Mu Qing said, smiled at everyone in the living room, and went to clean up herself.

After a while, Mu Qing changed into a clean clothes and came out, and her whole body was dressed like a lotus flower.

Her brother Zhou is leaving today, so of course she will send him off in the best possible way.

When Mu Qing arrived in the living room, Zhou Tianze immediately stood up.

He came to Mu Qing's side, and then solemnly introduced his comrades and leaders to her.

Daughter-in-law, this is Xu Xiangyang, the political commissar of our army, and these two are my comrades-in-arms.

Hello. Mu Qing said hello.

In the future, I will trouble you to take care of my brother Zhou.

Comrade Xiaomu, your ideological awareness is very high. It is his blessing for Zhou Tianze to marry you.

But don't worry, Comrade Zhou Tianze's fighting power is very strong, and no one will want to meet him.

Xu Xiangyang's humorous tone lightened the melancholy of the impending separation a lot.

Mu Qing couldn't help but laughed.

They didn't talk much about topics, and with Mu Qing's appearance, they talked even less.

After a while, Xu Xiangyang looked at his watch and said, Zhou Tianze, chat with Comrade Xiaomu for a while. We will wait for you in the car. We will leave in an hour.

After Xu Xiangyang finished speaking, he walked out with two soldiers.

Mu Qing knew that they were giving the couple some alone time.

Therefore, she did not refuse.

Mu Qing dragged Zhou Tianze to the linen pocket she brought back.

Then, he took out the things one by one, and put them into his luggage while introducing them.

Brother Zhou, this is ginseng. If you get tired in the future, just eat a little bit.

This is the sealed beef in sauce, you have to remember to eat it. I'll send it to you if you're done eating.

This is a new shirt, shorts, socks... Except in front of me, it can't be seen in front of others, nor in front of my comrades.

This is a powder for hemostasis and anti-inflammatory, this is an antipyretic drug, and this is a supplement for physical strength. You should hide it and not show it to others, otherwise it will be difficult to explain the source.

And this, you must wear it on the battlefield. I heard that it is a body armor, which can block bullets. You should not show it to others.

And this, the dagger, the knife, although it looks ugly, it's better than the average quality...

Mu Qing counted one by one, but Zhou Tianze was surprised to hear it.

Daughter-in-law, are you doing these things early this morning?

Yes, I hope we can meet countless times in the future, countless times.

Mu Qing looked at Zhou Tianze seriously and affectionately.

Daughter-in-law, you've worked hard. Zhou Tianze was moved, and reached out and hugged Mu Qing tightly into his arms.

Other than that, he couldn't find any better way or words to thank him.

Chapter 57

possibly pregnant

Brother Zhou... Mu Qing raised her hand and put her arms around Zhou Tianze's waist.

Remember to write to me when you get there.

I'll be at home and take care of Dad and Tianhui.

Daughter-in-law. Zhou Tianze put his arms around Mu Qing's waist and tried harder.

What do you take care of them, they take care of you more or less. Zhou Tianze retorted for Mu Qing.

You just need to take care of yourself, be careful of Sun Yingzhuo and the Mu family.

On my uncle's side, you don't have to be polite.

Also, I've already said hello to Captain Wang. You can ask him for help in the future if you have anything. Don't take a loss without saying anything, you know?

I know, I won't suffer...

The two were tired in the room for a while before they came out.

Here, Zhou Tianhui had already wrapped all the steamed buns, jī eggs, and salted fish that Mu Xue steamed in the morning.

A big bag full.

Mu Qing sent Zhou Tianze to the front of the jeep.

Because it was noon, there were already many villagers watching the fun.

Zhou Tianze turned around and his eyes fell on Mu Qing.

He restrained the emotions in his eyes, serious and serious;

Comrade Mu Qing, take care of yourself.

Comrade Zhou... May you be protected wherever you go, and the red flag in your hand will illuminate the land of China.

Comrade Xiao Mu, what you said is really nice.

Xu Xiangyang, who was still sitting in the car, couldn't help but praise.

Then, he teased again: Zhou Tianze, the good luck of your unfortunate bastard, I am afraid that it is only used for marrying a wife!

That's it. Zhou Tianze proudly opened the car door and sat up.

The sound of the jeep's engine sounded, and Zhou Tianze's gaze on Mu Qing was getting farther and farther.

Mu Qing smiled and watched Zhou Tianze go away, the curvature of the corner of her mouth was always upward...

Up, looking forward to their next meeting...

Zhou Tianhui came to Mu Qing's side, and said comfortably, Sister-in-law, my eldest brother has been very good since he was a child, you don't have to worry.

Also, although my eldest brother is gone, my dad and I will take care of you.

Well, let's go back. Mu Qing looked at it for a while, then retracted her gaze and said.

However, as soon as she turned around, she felt dizzy.

Eyes darkened.

Zhou Tianhui was startled, and quickly reached out to support her.

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