom, and finally returned the hammer. A ghoul who was jumping up and was about to catch a young witch's head with his sharp claws, and smashed into pieces...

However, the horse and the knight on the horse did not stop. After he cleared the siege for the four and eliminated a ghoul, he rushed to the distance, leaving only those who were still a little panicked. The four people and those ghouls who were knocked into flight, shaking their heads and preparing to get up.

‘! ! ’

‘Bone to pieces! ’

‘Fainted! ’

‘Torn apart! ’

‘Except your weapons! ’

Finally, after gaining precious breathing time, Hermione, Harry, Fleur, and Krum, who had recovered a bit, cast their spells, and attacked the ghouls who were attacking them again. Fly or smash!

‘??Ναεμπ??διο! ’

At the same time, finally, under Hermione’s beautiful barrier spell, a golden shield with a radius of about three meters directly protected the three of them at the moment she waved her wand and held it high above her head. A certain ghoul could only hit the shield fiercely and scratch and bite in vain, but there was no way...


(*????╰╯`??)?? May everyone be healthy?? (????╰╯`??*)

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