Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

72. Chapter 72 Senior Sister, Follow Me Back To The House

Chapter 72: Senior Sister, Come Back to the Room with Me



Hearing the sudden sound of impact coming from the carriage, the servant who was clearing the way looked slightly puzzled. He was about to knock on the window to inquire about what had happened when he was stopped by the maid beside him.

"The madam is fine, you don't need to worry."


I clearly saw the carriage shake a few times, and they say it's fine?

Seeing the maid's cold gaze, the servant smiled awkwardly and continued to clear the way, feeling dejected.

It should be noted that in the Xu family, the status of the madam's personal maid was much higher than that of these servants, so they generally didn't dare to provoke them easily.

"Could it be that the business negotiation fell apart and they started fighting?"

The servant glanced at the shaking carriage a few times and muttered to himself, no longer paying attention.

Little did he know, inside the carriage, a man and a woman were indeed playfully fighting...

Seeing Xu Wanshu suddenly pounce on him, Chu Ming quickly dodged and chuckled.

"Madam Xu, weren't we discussing business?"

"Lord Chu, you're so bad!"

Seeing Chu Ming pretending to be a gentleman, Xu Wanshu gave him a resentful look. The burning desire in her heart was not extinguished by his rejection, but instead grew stronger.

"Do you dislike me? Do you think I'm an old maid, not a young lady?"

"Didn't I already say before, Madam Xu is still plump and surpasses all others in beauty. How could I possibly dislike you?"

Chu Ming smiled and pulled Xu Wanshu into his embrace. She willingly pressed her delicate body against him, resting her head on his shoulder with a coquettish tone.

"Then why did you reject me?"

"Did I reject you?"

Chu Ming smirked, his left arm holding onto Xu Wanshu's slender waist, while his left hand slowly moved up to her soft abdomen.

Xu Wanshu's face blushed, her enchanting peach blossom eyes shimmering with a thin layer of mist. Her rosy lips slightly parted.

"Lord Chu, I..."

Chu Ming smiled faintly and, taking advantage of Xu Wanshu's confusion and infatuation, leaned down to whisper his request in her ear.

"I need various seeds of Fifth Grade medicinal materials. It shouldn't be difficult for Madam Xu, right?"

"If Hundred Treasures Pavilion has any rare Law Weapons or techniques, I hope Madam Xu won't sell them off, but instead consult with me first."

"Of course, this is a cooperation. I won't let your Xu family suffer for nothing."

"Firstly, I will make your Xu family the exclusive distributor of my Fifth Grade pills. The price should not be lower than the market price. As for how much higher, it depends on how much your Xu family wants to profit."

"Youth-Retaining Pills and Longevity Pills will only be provided to you, Madam Xu. Please keep my identity as a Fifth Grade alchemist a secret from others."

"As for your competitor, the Wang family, I will take care of them and have the person in charge of the northern market deal with them."

"After all, they used unconventional means to target you. With this leverage, it will be easy to control them."


"Lord Chu..."

"Madam, Lord Chu, we have arrived."


Upon hearing the voice of her husband, Xu Wanshu suddenly woke up.

Chu Ming, on the other hand, calmly got off the carriage and thanked Xu Sheng before taking his leave.

"Thank you, Master Xu, for your kindness. However, I just received a notification from the Sacred Alchemy Hall. There is an urgent matter that requires my attention. I won't disturb you today. Let's meet another day."


Before Xu Sheng could react, Chu Ming controlled his spiritual sword and flew away, leaving everyone present in a state of confusion.

Did he just leave like that?

Xu Sheng was initially stunned, but then his pupils contracted. Suddenly, as if he had realized something, he rushed into the carriage. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Xu Wanshu sitting upright with a calm expression.

It seems I was overthinking.

"Wife, what about Chu Ming...?"

"We finished our business, and he left," Xu Wanshu said coldly, with a strong sense of resentment. This left Xu Sheng puzzled.

Is she blaming me for gambling outside?

Isn't everyone like this? I built the Xu family's business single-handedly, and I can't gamble?

She's really petty.

Xu Sheng clicked his tongue in displeasure and allowed himself to be supported by the maidservant as they walked towards the main residence. His excitement gradually grew.

Since the business with Chu Ming was successful, does that mean the Xu family will have money again?

This is great!

I can gamble freely again!

Xu Sheng happily boarded the carriage again and signaled the servant to drive to the gambling house. In the evening sun, as he watched the dust raised by the carriage, Xu Wanshu's slightly lowered eyelids became even colder, and her determination grew stronger.


"Where is Brother Chu Ming?"

In the Chu family mansion, An Muxi stopped Hua Xiaoying, who was cleaning the main hall, and asked. Hua Xiaoying shook her head, genuinely unaware.

"Brother Chu Ming went to the Sacred Alchemy Hall in the morning."

"He hasn't come back yet?"

An Muxi looked at the darkening night outside, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, and a hint of worry in her heart.

He hasn't been seen all day. Could something have happened?

No, it's impossible. With his strength at the Qi Refining Realm Sixth Layer, plus the protection of a strange but powerful pill, nothing should happen.

It shouldn't... right?

An Muxi walked out of the main hall, feeling unusually restless.

At that moment, a figure suddenly descended from the sky in front of her. She stared blankly for a moment before her bright eyes widened in surprise.

"Chu Ming? Why did you... mmm?!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Chu Ming stepped forward and hugged An Muxi tightly, leaning down to kiss her.

"Sister, come with me to the room. I can't hold back anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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