Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 945: ? Not good sir! Our head of state is missing! …

Soon after the high-level meeting held in the tower of the Jedi Temple, the “Second Republic Army” with clones as the main source of force and Jedi Knights as generals was still in the Senator Palpatine and his representatives. Under the joint efforts of the neutral faction of the Republic and the Jedi Knights, which symbolizes the strongest military force and security organization of the Republic, it was voted by the Galaxy Council and passed with a small number of votes, and it was formally established.


The first army of clones from the planet Camino, those hundreds of thousands with almost exactly the same faces, but clones who looked different in age, body shape or hairstyle, were forced to be transported impatiently. Arrived in Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic!

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of the generals served by the Jedi Knights, they gradually took over some of the public security missions on the planet of Coruscant that had been taken over by the Marines of the Heroic Federation in order to maintain order.

In addition to the cloned army, after freezing a considerable part of the assets and factories of the trade alliance, the parliament was able to pass a resolution smoothly and began to tailor a large number of new equipment for the'Second Republic Army'. The prototype and was manufactured, the new Republic assault ship manufactured by the "Rosanna Heavy Engineering" factory.

However, even if the army was reorganized to resist the increasingly powerful "Great Republic Army" with the Supreme Speaker and the Hero Federation as the main body, even if they have a large number of clone soldiers who do not need to be recruited and trained, In the near future, the'Second Republic Army' will definitely not be able to form a certain scale and combat effectiveness.

and so,

Now the stability of the planet Coruscant, and even the territory of the Galactic Republic, still needs to be maintained by the ‘Great Republic Army’ led by the Heroic Federation! And the battles with the warships of the Independent Galaxy Federation that are scurrying around the world and fighting guerrilla warfare are also done by the terrifying'T'-shaped giant ships that have so far been zero casualties. The'Second Republic Army' is in Without producing enough warships and equipment, there is definitely no way to perform any combat missions.

At least, in the next two or three years, the hurriedly established army will not be put in the eyes of anyone for the time being, and the clone army from the planet Kamino, no matter how strong it is, is in terms of output and various externalities. Under conditions, they still have a long way to go.

Similarly, when the Second Republic Army has just begun preparations and formation, many of the Jedi Knights and masters who need to be generals in the Jedi Order are relatively leisurely, so that they can have enough time to stay. Rest or study in their temple, such as the Jedi master named Qugang Jin?

At this time, in a training room in the Jedi Temple, the Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin and the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan were giving special training to a young Anakin who was officially accepted by the elders and became a Jedi apprentice. ...

'what! ! ’


Suddenly, there was a cry of pain, and then some metal product fell to the ground with a crisp abnormal sound.


"I have said that many times, you have to feel it with your heart and let the Force tell you what to do, instead of believing what your eyes see! Otherwise, you may never be a qualified Jedi Knight. !"

Then, when an instrument that emits low-power explosive lasers in suspension successfully broke through Anakin's lightsaber defense within a few strokes, and hit the opponent's body and caused a cry of pain, Kui Gangjin shook. Shaking his head, while waving the floating metal ball away, he sternly reprimanded his apprentice for his poor performance.


"Sorry teacher, I just got distracted..."

After relaxing his body and letting the small lightsaber in his hand dissipate so as not to hurt himself, Anakin bowed his head and only apologized.


"How can you think about other things during training? Well, then you tell me now, what were you thinking about just now?!"

He sighed helplessly and shook his head. Kui Gang?? Jin felt that today’s training would be enough, because if it continues like this, it won’t have much effect. It’s better to spend the rest of the time. Have a chat with your little student?

Now, he finally knew why the elders of the Jedi Council had been reluctant to accept Anakin.

Although the other party’s talent is indeed very high, it is probably the person in the prophecy, but because the other party is too old, there are relatively more distracting thoughts, coupled with years of Tatooine slavery, let him develop some Very bad bad habits...So, in some respects, they are inferior to those apprentices of the same age who, despite their poor talents, have been trained and trained in the Jedi Temple since their infancy. it is good.


"I was just thinking, is it really useful for us to train this kind of'bullet-splitting stupid thing'? That head Anne said many times, and she said that our practice doesn't make much sense, so we can use it to practice reaction. The power is okay. If you change to another weapon during battle, such as a blaster, the effect might be a hundred times better?

Anakin still smashed bullets at the original swinging light blade, and then he was beaten to his head. The red and white Sith warriors who splashed them all have a deep memory!

Of course, there are those more than two hundred Jedi Knights and masters assaulting the independent galaxy federation headquarters, and then being wiped out by the cheap B1 fighters armed with cheap E-5 blasting rifles?


"Anakin, your idea is dangerous..."

Kui Gang?? Jin wanted to reprimand the other person directly, but when he saw that the other apprentice Obi-Wan beside him had some wrong eyes, he had to sigh in his heart and explain again:

"Indeed, if you use firearms or other equipment, the Jedi Knights can indeed gain stronger power..."


"The essence of the Force should not be applied to battle. The fundamental purpose of our Jedi training and training is to better understand and study the Force and the nature of this universe!"

"If you use firearms excessively, it means that you value force too much, you will be overly immersed in violence and power, and you will likely fall into the dark side of the force, and even be enveloped by the dark force. Like my mentor..."

Speaking of his mentor, Earl Dooku, Kui Gang?? Jin couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"and so!"

"Anakin, and Obi-Wan, you must remember that the original intention of the Jedi Knights is definitely not to become stronger, nor to promote and show off their strength! If you can't understand this, you are destined to be unable to Going further on the Jedi journey is also destined to be unable to become an existence like Master Yoda or Master Windu."

If it is said that Kui Gang Jin himself was a bit dissatisfied with the doctrines of the Jedi Temple and the Jedi Knights before, and liked to repeatedly like to deviant, always like to challenge the opinions of the elders of the Jedi Committee, then now, after passing After being imprisoned by his own teacher, and killing countless Jedi Knights and masters on the planet Geonosius, he finally understood something.

Because the power of the Jedi should indeed be restricted and constrained, otherwise, his teacher, the former Jedi Master Dooku who rebelled and messed up the entire Galactic Republic is a lesson for the past! After all, the various abilities of Jedi Knights far exceed those of ordinary people. Once they are used for evil or abuse and put into violence, the damage they can cause is extremely terrifying!

"Yes! The teacher taught me the lesson!"

Obi-Wan did not dare to refute, and quickly bowed his head in response.


Anakin agreed and lowered his head again.

However, even though he agreed on his face, he seemed to disagree in his heart? Otherwise, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he would summon a ferocious little bug from the pile of clothes next to him on the ground, and let it crawl and tease freely on his body.


Seeing that his little apprentice didn't seem to listen to what he said, Kui Gangjin didn't have any good solutions for a while. After all, the other party didn't follow him for long, and the age of becoming a Jedi is indeed a bit old. So, it is normal to have his own ideas, he can only find a way to slowly remedy and adjust later.


"Anakin, I have to remind you of some things..."

"It seems that I can faintly feel some terrible breath from this bug. It is probably not something you can easily control. Therefore, the teacher suggests that you should give it to it as soon as possible. A head of State Anne sent home?"

Before he was ready to leave, looking at the multi-legged bug like a centipede crawling around in Anakin's hand, Kui Gangjin thought about it, then shook his head and sighed and persuaded him to do so. One sentence.

He saw this ‘fun’ little pet of the other party two days ago, and if it weren’t for the little head of Anne’s gift to the other party, he would have sternly shouted and ordered the other party to throw it away or dispose of it! Because the act of domesticating pets shouldn't happen to a Jedi apprentice, even if the object is just a bug!


"Teacher, it listens to me, I don't think it is dangerous at all..."

Little Anakin was a little disapproved of the warning from his teacher, because his pet bug is so small and unlike the big monster like Tatooine's Sharak, how could it be dangerous? ?


"Now the Lord Anne, she is said to have run out with the fleet a few days ago to fight the bad guys of the Independent Galaxy Federation. She is not here on Coruscant now. Even if I think, there is definitely no way to return the gift of."

If, at first, Anakin was a little bit resistant and disliked this little bug named'larva', after he released the opponent from the bottle and touched it for a while, he suddenly changed his attention. , I feel that I like this little bug with a very low intelligence, able to understand most of my words, and at the same time obeying my own commands! Anyway, he thinks this gadget is indeed a good pet?

Therefore, he decided to continue to raise it, and as to whether it will really resemble the magic that the head of Anne once said, he did not take it too seriously, and always thought that it was just the little girl head of head cheating himself. That’s all? As a result, he never told his teacher and brother Obi-Wan about those things.


"Strange! Does she need to fight for a little girl?"

Regarding the whereabouts of the little girl's head of state, Kui Gangjin expressed some small surprises, but...thinking about the opponent's combat power, the magical means and the armor, he nodded clearly.

Although, the little head of Anne of the Hero Federation is really playful and stubborn, but it is undeniable that the opponent’s combat skills and intuition may really be innate, even in the use of supernatural abilities. Is it far better than these Jedi knights? Anyway, if he has understood some rumors of the other party and was saved two lives by the other party, he is definitely not qualified to comment on the other party too much.

"Forget it!"

"Since you like it, keep it for now..."

Kui Gang Jin didn’t insist. Anyway, in his opinion, the little bug is nothing more than a little bug. Although he doesn’t know why the little thing makes him feel faint, but the little bug is Little bugs, at best they will grow into a big bug or pupate and become a flying bug, and they will be up to the sky. How many threats can there be?

Is it possible that such gadgets can grow to the size of a building?

"Thank you, teacher!"

Anakin cheered. Now that Mr. Kui Gangjin has agreed, he can raise it blatantly in the future, and he will no longer be afraid of being pointed out by others or threatened by Senior Brother Obi-Wan to throw it away. !

"But teacher, what should I feed it? It hasn't eaten for several days. It doesn't eat the cooked food I brought back from the cafeteria. I have been worried that it will starve to death..."

Anakin has been a little puzzled about this matter, and he has never found out what kind of species this insect is, so that in the past few days, he has not dared to feed it anything, for fear that the other party will not Be careful of being poisoned?


"Insects generally eat leaves? Of course, there are some exceptions..."

"Can you try to feed it leaves or raw meat?"

Thinking of the fact that he was bitten by the other party when he saw this little bug, Kui Gangjin suddenly felt that maybe the other party was a carnivorous bug?

"But Anakin, here in Coruscant, the free green leaves are hard to find... The teacher can only tell you with regret, I am afraid you can only spend money to find them in the market, I think, there must be it I like to eat leaves or certain meat rations!"

There is no doubt that insects eat either meat or leaves. There are similar insects in the entire galaxy. Of course, it is possible to eat mud? Anyway, after Kui Gangjin thought for a while, he could only tell his pupils such a compromise plan.

If he died by accident, it would be even better. He doesn't have to worry about raising pets for his little apprentice.

"If you don't have money, you can ask Obi Wan for it. He is now a Jedi Knight and can receive a lot of subsidies from the temple every month..."

Having said this, Kui Gangjin remembered something and quickly turned and left.

Because, he suddenly remembered that he didn’t seem to have much money left... and when he was in Tatooine last time, although he still had 20,000 Republic credits, at the moment, he only had less than one. Thousands! Therefore, he must not be able to pay for his pupils to buy the fresh green leaves that are relatively expensive in Coruscant to feed the bugs.


"Wait! Teacher, why should I pay him to raise bugs?!"

Obi-Wan hurriedly exclaimed. However, before he could finish his protest, his teacher had already walked out and closed the door of this training room. It seemed that he had not heard any protest at all?


'report! ’

‘Your Excellency Admiral Nova! Just received a report that the Second Republic Army united with some members of Congress and forcibly entered several nearby galaxies under our control. They also united with local government agencies to expel our soldiers and fleet! ’

In Coruscant’s ‘Great Republic Army’ command, the boring Admiral Nova just sat down in his office, and an officer came here for the first time and reported loudly.


"Huh! I know, they want to, so they will withdraw and give them the planet!!"

Glancing at the report, Nova knew who the forces represented by the planets and galaxies belonged, so apart from a cold snort, she didn't care, and didn't take that kind of thing to heart. .

'what? ’

Obviously, Nova's reaction made the celebrity officer in front of him a bit startled.

"Don't ask too much! Just do what I said!"

Waved, and after signing the report, Nova directly threw the report into the other's arms.

'what? ’


No way, after taking a look at the signed electronic report in his hand, the officer could only turn his head angrily and leave.


Nova narrowed her eyes and leaned comfortably on the back of her seat.

In fact, she already knew what Palpatine wanted, but what the other party wanted was also what she wanted! But now, this Galactic Republic is not chaotic enough, and there are still many opinions against them as outsiders, even within her own ‘speaker’s faction’ system?

Therefore, it is always necessary for more careerists to emerge and disturb the galaxy more chaos, and then she can just intervene in it... At that time, whether it is to clear out dissidents or occupy this galaxy republic in a grand manner, or even Will it become easier for the entire galaxy? After all, they are trying to digest and occupy this galaxy with many races at the lowest cost this time, and they are not using force to conquer this place arbitrarily. Therefore, some things must be patience.

To this end, she also decided:

In a few days, she will move the headquarters of the'Great Republic Army' to Naboo, where the environment is better and farther away, and let this planet of Coruscant be used by the careerists to jump around and let those guys' Ambitions swell faster and bigger, and then she can completely let go of her actions?

However, in Nova's view, even if she indulges in no matter how much she indulges, but there is no time for three or two years, those guys will definitely not be able to become a climate!

Thinking about the long wait, she couldn't help but complain!

But it doesn't matter, staying in this world for ten or eight years is not a big deal for the current Nova! After all, the biotechnology development in the current star area is extremely rapid, and the life span of their human race has long been not at the level of a hundred years of ordinary people.

'report! ’

Another officer came in.


‘It was discovered that the large fleet of the Independent Galaxy Federation gathered in the Irinim Galaxy, and the current fleet size exceeds 10,000! ’


"Go! Let our Prince Valenrian Mengsk lead the fleet to defeat the enemy. Didn't he say that I have been suppressing his former prince and not let him lead the army? Now, his opportunity is here, let him Go!"

Hearing that it turned out to be the independent galaxy federation who didn't recognize it was jumping out again, Nova frowned, and quickly issued the order.


‘Your Excellency! General Valenrian Mengsk’s command style tends to be defensive and stable. I am afraid it will be difficult to wipe out the enemy...’

At this time, another senior staff officer who followed in to report, suddenly whispered to Nova in the command office.

"That's right!"

"Humph! It's not long since the show has just begun, how could it be so easy to make the guys of the Independent Galaxy Federation despair so fast?"

"Go! Let the guy Valenrian Mengsk take charge, leading three thousand battleships is almost enough to defeat the enemy!"

For those enemy fleets that are mostly armed merchant ships, Nova did not give too much thought. The independent galaxy federation that stirred the troubles of the galaxy must not be able to organize a fleet that could threaten them in a short time. , So she is not too worried.

'Yes! Sir! I understand! ’


The officers nodded, then quickly turned and walked out.

'report! ’

But soon, another new officer hurried in.



Nova is a little impatient, she feels a little strange, why are there so many things today, and they are all things that need to be dealt with by themselves?

‘Report sir! ’

'The captain of the Phantom Crisis ahead sent a top-secret message, saying that... Our Lord Anne has disappeared again. They can't contact her at all, and they can't detect any signal of her existence, so I hope you Give the necessary instructions? ’

Obviously, it was not without reason that the officer's expression was a little worried and apprehensive. After all, the kind of thing that their head of state had disappeared was not a trivial matter! Once the head of state really has something wrong under the protection of their fleet, none of them can think about it, at least the future of this life will be ruined!


"Didn't she say that she is going to see the monkeys and the sea of ​​trees on the planet Kashik, and she is going to see the angels on the main satellites of Jego and Milius?"

Nova froze for a moment, and then asked subconsciously.

‘Back to sir! ’

‘The Phantom Crisis has been to the planet Kashik and the main moons of Jego and Milius! According to the report of the captain of the Phantom, the head of state seems to have disappeared in the VIP room for no reason while on the flight of the battleship? ! ’

Thinking of the description of the report that he had read in his hand, the officer in charge of the contact was also a little dumbfounded, because he himself couldn’t figure out how their little head of state Anne was moving in a new-style ship. Not seen in the cabin of the battleship.


Nova didn't rush to speak, but frowned and began to feel something carefully.

Soon, when she discovered that the if there was no contractual connection in her body still clearly existed, she quickly relaxed again.

"go with!"

"Order the Phantom Crisis to come back, no need to find it! After returning, the warship will be directly assigned to the task force, as my flagship, ready to set sail to Naboo!"

Nova, who probably understood the situation and breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly felt that her flagship would finally come back and belong to her again.

'what? ’

‘But sir! What should you do with the missing head of state, don’t we look for it? ! ’

The officer was a little anxious. He didn't know what their admiral was thinking, so he couldn't help asking directly.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"What are you looking for? It's not the first time she has disappeared. I'm not in a hurry. What are you talking about again?!"

Nova waved to the adjutant impatiently.


"I will report this matter directly to the constellation, go out and execute the order!"

For a little girl who doesn't know which world to go to with a certain sex, what else can they do besides reporting to the stars?

Regardless of the fact that their star area is now technologically advanced and still has an almost infinite army, they have a powerful enough to invade any new plane world in an instant... But if they are asked to find the little head of state who never knows where it will be If so, it is really an absolutely impossible task.

After all, they are still very strange to different planes and worlds, and they have nothing to do except passively accept the call of their head of state.


No way, the officer could only accept it and turned away.


Nova pondered, thinking that Coruscant’s layout should be almost the same here, so after thinking about it, she decided:


Just move your command and fleet to Naboo tomorrow, and have a good tea and chat with her old friend Serendis, if that guy can drink it? Then, wait for three or two years to see if things develop according to their plan.

Of course, even if they don't follow the trajectory they calculated, they will try to push those careerists to do that!


Some self-righteous guys really think that their ghost troops are a decoration, do you know who is behind the attack on their little head? !


"What an unpleasant day..."

Nova stretched and She suddenly felt that if she herself could be like the little head of theirs, she could wander or play happily in various planes freely. , That could not be better!

It's a pity that she can just think about that kind of thing. After all, her Nova's power is still a little far behind their little head of state?

It may be about the same, probably as far as the radius of the entire galaxy or the radius of the universe...


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

Wonderful book house

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