He turned around and took off Zhou Tianze's crutches and took out the meat buns and donkey meat they had just bought.

Grandma, you can take these food.

We still have things to do, so let's go first.

Afraid that the grandmother would refuse, Mu Qing put the things into the hands of the grandmother, and immediately turned to leave.

However, as soon as the two of them left, there was a dong sound behind them, but it was the grandmother who knelt down directly for them.

Mu Qing was taken aback by the grandmother's actions and immediately stepped forward to help her.

But the grandmother didn't get up.

She grabbed Mu Qing's hand tightly.

Daughter, grandma, thank you.

This, you take this, don't let it go.

The old grandmother choked and said, and stuffed a small jewelry box into Mu Qing's hands.

You take it away, this is useless to me, it will only harm me.

You're a good-hearted boy, here it is.

Mu Qing listened to the grandmother's words and nodded.

Okay, I want it. Grandma, get up.

Seeing that Mu Qing had collected the things, the grandmother immediately waved her hand to urge them to leave.

Let's go quickly, don't let people see, let's go.

Well, bye grandma.

Mu Qing looked at the grandmother again, then turned around and left with Zhou Tianze.

She pretended to throw the small jewelry into the bag, but she actually put it into the space.

She opened the small jewelry box in the space, and the bright colors inside almost blinded her.

Inside are gold-encrusted rings, earrings, and necklaces.

And the quality of the jade is very good at first glance, and it can be worth a lot of money.

Mu Qing looked at these things, and suddenly felt that the grandmother lost a lot.

She suddenly pulled Zhou Tianze's sleeve.

Brother Zhou, wait for me under that tree. I still have a little way to reduce the fever. I didn't tell my grandma.

After Mu Qing finished speaking, she pushed Zhou Tianze and walked back again.

Zhou Tianze waited under the tree, and after a while, Mu Qing walked out.

She stepped forward, Brother Zhou, let's go back. I'll make dumplings for you tonight.

Okay, let's eat dumplings tonight.

The old grandmother in the broken house looked at a bag of white noodles, a bag of cornmeal, and a few bacon sausages in her hands.

It was too late to be moved, so I hurriedly found a place to hide.

Later, she fed the old man boiled water every two hours, and at night, the fever subsided.

She excitedly thanked Mu Qing several times, and by the way, told her wife who woke up about Mu Qing's kindness.

Chapter 20

Mu Xue and Sun Yingzhuo are still on good terms

Mu Qing followed Zhou Tianze around the county town again, familiarizing himself with the road conditions.

At noon, the two of them went to the State-run Hotel for dinner.

Then pack a lot more.

Finally, in the afternoon, they went to the city gate to meet Feng Shengli.

As for the things they bought in the department store, the manager sent them to the tractor Feng Shengli.

When Feng Shengli saw Zhou Tianze and Mu Qing come back, he waved his hands very excitedly.

The voice was full of envy and said: Brother Zhou, yes, I am afraid that it is the only one in our village who buys so many things.

Zhou Tianze didn't take Feng Shengli's words, but said, Have you eaten lunch? I brought you five meat buns!

Feng Shengli reached out and took it, his face full of joy: My brother Zhou is very atmospheric, I haven't smelled the fragrance of meat for many days.

Don't worry, I'll drive slowly when I go back, I'm sure I won't give you something that bumps a little bit.

The voice of Tu Tu Tu sounded, and Mu Qing followed Zhou Tianze back home.

The sound of the tractor came to the door, and Zhou Shuisheng and Zhou Tianhui immediately ran out.

I happily put the things on the tractor down, and I was not unhappy at all.

After unloading things and taking the money, Feng Shengli congratulated Mu Qing and Zhou Tianze.

I wish you two newcomers, grow old, have a good relationship for a hundred years, and have a precious son early.

After speaking, Feng Shengli drove the tractor away.

Everything was moved to Zhou Tianze's room, and the room was full.

Zhou Tianhui stood aside with unstoppable envy in her eyes.

She came to Mu Qing's side, Sister-in-law, my brother really wants to live with you.

Whatever you want in the future, just tell us, as long as we have it, we will give it to you.

It's you, don't despise my brother.

When Zhou Tianhui said this, her tone couldn't help but worry.

Tianhui, don't worry, I also want to live with your brother sincerely. Mu Qing said aloud.

Zhou Tianhui breathed a sigh of relief.

She quietly pulled Mu Qing's sleeve and whispered, Sister-in-law, something happened to the Mu family.

Huh? Mu Qing expressed curiosity.

What happened?

Mu Qing asked, and she couldn't help thinking:

Could it be that the Mu family made a fuss about the lost money?

If that's the case, she wouldn't mind holding the IOU

It's settled at the door.

Your cousin has an affair with Sun Zhiqing. Zhou Tianhui whispered in Mu Qing's ear.

When did it happen? Mu Qing was surprised.

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