His face was not very good-looking.

Seeing this, Mu Qing immediately went up to ask.

Brother Zhou, what's the matter? Your face is so ugly?

Didn't you find a job?

It doesn't matter if you don't find a job, I can go down to the ground with you to earn work points.

Have you eaten yet? I'll go and cook for you.

Mu Qing said, and was about to get up.

However, as soon as her body came together, Zhou Tianze pulled her into his arms by his wrist.

Zhou Tianze hugged Mu Qing tightly for a long time before letting go.

His eyes were full of apology.

Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I may not be able to stay at home with you.

When Mu Qing heard this, her heart sank with a thud.

It seems that Zhou Tianze is still leaving.

Mu Qing didn't speak, she looked at Zhou Tianze and waited for the next paragraph.

I just heard Zhou Tianze continue: I met a political commissar who came to me in the county town today, and he wanted me to go back.

My application for discharge from the army was not approved by the chief. If I don't go back, I will be a deserter.

Also, they have a fight that needs me now.

Daughter-in-law, I'm leaving at noon tomorrow at the latest.

So fast! Mu Qing's voice was sour.

Although, she had long known that he would return to his piece of sky.

However, in just over a month of getting along, she was very reluctant.

Then I'll make something delicious for you, and you can take it on the road tomorrow.

As Mu Qing said, she was about to struggle to get up.

Daughter-in-law. Zhou Tianze continued to hug Mu Qing tightly.

A maximum of one year. When it settles down, I will report to you to join the army.

If I can't come back...

Bah! Mu Qing hurriedly pooh when she heard this.

My brother Zhou, you won't be so unlucky! Mu Qing said, cupping Zhou Tianze's face with both hands.

She looked at him and said with great conviction, We will be together and welcome the rising sun together.

Brother Zhou, stand your ground, remember your responsibilities as a soldier, and don't get involved in other political matters, you know?

This is Mu Qing's advice to Zhou Tianze.

In the next two or three years, the movement will be very big!

If Zhou Tianze left, she would have to prepare in advance for her future rise.

Daughter-in-law, I will remember what you said. Zhou Tianze nodded.

However, I already ate with my comrades at night.

Look, I'm leaving tomorrow. Daughter-in-law, can you put on your pajamas tonight and take the initiative.

Zhou Tianze said, his hands started to move around.

This made Mu Qing both angry and funny.

This man, he will never forget to eat when the time comes.

Chapter 56

Koi daughter-in-law is busy for me

Probably because he was leaving soon, Zhou Tianze worked extra hard that night.

It wasn't until the sound of jing came from outside that he hugged Mu Qing and fell asleep.

Mu Qing qiáng supported her divine power, and when Zhou Tianze fell asleep, she crawled up stealthily.

I made myself two dextrose, and then took a small ginseng to bite, and went to the kitchen.

She tried her best to keep her movements light and closed the kitchen door, so as not to wake Zhou Shuisheng and Zhou Tianhui.

Then, she made a fire, steamed steamed buns and boiled tea eggs.

By the way, I cooked all the bacon and salted fish in the kitchen for Zhou Tianze, so that he could take it to eat on the road.

After all this was done, Mu Qing left a note in the kitchen and sneaked away on the bicycle in the yard.

She wanted to go to the city before noon and find an excuse to bring more useful things for Zhou Tianze.

For example, bulletproof vests that protect life will be used on the battlefield.

Daily necessities like shirts and shorts.

There are also gān grains such as beef gān.

These things, she couldn't change them out of thin air, she could only go to the city.

However, after working all night, Mu Qing felt a little overwhelmed.

She was riding a bicycle, and before the sky was completely bright, she painted herself an ugly makeup.

Then, she put on the big flower patched clothes that the village women must have, and when she went out, it was guaranteed that no one would be able to recognize it.

Mu Qing went to the county seat, and after figuring out where these things might be purchased, she left.

However, the burlap pocket on the back of her bicycle was getting more and more bulging.

When the time was almost up, Mu Qing rushed home from the county town with a bag full of things.

During this period of time, she changed her makeup several times, so that people would not recognize her at all.

When Mu Qing returned home, a military jeep had been parked in front of their house.

Seeing this, Mu Qing ran towards the house faster.

As soon as Mu Qing entered the courtyard, Zhou Tianhui rushed up.

Sister-in-law, where have you been in the morning?

Look at how disgraced you are, it scares me to death.

I'm fine. Mu Qing stabilized her emotions and patted Zhou Tianhui on the shoulder.

Then, she continued: Remove the things on the bicycle. It's all for your brother. I'll go wash my face first, and I'll come out right away.

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