"Holy crap! Did I get excited, or am I dreaming? I saw a fairy!"

"What kind of angel, don't you know about Blood Rose?"

"Blood Rose? She is the legendary third beauty in Dawn Camp, Blood Rose Xena?"

"Dang Piao, she and I were both from Binda University before the end of the world. She was the campus beauty of Binda University. I once watched her speech!"

"Huh? Why did she come to our camp?"

"You're not here to take refuge too, are you?"

"Nonsense! She is from the Dawn Camp, which is a second-level camp. Even if the Ironwood Camp is gone, the Dawn Camp will not be breached!"

"Yes, their camp is much stronger than ours, maybe they are here to support us!"

"It's impossible. Our Ironwood camp is just the most ordinary level 㯎 camp. How can we alert the Dawn camp? And let Blood Rose lead the team in person?"

A group of members of the Ironwood Camp were standing in the corridor, looking at Xue Na and others who had just arrived, talking nonstop.

On the fourth day of the beast tide, the scarlet beast's attack showed no signs of weakening.

The number of soldiers in the Ironwood Camp increased instead of decreasing.

The new battalion commander, Sun Mu, settled Xue Na and others who had come to seek refuge, and immediately held an emergency meeting in the command room.

Originally, it was limited to the deputy battalion commander and a few captains, but Mazi brought Duan Zixuan, Li Shan㻢 and Chen Gan with him.

"Mazi, this meeting is confidential, why did you bring them here!" Sun Mu frowned slightly.

"Hey, battalion commander, you know me, I'm just a big old man who doesn't understand anything. They are all my right-hand men, the most trusted people, and they brought me here to help me with ideas!" Mazi said carelessly. .

Sun Mu glanced at the three people behind Mazi, and Mazi quickly introduced: "This is Li Shan, you know, the attribute of strength plus five, a battlefield meat grinder!"

"This is Duan Zixuan, she looks like a girl, but when it comes to fighting, she's not ambiguous!"

"This is Xiaodong. He's a bit weak in strength, but he's very smart. He's my strategist!"

"I can definitely believe these three. If I were gone, they would all be qualified to be the captain of the team!"

Mazi grinned.

"Forget it, let's talk about business!"

Sun Mu looked at the people carefully and saw that they were indeed veterans of the Ironwood Camp, so he didn't hesitate anymore.

"You all know what happened this morning. The Dawn Camp was attacked by the Scarlet Beast, and Xue Na of the Blood Rose came to us with his hunting team!"

"Batalion Commander, this is a good thing, our camp's strength has increased again!" Zhao Qiang sat next to him and interjected.

"I've checked to the bottom. Xue Na has already reached the strength of the Silver Star. Even if her talents and weapons are put aside, no one in our camp can be her opponent!"

"As the saying goes, guarding against humans is indispensable. When the tide of beasts passes, she might want to..."

"This camp was jointly created by Zhang Tie and I. Now that he has handed it over to me, I am working hard to avoid any omissions!"

"Now that the camp is beginning to take shape, if someone takes over the magpie's nest and then goes down below, how will I explain it to Brother Zhang Tie?"

Sun Mu said with great sorrow.

Mazi looked serious: "Battle Commander Sun, do you mean that Camp Commander Zhang...is no longer here?"

"In the early morning, when the person responsible for taking care of brother Zhang Tie went to check, he was already dead. He committed suicide because he didn't want to harm the brothers in the camp!" Sun Mu sighed.

Suddenly, the command room was filled with an extremely sad atmosphere.

"Mazi, what do you think about this matter?" Sun Mu suddenly called Mazi by name.

"This..." Mazi looked at Chen Gan.

At this time, Chen Gan was also a little confused. He had just woken up and was looking at the beauty when he was pulled over by Mazi inexplicably.

"Xiaodong, my brain is a little weak right now, please help me analyze it!" Mazi continued.

Chen Gan touched his nose and said slowly: "The most important thing now is to resist the beast tide. If you can't resist it, everything is nonsense."

"Moreover, since people have come to seek refuge on their own initiative, if they are turned away, it may be difficult for the camp to develop and grow!"

"Perhaps you can stay and contribute to the camp."

"If you are worried that they have evil intentions, you can disperse their teams to various teams in our camp. After resisting this beast tide, we will decide whether to stay or go!"

Chen Gan's analysis was reasonable and well-founded. However, he did not consider it from the perspective of the camp. He simply thought that Xue Na was pleasing to his eyes.

When the beast tide ends, and after a while, the Scarlet Secret Realm arrives, Chen Gan will leave the camp as soon as possible. Whether the Ironwood Camp is dead or alive, he doesn't bother to care.

It wouldn't be boring if there was a beautiful girl who was pleasing to the eye during this period.

As for Xue Na's strength, Chen Gan was sure that he could kill her within five seconds, but she still couldn't "sacrifice" her.

If you have any evil plans against yourself, just kill him.

In the scarlet apocalypse, the most important thing is to cherish the beauty and cherish the jade.

Chen Gan in his previous life also knew this truth, especially after Lin Ruoyun's betrayal, he understood this truth even more deeply.

"Yes, that's what I think!" Mazi nodded.

Sun Mu's frown deepened: "Since that's the case, let's make this decision first. Blood Rose is very strong, so let her serve as the vice-captain of the 㯎 team. You can also lead the second, fourth and fifth teams. Two people, break up their team!"


Several captains agreed.

"In addition, the 㯎 team will continue to defend in the 㯎 area today, and no scarlet worm is allowed to be missed!"

"Yes!" Mazi stood up and responded.

"The meeting is over!"

After Sun Mu finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the command room.

"Hey, Mazi, you are a very good strategist, and your analysis is very clear!" Zhao Qiang came to Mazi's side and looked at Chen Gan.

"Get out of here, you look like a bitch, you can tell by looking at that you didn't hold your shit in!"

"How is that possible!"

"I know that Shanzi and Xiao Duan are your right-hand men, but this Xiaodong is lending me his brain, and I haven't been very smart lately!" Zhao Qiang said with a smile.

"What the hell, you want to borrow Xiaodong? Cut off my head first!"

"Hey, aren't we discussing this with you? Why are you so impatient?" Zhao Qiang was a little surprised.

"I still have to defend area No. 㯎, so I don't have time to bullshit you!"

Mazi waved and left the command room with Li Shan, Duan Zixuan and Chen Gan.

"Captain, this battalion commander's meeting is all attended by the captain level. Isn't it inappropriate for you to bring us here?"

Duan Zixuan asked belatedly.

Mazi didn't reply. Li Shan, who was beside Duan Zixuan, picked his nose and snorted coldly: "When Zhang Tie was the battalion commander, he was on guard against our captain. He was replaced by Sun Mu. It's just a coincidence!"

"What do you mean? The captain brought us here because he was afraid that they would move?" Duan Zixuan couldn't believe it.

"I don't want Blood Rose to join because I think she is too strong. Our team's situation is similar. Today the captain is making his attitude clear."

"We are at a critical moment of life and death, and yet we still engage in such dirty things. It's disgusting!" Mazi shook his head.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and intrigues. From ancient times to the present, from east to west, this is the case.

This is also the reason why Chen Gan doesn’t want to join the camp.

After breakfast, Mazi carefully selected four people to join the team, including Ye Shengge who possessed Nether Fire.

There is a girl named Su Qianxi with a green quality shield tower, and she is also the only woman in the current team.

The other two are slightly weaker and both use melee weapons.

Finally, around eight o'clock, the tenth member of the team also arrived belatedly.

The former captain of the wilderness hunting team at Dawn Camp, Xiana was known as the Blood Rose.

"First of all, welcome new comrades to join us!"

"We are all not newbies, so I won't say any unnecessary nonsense!"

"Xue Na, from now on, you are the vice-captain of Team 㯎!"

After Mazi finished speaking, he glanced at the ring.

"I'll give you five minutes to get familiar with each other's strengths. After five minutes, enter area No. 㯎 and start fighting!"

As soon as Mazi's voice fell, before all the team members could take action, his ring emitted a slight electric sound.

"Zizi...Call Mazi! Call Mazi! There are a lot of scarlet worms in area No. 㯎! Please go immediately! Please go immediately..."

"Copy it! Got it!"

Asako immediately replied with a 㯎 sentence, and then waved a big 㺓㯎: "Let's go to the 㯎 area!"

All the members of the 㯎 team hurried to the 㯎 area and entered the fortifications before they had time to get to know each other.

"Damn it! It's these blood spiders again, aren't they a beast tide? Why are the damn scarlet worms joining in the fun!" Li Shan felt a bitter taste in his mouth as he looked at the endless blood spiders.

"Looking at the size, most of them are 㯎-level, which is relatively easy to deal with!" Duan Zixuan glanced at the distance, then changed the subject and looked at Chen Gan: "Brother, I didn't expect this Blood Rose to really join our 㯎 team. It’s really unimaginable in my wildest dreams, and she’s... so fierce!”

Chen Gan glanced at Xue Na's position with his peripheral vision. She was alone, squatting behind the wall of corpses. The heavy sniper rifle in her hand was constantly firing, and the powerful recoil made her body swing wildly...

Every bullet fired by 䐜 first penetrated at least ⯎ level Ⅿ blood spiders, and killed the blood spiders behind them.

Sometimes, he can even shoot through three or four blood spiders with his gun.

In the team, Mazi is under the greatest pressure, because this Xue Na is so powerful that even ten Mazi may not be able to beat her.

Xue Na was once the captain of the wilderness hunting team at Chenxi Camp, and she was inherently arrogant. Now that she had just escaped from the disaster, she might not be able to obey her orders when the beast tide was over.

However, Asako didn't worry too much. As long as he could survive this time, it didn't matter if the captain was given to Xue Na, and he felt more relaxed.

Compared with Xue Na, Mazi is more afraid of the silent Chen Gan in "㹺".

"Horse rider! Why are you here again!"

In the distance, the second-level blood spider of the 㯎大典 slowly appeared, and Mazi suddenly became anxious.

"Defense formation!" Mazi immediately ordered.

"This... Captain, how should we form a defense formation?" Su Xixi, the new member, looked at Mazi with confusion on her face.

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