Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 73 As Long As You Win The First Place In The Inner Sect Competition

Chapter 73: As long as you win first place in the internal sect competition...


The door to the room was forcefully pushed open. Chu Ming carried An Muxi into the room and casually locked the door, pressing her against it with his hand on her snow-white wrist.


An Muxi blushed as she was kissed, her eyes filled with spring-like water.

An Muxi leaned against Chu Ming's chest, her wet red lips slightly parted. After calming down a bit, she playfully hammered him.

"What are you doing? You disappeared for a whole day without telling me where you went. You made me worry so much, and now, as soon as we meet..."


Before An Muxi could finish her sentence, Chu Ming lifted her up by the waist, took a quick step towards the bed, and threw her onto it. He then pounced on her, attempting to seal her cherry-like lips once again.

But this time, An Muxi was smarter. She lay flat on the bed, dodging her head left and right, and covered her mouth tightly with both hands. This made Chu Ming a little anxious, and he said in a hoarse voice,

"Let go."

"No, you kissed me so much that I couldn't catch my breath!"

"A cultivator at the Foundation Building stage can hold their breath for half an hour."

Chu Ming brushed aside An Muxi's bangs, his eyes filled with an unwavering determination that couldn't be refused.

"Be good, listen to me."


An Muxi's face turned crimson. No matter how she squirmed, she couldn't escape the weight of Chu Ming's body. Instead, it made the burning desire in his eyes even more intense.

Helpless, she had no choice but to put down her hands, close her eyes tightly, and assume a soft and yielding posture.

"You scoundrel! Mmm..."

But compared to before, Chu Ming was much gentler this time. Leaning over her, An Muxi could only involuntarily wrap her arms tightly around Chu Ming's neck, her eyes becoming more proactive and even slightly arching her chest and waist.

Late at night, a gentle breeze floated, causing the candles on the table to flicker.

After a while, An Muxi woke up from her intoxicated state.


An Muxi quickly sat back in the corner of the bed, tidying up her disheveled clothes, glaring at Chu Ming with a face full of resentment.

"Chu Ming, we agreed to just kiss! You... How dare you take off my clothes!"

"When did we agree? I don't remember."

Chu Ming pretended to be ignorant, licking his lips and savoring the delicious taste from earlier. Then he climbed onto the bed, sat up straight, and spoke softly.

"Sister, we've known each other for so long. Can't we take the next step?"

The next step?

What step?

An Muxi blinked her beautiful eyes in confusion. Then, as if she had thought of something, her face blushed again, and she coquettishly scolded.

"Chu Ming, you're going too far!"

"Sister, you can't keep stringing me along like this, right?"

Chu Ming smiled bitterly, his eyes showing a hint of helplessness and pleading.

"You know, because of your Natural Charm Body, our needs in that aspect are higher than ordinary people. Sister, you should understand that, right?"

"If you keep rejecting me, then I'll have to find someone else..."


An Muxi blurted out. She didn't know why she instinctively opposed Chu Ming's suggestion. In her panic, she gritted her teeth and threatened.

"If you dare to do that, I'll..."

Upon hearing this, Chu Ming was first stunned, then burst into laughter.

An Muxi blinked her eyes, and after a while, she realized the embarrassment of her words.

"Ah, I... I said it wrong. Don't laugh!"

An Muxi grabbed a pillow and "fiercely" hit Chu Ming. Seeing that he was still laughing uncontrollably, she could only cover her face with the blanket and whimper.

"You always bully me!"

"But you said it yourself."

Chu Ming coughed lightly a few times, and then, after the inner heat subsided, he solemnly spoke.

"Sister, when can we?"


An Muxi's body trembled as if caught in a struggle between heaven and earth. After a while, she put down the blanket and stammered.

"Let's wait until after the Inner Sect Grand Competition. I'm not mentally prepared yet..."

"It's going to take that long?!"

Chu Ming suddenly looked disappointed, but at that moment, An Muxi seemed to think of something and became excited.

"And you have to get first place in the Inner Sect Grand Competition!"


Chu Ming was dumbfounded, pointing at himself with an incredulous expression.

"I have to get first place in the Inner Sect Grand Competition?"

Not to mention the several disciples of the peak's first seat in the Foundation Building stage, even just you and I can't defeat each other!

It's simply impossible to get first place in the Inner Sect Grand Competition!

"Pressure brings motivation!"

An Muxi seemed to have gained a great advantage, smiling at Chu Ming with a gentle look in her eyes.

"Chu Ming, I believe you can do it."

"In just this short month, you were able to break through from the Fourth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm to the Sixth Layer. Your talent in cultivation has even impressed our master, so why do you always want to hide it?"

"While it's good to be patient and avoid trouble, you're still young now, and it's the time to show your edge. I don't think it's good to suppress your pride."


Chu Ming awkwardly touched his nose and smiled. After a moment of silence, he felt moved.

"Sister, you actually believe that I can get first place in the Inner Sect Grand Competition, and even defeat you..."

"I don't believe it."


An Muxi snorted, waving her fist, her cheeks slightly red as she made a fierce statement.

"I will definitely beat you to death then! Otherwise, I'll have to... have to do that kind of thing with you!"


Chu Ming smiled helplessly, then his narrowed eyes suddenly became sharp, and his determination had never been stronger.

Getting first place in the Inner Sect Grand Competition means I can have a relationship with Sister?

Then what's the point of all this hard work!

What's the purpose of diligent cultivation? Isn't it to be able to have a safe relationship?


Seeing Chu Ming clenching his fists, full of fighting spirit, An Muxi's mouth slightly curved up, her gaze towards him becoming even more tender.

"But Sister, today's matter isn't over yet."


Seeing An Muxi tilting her head with a confused expression, Chu Ming pointed down with a helpless look.

"What should we do about this?"


An Muxi bit her red lips with her teeth, hesitated for a long time, and then blushed as she stammered.

Chu Ming suddenly grabbed An Muxi's delicate ankle in black silk stockings, his eyes flashing with a hint of heat.

(End of this chapter)

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