Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 946: Wow! How dare you hit me! ? (·''·?...

Today’s night is quiet, in the dark and moonless night sky. The seven stars in the Ursa Major constellation are unusually shining. They are like a huge spoon, flashing and hanging on it...


In the dark night, in the depths of the mountains and dense forests, a blue light gate emitting a strong light appeared silently among the deserted mountains and forests.





Soon afterwards, a little blond girl with half of her head out of it playfully looked at the situation outside the door, and when she saw that there was no one outside, and nothing else found herself, she cheered With a sound, he jumped out directly from inside.

"here is……"


After looking around, then frowning and feeling it, Little Annie suddenly felt that this, or this world, seemed to give her a very familiar feeling? However, for a while, she couldn't remember exactly where it was.

(Report! Dear little master! This is England, the world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where you visited last time... Yes, it is the world where you used to be a professor of magic, now you are yourself It's back again!

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

—— Without waiting for a bad little master to use his eyes to'see' to figure out what kind of world this is, Tibbers immediately spoke and explained to the other party in private. Because ah, after scanning its mental power, it has discovered exactly what kind of place this world is in the first time, and found many familiar figures of its little master not far away. )



"It seems to be really..."


I was surprised, and then started to feel the little Annie carefully. She raised her head and glanced at the stars in the sky. She probably counted how long it has been since the world left when she left. This was a little bit of a jealousy. Laughed.

However, coming to this world again is different from the feeling of chagrin and anxious to go home last time. Now she has an indifferent attitude towards playfulness, and she comes again'randomly' to herself. Things in this world didn't mind too much.

"Well, since Jiangzi..."


Unexpectedly, a portal opened at random would come back to this world. Little Annie was surprised. In no way, she did not intend to slip away immediately, so she no longer struggled too much, but soon Made up my mind.


She seemed to have sensed something, so she raised her head and looked in a certain direction in the distance.

She found that there seemed to be a place where many Muggle expulsion spells had been cast? Moreover, there are still many people there. They seem to be in a panic, as if a riot had just happened?

Anyway, Annie could see it clearly: in the distance, at the place where a lot of Muggle expulsion spells were cast, the flames blazed into the sky, as if a certain camp had been burned, and there was a huge giant in the sky. Skull mark?



After thinking about it, Annie, who feels that she is idle anyway, has the thoughts in her heart, she completed the spellcasting in an instant, and teleported to that place, making her little figure and the original behind her The blue teleporters that were still emitting strong light instantly dissipated and turned into little energy ghosts, and soon disappeared completely in the dark jungle.


At this time, under the huge skull marking phantom that Annie felt the chaos and saw, a little boy of about fourteen years old, wearing glasses, was staggering in the ashes of the camp, which was still glowing with fire and smoke. Li staggered forward.


Who is he?

"Who is it? Who is there?!"

Harry tentatively asked again.

It's a pity, over there, where he saw a dark figure and heard someone chant a spell that seemed to be "Bone Reappearance", now it seems that there is no sign of anyone?


Just now, when he woke up from trampling, he found that his glasses were damaged, and then Harry Potter, who couldn't find his wand to repair it for a while, could only hurriedly wipe the remaining half on the right. Block lens, while preparing to touch it carefully, trying to see clearly who the guy who just released the Dark Mark is!

"I saw you..."

"There are people from the Ministry of Magic and Aurors everywhere here. They will come soon. You must not be able to escape. Come out and surrender!"

Har warned with a childish voice with a trembling sound, and then moved forward and followed the firelight.

And as for him to see who the opponent is or what to do after the opponent comes out, he has no time to think about it. Anyway, even if he can't find his wand now, even if his ability to cast spells without a wand is still in theory. But he still felt that he should do it like this, and grab the guy who released the mark anyway!

‘Harry? ’


In the distance, it seemed that Ron and Hermione searched and exchanged their own voices from afar, but Harry didn't pay attention to them, but continued to move forward slowly. Because he wanted to see where the shadow that was just here was hidden, and then he wanted to find out the other party, and then hand it over to the Auror and the Ministry of Magic to deal with.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that a small figure suddenly appeared behind him at this time, and followed him step by step, seeming to want to see if he was What are you looking for, or what fun games to play?



"Ha! Just guess, who am I?!"



Before Harry could see clearly who was the guy who had just stayed here and cast the spell, but now he was nowhere to be seen, a little girl's voice suddenly sounded behind him! As a result, he was so scared that he staggered forward and stumbled directly on a wooden stake that was originally a fixed magical tent with a non-marking expansion curse, and then fell severely on a tent with sparks. Mozi's tent shelf.


Naturally, a cry of exclamation came out directly from Harry’s mouth...

Because, he was frightened and fell in embarrassment. He was burned to the palm of his palm by a bunch of sticks still carrying a flame.

"you are……"

After an exclamation, when Harry got up in a hurry and turned his head vigilantly, he realized that behind him, it seemed that it was not the person who had just released the Dark Mark, but a little he was familiar with. girl.

"Ann, Professor Anne?!"

That's right!

Harry said that he recognized the guy in front of him. The other person seemed to be the teacher who had been a magic elective course at Hogwarts for half a semester, and then he suddenly left without knowing why he had a longer term than the cursed black magic. The professors of the defense class want the short Professor Anne Hasta! !



"What are you looking for? Are you doing something fun and interesting?"


Annie heard it too. In the distance, the voices of the idiot Ron and Miss Hermione came. They were calling the guy in front of them, but he didn't respond at all?

So, thinking that the other party might be doing something shameful or hide-and-seek, or other fun things, she also curiously started looking around, and wanted to see who he was looking for or something else. of.


"I didn't! I was just..."

When he discovered this Hogwarts school, it is said that the very powerful "ex" professor was here. Harry was just about to explain, when he told him what he was looking for and tried to get help, he suddenly changed. It happened again...


Crackling~! !

There was a burst of strange noises, and after the air-like movement transmitted by space magic that was very clumsy to a little girl, soon, a large group of people looked like twenty or so. The apparition moved to the surroundings of the two of them, surrounded by groups.

‘! ! ’

'Look! That is the Dark Mark! ? ’

'not good! They are Death Eaters! ’

‘Death Eater? ! ’

‘Damn it! Do it! fast! Subdue them first! ! ’

‘Fainted! ’

‘Fainted! ’

‘Fainted! ! ’


Following the apparition of a large group of people suddenly, and after not knowing who and who exclaimed, an irritable order was blurted out, and then they did not wait for them to see exactly what the situation was. Soon, Almost within a short period of three seconds, a large red "fainted ground" spell blatantly shot out from the head of the wand in their hands, and without hesitation from all around The two surrounded by it suddenly bombarded!

Obviously, they seem to be a little frightened, so they want to preemptively, using a coma spell to be surrounded by them and catch an existing suspect forcibly knocked down and arrested?


Seeing this horrible situation, Harry, who knew it was too late to explain, could only exclaim, then subconsciously hugged his head directly and squatted down.

In this case, when he didn't have a magic wand and there was no time to cast his magic, he really had no other better way than squatting down and hoping that he would not be hit.


In an instant, those red eyes that struck from the top of the wands and came in an instant seemed to drown the two of them...


! ? (??\'\'????)??

"How dare you hit me?!"


Magic Counter -?? Arcane Thorns Aura??

Although, Annie didn’t know that those people were so good, why they didn’t ask to attack her indiscriminately when she came out... But, saying that she had never been the kind of her who was beaten and could not fight back, she acted decisively and couldn’t take care of her. When the little brother with bad glasses spoke, he simply stretched out his hand, and a counter-spell suddenly flickered from her fingers.

Then, all those red lights bombarded her who was still standing...

‘? ? ’

‘! ? ’

'what? ’

Soon, the spell directed at Annie and Harry Potter bounced back along the original trajectory at a faster speed before it actually touched the two people in the middle!


‘! ! ’

'Wow! ! ’

‘Uh~! ’

'not good! ! ’


boom! ! !


Before the arrogant casters could react, the spells that came from their hands unceremoniously flew back directly and slammed them on their bodies, leaving them only time to let out an exclamation. , Was knocked out, and lay down in a radial pattern on the scorched grass of the Quidditch World Cup camp that was just burned.


What, what? !

How could this happen? How could the twenty Aurors he brought with him be wiped out in the blink of an eye? !

Minister Fudge, who led the team and had just ordered an attack, was taken aback!

Then, knowing that something was wrong, knowing that the situation was beyond his control, he subconsciously issued a secret curse for help without a spell!

After that, he was frightened and couldn't retreat. He screamed at the just now, and even dared to counterattack outrageously. The little black shadow who had beaten the entire army of Aurors under his command narrowed his eyes. It seems to want to know who the other party is?


Now that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, Minister Fudge has completely lost the irritable heart that he just said, and he doesn’t dare to act rashly. Whether it is going forward or backward or trying to recite a spell, he dare not all, just use The hand holding the wand just squeezed the handle of the wand, trying hard to find the last trace of security for himself, even if a thin layer of sweat was already oozing out of the palm of his hand, he couldn't even wipe it off.


"You, don't mess around! I, I warn you, more Aurors and Dumbledore are coming soon, you better run quickly?!"

Fudge no longer dared to say the kind of words that would leave the other side alone, because he was afraid that it would anger the other side, and then outrageously give him an ‘Avada’s life’?

He couldn't figure out why the Death Eater who released the Dark Mark in front was so powerful that he defeated the Aurors who had a full twenty of them in the Ministry of Magic? Could it be... that terrible mysterious man?

However, the mysterious person who can't even name his name is a man, and he is an old wizard who has been famous for many years. It shouldn't be a little dwarf!

Also, the voice that Fang Fu just made seemed to be a woman, and when I think about it carefully... it still seems like a little girl?


"You, don't come here! I am the Minister of Magic, and I warn you, you are the best..."

Immediately afterwards, after seeing the other person walking towards him seemingly indifferent at all, Fudge was so frightened that the clutches in his hand almost couldn't help but throw an unforgivable curse towards him! However, reason quickly told him that twenty Aurors couldn't resist the enemy. He, a minister of magic with ordinary skills, had better be more acquainted and take care of his own hands so as not to insult himself?


"You, are you..."

It turned out to be her? !

As the other party approached step by step, and probably after seeing the smiling face and appearance of the other party clearly, Fudge was stunned for a moment, and then he relaxed with some luck.


"why you?!"

Fudge doesn't understand...

The little girl in front of her, hasn't she been missing for two full years? At that time, the Gringotts rioted, and the dragons, guards, fairies and all the Aurors who came to support the Gringotts were "completely wiped out" and caught him, and they used his own Auror’s wand to roast the dragon meat. Little guy, why is she back again? !

You know, the Ministry of Magic had collected a lot of precious materials and magic gems before they were worthy of sending each other away, but why is she back now? He didn't understand. How could she, an alien magician, be like this. She had already said that she was leaving. Why did she come back to visit again in less than two years?


Is this because their alien magic world is not easy to mix, or is it because the air here is too fragrant? !



"Uncle blame, do you still want to hit me?"


Obviously, Little Annie recognized each other!

And it was precisely because she recognized the other party that she just showed some mercy, and did not directly attack those who dared to attack her...Although, she doesn’t even remember the name of the strange uncle in front of her. But she still remembers one thing, that is: the other party seems to be a certain minister in the magic world of this world?

Anyway, it's almost like that. As for what it is, she doesn't know exactly what it is.


‘Harry? ’

At this time, the two voices calling and searching for Harry Potter in the distance were getting closer and closer, so that Little Annie had to stop thinking about continuing to be ‘close and close’ to the strange uncle.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Harry! Are you there?"

Hearing the voice of speaking, seeing the figure and realizing something was wrong here, Hermione and Ron finally followed the big movement just now.



Soon, the two of them were shocked by the situation here!

Because, she and Ron actually followed the fire to find: Here is the uncle who fell to the ground and a trembling guy...looks like the Minister of Magic? !

Of course, there is also a Harry Potter who is squatting with his head in his head, and the two of them have been looking for since the beginning of the chaos, but they can't find it!

as well as……

One was wearing a little red dress, carrying a familiar, hideous and ugly plush bear in his hand, as well as a head of beautiful golden hair and blue eyes, and that delicate little face was full of an angry look. And a little bit of playful girl? !

"Oh, my god!"

"Annie? It's great, it's actually you?!"

Subconsciously, Hermione exclaimed, but she still didn't like to exclaim Merlin's name, she still liked to use the kind of amazed particles commonly used in her parents' Muggle world.


"It's been two years, where have you been, Annie?!"

After an exclamation, she ignored the uncles who fell to the ground and the trembling Minister of Magic. When Hermione's face gradually changed from consternation to surprise, she directly carried a trace. The tears of surprise pounced directly and passionately at the familiar little figure!

"God bless!"

"Great! Really! I am so glad to see you again, dear Annie!!"

Hermione hugged the body she was so familiar with tightly, and then buried her tearful eyes directly in the hair of the little girl who had the fragrance of grass and dew, and she didn’t know where she had just come out. , And kissed the other person's head affectionately.



"I... I am glad to meet you too, Miss Hermione..."


Little Annie's words sounded a bit boring, because she was hugged to death by the other party, and even the whole face was pressed tightly by the other party's small bulging chest.

"Oh! Hermione! You hug too tight!!"


After all, Xiao Anni slammed and broke free, and then looked at the young lady in front of her, who was looking at her with excitement and crying with joy, she couldn't help but mutter and slander. Because she returned to this world again, not because of God's blessing, she didn't need the God who was not as powerful as her to bless her! !

And she also found that the embrace of Miss Hermione in front of her seemed to be different from what she used to be...

Although, the other party's chest became softer and fleshier, but it was bulging, and it almost made her breathless just now, so she didn't like it a bit! And ah, only two years have passed since this world, the other party is still growing so fast, his current height can only reach the other party's chest?

This is really outrageous!

And if it weren’t for her poor abilities when she was in this world, she might have managed to make this guy in front of her never grow up and grow up together, just like dealing with her own little mischievous apprentices Rin and Sakura. Taller!


"Two years, you haven't changed at all?"

Hermione looked at the little guy in front of her, then suddenly smiled and said with emotion.

"By the way, when did you come to the UK, why didn't you call or send an owl to notify me?"

Soon, Hermione stopped worrying about why two years later, the little girl in front of her hadn’t changed the kind of little things. Instead, she turned to the things she cared more about and gave the other people aside directly. Gorgeously ignored.



"Probably... just now, a few minutes ago, right?"


Little Annie thought for a while, and quickly gave an accurate time when she arrived in this world, because she really came out of a forest in the distance, and only sent it to see the excitement after discovering the anomaly here.

But in the end, it was not fun at all, and was surrounded by a group of bad guys and played a bunch of boring magic...

"Really sorry……"

"Don't you have time to see the Quidditch World Cup that just ended?!"

Hearing that the other party only arrived here a few minutes ago, thinking that the other party was also watching the Quidditch World Cup like herself and Harry and others, Hermione sighed with disappointment.

"What is the Quidditch World Cup?"

∑(??△`)? !

I didn't say anything, little Annie realized vaguely that she seemed to have missed some fun and interesting large-scale events? Otherwise, there won't be so many people here...

However, she didn't understand why the so-called wizards, after watching the Quidditch World Cup, set fire to this large camp that could hold at least a hundred thousand people? Could it be that this is some kind of ceremony celebrated by those wizards?

"my Lord!"

"I see, Annie, you must not see it if you ask like that!!"

Hermione shook her head dumbfoundingly, because she was clever and could hear that the other party not only didn't watch the Quidditch World Cup, but didn't even know what the World Cup was?

What a pity...

The World Cup was very exciting, and they also won a first-class box, and watched a wonderful world-class game throughout the whole journey! It can be said that there is nothing more exciting to her than this! Of course, it would be perfect if there weren’t those Death Eaters who ran out to make trouble and set fire to create chaos at the beginning of the celebration!

Now, take a look here. There is only a large area of ​​ruins left in a celebration camp. I don’t know how many people were injured because of it. Just like the people lying around them now? !

at last,

Only then did Hermione notice the sloppy guys lying on the ground around him, and didn't know if they were dead.


"Hi! Hello Professor Anne, I am glad to see you again!!"


Ron took a step forward, and to be honest, he really didn't want to see this little girl who had been a professor of magic open classes for half a semester again.

"You too! Idiot Ron!"


Yes, Annie does remember this stupid guy in front of her, as if he was in the same group with that Harry Potter?


Ron was a little anxious, so he swallowed back what he still wanted to say!

He doesn't understand, why is he stupid? His grades are obviously better than those of Neville, who is the worst in the class. He is almost half a catty with Harry. Anyway, he is not the worst one, so he will never accept that he is an idiot. !

Sure enough, he didn't like the little girl professor a little bit from the bottom of his heart, it was definitely not without reason.

‘! ! ’

‘Who is there? ’

‘What happened there? ’

Suddenly, there was a sound of eating and drinking in the distance, and then an adult wizard ran over, panting heavily.

"Ah! It's Ron! And Harry! Are you all okay?"

It turned out that Ron's father came over, Arthur Weasley, who is in charge of the Muggle Supplies Department of the Ministry of Magic!


"Wait, Minister Fudge, what the **** is this here..."

Soon, Mr. Weasley, who had seen the surrounding situation clearly, was taken aback, and immediately drew out the wand in his pocket, nervously alert to the surrounding situation.

Because, he saw the Ministry of Magic Aurors who fell all around...Of course, there was also the little girl who seemed to have seen him fall down there before, but he couldn't remember it at all? However, the little girl does not seem to matter. What matters now is: who on earth attacked the Auror and caused them to fall here almost completely wiped out?



At this time, another phantom shifting sound rang, and after a sound like lightning bursts, soon, an old man with a long beard in a flamboyant printed nightgown held a unique magic wand. He appeared not far away, and locked his gaze on this side with gaze.

‘It’s the Dark Mark...’

‘Fudge! And Weasley? ’

Obviously, it was Albus Dumbledore, the first-class Merlin Medal winner, the current principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards, and the chief wizard of Wissengamer. A bachelor old man nominated by the Minister of Magic and recognized as the greatest wizard of our time!


From the look of him, it seems that he just got up from the bed just now. Before he even had time to change his clothes, he hurriedly used Apparition to ran all the way here?

‘! ! ’

‘Tell me! What is going on here, why do you send me an urgent signal for help at this time? ! ’

Dumbledore walked forward with a mosquito angrily.

Because, at first sight, he saw the Ministry of Magic Aurors falling all around, and the entire huge World Cup camp that was burned miserably, and the skull in the sky that was spitting out swimming. The terrible green ferocious giant magic mark of the long snake!

Obviously, what happened here is definitely not related to the Death Eaters?


"You are……"

Holding the old wand tightly and looking around vigilantly, Dumbledore asked and walked over angrily as he asked. Then he quickly discovered the three obvious three small figures standing next to the two adults, and the other one was his three very important students.

"Harry, Ron and Hermione?"

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the three of them, except that Harry was slightly embarrassed, Dumbledore was slightly relieved, and then looked behind Hermione again.


"you are……"

"You are Professor Anne Hasta? Why are you back again?!"

Merlin's beard!

When the dim-eyed Dumbledore saw that the one behind his student Hermione had just been blocked, so that he did not have the small figure that he could see for the first time, and after making sure that he did not look away, he subconsciously on the spot Exclaimed.

Obviously, a little girl who has gone back and forth and faintly began to prepare to have a huge impact on their magical world, she is back! To be honest, in Dumbledore's opinion, maybe that Tom stood in front of him alive again and attacked him, he might not be as surprised as he is now?



"Old Dumbledore, are you still alive? I'm glad to see you again!"

(??????????) Hey hey!

Unexpectedly, this cunning and cunning old man was still alive, so little Annie raised her little bear's claws and greeted each other.

Seriously, she thought the other party was already dead!

However, looking at it now, the other person seems to be in good health. It is not afraid of being cold when only wearing a pajama in the middle of the night on a cold day. It must be a short time, it will definitely not be old.




"I, I am also very happy to meet you, Professor Anne..."

It seemed that he realized that what he had just said was a little inappropriate, and after he heard the little girl's displeasedness, Dumbledore quickly changed his mouth and replaced it with the wrinkled long beard smiling face.


Anyway, Dumbledore felt that his Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry might have to suffer again this time.

Because, in front of me, the title of school is hung, but it doesn't teach students much, but the little girl who always likes to mess around in school, and everyone takes her honorary professor Anne Haas who has no good way. Ta, she is back again? !


"Fudge, and Weasley..."

"Please tell me what happened here? I hurried over after receiving your request for help from the Ministry of Magic, but here..."

"I don't seem to see any enemies?"

Looked at the large group of Aurors who seemed to have been knocked out by a coma spell, and then at the Quidditch World Cup camp that was almost burnt to white ground and the conspicuous dark mark in the sky above the camp, Deng Blido was a little confused by the sight before him.

He had no idea what was going on, or why this Fudge had to send him an emergency signal for help, so that he had to get up directly from the warm bed in embarrassment.

You know, his Dumbledore is already very old. It was when his sleep was low and short. He finally fell asleep after eating some cockroach piles, but he was called here, and then No enemies have seen...

"Sorry, Professor Dumbledore..."

"I don't know. I just came here to find Harry and my son Ron. I really don't know anything!"

Weasley showed up and raised his hand directly, saying that he didn't know the situation here.

Anyway, after the Death Eaters appeared in the Quidditch World Cup camp and riots occurred, he immediately settled his family Ginny and the twins, and then followed the people in the Ministry of Magic to evacuate the crowd. After he found that Ron, Harry and Hermione were missing, he hurriedly followed the voice to find them.

Then, the next thing is like this, what happened here before, why the Aurors were beaten to annihilation, why the Dark Mark appeared in the sky, he really knew nothing .

and so,

He had no choice but to focus his attention on the Minister of Magic who came here earlier than himself, because if anyone knew what was going on here, there must be only the other party?


Fudge knew what had happened, of course, but he put away his wand in embarrassment after taking a timid look at the little girl.

Because he also realized at this time, it seems that they just caused some small misunderstandings?


"Did you do this?"

Looking at Fudge's expression and the direction of his gaze, Dumbledore naturally turned his gaze on a little girl who was looking bored at the surroundings and the dark mark in the sky, and he was a little confused Asked the voice.

"what have I done?"


Little Annie was puzzled, because she didn't seem to have done anything, she just came here to watch the excitement and was besieged inexplicably, she did nothing, her little bear can testify!


"The fire here, these Aurors and the Dark Mark in the sky, do you know what's going on?"

After pondering for a while, Dumbledore asked in a more kind tone as much as possible, because he knew that the little girl in front of him was not easy to deal with...

In fact, it is very difficult to deal with!

Isn't this?

It had only been two years since he hadn't seen each other, he was stunned to discover that the aura on the opponent's body was not felt at all...

You know, two years ago, he could still vaguely feel that kind of powerful and fierce, terrifying magical aura that would involuntarily radiate from the opponent! But now, he can't even feel a bit of a star?

There are only two reasons for this situation: either, Dumbledore is too old, his strength is regressing so sharply that he can no longer perceive the opponent's strength? Or, the other party has become stronger, the kind of terrifying existence that is far beyond their level?

And now the facts are clear, he Dumbledore is not old enough to be that unusable, so he is obviously more inclined to the speculation behind...

"I don't even know the fire here and the dark mark of the Rao Shizi in the sky. I saw them look like this when I came over!"

o(??^`)o hum!

"If you want to know, just ask this guy, he was here earlier than me!"

??(??????~????)╭??(⊙x⊙;)ノ????? ?

Little Annie directly pointed her finger at the little brother Harry Potter, who was still a little panicked and was trying to wipe his glasses. She just hadn’t had time to say a few words to the other party. Whoever thought came that a large group of troubles and troubled her. The guys who attacked?

"As for those strange uncles called Aurors..."


"They were knocked out by my counterattack magic. Who made them attack me with bluffing as soon as they came? That's what they deserve!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Little Annie said that she did not directly use the lava shield or resist the ring of fire, and burned all the strange uncles who dared to attack her without asking her indiscriminately. She was already merciful!

If it were replaced by Tibbers, the bad bear in her house, those guys who dared to attack themselves would have been chopped off and eaten in one bite, and then they wouldn't even be left behind?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Well, I think I understand..."

Nodded, Dumbledore probably understood the cause of some things, and felt that this might indeed be a misunderstanding, he turned his head to look at the student he valued most and had been taking care of him secretly.


"Can you tell me now, what is going on here?"

Seeing the student with a panic on his face, and looking at the many dark footprints on his body, even the unlucky guy whose eyes were cracked by half, Dumbledore sighed in his heart. At the same time, while repairing the other party's glasses with a silent spell instantly, while trying to use a kind tone to prove to the other party.

After all, he is here now, and what happened here tonight, especially the Dark Mark, always needs to be resolved and investigated.


"I don't know what's going on, Professor Dumbledore..."

Scratching his head, Harry thought about it but shook his head blankly.

"When the Death Eaters ran out to set the fire, I was pushed down and stepped on to faint..."

"However, when I woke up, I only saw a person in the distance putting the Dark Mark in the sky... Before I could react, Ron and Hermione's voices rang from the same place. , And then that guy ran away, and then, Professor Anne appeared, and also frightened me?"

"The next thing, Minister Fudge, he also knows. Before Professor Anne and I had time to say a few words, they Apparated here and launched an attack on us..."

After speaking, Harry glanced at the Minister Fudge, who was standing aside, looking a little embarrassed and a little awkward.

Just now, when those Aurors brazenly launched spells at them, he was really frightened!

You know, so many powerful coma spells are launched from the powerful Aurors, even if it is not the kind of unforgivable spell, once they are hit by so many powerful spells at the same time, the result may be It is definitely not better than the Unforgivable Curse.



Nodding, and after confirming what Professor Anne had just said, Dumbledore glanced angrily at the minister next to him.

At night, the opponent came in disorder and attacked indiscriminately without seeing clearly, which caused the Auror to be wiped out. He even came to disturb the sleep of the old man here, making him apparition from Hogwarts for a long distance in dismay. , He didn't even have time to wear the clothes, this is really annoying to him this old man! !


"Hug, sorry...I don't know what will happen. We thought they were Death Eaters, because they showed up at the crime scene and released the Dark Mark?"

"and so……"

So, a lot of magic was exploded at that time, and then the Aurors were instantly countered by the little girl and knocked down, not even half of the ‘survived’!

However, it was fortunate that at that time, Minister Fudge was a little slower than the professional Aurors, and did not launch his own spell. Otherwise, I am afraid that he would still be floating with those who fell down now. One of the hapless Aurors on the ash-smooth grass...

And this is exactly why he directly sent out the signal for help when he was panicked just now, without much thought.



Shaking his head, Dumbledore, who didn't intend to say more to the minister, had no choice but to continue his gaze on Harry Potter, the first witness next to him.


"Do you see the general appearance of the person who released the Dark Devil logo?"

Since the opponent released the Dark Mark and caused the chaos of the Quidditch World Cup, it is not said that the opponent must be a member of the Death Eaters, so, if possible, Dumbledore hopes to catch that according to Harry's description Damn it!

"Sorry Professor..."

"It's too dark. I didn't see his face clearly. I only saw a rough outline. I knew it was a tall man, but the others were really gone..."

Harry recalled for a moment, and then finally just shook his head regretfully.

You know, he was terrified at that time, and he had just woke up from a coma, his mind was in a state of confusion, coupled with the chaos of smoke and ashes all around him, how could he see so much?


"That's it, there's no way..."

Dumbledore shook his head regretfully, reached out and patted the opponent on the shoulder, and walked aside. Because he knew that if Harry saw the other person's appearance, even if they didn't admit defeat, they could use the meditation disk or other spells to investigate Harry's memory and catch the arrogant Death Eater!

It's a pity that even if Dumbledore hasn't seen him clearly, there is no other good way.

Crackling! Crackling!


Suddenly, there were bursts of loud noises around at this time, and more people used Apparition to arrive here, and they surrounded it again completely.

‘! ! ’

‘Fluorescence flashes! ! ’

Upon seeing this, Dumbledore frowned and waved the wand in his hand. A huge white ball of light easily floated from the head of his wand, like a flares, directly illuminating a radius of hundreds of meters. The area in the neighborhood is illuminated like daylight, so that the people who come and you can see each other clearly.

Obviously, Dumbledore who knew who Apparated came here, in order to prevent unnecessary misunderstanding from happening again, he released the spell as soon as possible so that both parties could see each other clearly.


‘Minister Fudge? And Principal Dumbledore? ’


‘These Aurors...Excuse me, what is going on here? ! ’

Soon, a large group of Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, who also received the Minister’s signal, came to support them. With the help of the fluorescent flashing, the wizards and witches saw the scene clearly, and then they held their wands tightly. He surrounded him cautiously and asked.


"Weasley, you should take the children back to your home to rest first. It's late, remember to get them a few cups of hot chocolate, and then go to bed as soon as you eat them. Let’s do the things for tonight, things here, I believe the Aurors will take care of it."

After seeing that tonight's events were basically over, Mr. Principal, who had ran for nothing, ignored the Aurors who were flocking around and checked the situation. Instead, he waved to the Weasley somewhat dejectedly.

Then, after seeing that the other party was about to take the children away, he didn't care what the Auror and Minister Fudge thought, and walked directly in front of the little girl Annie:

"Hello there……"

"Professor Anne, do you want to go back to Hogwarts with me now?"

"I think I haven't seen each other for so long. When I think about it carefully, it should be almost two years, right? Maybe we can talk about magic for a night?"

Anyway, I’ve been tossing tonight until now, I’m sure I can’t sleep if I go to bed...

Therefore, Dumbledore intends to invite the honorary professor of Hogwarts to return to school and have a good chat... You know, he has benefited from a lot of "advanced" magic knowledge he'borrowed' from Hermione. There are many, so he intends to take this opportunity to find the little girl in front of him and ask those spells and spells that he still can't understand.


∑(??△`)? !

"I don't want to talk to you, a bad old man, in the middle of the night. I want to talk to Miss Hermione and the others, so I don't want to talk to you!!!"



After that, regardless of the other person’s expression of astonishment, Little Annie took two steps forward and walked to Miss Hermione who was about to leave. She directly took the other person’s hand and followed the Mr. Weasley towards this. Walking around outside the burnt camp.

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

What a joke, even if she doesn't go to bed in the middle of the night, her Lord Queen Anne will definitely not waste time chatting with that bad old man Dumbledore! Besides, what does she have to talk about with that terrible old man who has a gap of at least tens of hundreds of years? !

"is it?"

"That's a shame..."

Seeing the other party jumping and joking and leaving, Dumbledore helped his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then he didn't know what he thought of, and even smiled slightly, as if he didn't mind the little girl. That kind of wording that doesn't respect yourself?

‘! ! ’

‘Mr. Minister! ’

"Huh? Hello, Professor Dumbledore..."

‘We caught this house elf from outside, she must have nothing to do with the Dark Mark! correct! Your Excellency, we also seized this magic wand in its hand! ! ’

At this moment, several Aurors seemed to have discovered something. They even brought a female house-elf to Minister Fudge, who had finally recovered his peace. After saluting the Minister and Dumbledore, they gathered together. The magic wand was handed to the two of them and asked for credit.


"Sorry Fudge!"

"I know this magic wand, it is Harry's clutch! And you just heard what Harry and Professor Anne said, I dare to use my name to guarantee: Harry must have nothing to do with the Dark Mark!!"

After speaking, Dumbledore, who knew that this kind of thing was serious, stretched out his hand and snatched the wand and grabbed it in his own hand. It seemed that he was not going to return it to the Ministry of Magic. Up?

"Dumbledore, you are..."

Seeing the other person's appearance, Fudge was suddenly dumbfounded...

Although he didn't quite believe that the little boy would be involved with the Death Eaters or the Dark Mark, but since it was the obtained physical evidence, he should at least let the Ministry of Magic research the wand, right? But it's okay now, the other party actually protects the calf, so he just snatched that important physical evidence?

"It's too cold, it's a big night again, I think... Your Excellency shouldn't mind my old man going back to rest first, right?"

After speaking, no matter what the other person’s thoughts and attitudes were, Dumbledore waved his magic wand and apparated and disappeared completely, leaving only a dumbfounded Minister Fudge and a group of bewildered pride. Luomen.


‘Your Excellency, what shall we do now? ! ’

The material evidence was snatched by Headmaster Dumbledore, and the Auror who had lost all the credit had to look at them in frustration, the Minister who had just dared not say a word.


"Catch her back for a good trial!"

"Others clean up the mess here, and while searching well, we must maintain order here before dawn!!"

After talking Minister Fudge turned and left bitterly.

What can he do now? Could it be possible that he should go to Dumbledore's horrible old man who leaned on his old man and didn't put him in his eyes at all?

Therefore, at the moment, he has no other better way than to let the Aurors quickly clean up the endgame in this Quidditch World Cup camp.

Now, in addition to a big mess in this place organized and administered by their British Ministry of Magic, presumably, at the latest tomorrow, news about their Ministry of Magic’s incompetence and the Dark Devil logo will be circulated in the world of magic, right?

This is great. Today, Fudge was embarrassed and lost all over the world. He doesn't even know what to do tomorrow! !


??|??)???? Hello? Where are the tickets in everyone's hands? ??

Wonderful book house

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