Mu Qing was very satisfied with Catherine's response.

Because at least it means that the gift she gave is the right one.

Mu Qing explained to Catherine the usage of each item one by one.

This is a toner. Gently pat her on the face until it is completely absorbed.

This is a body lotion, the same sample was slapped on the face...

This is jīng Huaye...

And then, this is foundation...

Finally, the makeup is done.

Catherine was stunned when she heard Mu Qing's words.

She originally thought that her face was turned upside down every day, and it was already cumbersome enough.

But I didn't expect that Mu Qing would have something more complicated than her.

Catherine sounded a little dizzy.

she asked directly.

Honey, baby, can you put makeup on for me?

I can't wait to see how it works.

Okay, wait a moment. Mu Qing said and entered the room.

Because Bai Ping was also in the room.

If you want to invite Catherine in, the best thing is to call Bai Ping out.

This way, it is more convenient.

Bai Ping went to Teacher Luo's room next door, and then Mu Qing invited Catherine in.

Then, Mu Qing manipulated Catherine on the spot and painted her a makeup that conforms to foreign aesthetics.

Catherine looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't believe it.

She held her face and spoke in surprise.

Yeah! Who is the beauty in this mirror?

Mu, is this me?

I feel like I've never been this beautiful, I feel like I'm back to being eighteen.

This is really beautiful, like a beautiful work of art.

My God, if Smith sees me, it's going to be a hoot tonight.

After listening to Catherine's explicit words, Mu Qing quickly covered her smile.

Foreigners are direct.

Catherine, you are very charming, as long as you dress up a little, you will become particularly beautiful. Mu Qing praised.

Mu, you are really good at talking. I found that I like you more and more, and I like you very much.

Catherine expressed her emotions excitedly.

I like you too, Catherine.

The two said, another intimate hug.

Mu Qing sent Catherine out.

As soon as Catherine left, Teacher Luo and the others who heard the movement came to the door immediately.

The potter asked with special concern, Ms. Mu, when I saw Ms. Catherine through the crack of the door just now, she seemed very happy.

Can you tell me why this is?

The potter asked, feeling a little nervous.

Mu Qing knew what the potter was concerned about. He was sure that she was afraid that she would agree to Catherine's retention, so let's stay.

Mu Qing explained patiently, Ms. Catherine has helped us a lot.

Aren't we going to leave soon, so I gave her a set of makeup.

She likes this makeup very much, so she was very happy when she left.

That's what happened!

After listening to Mu Qing's explanation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost, they thought that Mu Qing was going to be pried away by others!

The cosmetics are good, the cosmetics are good! Mr. Luo patted his chest and couldn't help feeling for a while.

This Mu Qing was his student. If something happened to her, then he, the teacher, would be to blame.

After Mu Qing gave them a positive answer, they returned to their room with confidence.

Two days later, the potter brought them to Mu Qing's room.

The potter told Mu Qing, Mr. Mu, the plane will arrive tomorrow morning.

You pack up your things and don't go out again tomorrow.

Early tomorrow morning, a car will pick us up to take us to the plane.

Okay. Mu Qing completely agreed.

That night, Mu Qing wrote a farewell letter to Ms. Catherine in front of Bai Ping.

Then the next morning, they packed up and left immediately.

Not long after they left, a group of black gangsters squatted in front of the hotel.

Their target is Mu Qing.

He just wanted to keep Mu Qing on this foreign land forever.

It's just that they squatted for a long time, and instead of waiting for Mu Qing to click out, they waited for Ms. Catherine who came to look for Mu Qing.

Catherine found her farewell letter in Mu Qing's room.

She left the hotel in despair, but found the group of black gangsters.

Catherine's eyes were sharp, she immediately pointed her finger in their direction, and ordered the entourage behind her.

Catch those sneaky niggas!

Negroes were caught, and under the torture of Catherine, they told the truth.

There were people in the country who wanted Mu Qing's life, and they were in contact with a huáng person.

Just wait until Catherine they follow

When he was looking for clues, the huáng people had already fled after hearing the news.

Catherine immediately called the ambassador to China.

Let them call her as soon as they have news of Mu Qing!

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