Zhou Tianhui specially pulled a watermelon from the well in the yard.

This watermelon was brought back by Mu Qing a few days ago. They have been busy and haven't had time to eat it.

On this big summer night, a well chilled watermelon will definitely taste wonderful.

Zhou Tianhui brought the cut watermelon out of the kitchen.

Sister-in-law...that...grandmother Qiao, eat watermelon.

In the face of Grandma Qiao, Zhou Tianhui was a little embarrassed.

Mu Qing glanced at the watermelon and said, Tianhui, we can't eat so much. You can bring more to Dad and his old man.

It's hot in this day. He goes to the ground to live during the day. He eats some watermelon to clear away heat and detoxify. It's just right.

Sister-in-law, don't worry, the watermelon is reserved for Dad! I'll go and deliver it to him.

After Zhou Tianhui finished speaking, she turned around and entered the kitchen.

Mu Qing reached out and took a beautiful piece of watermelon seeds and handed it to her grandmother.

Grandma, the weather is hot and I have been tossing around for so long during the day. Let's eat a piece of watermelon first to reduce the fire.

I heard that this watermelon is a sandy watermelon. It will taste even sweeter.

Okay. Grandma Qiao reached out and took the watermelon.

She looked at Mu Qing's eyes, full of love.

During the day, there was a lot of chaos, and she still had a lot of things she didn't have time to tell Mu Qing.

Now that it was quiet, Grandma Qiao's desire to talk became stronger.

Xiaoqing... Grandma Qiao said, her voice trembled halfway, and the sadness in her heart couldn't help but come out.

Seeing this, Mu Qing hurriedly reached out to hold Grandma Qiao's hand and squeezed it tightly, conveying the warmth of her palm.

Grandma... Mu Qing called out seriously, with a tenacious and sunny smile on her face.

You haven't already found me, don't worry.

You saw it today too, I'm doing fine, no one bullies me.

My love, sister-in-law, and father-in-law, they are all very kind to me.

And don't worry, I've grown up and will protect myself.

When Grandma Qiao listened to Mu Qing's words, she felt even more self-blame in her heart.

Xiaoqing, just like the Mu family, how much hardship did you endure to get to where you are today!

Grandma Joe's voice was trembling, her cloudy eyes were misty.

She felt that she was incapable of making her granddaughter suffer.

And what's even more unforgivable is that she also admitted the wrong person.

But on that day, if she said two more words to Mu Qing, she would not be deceived.

However, she never imagined that the timid and stupid daughter mentioned in Mu Zhengxin's letter would be so enthusiastic about sunshine.

She is also married and has a family of her own, and in the future, she will soon be able to have her own children.

Grandma, it's all over, we won't mention it again.

Mu Qing calmed down.

And you see, the Mu family has already been punished.

Mu Xue has been divorced, and the Mu family must also receive ideological education.

When Grandma Qiao heard this, her face instantly became angry.

Education! It's cheaper for them.

In my opinion, we should arrest them all and walk around the streets every day.

Heh. Mu Qing laughed lightly when she heard Grandma Qiao vent.

If she can vent it out, it means that her grandmother has already given this matter in her heart.

Grandma, what you said is. Mu Qing echoed.

However, since we are in the countryside, we are not as strict as the city, so we can only deal with it like this.

However, if after this incident, they can't teach a lesson, Captain Wang will not let them go.

Well, that's good. Grandma Qiao patted Mu Qing's hand, and a smile appeared on the old face.

By the way, grandma, this is what I wore on my neck since I was a child.

This is your grandma, you and your mother, is there a photo of your grandfather?

As Mu Qing said, she took out the small necklace with the photo on her neck.

She opened the photo, which contained a small photo of Mu Qing's mother and a middle-aged couple.

This necklace, because it was not very valuable, and Mu Qing had been hanging on her neck, it was not taken away by Mu Xue and the others.

When Grandma Qiao saw the small photo in the necklace, her eyes were blurred with tears again.

She raised her hand, stroked the photo lightly, and said in a hoarse voice, That was your mother's high school graduation. Your grandfather and I accompanied your mother and took the photo at the school gate.

Your mother was smart since she was a child. At that time, we wanted to send her to study abroad so that she could contribute to the country when she came back.

But later, something happened to your mother, and there was no news. We searched for more than 20 years and couldn't find it.

Grandma Qiao's voice paused, as if adjusting her emotions.

When she looked up again, her sad and sad face was full of comfort.

Luckily you're here.

Xiaoqing, grandma can't stay here too long. Your grandfather is not in good health. I have to rush back to take care of him.

You... can you go back with grandma and see your grandfather.

If you can, grandma wants you to go back and settle down in the city.

In this way, it is good for your future and the child in your belly.

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