Chapter 443

who wants to hurt

Here, Mu Qing and the others were on a plane and returned home slowly.

However, there was chaos on Catherine's side.

Although Mu Qing had left her a letter of farewell, the existence of that group of black people still made Catherine suspicious.

She was worried that her poor Mu would be kidnapped by the black people, and then lost in some corner.

If so, she would be really sad.

At the same time, the people from other countries who were waiting to have a relationship with Mu Qing were also very unhappy.

They...they're waiting in line!

Mu Qing never thought that his secret return this time would bring a group of foreigners to his country.

Of course, this is another story!

Here, Mu Qing and their plane stopped once to refuel, and then flew back directly.

Mu Qing and the others just got off the plane when Jiang Yansong came.

Seeing Jiang Yansong in the distance, Mu Qing quickly ran over happily.

Grandpa! Grandpa...

Hearing Mu Qing's shout, Jiang Yansong hurriedly raised his hand and waved it.

Hey, girl! Grandpa is here!

Mu Qing speeded up to Jiang Yansong, she excitedly stretched out her hands and grabbed her grandfather's hand.

Grandpa, why are you here?

Mu Qing asked happily, the joy on her face was like a flower under the rising sun!

Grandpa came to pick you up specially! Jiang Yansong smiled.

Specially to pick me up? Mu Qing couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

Grandpa, you don't specialize in this, will you come to pick me up?

Did Grandpa specialize in this, but who told my eldest granddaughter to be here?

Grandpa hasn't seen you for a long time. I don't want you anymore, so I specially took over the task of reception.

Congratulations to our little champion returning home, grandpa is proud of you!

Jiang Yansong said, and gave Mu Qing a salute.

Grandpa! Mu Qing shouted, and hurriedly gave Jiang Yansong a salute.

The grandfather and grandson looked at each other and smiled, without saying a thousand words.

Mu Qing greeted Teacher Luo and the others, and left with Jiang Yansong.

While sitting in the car, Jiang Yansong patted Mu Qing's hand and started talking.

Ms. Catherine, but called early.

Go back later, you have to give someone a safe call, don't worry her.

Also, girl, your luck is really good.

Jiang Yansong's sigh instantly aroused Mu Qing's curiosity.

Grandpa, what's wrong?

Listening to you, as if something bad happened after I left?

It's true that something bad happened. Jiang Yansong nodded.

Girl, did you know that just after you left in the morning, a group of black gangsters came to the hotel door to squat.

If you didn't leave early that day, if you went to the jiāo Liu meeting that day, you might have been kidnapped by them.

There's actually such a thing! Mu Qing frowned.

According to the testimony of black people, it is not white people who hire them, but people from our country.

It seems that someone can't stand it and wants to do something to you.

As soon as Jiang Yansong finished speaking, Chen Siyuan who was in front of him immediately spoke up.

Sister Mu Qing, you don't know that there are people who put medicines that are easy to induce heart disease in Mr. Jiang's water glass.

Fortunately, the old man is in good health and his heart disease is under control. Otherwise, I'm afraid...

Chen Siyuan didn't say any more, but Mu Qing had already seen the result.

Chapter 444


This result is really vicious!

If she hadn't given her grandfather medicine at the beginning, then her grandfather would have been more fortunate this time!

When Mu Qing thought of this, her face suddenly turned ugly.

Jiang Yansong saw Mu Qing's expression changed, and immediately scolded Chen Siyuan in front of her.

Siyuan, why is it as serious as you said?

Look you scared the girl.

Girl, don't listen to Siyuan's exaggeration. Grandpa, I have nothing to do?

Grandpa. Mu Qing raised her hand and took her grandfather's hand.

Grandpa, who is the person who administered the medicine? Are there any clues?

Mu Qing asked with a serious face.

There were too many people entering and leaving that day, and we are still investigating! Jiang Yansong replied.

Girl, you don't have to worry too much. Grandpa has people around him and knows how to protect himself.

It's you, you are our golden knot now, you have to pay attention to safety.

Grandpa, don't worry! I have practiced with Tian Ze. I can use any kind of pistol, machine gun and grenade.

It seems that our girl has learned a lot of self-protection skills, so Grandpa will be relieved a lot.

Jiang Yansong sighed with a smile and let out a voice.

Grandpa, you

Don't worry, I will protect myself.

Well, grandpa believes you. Jiang Yansong nodded.

Then let's go back quickly. Your grandparents and three little guys are waiting for you to go back.

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