Grandma is the only child of your mother. Everything about grandma and grandpa is yours.

This... Mu Qing really hadn't thought about it.

Chapter 79

Grandpa's illness

Mu Qing felt that her life was pretty good now.

And, most importantly, if she stayed in her hometown, Zhou Tianze would be able to find her as soon as she came back.

If she leaves with her grandmother.

First, the unfamiliar need to adapt.

Second, she is still pregnant, and she doesn't know if she will be able to take care of her two children in the future.

Third, at this time, it is in the darkness before dawn, and every move will come at any time, and no one can be alone.

Although she also cherishes her relatives, she has to think a lot.

Seeing that Mu Qing hesitated, grandma continued.

Xiaoqing, your grandfather doesn't know if he can survive this year, so go back with your grandma to see him.

Even if it's one of his wishes.

And your stomach. You are twins. The medical environment here is too poor to fully guarantee your safety.

Grandma... Grandma doesn't want to... After grandma said, her voice was choked up a bit, and she couldn't continue.

Seeing that the old man was sad, Mu Qing said quickly.

Grandma...Then let's go back to see Grandpa first, let's not think about the Anjia thing first?

As a descendant, the old man is in critical condition, she should go to see it.

Mu Qing thought about it and asked her grandmother again.

Grandma, what is Grandpa's illness? How sick is it?

Mu Qing thought, Kong Hongbo's medical skills are good, maybe he can do something!

Although she has been studying with Zhou Tianhui, she has never thought about taking up this profession.

Because she really didn't want to.

Still, she's more than happy to learn to prevent emergencies.

Your grandfather has diabetes. When I came out, his body was already very bad, and his vision was blurred.

Diabetes? Mu Qing asked with confirmation.

Isn't there insulin to treat that? Mu Qing continued.

She remembered that the information found on the computer showed that insulin had been invented.

Yes, but there are too few in the country, and it's not enough at all. Grandma Qiao said here, shaking her head involuntarily.

When Mu Qing heard this, she thought:

It seemed that he had to go with him.

It doesn't matter if there is less insulin, anyway, her space can be replicated and supplied indefinitely.

Moreover, in order to deal with the disease, she bought all the medicines through special means.

Mu Qing can guarantee that the medicines in the hospital may not be as complete as hers.

However, to control diabetes, not only need to take medicine, but also need good living habits and diet.

The convalescent effect of traditional Chinese medicine in this respect is much healthier than that of western medicine.

Mu Qing thought, she could ask Kong Hongbo for help.

So, Mu Qing said decisively to her grandmother: Grandma, diabetes requires not only medication, but also a reasonable structure of diet.

Traditional Chinese medicine for health preservation, we may also try it.

In terms of medication, Mu Qing still felt that she needed to be cautious.

Although there are a lot of medicines in her space, she doesn't dare to mix them at will.

Traditional Chinese medicine? Grandma Qiao couldn't help but stunned.

These days, few Chinese medicine practitioners dare to come out to treat patients.

Grandma, we might try it. Mu Qing suggested.

In this case, she just happened to ask Kong Hongbo some drug contraindications in this regard.

But, where do we go to find a Chinese doctor here? Grandma asked.

Grandma, as long as you agree, you can have it right away.

Mu Qing's eyes flashed with confidence.

Grandma Qiao looked at it, and the point in her heart was not at ease, and it disappeared instantly.

Really? Where? Grandma Joe asked.

I'll take you there when the time is right.

Mu Qing said and stood up.

She called Zhou Tianhui and fished a watermelon from the well.

Then, after taking some delicious food from home, we went to Kong Hongbo's cowshed together.

When Kong Hongbo heard the movement, he came out to see people, and when he saw them, he asked with a smile.

It's not that there are guests today, so why don't you come? Why are you here again?

Grandpa Kong. We are looking for you for something.

Mu Qing said something in Kong Hongbo's direction.

He took Grandma Qiao and followed Zhou Tianhui to the bullpen.

When we got to the cowshed, the light was much brighter.

Kong Hongbo looked at the watermelon in Zhou Tianhui's hand and laughed.

It's hot today, but it's hard for you to still think of me.

As he said that, he was about to step forward, but after his eyes met the old man beside Mu Qing, the expression on his face changed.

Qiao Yueye!

Kong Hongbo!

why you?

How will you be here?

The voices of the two of them sounded almost in sync.

Chapter 80


Hongbo and grandma are childhood sweethearts

Mu Qing listened to their increasingly surprised voices, and the expression on her face also followed.

Grandma, Grandpa Kong, you two know each other.

Haha... Kong Hongbo heard this. He patted his thigh and laughed.

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