Why didn't you buy it? You bought the tickets, and I don't have a second one.

Zhou Tianze smiled, reached out to take the watch, and put it in Mu Qing's hand.

Bring it to me, Comrade Mu Qing.

It's cheaper for you. Mu Qing glanced at Zhou Tianze, but still helped him put it on.

Then, Zhou Tianze put the ladies watch he just bought on Mu Qing's wrist.

In this way, they are a couple.

Afterwards, they went to buy a lot of things for the wedding.

There were several times when Mu Qing wanted to pay, but Zhou Tianze shoved it back.

In the end, she didn't want to fight with Zhou Tianze to pay.

Mu Qing was not very familiar with the county seat, so after shopping, she asked Zhou Tianze to take her around.

However, when they wandered to a place, the front suddenly became chaotic.

A few patrolling soldiers are chasing some ordinary people carrying goods.

Mu Qing was looking good, but Zhou Tianze suddenly took her hand to the side.

What's wrong? Mu Qing still didn't respond.

People are being arrested over there, don't go over there. Zhou Tianze's voice was slightly deep.

Who are they arresting?

Mu Qing probably knew what was going on, but she still pretended not to understand and asked.

A person who sells goods without permission. Zhou Tianze replied.

Remember, daughter-in-law, don't come to these places in the future.

If you meet someone on the road and ask you if you want supplies, don't answer.

If you are caught as speculation, you will be sentenced.

Oh, I see. Mu Qing nodded, indicating that she knew.

It's just that as soon as the two of them finished speaking, a gray-haired grandmother wrapped in a headscarf fell in front of the two of them.

Mu Qing hurriedly bent down and helped the old lady up.

Grandma, are you okay? Mu Qing asked.

The old grandmother glanced at the movement behind, and quickly grabbed Mu Qing's hand.

Daughter, my foot is twisted, you help grandma, and quickly help me out of here.

Okay. Mu Qing immediately reached out and supported the grandmother's arm.

Zhou Tianze did not act immediately, but glanced at the chaotic scene over there, and turned his eyes back and forth on the old grandmother a few times.

Then he said, Daughter-in-law, come with me.

Zhou Tianze said, with one hand on the crutches, and the other on the grandma's arm.

The three of them quickly left the edge of the chaotic scene.

Chapter 19

Granny who wants to change things

Zhou Tianze was very familiar with the county town, but after a while he took Mu Qing and the old lady to Binhe Road in the county town.

Mu Qing said to the grandmother softly, Grandma, it's all right.

How are your feet? Can you walk on your own?

The old lady's face was gloomy and gloomy, I'm old, and my bones are brittle. I'm afraid it won't get better for a while.

I originally wanted to come out for some food, but I didn't expect to meet the patrol.

Daughter. You are really kind. Thanks to you for saving me just now.

Let's go, I'll go back slowly by myself.

As the old lady said that, she pushed Mu Qing's hand away.

But Mu Qing could clearly see that the grandma's eyes were filled with tears of despair.

Mu Qing's heart moved, she lifted her foot and stepped forward to support the grandmother's arm.

Grandma, I'll take you back.

Daughter... I thank you! The grandmother squirmed her lips, and it took a long time before she spoke.

Grandma, respect the old and love the young, that's what we should do.

After Mu Qing finished speaking, she immediately looked back at Zhou Tianze.

Zhou Tianze's handsome face with hard lines softened immediately when Mu Qing looked over.

Let's go, you are the biggest today anyway. A helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mu Qing looked at him, but felt that he was unusually attractive at this time.

Zhou Tianze asked the grandma's home address, and then sent the grandma back with Mu Qing.

The old grandmother lived in a small house at the mouth of a broken alley.

Mu Qing sent her back, only to realize that there was still an old man lying on the bed in the room, his face was emitting an abnormal red color, and he was already in a coma.

Grandma, what's wrong with this grandpa? Mu Qing took the liberty to speak.

Oh, this is my wife. The grandmother moved her body to the side.

He has a fever, but people outside won't let us go to the hospital.

I just thought, since I can't go to the doctor, I'll change to something delicious. If it goes on like this, I'll be a full-fledged ghost.

When Mu Qing heard this, her eyes quickly swept the room.

Seeing that there was a hot water bottle, she walked over and poured some.

By the way, when everyone was not paying attention, they put antipyretics in it.

Then put an appropriate amount into the hot water bottle.

Mu Qing brought hot water to the grandmother.

Grandma, if you have a fever, you have to drink more water for grandpa, so that the fever may subside.

I drank a lot, but it didn't work. The grandmother said, her voice choked up.

Grandma, stick to it, maybe there will be a turning point.

Well, um, good. The grandmother responded.

Mu Qing saw that the grandma gave the grandpa all the boiling water to drink.

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